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You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 11, 2002, 7:58am
hmmm... lets see... Linn you referred to "you" in your original posting.
The "you" would in almost all circumstances refer to the previous poster,
unless you specifically named someone else. The previous poster was me.
Now you label me as "guilty" - guilty of what Linn? Guilty of being a
snake? Guilty of having an opinion maybe? Or guilty of being offended by

If you were not refering to me, and you were not calling me a snake, I
retract my posting suggesting you did. Please tell us Linn - who were you
referring to if it was not me?

If you want to say something - say it and be clear about! If you want to
say it here - go ahead. If you want to talk to me in private - do that!
But don't do this sneaky crap and stop this "beating around the bush" thing
not answering the questions I put to you - that only makes you look stupid.

~ Justin

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Sep 27, 2002, 2:34am

I don't get it. I got an e-mail reply from Kellie on 22 July 2002... her
signature was as follows:

Kellie Williams/Mountain Myst
Community Services
Activeworlds Corp.

My guess is that Kellie has simply not updated her sig, since it is
identical to the sig on an email I got from her over a year ago. So the
question is... how is Kellie related to AWI?

Regards, Justin

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Sep 27, 2002, 3:27am
Nevermind... I got the answer...

Telegram from Mountain Myst, sent 15 minutes ago:
I have a contract with them..... so "technically" I'm a contractor. :)

Regards, Justin

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 9, 2003, 6:59am
Again... OneSummer never announces any events at The Gate, including
events run on worlds she owns. She does not do that specifically to avoid
any criticism about conflict of interest. There are signs put up for events
at The Gate and Alpha World GZ. Events are also promoted via AWEC,
newsgroups, and word of mouth telegrams.

Even so, in my experience, I have politely whispered to a GateKeeper on duty
to make an announcement for me - and they have obliged.

The point is - there are good and bad ways to go about promoting your world
and there are successful and unsuccessful ways to do it as well. If you
want to use the good and successful ways, ask the people that hold good
events and run popular worlds.

Regards, Justin

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Recommendation for mail client?

Mar 5, 2003, 6:41am
I used Pegasus for a looong time and found it great, until I found that OE
could also download newsgroup postings and download hotmail direct all with
the one button.

Regards, Justin

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 5:13am
A theory on political leadership: If you have no enemies make one up,
because if you do not, the enemy becomes you.

Put more simply... Americans want something to attack - they need an
enemy. If they do not get one they will attack their own government.

Bush wants a second term in Government.

~ Justin

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Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 1:26am
Repeating, the reason Bush wants to go to war is to divert attention from
his own failings and being attacked by his own media and public. If he can
divert America's hate away from himself all the better. Diverting
American's attention toward a terrorist or an evil dictator is very easy
propaganda. There are many more advantages to Bush in attacking Iraq, not
the least of which is the control of oil in the region.

The same does not apply to Australia's prime minister John Howard, who
thinks it is in Australias interest to do whatever USA is doing. The main
reason for that is for future trade opportunities. Blair is in the same
boat with Howard.

In summary, Bush's motivations are about popularity within his own country.
Howard's are about wealth. Either way, both are uncommendable.

There are far better solutions for Iraq than going in there and blowing it
and the government away. Many countries have removed evil governments
without some other country intervening by going to war with it.

Regards, Justin

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Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 1:37am
Here's the thing...

Its so possible just to butt the heck out and leave the country to sort out
its own problems. (Sure if they then go attacking a neighbouring country go
defend it.)

What happens then is the population obey their dictator and struggle along,
but stay alive and most are happy. Some disobey or protest too loudly and
are horribly treated. World outcry and non-violent protest beat their
drums. Slowly but surely, like dozens of examples around the world, the
country pushes toward economic viabilty and democracy and an honest

You do not need to attack to fix things.

Regards, Justin

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I might have been wrong

Mar 13, 2003, 4:42am
Violence is the solution of the bully.

I am yet to be convinced that there are any Weapons-Of-Mass-Distruction in

Until I am convinced that there are (or take the word of a majority of the
UN security council that there are) WOMD, I will be totally opposed to any
war against Iraq. I find the whole concept of making a pre-emptive strike

*IF* the case were proven that Saddam was harbouring WOMD, I would still
disagree with the pre-emptive strike as I still think that they could be
destroyed by UN order with the Inspectors overseeing it, but I would be more
tolerant of the impending US attack to enforce complete disarmament, based
on proof that there were blatant lies about Iraqi weapons and the
unwillingness of Saddam to volunteer the information when it was asked for.
Additionally, my reason for being "tolerant" is that I place a lot of hope
in the UN to keep world peace and provide a united front - and because it
made demands the UN should stand behind those demands and see them through -
rather than sit back and ignore them.

As things stand right now, should the US commence the attack without prior
evidence, I would not trust any information coming out of Iraq as "proof - I
told you so" as it could then be regarded as planted by US to avoid the
backlash of not having found anything for which the attack was justified.

I repeat my original position, in that I honestly think getting involved
militarily with Iraq, with what weapons they have and whith who is leading
them as a mistake. Any desires to make their leadership more humanitarian,
their politics more democratic, and their attack strength less volatile,
could and should be approached with diplomacy.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote] > snip <

> Cheers,
> Chris

Sound Command vs Other Commands

Mar 14, 2003, 5:04am
"create picture xchasm1.jpg" does work in Alpha. You can leave out the URL
address in the picture command if the jpg is in the world's texture folder,
thus it works similarly to the sound/noise command.

"create sign "test" is a perfectly valid command - so not sure what you were
asking there.

And Goober answered well enough on the on/yes off/no delema. :o)

Regards, Justin

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 20, 2003, 4:52am
agreed Mix...

Fair Dinkum folks! okay on stating your opinion... I stated mine a week
ago and left it at that.

But this posting on posting on posting on posting... sheesh! give it a

~ Justin

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Gaurdian's Stairs?

Mar 26, 2003, 4:09am
I think they were given to me and I tweaked them to remove some errors?
Talk to you in grams.

~ Justin

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Gaurdian's Stairs?

Mar 28, 2003, 5:11am
Because to deliver to you the stairs we used I have to see you in AW... so
you gram me and then I send you stairs. Having said that, these were the
stairs used in AV99 I think.

I don't "own" them. And I need to show them to be sure we are thinking the
same stairs.

Regards, Justin

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some grins from down under - especially for Facter :)

Apr 7, 2003, 7:45am
I've seen these before - and like the first time I read them, had me in
stitches again :o)

Regards, Justin

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Apr 12, 2003, 12:52am
Day Light Savings time changes are dependant on whether you are on the
Northern or Southern Hemisphere, and countries that are closer to the
equator do not implement DLS at all. The whole point of DLS is to get more
sunshine hours.

To implement DLS changes to AW VRT would be just silly - AW is neither North
or South of the equator!

Regards, Justin

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Apr 12, 2003, 1:33am
If AW was to be "located" anywhere based on VRT, it would be around North
Brazil, or above Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean.

~ Regards, Justin

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Wow! Too much time on their hands! (Picture within awmapper)

Apr 22, 2003, 2:35am
I did one in full color without a bot.... and it was a total pain to do.

AW 482S 393W

~ Justin

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Jun 29, 2003, 3:16am
I "NEVER" open email attachments either - yet I did and I got infected...

I got curious as to what was in the zip... unzipped it. Saw it was a pif
and thought I'd read the contents. I had planned on opening this in Notepad
(safe enough), but I slipped up and clicked "Open" instead of "Open in
Notepad". One moments laps in concentration and I got infected. It

~ Justin

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aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 2, 2003, 2:29am
***so sick of complainers that do nothing about what they regard as a

Instead of complaining and putting the responsibilty on others to fix it,
just get involved and make AW a better place.

For example, between OneSummer and I, we hold 4 major events a year, and we
both have been or are currently participants in community groups. We keep
our worlds fresh and invite people to come visit, gather and socialize.

Regards, Justin

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Can we skate?

Oct 11, 2003, 6:38am
Use PP17 instead of PP01... PP17 are "bumpable" from only one direction.

Otherwise... what Crazy Pills said is about right. Although... I tend
to get my exact location by using the "Teleport/Remember" function... then
when you click on that in your teleport list you can copy out the co-ords
into your bump warp.

Regards, Justin

PS: I always thought the standard "whoosh" warp noise would be ideal for
ice skating?

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Calendar Creator?

Oct 25, 2003, 6:16am
that demo page is down....

did you want a calender program for your PC or one that works on a web site?

~ Justin

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E-mail I received this morning

Nov 1, 2003, 3:37am
Thanks LF :o) Much appreciated.

John, please do not post emails from permanently banned ex-AW cits. Go
figure... there's a reason why the person can't post to NGs themselves!

Regards, Justin

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Posting in the newsgroup

Oct 4, 2002, 12:54am
Broadway is open to tourists too...

Regards, Justin

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General Wondering

Mar 25, 2000, 12:28pm
I sent an email to Rick about the planned addition of new objects to Alpha
World. After a couple of days waiting and no answer I sent a follow-up. He
did respond... and responded more than I expected. Letting me know that
he is incredibly busy and is flat out on working on projects that the
financial backers of AW want him to attend to. But he did say the new
objects will get added soon.

The interesting here is that the primary source of income for AW is not the
users. Registrations represents a very minor part. So whilst AWComm staff
do do work to improve Active Worlds for all its users, they need to
prioratise so that the company is financial enough to keep Active Worlds

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Did AWCOM ever...

Mar 25, 2000, 12:27pm
The person responsibile for programming the improvements in Roland. And
Roland at his weekly tech talk has said twice no that he does not read the
wish list.

BUT... a lot of people that attend the tech talk do read the wish list...
and the wish list ideas if good get mentioned to Roland who then responds as
to how workable that idea is or how difficult it would be to implement.

Of course none of those ideas - regardless of how good they are, will be
implemented in the near future, because Roland is working on AW Version 3

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AW related/ .wav compression

Apr 8, 2000, 12:51pm
Windows "Sound Recorder" that comes with Windows can convert a wav down to
lower PCM Bit size etc, thus smaller file size.... just click "save
as"/format "change"

Just In
using S3 Inc. Trio 3D

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ATTENTION: New Objects for Alpha World

Apr 22, 2000, 11:32am
Hi all!

Two months ago TechnoZues and I, under direction from Rick Noll at AWComm
created a large number of new objects for Alpha World (and worlds sharing
those objects).

These objects can be viewed in WWWorld 13S 19E for the objects I created and
in the world Boo for those created by TechnoZues.

These are on the whole basic type objects selected for versatility in
building or extending from existing object sets, and include: stair corners,
streets (corner, t-intersection & end), diagonal poles, doors, and modular
boards and units of various sizes (by me) and panels, pp16 glass, floors,
walks, and walls in new sizes both smaller and larger including some with
picture command ability (by TZ).

Rick has promised to add these objects as soon as convenient, but because
there has been little demand he has been treating it a "low priority".

Here is where you come in.... Please take some time out to visit the
display sites, and providing you are in agreement, send an email directly to
ENZO showing your support to have these objects added. His email address is
given at the sites.

Once these objects do become a reality in Alpha then we may be able to get a
few more added. So for now we are not taking requests for further
additions. But we may do in the future. *smile*

Best wishes to all....

Just In (& TechnoZues)

ATTENTION: New Objects for Alpha World

Apr 24, 2000, 3:07am
I answered this direct to Jetta folks.

To clear things up I am very greatful to Jetta Lewis who has sponsored me on
to the next step of object modelling by funding my purchase of TrueSpace in
return for services. This thankyou is totally unrelated to the new objects
for Alpha.

Regarding the objects put up to AWComm, all of them were created directly
in notepad. Truespace was not used for these because a lot of them are
extensions to existing objects which had to match the rwx source code. In
particular, the stairs, poles and street objects had to match existing
objects for surface settings (lights and shadow), color, texture, and
texture mapping. This would have been difficult to do in Truespace.

The ideas for each of the various objects came from many sources plus my own
ideas. Thanks to all those that provided the ideas.

Regards, Just In

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Problem working off line, dialup box in the way.

Apr 24, 2000, 3:08am
I *think* you can fix this by doing the following...

In Control Panel there is an icon called Internet Options... open that and
click on the "Connections" tab. In the window that appears you will find
"Dial-up settings". For each of those connections click on each and select
below "Never dial a connection".

I think there is also a setting in MSIE which you set to automatiucally
launch your dial-up connection as soon as you open it. I didn't look for
it coz I think the above should fix your problem.

Regards, Just In

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<Not a Citizen>

Apr 24, 2000, 3:08am
If you want an area cleaned up that is "NAC" and is just junk (i.e. not a
building or a purpusely designed environment) then email the GET (Garbage
Elimination Team) which is part of the Peace Keeper network.

You'll find their email address on the PK homepage (click the PK post very
close to Alpha World ground zero).

Regards, Just In

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