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Looking for People who want to help rebuild a world

Nov 7, 2001, 12:33am
The movie you are referring to is called "Hannibal", which is the sequal
movie to "Silence of the Lambs" of 1991, both starting (Sir) Anthony

Regards, Justin

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Is the Uniserver down? <NT>

Nov 9, 2001, 11:13am
When I looked at Network Status http://www.activeworlds.com/tech/status.asp
it reads:

>Network Status
>Saturday, November 10, 2001
>Due to catastrophic hardware failure, many of the Activeworlds Corp.
services may be >unavailable throughout the day.
>We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
>Activeworlds Corp.

"catastrophic" sounds rather nasty!

Regards, Justin

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Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 21, 2001, 9:57pm
off for me - don't like em all fuzzy

~ Justin

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AW 3.3 News

Dec 2, 2001, 12:24am
Roland said most likely the "terrain" will be set from the world settings,
much like backdrop, ground and skybox, where the file will be a list of
elevation heights for each grid point. The terrain files are easily built
with a number of supporting software products already available to create
terrain files. He also said that there will be SDK support, so bots will be
able to detect terrain height (good news for both walking bots and building

Some things that he is still working on as part of it is a) texturing and b)
putting in holes (for cave, subway, basement entrances).

Roland said the privacy upgrades are complete, and the other thing being
worked on is avatar skin support, and 3rd axis rotation.

Oh, and he said they are working on another "secret" thing!

Current target release date is January 2002 (or was it February? forgot

What an wonderful upgrade is coming! I'm excited! :o)

Regards, Justin

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Help - Windows Defrag

Dec 1, 2001, 11:54pm
Turn off your screen saver before starting the defrag... screen saver
makes defrags restart over and over.

Also in Win98 is the program "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft

Start that and in software environment it will show you what startup
programs you have. You should be able to diagnose what may be causing your
other errors and remove them from whatever is causing them to start.

Regards, Justin

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bugs in the rwx sphere primitive?

Feb 23, 2002, 11:25pm
correct, Modeler is showing the specular you have set of .2

any object you make you should change the specular to zero to more
accurately reflect what you would see when displayed in the AW Browser.

surface a b c where a=ambient b=diffuse and c=specular.

In your example I would tend to something like "surface .5 .6 0" to get a
nice effect.

Note that both modeler and AW interpret shortcut commands into the model
before it is rendered using renderware. These shortcuts include all
primitives as well as protoinstanting. Thus the interpretation is the
result of the interpreter rather than the renderware.

As already suggested, the best way around the problem is to save the script
in Modeler, and then clean it to reduce the file size. I've not checked if
the latest beta has been released, but if it has the latest version does do
a big clean-up to reduce the end result file size.

Regards, Justin

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Something i noticed about scale in AW

May 18, 2002, 1:57am
PC M....

Repeating previous posts, one click is 0.5 meters. A pp01.rwx is 4 meters
high. Average human avatar hieght is around 1.75 meters (which is slightly
shorter than the real world) and you can stand next to a pp01 in 3rd person
mode to see the comparison. If you place an object at 2 meters above a walk
rwx most avatars can walk under it without hitting their head.

My compact object yard in Alpha 490S 385W has object sizes written into the
description field of each object if you want some help.

Regards, Justin

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 1:25am
I couldn't care less what or even if Insanity has done bad (which I
seriously doubt), even assuming the worst of it were true. I have seen his
good work and his valuable contributions to community. I believe by his
talent alone his is a most worthy addition to the selection committee and I
am completely confident that his integrity will be beyond reproach. His
addition to the selection committee enhances the team, it does not detract
from it.

Why are people so quick to eternally condemn others forever because they
find one aspect of them disagreeable? What happened to virtues such as
forgiveness, respect, and faith in the goodness of others? If you really
want to judge a person, judge the good they have done, not the bad. Better
still - don't judge people at all - you're bound to get it wrong.

Regards, Justin

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 6:43am
I think you are wrong Glitter.

Going only by postings in this thread... Insanity commenced work on the
order placed, which was not cancelled within the cooling off period.
Insanity has every right to keep the money, and if Ambivalent wants he/she
can take whatever portion of the work has been completed by Insanity.
Obviously if Ambivalent cancelled the order completely then he/she doesn't
want any potion of the work delivered.

Having said that, why do we need to see all this hashed out in the
newsgroups? Why do you have to sully Insanity's name? The dispute is
between Insanity and Ambivelent, and none or your business.

Regards, Justin

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 9:23am
Dear Glitter

Perhaps the law is ("unjustly") on the side of Ambivalent. You have lost
sight of why most people here are reacting unfavorably to your posts. You
have gone on an attack of Insanity, and with your inflamed language done
nothing to resolve the matter and everything in an attempt to discredit his

*If* you are correct about the legal position as it applies to Insanity and
his business, then the correct solution would be to find the relevent clause
from the relevent USA legislation, and forward this by email to Ambivalent.
Ambivalent could then decide if it applies and calmly forward this to
Insanity and they could then both come to agreement of what is the correct
legal and or ethical thing to do.

If you were such the voice of reason that you make out to be, then you would
have done the right thing as I have suggested above. Instead you have done
the wrong thing with your attacks, and quite rightly have been chastised by
the Newsgroup regulars.

Regards, Justin

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Cy Awards Nomination Status

Jun 27, 2002, 6:51am
Another excuse posting to discredit Insanity...

Glitter Kitty... knock it off already!


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Cy Awards Nomination Status

Jun 27, 2002, 6:51am
hmmm please no more!

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Cy Awards Nomination Status

Jun 28, 2002, 1:50am
I agree, and want to add...

So two parties have a dispute and disagreement, fine - let them sort it out.
No other comments are needed because they do not have all the facts nor any
evidence to back it up.

In no particular order... johnny b, bowen, young phalpha, binary bud,
glitter kitty, (and even me)... there are far too many posts on this thread
debating minor issues about things we do not have the full details about...
so leave it alone!

Insanity and Ambivelent - please resolve this! If I may be so bold...
Insanity deliver some avatars or a refund! Ambivelent calm down!

Regards, Justin

Cy Awards Nomination Status

Jun 28, 2002, 10:14pm

*makes note in pad... BinaryBud BinaryBud BinaryBud... one word only...
refrain from critising comments!*

Duly noted....

~ Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 27, 2002, 7:36am
Seeing Insanity falsely and unjustly discredited only highlights how some
love to continue witchhunts based on their perceived understanding of
things. Understandings that invariably turn out to be incorrect.

This leads me to the never ending trash that I and OneSummer have to endure
at the hands of a few who happen to wield some influence, albeit

There are signs posted at the GZ of worlds America and Y2000 headed with
"Warning to World Owners" which continues on to say that myself and
OneSummer are banned, apparently using the excuse of us stealing avatars
from their worlds.

Truth is neither of us have stolen anything. Truth leads to OneSummer's
good faith and trust in one person who had access to her object path in
BluPearl world who loaded a total of two avatars onto her path, declaring
them to be a gifts to her. As soon as it was confirmed that each were in
fact stolen they were removed - and we would have thought it would be the
end of the matter.

Now here is the real truth. America world currently has over 300 objects
and textures that I created on its paths. Evidence of this is proven by
going to http://www.myactiveworlds.com/~america/ls.php? and listing either
the Models or Textures path and counting up the objects and textures
beginning with "ju_". I have never given permission for my creations to be
on America's paths and hence we discover who the real theives are. I'm
still mulling over whether I should register the copyrights on my creations
and enforce my legal rights.

The whole thing is a perpetuation of the Just In - Broadway vs FriendPa -
NewYork "fued", which I wish could just be buried and forgotten.
Unfortunately those signs do nothing to allow me and the others concerned to
forget it. And my creations on America's path only adds insult to injury.

If Posh or Jetta lewis wish to ban me from their worlds, so be it - I
couldn't care less. But their false accusations and discredit of mine and
OneSummer's name is intolerable. I am unable to resolve this because AW has
refused to help, and both Jetta and Posh have filtered out my telegrams. If
you can telegram or speak to Jetta or Posh about removing the signs I would
appreciate it.

Regards, Justin

WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 12:32am
Johnny B

Which part of my explanation of the events did you not understand?

For your information in both cases the issue was dealt with directly between
OneSummer and the creator of the avatars in question, Lady Murasaki and My
Two Keys. All details of how it came about that the two avatars were on
BluPearl's path, including who put them there, were given to the creators
for them to take any further action as they deemed fit. I helped OneSummer
find out who created the avatars and helped her to remove the avatars and
textures from BluPearl's path. OneSummer's initial reaction to being told
she had stolen the avatars was shock and disgust and upset. Perhaps
OneSummer handled the situation badly to begin with, nevertheless it was

There was dishonesty, but not by either myself or OneSummer. OneSummer had
no experience in managing world paths and innocently put her trust in others
to help her with that. She was greatly saddened by the whole affair.

The owner of Y2000 knows all this, yet she still wants to point the finger
at myself and OneSummer. If she wants to dislike us and ban us from
entering Y2000, that is her choice. The sign she has at Y2000 GZ is the
issue and what needs to be resolved. The same goes with the sign at America

Posh it is you that grammed me, and me that replied to your allegations. It
was you that would not listen to my explanations. And it was you that went
stirring the pot. Meanwhile the issues that I have remain unresolved.
Resolve the issues and I have no reason to complain.

Regarding the timing of my complaint? I have tried to let it go many many
times. Its when people come to me telling me about the "sign they read"
that frustrates me. OneSummer gets far more approaches of this, and each
time she is forced to explain and defend her actions and is reminded again
of the whole sad affair.

Regards, Justin

[View Quote]

WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 12:49am
I quote from M. Arthur Auslander, Auslander & Thomas-Intellectual Property
Law Since 1909, 505 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10018....

"Under the law a created "work" is protected under the copyright statute
from the moment of creation. The copyright protects the creative expression
in the work, not the ideas contained in it. Copyright registration enable
the enforcement of rights. The copyright is good for life plus 70 years. An
application must be filed within 100 years of the creation of the work."

Ref: http://www.intelproplaw.com/Copyright/Forum/msg/259.html

Full details can be gotten from http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ1.html

The *only* person I have given licence to copy and display my work is
FriendPa in the world NewYork, and the only paths allowed to keep copies are
those specifically for NewYork world and no other world. *If* FriendPa
wishes to make alternative arrangements with me regarding this then she may
contact me to discuss it.

Regards, Justin

PS: This of course does not include the 100+ objects that I've created and
donated to the community, most of which are on the Alpha World path, but in
those cases the objects and textures are not preceded with the "ju_" prefix.

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 2:05am
Posh... How is the issue is resolved? The sign is still there and

"Attn. World Owners: Be advised - Just In and OneSummer of BluPearl &
Broadway Worlds, had our exclusive Anubis Avatar, made by Lady Murasaki,
OBVIOUSLY STOLEN, as an avatar AND object in their world and on their path."

Besides the fact that Broadway World never had that avatar on its path and I
am not an owner of BluPearl, the implication is that OneSummer stole it or
knew it was stolen, and that is clearly not the case as I have explained.

Remove the sign and my issue with you is resolved.

Regards, Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 4:31am
Johnny, please feel free to copy to here any of the telegrams I wrote to
Posh. People will then know that every telegram I have written has been
solely written in my effort to resolve the problems that exist or answer to
misunderstandings. Generally speaking, I think I always remain good
tempered, in spite of sometimes the most horrendous incitement.

Meanwhile, Johnny, I doubt that Posh has shown you the insulting language
she has used against me, or worse still the total vulgarity that Jetta lewis
sent me after Posh told her fabrications to him.

Posh, what are you trying to achieve by displaying your sign? Is there
some way I can help or something I can do to resolve whatever problem you
have with me without your need to put up such a sign?

Regards, Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 4:31am
Thanks Count,

I will try and contact you in AW regarding the copyrights issue.

Regards, Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jun 28, 2002, 10:30pm
Hmmm.... he doesn't do himself big favours a lot of the time with the way he
handles certain situations, but his credibilty level I think varies
depending on who you talk to. For some it may have reduced to nil, for
others its merely taken a few knocks here and there.

Nobody's perfect.

Regards, Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jul 1, 2002, 1:48am
Thanks for the comments Chris...

I'd be glad to drop it as soon as I stop getting harassed by Poshes
cronies - Its Posh that wants to continue to be the bitch with her signs and
stubborn (idiotic) attitude. The same applies to Jetta lewis.

I'm disgusted to report that OneSummer had to endure whispered insults from
someone who managed to escape detection by changing their nick constantly
and then running off to hide. This was while participating in a community
event yesterday - the insults directly linked to the signs and other
comments made by Posh about me and OneSummer. People that have not been at
the receiving end of this bullying have no idea how upsetting it can be.
Add to that another report originating from Funny Girl (America World Public
Speaker) that Summer stole America world avatars! Total nonsense! But this
is what we must endure all the time.

If anyone feels that they can help to resolve this for us it would be
greatly appreciated. I can do nothing because my telegrams are filtered by
Posh et. al. and I am banned from both Y2000 and America worlds. PKs
wont/can't do anything because its out of their jurisdiction, and AWC refuse
to get involved with it.

On the copyrights issue - I *think* there might be a agreeable compromise
reached on that soon. Time will tell.

Regards, Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jul 3, 2002, 1:09am
I am pleased to report that America world is no longer breaching any

I am even more pleased to report that the signs problem in Y2000 has been

I also investigated what was said by Funny Girl and found she did not
originate any comments or rumours regarding myself or OneSummer, and what
she had said was taken out of context. I apologise to her for any
implication I made.

I hope Jetta lewis removes the sign he placed soon, which is the only
remaining issue I have.

I am sorry for any upset I caused or anything I did that made people feel I
was harrassing them - that was never my intention. Thankyou to those who
supported me or did anything to assist resolving these issues.

Regards, Justin

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WitchHunts... Answering the allegations

Jul 3, 2002, 2:39am

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What to look for in a video card?

Jul 3, 2002, 11:41pm
Would you still get great frame rates and performance out of a Geforce 4 on
an older PC?

Currently using a PII 300, I'm not looking forward to the day I must shell
out $1,500 US on a new PC to get my frame rate above 5 in built up areas...
but if I could stick with the old PC and spend $200 on a new (newer) video
card this would be something I could do right now.


I did the research myself... GeForce4 Ti requires at least a Pentium 3,
32MB RAM and Win 98 SE

I guess I'll have to keep saving the pennies.

Regards, Justin

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What to look for in a video card?

Jul 4, 2002, 3:18am
You all make it sound so easy... but...

If I want to upgrade the processor I *must* upgrade the parent-board - no
option. If I upgrade those so I can then upgrade the video card I think
I've reached the threshhold of looking at all the other things that are
cuyrrently inadequate... My 6 gig HD is almost full, and the CD
player/burner is slow as... time for a new operating system? etc. etc.

Also, buying a new PC in total would allow me to have a side by side
operation, which has many advantages, and few of the disadvantages of never
having built a PC before.

I will just wait - thanks for the comments though.

Regards, Justin

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[Bug] Light properties removed from rotating objects ?

Jul 29, 2002, 6:28am
Yes, I reported this in the beginning of July, and had the error posted in
the beta newsgroup. I did not see any AW response to acknowlege the

You could send an email to support? See if you get a response.

~ Justin

[View Quote]


Aug 5, 2002, 3:57am
Hicks wrote...

"Do you ever wonder when we'll AWCOM Employees being carted off by the
police on T.V. just like WorldCom?"

The error is the missing word "see". Correctly written would be...

"Do you ever wonder when we'll see AWCOM Employees being carted off by the
police on T.V. just like WorldCom?"

Regards, Justin

PS: No, I don't ever wonder that. I do wonder when some people will reread
their typing of posts before clicking the send button.

[View Quote]

You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 11, 2002, 2:09am
Agreed Chazrad.

Whilst any child abuse in any form is deplorable and perpetrators of such
crimes should be severly punished (including those criminals in goob's
article), I am always frustrated that some abuses are loudly and broadly
publicised and decried, whilst other more urgent abuses are ignored and
allowed to continue.

Children are dying of starvation, disease, and war every day in their
thousands - why no uproar?

Children lose parents every day through war, divorce or abandonment in their
thousands - why no uproar?

I regard withdrawal of love from a child the biggest child abuse of all, yet
divorce and seperation is legal! I speak from the experience of my parents
divorcing, and I have not experienced anything worse than that in my life.
Whilst I recognise that divorce is never a simple issue, with abuses of
rights in every quarter, its the children that suffer most.

~ Justin

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You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 11, 2002, 7:35am

We once were good friends. I'm not sure what I said or did that has upset
you so since then. If you have a problem with me I am online in AW enough
for you to come talk directly with me about it. There's no need to make
underhand comments like the one in this posting.

I do care, and I am not a snake. I do have feelings too.

~ Justin

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