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Does ANYONE Know How To Make (or where I can get) The following....

Apr 20, 2003, 8:31am
For a behind the bar advert... pict4 would be fine. :o)

Regards, Justin

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Does ANYONE Know How To Make (or where I can get) The following....

Apr 22, 2003, 2:24am
Broadway has over 100 logos of company products - I've never had one

Also, when I started using them I did a bunch of requests asking for usage
permission. Of the very few replies I got each said okay.

Regards, Justin

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Re: Vehicles

May 1, 2004, 1:02am
hmmm... has probably been said already... I'm a late comer...

Add commands to the Action:
create move 10 0 0;activate follow 0 0 0
(where the numbers are the position of the avatar from the object center)

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removing contacts/blocking options

Jun 26, 2004, 12:23am
A better option would be to make the contact list with a folder tree (much
like the contact list in Xelabot). That way you can group contacts, and
expand the trees for only the contacts you want to see. You could keep
groups of Friends, PKs, Teachers, and Blocked etc.

~ Justin

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Aug 5, 2004, 11:48am
Would be nice to get specular lighting support back. There's not a lot we
can do to make an object look like metal and shiney.

~ Justin

Custom avatars.

Aug 7, 2004, 5:23am
When I think custom avs, I think creating a whole av, loading it on some
path, and then specifying that path in your personal settings. If a person
has that path it overrides the selected avatar from the worlds av list, and
everyone will download it. Custom avs might then be cached in a similar way
as other people's pictures and sounds in action commands.

I don't think of custom avs as potatoe head - that sounds more like a custom
av builder, where you pick what face, what hair, what shape, etc. you want.

~ Justin

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Custom avatars.

Aug 7, 2004, 2:12pm
These can all be handled:
- Offensive avatars get the citizen banned. Flagrant offenses can get cits
locked down.
- Size width, breadth, height dimensions can be limited (1m x 1m x 2m would
seem fair).
- File size can be limited (50kb zipped would be more than enough) just like
the browser can already screen for file sizes on various media.

~ Justin

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Dual Monitors

Sep 19, 2004, 1:01am
good luck!

I run dual moniters at work and there are a bunch of programs (including
microsoft pgms) I use with popup windows that really have a hard time
figuring out which screen to pop up on. tis very frustrating.

~ Justin

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Contact List

Oct 9, 2004, 2:54am
yep - that's no. 1 on my wishlist too.

~ Justin

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Personal Inventory

Oct 9, 2004, 3:19am
2nd on my wish list is a personal inventory. It would work something like

An object can be created with activate command "inventory" and parameters of
"name", "url" for an image, "limit" for the maximum number that can be
carried, "drop" and "radius".

If a user clicks the object it disappears and becomes part of their

Each user can access their inventory from the main menu, which would display
what inventory items they are carrying by name, a thumbnail of the image,
and how many of that object they are carrying. If no name was given in the
object it could default to the rwx name. The location of the object would
also be stored.

Carried inventory items could be deleted by user selection and/or by time
expiry. If the "Drop" parameter is "World" that inventory item is deleted
if the user leaves the world. If it is "Range" then it is dropped when the
user moves outside the "Radius".

Bots should be able to read a user's inventory, which could then be able to
grant them special rights. eg: enough gold to purchase land or avatar, the
right key to open a door, enough strength to get a sword, the right weapon
to destroy a target. The applications for this would be endless and would
open a wide door for roleplaying games.

~ Justin

Much Needed Object Line - TELEPHONES

Oct 22, 2004, 10:39pm
xaw49 has been in my object yard since the xaw objects became available
years ago.
AW 489.6S 385.7W 0.1a 180 in with all the other small objects

I'm sure you'd find it in Lara's yard too.

~ Justin

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Minimal Graphics Mode

Jan 12, 2005, 6:27am
Ya - if I'm reading this request right....

Often the frame rates depending on which direction you are face vary
greatly, resulting in poor performance in general.

For example, in a high built up area I could be facing a direction that has
no build up at all (like the sky) when the frame rate kicks up past 20fps
and 120 visibility, then want to run off into the direction of the high
build-up. I have to wait a while until the frame rate and visibilty drop
down before I can move.

Therefore, I think it would be even better if you could set a maximum
visibility in the same way you can set a minimum visibility in the browser

~ Justin

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Minimal Graphics Mode

Jan 20, 2005, 11:10am
hmmm - seems like I got something I wished for... or close enough to it

"Added Limit frame rate to browser options in settings / performance (since
build 562)"

~ Justin

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Folders in the Teleports List

Jan 6, 2005, 7:40pm
I know - its been said many times as well :o)

~ J

send teleport coords

Apr 17, 2005, 8:54am
You can right click on the teleport in your aw browser and select
"teleport"... copy the highlighted co-ordinates, cancel, and then paste
that into your telegram. No need to go hunting in your teleport.txt.

~ Justin

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Bring back Specular

May 1, 2005, 1:54am
I wish that Specular was reenabled as one of the light properties of aw rwx.

Its very much needed to give a more realistic rendering of shiney surfaces,
especially rounded objects.

As it says in the AW Help pages for Specular
http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw36/rwx_specular.html ...

"This command sets the specular component of the current surface lighting
properties. However, currently Active Worlds does not support specular
lighting, so setting this component has no effect. Specular lighting may be
supported in a future version of Active Worlds."

PS: The Arguments on the help page incorrectly show the arguments for

~ Justin


May 29, 2005, 1:05am
MicroSoft did a cool promo where they wanted to promote Age of Destiny,
which is new version of Age of Empires. They made free a cd of Age of
Empires, and put it in the large NutraGrain cereal box. Whenever you loaded
it you'd see the promo.

~ Justin

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RWX Utility

Aug 3, 2005, 8:50pm
Its not by any means a small task, but as it happens, I'm working on one.

It'll be a while before I get to a beta release stage.

Features include syntax highlighting, tree folding, auto complete, line
bookmarking, line numbering, multi line indenting and commenting, macro
recording, workspace, search & replace by file(s), scripting out to zip ftp
registry and model viewer.

An internal viewer would be that last module to be added.

Written in C++


Regards, Justin

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RWX Utility

Aug 4, 2005, 11:16am
Interesting - its some 10 years old and uses an earlier version of the rwl
and rwd dlls. I also didn't get a simple model to show. There might be a
few things to try with it but might be a lost cause.

As I mentioned earlier, I entend to allow scripting, so the user can specify
if they want to shell out to existing viewers RWXMod, Nivloc's Modeler, or
Accutrans. When I get to Beta testing I'll probably let AWI know and see
what comes of any feedback.

Regards, Justin

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Level Of Detail

Apr 21, 2006, 3:05am
Introduce a new "Level Of Detail" (LOD) parameter to objects.

What the parameter does is make it visible outside of the user's normal
Visibility range, much like the current terrain, up to a Range set in the
world options.

Ordinarily all objects are not rendered outside the user's visibility, but
if a switch is turned on for this object is does become visible outside this
range. But it also would be invisible inside the user's visibility range.
The purpose of this would be to place VERY low polygon objects in place of
high detailed objects. For example, say the users visibilty is set to 100,
and a high detailed house with lots of furniture and walls is within that
range. Currently if the user is more than 100 meters away they would see
nothing there. With the level of detail option they might instead see a
cube roughly the size of that house. At 400 meters away this cube would
become invisible again.

Clearly it is a dangerous kind of thing to implement in open building worlds
so it would also require a per world setting.

The whole concept of LOD is part of VRML modelling but may be in other
languages. In VRML the LOD is set within the object itself, and if it were
to be implemented within AW it would be a command such as "LOD Outside",
with the default being "LOD Inside". An object could be comprised of
several clumps each specifying a different LOD. A tree could be with many
verts/polys for its "LOD Inside" but a sprite for "LOD Outside".

Ref: http://www.vrmlworlds.com/developer/tutorials/basic/lod1.html

~ Justin


Jul 3, 2001, 10:28am
the new version is now on modelers web site - refer my post in
"worldbuilders" ng

regards Justin

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xsign.rwx gone?

Jul 7, 2001, 12:57am
Fixing the objects registry entry and keeping the object on the path would
be a simple thing. There may be some of the objects built that would
remain encroaching without causing any problems.

The only thing would be if you placed the object in a position where
ordinarily it would have encroached, but didn't because its registry entry
was too small, you would no longer be able to edit it unless you moved it to
a non-encroaching position.

Oh, on second thoughts, the person whose objects are now encroached upon
would also be unable to edit them. They will have to fill in a GET form to
get the object deleted or shifted out of the space.

Regards, Justin

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something that you should think about....

Jul 8, 2001, 1:03pm
Its fairly simple really... there is a law of physics that is...

absolutely nothingness gives birth to a god

gods can create anything by deciding to, including other gods or matter

one god, sick of doing the same old creation of other gods and matter,
thought wouldn't it be fun to shove a few billion other gods into meat
bodies, hence... earth!

Regards, Justin

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The New Me

Sep 2, 2001, 4:03pm
Actually - I tend to agree with Goober in this one.

1000% of sound mind is an impossibility. If I could correct the mathematics
a little, JFK's "sound mindedness" could stand a 1000% improvement, which
might then allow at least some rational behaviour on his part.

Regards, Justin

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Memerial World to open shortly

Sep 14, 2001, 3:00am
Many people wish to express their feelings and leave a message for a loved
one lost or make their feelings known. The memorial world is a response to
the feelings of the general people. This surely is what aw is about....
people talking about their feelings and talking with others. An area where
this can be viewed and where people can leave their mark at this time is
what is being constructed...Thank you.....

Memerial World to open shortly

Sep 14, 2001, 9:38am
Its open. A world hosted by AWC

Come in, leave a small sign, or make a small or large build, or just chat

Regards, Justin

PS: thanks goes to OneSummer, The Observer, phalaphe, IHNK, HamFon and
Mountain Myst for their help and time

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Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 15, 2001, 12:52pm
Memorial world is owned by AWC The world was created by them, and if you
have a problem with the bot copy take it to Hamfon as he did that before
Summer was asked to help out. Personally I've heard no complaints.

And as for the rest of the rhetoric, does this mean you won't send me any
money Chucks? *smile*

Regards, Justin

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Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 15, 2001, 5:45pm
sheesh - why do I bother?

The ONLY builds EVER deleted in Broadway World by myself and OneSummer are
those built in either our own accounts or those built in the "BW Helper"
account, and almost always they are things we ourselves created, with an
occasional build by someone else in the BW Helper that we wanted to improve

Princess Esther is free to build or delete her builds in Broadway as she
likes, as is every other person.

OneSummer is an owner of Broadway and is staying that way. Broadway is a
public building world and will stay that way.

Regards, Justin

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Telegram from AlphaBit Phalpha!

Sep 15, 2001, 7:47pm
Hamfon brought in the bot copy whilst working with Midnight Madness - both
of AW Corp. It was there way before I knew about the existance of Memorial
World. Summer was asked by Midnight Madness for help to build (new) the GZ
area and guide people where they could build. I came later to help.

I have never bot copied anyone's build other than my own, with the only
exception being assisting to move AWUniv Contest first prize winning entries
to their new permanent location in AWUniv, at the request of and to assist
that world's caretaker. They can be found in AWUniv in the contest section
built under AWUniv account.

Regards, Justin

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CPU Problems.

Sep 24, 2001, 11:05pm
I had that "audio driver is already in use" or something very similar. I am
having trouble remembering how I fixed it but I will give you what I can.

Using explorer I clicked on "view" and selected "folder options". From
there I selected the "File Types" tab.

Next go down the menu to "audio cd", select it, and click edit. At this
point I go blank, but it has something to do with the "play" being bold, or
not, or which application it uses, or setting something as default, or
whatever. I *think* that I got some tips out of windows help on how it
should be. Try playing around with it.

Good Luck, Justin

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