Virus (General Discussion)

Virus // General Discussion

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Jun 28, 2003, 6:52am
I received a virus through email earlier, "Details.Pif" in a zip file,
please do not open this as it emails the virus out to everybody else and
infects your computer.



Jun 28, 2003, 7:14am
Hopefully its not in your bot files, altough i have norton anti-virus which
is updated regularly, theres always those small ones that are not publisized
enough for anti-virus programs to recognize.
I know I have gotton over 50 trojans and viruses from programs I downloaded
from KaZaA, alot of them are those damned W32.HLLP.EXE or W32. (something or
another) fortunately for me Norton snagged them as they were still
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mike zimmer

Jun 28, 2003, 7:41am
Oddly, I don't feel sorry for you at all.
-Miek Zimmer

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Jun 28, 2003, 7:51am
Mr Bruce: I did not open this, somebody else did, I just got this info from
them although it did email to me.


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Jun 28, 2003, 8:02am
Please don't, I didn't ask anyone to anyways : D
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dlp anne

Jun 28, 2003, 9:28am
This virus didn't happen to be the W32/Sobig-E was it?
This is a new version of that virus discovered on Jun 25, 2003
It has the ability to read your address book, find the computer that the
address belongs to, hack into there address book to get more emails and then
sends itself out to those emails from your email without your knowledge.
Your computer can be fully turned off and still some how it dose this.
Cause I have got a warning message from my ISP saying that I sent a copy of
that one out to 4 people and I was not even home and my computer was fully
turned off at the time and date they told me it was sent out.
only address1 was in my address book as it's a friend of mine.
address2, address3, and address4 after calling the owner of address1 found
out they where in the address book on their computer.
I never received or sent anything to address2, address3, or address4
So this virus some how got info from my friends PC and game it to my PC to
send itself out.
Right after I got the warning from my ISP I looked into that virus and it
was never on my computer at all in any way shape or form as there are not
traces of it ever being on my computer.

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Jun 28, 2003, 12:01pm
No idea, but norton DID NOT detect it, what are you running?

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Jun 28, 2003, 12:16pm
May be becuz my last virus definition update was the 18th, updating...

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dlp anne

Jun 28, 2003, 12:19pm
I am using McAfee

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Jun 28, 2003, 12:33pm
Updated norton, didn't AUTO-DETECT but on forced scan it detected that


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Jun 28, 2003, 12:45pm
Info: at mm.html

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Jun 28, 2003, 12:53pm
Neither do i, i NEVER get viruses, i NEVER get trojans, because i'm not a
moron who opens every e-mail attachment he gets, infact i rarely open any
e-mails or e-mail attachments at all.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader


Jun 28, 2003, 12:55pm
maybe because auto-detect only works on files you are working with at the
time or e-mails you are receiving AT THE TIME.

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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dlp anne

Jun 28, 2003, 1:01pm
That is real hard to believe.
Even with the best virus scanner and the best firewall you can still get
them, some times even without you knowing about it.
Now ones computer is ever 100% trojan or virus proof no mater how much they
try to make it.
As security software and hardware gets better, the hackers, viruses and the
like are getting better also, it's a never ending battle.

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Jun 28, 2003, 1:40pm
Thats not true... I've got a computer thats Trojan & Virus proof: It
doesn't have a hard disk.



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Jun 28, 2003, 1:40pm
Maybe ur as thick as 2 short planks... if u put a virus onto ur pc its auto
detected, I re-saved it and it did.

*blocks arsehole brock*

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Jun 28, 2003, 2:38pm
well not if you don't have the most updated definitions at the time the
virus is put in, because then the virus detector doesn't KNOW the virus

Brock - 308723 - DE Leader
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Jun 28, 2003, 4:19pm
The best way to prevent your PC from spreading e-mail viruses is this:

Don't use Outlook Express. Just about every Tom-Dick-and-Joe designs his e-mail virus to propagate through Outlook Express. OE also has that nasty habit of executing any code it sees :P

There are *much* better mail clients available, anyway. Mozilla Mail wipes the floor with Outlook Express. Its Bayesian spam filtering system is just beautiful. It's highly configurable, too. Setting it to disable cookies, javascript, and plugins for the mail client takes about three seconds of your time and makes it almost impossible for a virus to infect your PC just from reading a message. Just don't go executing attachments.

Eudora (though I'm not very familiar with it) has a pretty large fan base, too; though I do doesn't have a built-in newsreader (the main reason I've not used it). Still might be worth checking out. Ask around a bit. There are plenty of people not using OE.

To you Kazaa users out there:

If you often download anything other than media files (ie: software) you're going to pick up malicious code. There isn't any way to avoid it. Having good virus protection isn't any guarantee, either. When you get infected with a huge number of viruses, the law of averages comes into play. Norton/McAfee/InsertAVHere simply can't detect ALL viruses. Thus if you are infected with one or two viruses, the chances are that these viruses are common pests and your AV software should be able to take care of them. When your PC is harboring around fifty viruses, though, several of those are, by probability alone, going to be uncommon and your AV software may sit there and gawk at them with a blank stare on its face. Conversely, it may pick them all up and you'll be home free. But don't count on it.

Nobody has a right to gripe about picking up viruses off of Kazaa, though they may be extremely annoying. You're downloading music, videos, and software for free. If you want guaranteed virus-free code, you'll probably end up having to pay for it.

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Jun 28, 2003, 4:30pm
[View Quote] Mine's got a hard drive and it still is.


dlp anne

Jun 28, 2003, 4:44pm
Viruses can go anywhere on the internet they want, and to any computer they
Nothing can stop all of them.
There are many out there that no one knows about and therefore nothing can
stop them or detect them.
Just look at how many computers get hit with viruses each and every day
before the virus scanner programmers send out a update for their scanners to
protect you from it....
You can go to a web site you trust that got hacked without the owners or you
knowing and you go to it and a program auto installs without any warnings at
all not even a file download window and you find out later when your
computer starts acting odd.

There is no such thing as a 100% hacker proof, virus proof, or trojan proof
As virus scanners and firewalls get updated, so do the viruses and hacker
hacking tools.

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Jun 28, 2003, 4:48pm
[View Quote] Stop thinking every computer is connected to the internet. This one is
not, therefore it is virus proof.

Besides, you can only get a virus if you're running servers or opening
files you shouldn't. As far as I'm aware, there's no way to implant a
virus on a computer that has neither servers running and is not
accepting attachments from anything. I really see no reason why people
invest so much money in firewalls, your connection is going to get
scanned and probed all the time -- so... the only thing it's really
going to do is stop viruses and trojans from contacting out (if it were
designed too). The best thing to do to save money and trouble is
control your clicking.



Jun 28, 2003, 5:00pm
How is your pc virus proof?


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Jun 28, 2003, 5:01pm
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Jun 28, 2003, 5:14pm
Also try these free sites for online scanning recomended by PC World
magazine and
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Jun 28, 2003, 5:48pm
Also I might ad two more things, always have windows show file exstentsions
for know file types because this allows you to see if that aw.jpg image you
are about to click on is not in fact an aw.jpg.exe file instead, which is an
executable. And for you silly AOL users who get those emails supposedly from
AOL saying your billing status is incorrect and your account will be
terminated if you do not reply by clicking a certain link and it says it's
from so and so at AOL Billing Team. This is a fake and can be simply
revealed by hovering your mouse over the link, 100% of the time, the link is
not to AOL at all, but an X-rated trojan related website that runs scripts,
or one that attemps you fool you into submitting your credit card number to
a bogus AOL website! Most AOL emails are sent with a BLUE icon and never ask
you to click a link to submit personal billing info.
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Jun 28, 2003, 7:27pm
Well he did say that he updated the definitions just before he opened it -
so if that isn't the most updated I don;t know what is.


Jun 28, 2003, 7:39pm
Atcually this was a few min after I updated...moron.

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Jun 28, 2003, 7:44pm
[View Quote] Did you sit down wrong today or something? You're seemingly extra edgy.



Jun 28, 2003, 7:55pm
I use eTrust EZ Antivirus and it updates every single day except weekends.
Its $9. 95 a year and it has been great catching viruses befor i open them.
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Jun 28, 2003, 8:30pm
I got something like this for paypal not 2 long ago, submitted it to their
fraud dept :D

(asked for pin number,username, pw, etc)

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