Virus (General Discussion)

Virus // General Discussion

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just in

Jun 29, 2003, 3:16am
I "NEVER" open email attachments either - yet I did and I got infected...

I got curious as to what was in the zip... unzipped it. Saw it was a pif
and thought I'd read the contents. I had planned on opening this in Notepad
(safe enough), but I slipped up and clicked "Open" instead of "Open in
Notepad". One moments laps in concentration and I got infected. It

~ Justin

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Jun 30, 2003, 10:54am
wow got a lot to learn about PC's ....:(

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Jun 30, 2003, 8:05pm
[View Quote] Wow dude, are you talking about exploits in backdoors that are caused by
a listening server?


mike zimmer

Jun 30, 2003, 8:28pm
ZoneAlarm is free..hallelujah!
-Miek Zimmer

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Jun 30, 2003, 8:51pm
[View Quote] A virus can enter a computer that's not connected to the Internet. Just use an infected disk in a certain way and you can be infected as well.



Jun 30, 2003, 9:26pm
[View Quote] No CD-drive or diskette drive, no NIC card, no external connection, no



Jul 1, 2003, 11:09am
God Bowen I love how you always change the rules/specs to better your argument....LOL your a hoot.
But you gotta understand that MOST people can see right through you..:)

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Jul 1, 2003, 4:49pm
Hmm I thought Bowen was just giving an example of how a computer can be
virus proof - not saying he actually owned one - perhaps I missed something.

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Jul 1, 2003, 5:03pm
naaa it was all started with this statement from Bowen "As far as I'm aware, there's no way to implant a virus on a computer that has neither servers running and is not accepting attachments from anything. "

I've seen viruii on shrink wrapped factory install CD's. shit happens.

Leo :)

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Jul 1, 2003, 5:08pm
[View Quote] You mean you've seen data that's being interpreted as virii? The
restore utility in WindowsME often FUBARed with anti-viral software.



Jul 1, 2003, 5:09pm
[View Quote] God BinaryBud, I don't recall ever stating it was a system default
computer with the standard bells and whistles. I don't even remember
mentioning it has Windows either, but I bet you assumed it did.



Jul 1, 2003, 6:01pm
No i meant exactly what i said. STOP putting words in everyones mouth that fit your thoughts.

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Jul 1, 2003, 6:02pm
yea with you Bowen you have to ASSume a lot.

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Jul 1, 2003, 6:24pm
[View Quote] Clever. No one ever asked what the system entailed, they "ASSume" it
was everything a normal PC usually is. I didn't have to say anything,
no one asked for more information.



Jul 1, 2003, 6:26pm
[View Quote] Well, in case you didn't notice, you do exactly as I do. You don't
provide the needed, complete information. You don't specify if it was
viral code itself or if it was interpreted as viral code by you (or your
virus scanner).

The _only_ way you know if it was so, is if you wrote it or the
manufacturer admitted it was designed to be viral. Which is it?
There's that "ASSume" problem again.


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Jul 1, 2003, 6:33pm
BOWEN get a freaking brain.....The Manufacturer had no idea it was there until they were notified....BY ME and it was a CadKey install this one instance....AND I've seen and heard of many other instances....
I'm done dealing with you now....go away.

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Jul 1, 2003, 6:35pm
[View Quote] How do you know it was viral then? Did it propigate itself? Did it
infect others?


strike rapier

Jul 1, 2003, 7:33pm
Thats always a pig... but opening in Notepad is always a good idea... of
course even better would be like recover text in MS Word... or personally I
prefer like HEX editors, keyphrase searchers etc.

- Mark

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strike rapier

Jul 1, 2003, 7:34pm
Hack into their computer address book?... erm....

- Mark

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