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bot range

Mar 7, 2002, 7:46pm
what about a plug in feature in the world software? this way there would be
no limit in the range.. that would be great..... one instance could handle
the whole world... :)

"cozmo" <b.nolan2 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c411892$1 at
> i wish that bots could have a greater range of recieving events from. i
> making multiple instaces just to cover the whoel world. I think that it
> should either be doubled or set up to a certain limit. That way, depending
> on the bot, you can have it cover your whoel world from gz or just a lower
> range if it is a chatbot. but i dont think this would happen becuase aw
> wants you to buy more cits to get more bot instances (which isnt goign to
> happen)

bot range

Mar 8, 2002, 6:59pm
did I say this new feature should be free?
no, i didn t.

why do you think your size 7 shoes is more expensive? do you really think it
is just because they want to make more money with person having 7'' long
feet' ? LOL !!! seriously, they could make all the shoes at 200$ whatever
the size..the price is not only a matter of raw material.. it is a matter of
quantity too, the more they produce the same item , the cheaper will be this
item..maybe there are far more people with feet of 6'' they
produce far more 6 size shoes than 7 size shoes...

if you can t figure out how AW can do money , don t take for granted aw
can't find...this is your limitation...not theirs

"swe" <m_swehli at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c88febb at
> and how would aw make money? i mean for instance, say when u wanna buy a
> pair of trainers, which cost $100 dollars if its size 6, but $200 if its
> size 7, now u think it really costs $100 to make it one size bigger? no,
> they do, so they can make money, and so the world goes on
[View Quote]


Mar 8, 2002, 10:32pm
I have to disagree with you.
when aw made its 3.0 version it was a 3D hardware only version.
so it was clear AW wanted to add new features only available for 3d graphic
card owner.
with the 3.2 version , a software compatible version is available but it is
just a way to remove the need of the old 2.2 version... .. but if you really
use the new features of theses new versions.. only hardware accelerated comp
can handle it.. the others are stuck with a very bad frame rate...look at
the futur 3.3 version and its skinned avatars .. that s certainly not aimed
to a comp using a software compatible version...
so if you agree with me, you can t say mirroring effect is so difficult to
get.. games like Hitman have it.. i m pretty sure it is easy to handle
(maybe with a restriction like a 2-3 cells range ).

by the way i think you re talking about 3D cards and not only 3dfx which is
one of the first 3d card and certainly not the most current nowadays ;)


"dion" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c895155$1 at
> Yeh, I can see it like 5yrs from now when the average computer is a lot
> faster and graphics a lot sharper than they are now. Infact, the average
> computer doesn't have a 3dfx video card now. Too many people using
> rendering *shakes head in disbelief*
[View Quote]

wish for sdk

Jun 7, 2002, 10:49am
HI Chazrad,

Why do you think it would reduce network load?
I m pretty sure attributes are all received in one shot .
for example when the event avatar_add is raised, all the avatar attributes
are received from the server,
the sdk hold them and you can get them using aw_int or aw_string etc..I don
t think aw sdk makes a call to the server each time you make an aw_int or
aw_string call, that would be weird ;)


"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d00a6c4 at
> I'd really wish the sdk the be updated with the following:
> add a function aw_user_all_data, which you give an address of a
> preallocated block of memory arranged in a structure which contains all
> avatar attributes (including object related ones). aw_user_all_data_set
> the other direction. the server will then do a memcopy of their structure
> to/from your block. in this way you get all attributes at once without
> having to ask for each and every attribute and then having to copy them to
> your own structure. This will put a slightly bigger stress on their
> resources but (questimating) this is easily compensated for by not having
> to handle all the seperate calls for attributes, and will also reduce the
> network load.

Bump Events

Jul 2, 2002, 1:40pm
just a thought :
Bump event could be raised only for objects having a bump action .. that
would reduce the number of event raised and would make our bot simpler to
program :)


"grimble" <grimble2000NOSPAM at> a écrit dans le message de
news: 3d21bb92 at
> Checking proximity in the code is a less "laggy" solution than having to
> handle all the events of walking on floors for all avatars (my opinion).
> can always speed up the code by adding some creative indexing based on the
> objects location ... but handling the additional "bump" events (most of
> which will be irrelevent and ignored) can't be tuned at all.
> Grims
[View Quote]

fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 12, 2002, 7:20pm
600 ko of bulk???? for a simple codec???
LOL I hope you re joking or you should think longer before posting ;)

and I agree with ncc, png support would be a great improvement, jpg look
ugly when you have textures without smooth transition (ie: chessboard ,
text, etc...).


"joeman" <Joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d2f38f0 at
> PNG support would add about 600kb of bulk onto the browser.
> -Joe
[View Quote]

fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 13, 2002, 9:25am
well i wonder which library he tried ;)
the default implementation for png is libpng.dll and it is about 230kb .. it
needs another dll, zlib.dll which has a size of 26 kb ... so we have a total
of 256kb and it is for a complete support of png .. and that it is much more
than we actually need, we just want to decode png , not to encode it ;)
so they would get the code source and take only the parts we need...

another way would be to simply use directx to do the trick ( DXSurface ) ..
because it can load png, jpeg, gif or bmp.
That would add 3 image type support in place of only one... not bad ? ;)))


"joeman" <Joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d2f4c14$1 at
> No, Roland tried adding it to the browser. The library files added about
> 600kb of bulk to the browser, if my memory serves me right :).
> -Joe
[View Quote]

fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 13, 2002, 8:08pm
well, the simplest way is to use directx to do the job.. microsoft paid the
licence for it :))


"grimble" <grimble2000NOSPAM at> a écrit dans le message de
news: 3d309fd5$1 at
> I don't think "refused" is really the word here - implementing GIF support
> in commercial products involves license fees which makes it a corporate
> decision of AWC as to whether they see sufficient benefit in it to pay
> Apart from the principle of paying for the "right" to use a graphics
> (which is outrageous in itself) I don't the licence fees come that cheap
> a product that until recently was supported by those that use it by way of
> $20 a year fee.
> Maybe now there's a more realisitic pricetag on the product, they would
> consider it.
> Grims
[View Quote]

fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 14, 2002, 8:17pm
well you re right...
but jpg can t be animated either... and it doesn t seem to be a problem in
aw ;)))

i just wanted to point out that it is up to aw browser to handle
animation.... be able to load a gif doesn t implicitly mean that aw will
render it like an animation...
so if people want gif support . they should ask a full gif support with
animation and transparency and that is maybe just more than aw wants to do
for now.

my main concern about png is its ability to display a full colored picture
without any data loss :
gif doesn't support a full colored like 16bits depth or more.
jpg doesn t support no data loss.


"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at> a écrit dans le message de
news: 3d31f1fc$1 at
> I'm pretty sure png can't be animated. Unless I missed something.
> --Bowen--
[View Quote]

Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 12:16pm
that is wrong dan
He doesn t work in Mutation, we ejected him several times

He is not welcome in Mutation


"d a n" <awdan at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3e69f740 at
> 1. Use a spellchecker
> 2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P
> ---
> D a n

chat ranges

Mar 15, 2003, 12:29am
well actually , it is a 400 meters length cube :)


"strike rapier" <strike at> a écrit dans le message
de news: 3e725be2 at
> Its a cylinder in AW.
> - Mark
[View Quote]

Elevdump Format

Jun 1, 2003, 8:08pm
it is something like:
{PageX} {PageZ} {NodeX} {NodeZ} {NodeRadius} {TextureCount} {HeightCount}
{space separated Texture list} {space separated Height list}


"tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
6pskdv0ta8tqdt5f81qi7o3rra6unq6uoa at
> has the propdump format published; does anybody have anything
similar for the elevdump format?


Jun 29, 2003, 7:01am
That is already working this way, use cloud layer 1 for the starfield.
You probably checked 'Draw light source in front' or 'Light texture glow' ,
that 's why it seems to not work for you. Read the help files (
E ) concerning these fields and you will understand why you can see the
stars throught your moon. So for what you want, you need to uncheck these
two fields.

I hope this helps.


"thenorm" <n at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3efe9480 at
> I'd like to see an additional "cloud layer" that would be rendered before
> the light source. When you use the current cloud layer for stars they
> render on top of your light source. A moon should block out stars.


Jun 30, 2003, 6:50pm
hmm did you try what i said?
I am not mistaken at all, this is exactly how it works, come in Mutation
during its night time and you will see.

in order from top to bottom:
Stars (wich is cloud layer1)

you won't see the stars behind the moon
and you see the moon through the clouds ( clouds being drawn in front of the
'Draw light source in front' and 'Light texture glow' must be uncheck in
order to work

what is your world name so i could check your setting?


"thenorm" <n at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3f008ff3 at
> Thanks for thinking this over but you're mistaken. The light source is
> always drawn before the cloud layers, unless you check 'Draw light source
> front'. This makes perfect sense if you *are* using them for clouds. You
> don't want the sun or moon to appear to be closer to you than the clouds.
> The nessesary default drawing order is...
> 1 starfield (the thing I'm asking for, works like a cloud layer)
> 2 light source
> 3,4,5 cloud layers 1,2,3
> Perhaps the *most* useful solution would be to let the caretaker specify
> drawing order of the current layers.
> Norm
[View Quote]

World Server: Able to load objects faster

Oct 2, 2004, 7:55am
If i remember well, they limited the max bandwidth for the admin tool to
ensure that the world is still accessible for others .
If you were able to use maximum bandwith ( like in a lan or with cable/dsl),
the world would become unresponsive to the others until it finished
processing all the data.
Of course, i may remember wrongly ;)


"themask" <ricky at> a écrit dans le message de
news:41560264$1 at
> I wish I was able to load objects faster then 9kb/s or so; Wish there
> was an option to change the bandwidth limit on the world server admin.
> --
> Signed,
> TheMask
> :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
> Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.

Avatar Limb Joints in trueSpace 4.2

Apr 4, 2002, 8:40pm
Hey Robbie :))

Ananas is talking about accutrans . look at your first post , you we re
talking about accutrans too ;)))

"robbie" <robbie at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3cacd4b6 at
> Hey Ananas! Thanks but I dont see a "green man tool" on my toolbar and I
> have everything are using TS4.2 right? I dont see it
[View Quote]

DirectX 8.1

May 17, 2002, 6:11am
Hi Anduin,
I installed it on two PC one with Win2000 , the other one with Win98 and it
is running smoothly,
no problem.
just be sure you got the latest driver of your video card..
You should not install it if you have an old video card which is not
supported anymore by its manufacturer, because its driver is certainly a
very old one and it won t support DIrectX8.1

you can have more info here:


"anduin" <anduin at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3ce4917e at
> Hi,
> I'm just wondering if anyone is using DX 8.1 yet and having ActiveWorlds
> running. I have had one friend tell me that every 15 or so minutes his AW
> now crashes with DX 8.1.
> Anyone else having problems?
> Thanks guys :o)
> --
> Anduin
> Citizen 317281

A Terrain Bug

Jun 9, 2002, 8:03pm
HI Dion,
Andras told me that this bug is known from AW staff and Shamus is working on
it ...
wait and See :)


"dion" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d039e45 at
> The textures used on terrain don't work too well. A piece the width of 1
> pixel and length of the entire texture is chopped off of one side and put
> the other, making it look pretty bad when the texture is a transition from
> grass to dirt and whatnot. Sounds like an easy bug to fix, but I just
> to bring it to AWCom's attention so it can be fixed in the next update.

Re: aw_avatar_set bug

Aug 2, 2002, 11:02pm
"strike rapier" <strike at> a écrit dans le message
de news: 3d4ac7b5 at
> I hope we are able to prevent this by dissabling it as a option?
> Thoughts, Flames, Weapons of mass distruction?

it can only be used by caretakers so we certainly mustn't be able to disable
it or it would ruin all the benefit of this feature....


Multiple Domain Names on One Server?

Aug 22, 2002, 8:24pm
"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d653a7b at
> Hey:)
> We are trying to set up a second domain name on win2k server.
> Is there anything in particular we need to do to make it work?
> We have entered the info on the domain management page yet it doesn't like
> it:)
> Any help greatly apppreciated:)
> Thanks in advance!
> Bit:)

Hi Aplhabit phalpha :)

you will find information about iis here :
and for your particuliar problem.. it is here :

in general, for any info about microsoft products, i go to and start a search...
Almost all avalaible informations about their products are there :)


Eep's Objects (was: Re: Object Path Protection)

Sep 13, 2002, 8:57pm
I don t know what he is using but it appears on server side as a tourist
named "Sleepy E" using privilege of citizen 345404 and an aw browser build
version 397 .. his ip address was

We got that info when he entered our game world Mutation which is not
allowed to tourist.

is he worldhoping to see who is using an outdated worldserver?


"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3D8244AF.72E323F5 at
> From what he told me he isn't using a patched or otherwise
> manipulated browser.
[View Quote]

Eep's Objects (was: Re: Object Path Protection)

Sep 13, 2002, 10:12pm
hmm did i offended you in any way?
Our worldserver was updated after the aw annoncement...
and I did read the list you are talking about and even informed a friend who
was on it....
so is it enough and should i trust you when you say i have nothing to worry
about and feel secure?
LOL did you ever know there was a security issue before aw made this
announcement ?

nevermind, I was just giving info to people who was maybe not running a bot
when a tourist called "Sleepy E" entered their world...
If you feel it was wrong,well , you could just have told me.. don t need to
be so agressive...Joeman

about our 'silly little' game world, Ombre and I just spent 6 months on it
so you probably can understand we are concerned by any security issue...a
cracker can't get bot source but could certainly steal objects and
textures.. by the way , how do you know it is a silly little game? we haven
t see you there but we would be glad you come and fulfill the quest ;))) it
is certainly not perfect and we are still working on bugs but i wonder how
you can state on something you don t even try... further more, I wonder how
we can trust your judgment when you re so fast to give it

You seem to give Sleepy E a lot of credits, like we really do.. and he is
certainly a good guy.... but what do you think about other crakers? do you
think they are smart enough to crack aw and dumb enough to use their own
name? LOL.. if I was a cracker i would certainly use "Sleepy E" as my
tourist name. so who knows? certainly not you....

did I say worldhopping is bad? nope... are you saying that using a cracked
version, worldhopping in search of a vulnerable worldserver is fair? hmm we
dont share the same values....

MilesTeg & Ombre

"joeman" <joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d826e58$1 at
> Well, he did recently publish a list of people that need to update their
> world servers. If your not lazy and *have* updated your world server,
> there's nothing to worry about, if you haven't, well, its your own fault.
> Anyway, what would he want with your silly little game world? I think
> thinking a bit too highly of yourself. Also, why do you want to be such
> ass? Its now a crime to go worldhopping? Everyone, look out.
> is now considered hacking.
> -Joe
[View Quote]

Eep's Objects (was: Re: Object Path Protection)

Sep 13, 2002, 11:43pm
LOL , cool down boy...

"joeman" <joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d8282be$1 at
> Seriously, get your facts straight... below.

how could i consider you seriously, you re too agressive, you didn't even
try to understand my point...
[View Quote] I m sure Sleepy E would not want to take anything from our world... take for granted that a tourist called "Sleepy E" must be Sleepy

> bot
> to
> Wow, a tourist entered your nontourist world. Maybe if you had an
> world server before the announcement, this wouldn't have happened?
did I say when it happened? no, if you were smart , you should have asked
It happened sept 12th .. that means only 36 hours ago .......almost 1 month
after upgrade...

> haven
> it
> how
> All games in AW are silly. Theres no point to them. AW lets everyone
> an idea make a game. All these paintball and capture the flag worlds are
> getting lame. Also these silly preston run RPGs are making me sick. We
> dont need another one. I dont want to fulfill any quest, or power up to
> the game.

that's not a paintball nor a preston... it is mainly a game with puzzles to
solve, integrated in a know; the kind of things that make you
use your just adds the multi player aspect as all people around
see and hear what you're doing...people who tried it ,seems to like it...but
it is in Aw.. so it has its limits...

> I give credit where credit is due. You give him no credit. You seem to
> think hes some little cracker skript-kiddie wannabe. Well, earth calling
> MilesTeg, hes not. He is a good guy, but its people like you who make him
> look bad by starting rumors of "HES STEALIMG ME OBJECTS!!! I HAD NO
> MACHNE BUT HE ISD FRUNNN!!!". I think those little kids sitting behind
> their computer trying to crack the FBI and such have no life, and need a
> swift kick in the rear.

I gave him no credits? is my english so bad? I said "like we really do" ,
meaning we give Sleepy E credits too...
Programming is my job, i'm not a teen, boy, I do understand what Sleepy E is
able to do and it is more than I can .. I do not consider him as a script
kiddie..he is a very smart guy. hey ! read my name MilesTeg, not eep!

> I wouldn't be so quick to judge, I do know sleepy e's real name! *shock
> horror* My gosh. Maybe, just maybe, it was from his... Email address?
> Wow, I should power up and win your game. Maybe... not. I dont think
> creative enough to use "Sleepy E" as a name. How would I not know? You
> dont know me, you aren't me, you have no idea what I know.

So you know for sure that the one who entered our world,at a time you didn t
know, was Sleepy E?
well you know more than us, boy.. feel free to share your info, I bet
worldowners will appreciate and this kind of thread would have no reason...
ahahah how could you know how creative I am... no wonder if you judge person
as fast as you judge world you didn t even see.. LOL you re funny guy ..
you re a worldowner , aren't you ? let me know your worldname... i would be
glad to see your creativity..
and I promise i will not judge as fast as you do... :)
> we
> He was never looking for vulnerable world servers to take over. Hes was
> doing people a favor about notifying them that they needed to upgrade.
> is that a crime? As of now, no one should help anyone. Period.
did you read what i wrote? how could i know that it is really Sleepy E? you
know his real name.. but do you always know his ip address, his cit number ?
share with us , boy..
try to not misunderstand what i m saying ! I do appreciate Sleepy E giving
list of vulnerable worldserver, and I do appreciate his effort to find
security hole so AW can be safer....but that doesn t mean we don t have to
worry .. as long as we don't know who is really trying to hack.. . don't
expect worldowners to bend over and smile, just because You say we should...

> Take your medication and maybe there wouldn't be two of you.

we don t need medication... You just need to wait your hormonal level is low
enough to avoid to reply so animously...


> -Joe
> fault.
> tourist
> manipulation

Eep's Objects (was: Re: Object Path Protection)

Sep 14, 2002, 1:15am
why 'Boy'? because insulting people like you did, makes you appear
childish...don t you think?

I gave facts i had, you just gave me back insults...
Sure you were right.. it was really Sleepy E as it is shown in his posts in
andras NG.. the ip address is the same....
but did you need two insulting posts to gave us that info?

by the way ,sorry for my english faults....english is not my natural
language but i m sure you already checked the facts and noticed my ip
address is from france.

a'odd? nice world, only saw a farm at gz tho... well,a kind of farm..
cultivation is not very legal...

I added Ombre to my post because she read,over my shoulder , your insulting
post about the world we own...and agreed to my answer...
now, if you think we are one person, just ask Robbie ( you certainly know
him.. i saw his name in a'odd or maybe it is just someone with the same


"joeman" <joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d829a54 at
> Lame, lame, and more lame. First, I am not a boy. You are showing your
> insecurities by calling me one. Second, well, below.
[View Quote]

world help

Sep 16, 2002, 6:35pm
Hi pc Hard o,

connect to your router via your webbrowser
log in with your password ( 'admin' is default password)
select Virtual Server
add :
Service Ports 7777 ( if your world config is the default)
Server IP internal_ip_of_your_server_here
chech the 'enable' checkbox
click on save button then click on reboot button..
that should be enough :))


"pc hard o" <daniel at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d863c8a$1 at
> Hi, Andras.
> I am using the router you are not finished with, SMC BroadBand/Barricade
> --
> Best Regards,
> Daniel André Johansen
> SilverSky WebDesign
> Organization Number: 984 637 489
> Phone: +47 994 95 244
> E-Mail: daniel at
> ICQ: 7004435
> "andras" <andras at> skrev i melding
> news:3D8616F4.CEB9F037 at
> my
> have
> Anyone

Fun for all programmers!

Oct 6, 2002, 9:58am
well actually it is an activex dll so it is a bit more complicated.
its prototype is include in the dll in a type library format.. you need a
COM compliant software to use it easily :)


"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3DA010F7.7D25C110 at
> With a given prototype you can load/use a Win32 DLL with all Win32
> compiler languages and with most P-code compilers and interpreters
> too. You don't need M$ products for that.
> Without a prototype, it's quite useless though.
> LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress and FreeLibrary are the functions you
> will need. Store the function pointers that you get from GetProcAddress
> in pointer variables, typically like
> <returntype> (FAR _stdcall *foo) (<parameterlist);
> You can then call those functions like
> ret = (*foo)(<parameters>);
[View Quote]

Fun for all programmers!

Oct 6, 2002, 1:15pm
actually ocx is an activex dll which implements several specific interfaces
to interact with its container. his dll is simply an activex dll, not an
ocx. :)

"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3DA02955.4EA9525B at
> oh, more an OCX then with a wrong extension
[View Quote]

Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 12:16pm
that is wrong dan
He doesn t work in Mutation, we ejected him several times

He is not welcome in Mutation


"d a n" <awdan at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3e69f740 at
> 1. Use a spellchecker
> 2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P
> ---
> D a n

Certain worlds don't work on my 3.4 browser.

Jul 2, 2003, 7:47pm
hi Ferrucio,
first of all, be sure you are using the latest build (494).
second, maybe you are not crashing at all, the app is just too busy
downloading that it stops responding but if you wait long enough ( and that
could be loooong depending on your connection speed) , it will respond
again. This happened to me with some earlier build when i visited some
worlds with heavy downloads.

I hope this help,

"ferruccio" <startrek3 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3f034e48 at
> I have a radeon 9700 pro, and others that have the same card do not crash.
> also note from the first post that I tried all the graphics settings, and
> have run scandisk all the time and no corrupted files were found. I will
> try clearing my cache though. I do not think the issue is graphics, since
> this problem occurs under *all* graphics settings, and in 3.3, it doesn't
> crash at all.

AW3 world contest

Oct 5, 2000, 5:18am
Well I m surprised my world is not on the list.. as I sent an email to
Lucrezia for that...... :(
anyway come to see it and Enjoy ;)
world : LostEden


"activeworlds" <eep at> wrote

> These are the worlds participating in the AW3 contest:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: RE: Hey :)
> Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 07:30:21 -0700
> From: "Mandee Tatum/Lucrezia Borgia" <lucrezia at>
> To: "Eep2" <eep at>
> Enclosed is the list - the true list of 3D worlds, as you will see, is
> significantly lower than the number of worlds who applied to be part of
> competition.
> Some of them are really quite creative.....
> Citizen Name: Who
> Citizen Number: 230147
> World Name: Eth2
> Citizen Name: hellcrown
> Citizen Number: 267615
> World Name: zer0rez
> Citizen Name: Elvira 1
> Citizen Number: 308783
> World Name: Contest1
> Citizen Name: Cyberhar
> Citizen Number:293790
> World Name: Contest2
> cyberhar at
> Citizen Name: Argon the Aware
> Citizen Number: 184149
> World Name: Contest3
> Citizen Name: DM Ecnarf
> Citizen Number: 316935
> World Name: Contest4
> Citizen Name: Zero
> Citizen Number: 272487
> World Name: Y2o0o
> Citizen Name: Atomic Jello
> Citizen Number: 299922
> World Name: groove!
> Citizen Name: jippydawg
> Citizen Number: 304274
> World Name: Asgard
> Citizen Name: Captain Paladin
> Citizen Number: 319967
> World Name: Contest5
> Citizen Name: Twissy3000
> Citizen Number: 304678
> World Name: Contest6
> Citizen Name: Imagine
> Citizen Number: 284220
> World Name: Image
> Citizen Name: Eep
> Citizen Number: 198174
> World Name: Hole & Cubed
> Citizen Name: Myrth
> Citizen Number: 302202
> World Name: Zymos
> Citizen Name: Moff Piet
> Citizen Number: 272775
> World Name: Avatar
> Citizen Name: Lord Neo
> Citizen Number: 306067
> World Name: Contest7
> Citizen Name: Starcube
> Citizen Number: 318536
> World Name: Contest8
> Citizen Name: Tim Case
> Citizen Number: 304543
> World Name: Contest9
> Citizen Name: Agent1
> Citizen Number: 309603
> World Name: Contst10
> Citizen Name: Killerjoe
> Citizen Number: 306962
> World Name: Killer
> Citizen Name: DarkAngel
> Citizen Number: 315520
> World Name: Gaia
> Citizen Name: Cybernome
> Citizen Number: 282933
> World Name: CyberNet
> Citizen Name: Maka
> Citizen Number: 316332
> World Name: MaKa4eVa
> Citizen Name: Jude
> Citizen Number: 304555
> World Name: Contst11
> Citizen Name: Legolas
> Citizen Number: 310922
> World Name: Contst12
> Citizen Name: Concept
> Citizen Number: 287604
> World Name: a'pfa
> Citizen Name: Carre
> Citizen Number: 287604
> World Name: a'tuin2
> Citizen Name: Lady Murasaki
> Citizen Number: 3l3618
> World Name: Samurai
> Citizen Name:Elysium
> Citizen Number: 270679
> World Name:A!$FREE$
> Citizen Name: Faelinn
> Citizen Number: 290665
> World Name: Falias
> Citizen Name: magz
> Citizen Number: 302472
> World Name: viperx2
> Citizen Name: Ao Kajree Tanay
> Citizen Number: 299823
> World Name: bldhere
> Citizen Name:The Mogul Lord
> Citizen Number:312006
> World Name: Lore
> Citizen Name:Jakkin
> Citizen Number:310717
> World Name:Arcane
> Citizen Name: Abbot Pabisoko
> Citizen Number:279098
> World Name:Trelan
> Citizen Name:Seawizard
> Citizen Number:173761
> World Name:Aquan
> Citizen Name: zzzl
> Citizen Number: 316114
> World Name: zzz
> Citizen Name: vision7
> Citizen Number:316333
> World Name: Urantia7

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