milesteg // User Search

milesteg // User Search

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Adressed to all the caretakers !

Jan 15, 2002, 8:28am
Hi SW Chris,
Could you , please, look at all the names , not just one.
Especially when the one you mention was not the first to sign.
I was the first to sign the list and I was at the top with my world

The list is in alphabetical order,now. Does it look better?

coCT of LostEden

"sw chris" <chris at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c43bafe at
> Hear hear. Well.. look at it this way and look who's at the top of the
> list. :|
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

Adressed to all the caretakers !

Jan 15, 2002, 9:08am
protests and boycotts don t hurt the community, it is AWC that hurted the
community..did you already forget?
tourists were the majority of the worldtravellers.To whom caretakers will
show their worlds? to the zillion customers of netbroadcast? LOL.. how many
of them will give their CC just for a try of AW? Do you give your CC for a
trial? NO WAY!!! this is what we think,so let us do what we think is best
for us.We want to show our disagreement with AWC and we think 'red worlds'
is one of the possible way to be heard. this is called freedom to speech.
but maybe you have better ideas? so tell us what you are doing to save our


"goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3C436AC9.7010209 at
> Haven't we already been over this? All protests and boycotts do is hurt
> the community! AWC could care less if you close your worlds or not;
> they'll figure it's the AWC-sponsored worlds that draw in visitors, not
> yours.
> Besides, if this is for all world owners, then why isn't this in the
> worldbuilders NG?
[View Quote]

Adressed to all the caretakers !

Jan 15, 2002, 10:11am
Hi Wizard
I agree with you, upgrade and improvement have a price and we are not
against price increase.
If you read the URL, we are talking about the need of CC information BEFORE
trying the software and that will hurt badly the number of new citizens. We
think this must be changed and that is the reason of our action.
I do understand your point of view regarding your builders and maybe we can
ask AW for an improvement like making the Enter box bigger ;)). seriously,
we respect your decision to let your world open, but there are many ways to
support us and signs in your GZ would make it perfectly, if you agree with
our goal, of course..


"wizard myrddin" <Wiz at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c44185a at
> O/k I'm one of the many aw cits that are waiting to see what happens.
> To the point you make about going to red status world, we have public
> building worlds in which we have approximately 60 builders. If we take all
> this advice it will hurt aw? no way the only people it hurts is the
> and we will never do this.
> We shall always remain open to provide to our builders and the community,
> public building worlds.
> AW is just doing what other virtual environments have done for years,
> the realm, or dreamscape yes there is some you don't pay, but look at the
> quality and services.
> Perhaps as many say aw don't listen, if this is the case why bother
> upgrading the client software to put new facilities that people have asked
> for?
> Try going to Microsoft or any other commercial software house and ask for
> something to be put in the software!
> Yes might happen, but you pay for it at the shop counter.
> Perhaps we have had it so good for so long now its catching up with us.
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 10:31am
hi Johnny,
are you sure his bot entered your world?
i host several worlds and this bot only entered in the green ones not the
private one


"johnny b" <uniquect at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c74dfd1$1 at
> So you're saying this is YOUR bot Grimm ???
> If so..... Don't you think it would have been nice if we world owners
> INFORMED of this ?? I know " I'D " like to know exactly what information
> this bot gathered, as my worlds are CLOSED and PRIVATE...... and see no
> reason as to why AWC needs to know the content of such......
> Anyone else disturbed by this ?
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 10:38am
Hi MrGrimm,
could you tell us how your bot can enter worlds where it has no bot right?


"mrgrimm" <will at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c74b376$1 at
> The bot is building a search index, using the world name, title, and
> keywords (3.3 feature). That IP is my dev server.
> -MrGrimm/9 9 9
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 2:16pm
I am waiting for a response from MrGrimm.
No offense KAH but you are not working for AW so I doubt you can give us any
proof of what you re saying.
if it is what you said then MrGrimm will confirm that :)

if he doesn t answer, that would mean you could be right too .....


"kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c7502e5 at
> it's logged on on cit #1 and cit#1 has CT in all worlds in the universe,
> can do whatever it wants to. If the AWC go mad they can even change the
> content of all worlds and change the rights and everything...
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 12:04am
a beta test ???
Is MrGrimm so sure of his work, he uses a beta software on real worlds???
what would happened if his bot sent an 'aw_delete_all_objects' command?
sure he is too smart to make such a mistake... BUT he gambles on our works !
would he send an email to worldowners saying 'sorry, i was doing a test'
this is not a lack of communication, this is a lack of professionalism.
or this is no more a beta ... so where is the email saying now they will use
a bot to enter my world without my permission? lack of communication for
sure ,lack of professionalism too.

Don t bother us with your sueing actions, legal is not the point, TRUST is
our main purpose:
show me a single line in the aw website where it is said Cit 1 has
unrestricted rights in every world? this could have been easily added to the
help file about rights...I simply can t trust someone that doesn t tell all
the truth.
sure AWCom can stop my world from running, that s part of our contract if i
misuse their products but in our contract it is said:
_You will also have full control over user functions like building, public
speaking, and who may visit your world._
(see ).. well what the heck
is doing this bot in my worlds.. i gave no bot right to user 1 !!!

The last few months have been rude.. they should act very cautiously , that
doesn t mean Hidden !! , that means clearly in front of us, and saying what
they want to do BEFORE actually doing it!!
I certainly could give them bot access if they asked for.

Oh yes , for now his bot just entered and left.. but what will do the next
adding an advertising sign in our world GZ? and what else?

What will happen if a dumb AWCOM staff member click on the wrong button of a
bot? just because he is using Cit 1Priv, he can delete everything...
well that is frightening to know that this cit 1 priv is used by every ppl
working in AWCOM..
if they need to use 'God' power to do their duty then it shows something is
wrong here...this must not be used on a day to day basis.. because one day
they will make a mistake, THIS IS HUMAN !! this should be use on only rare
and very specific occasions, and certainly not a trivial indexing thing.

Your point is they need to make an index that will be included in the next
hey! that their softwares!! , they can change universe and world softwares
so they can share these informations. This bot using Cit1Priv is not a
solution, that sounds like an urging patch to get this indexing feature
available in time....a poor way to do things, very unprofessionnal.
Certainly a commercial decision, not a programmer decision.

your google comparison is irrelevant.... If i want a web site to be private
, i use a restricted access and none will be able to enter even googgle
....except the ones i selected .Does it sound familiar? well that was exactly
how a world WAS supposed to work......

I m really angry about this new stupid action from AWCom , and I say AWCom ,
not MrGrimm nor You, Joe.


"joeman" <Joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c755af9$1 at
> It was a beta test. Beta for crying out loud! It didn't touch anything,
> just entered, and left. That's all... Nothing was harmed. Your making
> a big thing out of this "Oh! Lets ban grimm for doing his job!" and
> illegal!". It was a test of the system. Go ban it if you don't like, but
> don't make false claims of something being illegal. Its just like google
> coming up and recording your website address, that is not illegal or
> -Joe
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 12:14am
Do you let enter anyone just because he has the master key?
what is he hidding in his other hand?

my world is public to people, not to bots

"dion" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c7598c4$1 at
> By MrGrimm:
> "The bot only enters public worlds. It only looks at the world name
> list), title (world attrib), and keywords (world attrib), nothing else.
> These values are used for the world search page in AW3.3."
> Hello? He said it only enters public worlds! If your world is public, you
> must not be worried about people entering it and since the bot is doing no
> harm and is only in for a split second to take information, why are you
> wining? If you don't want the bot to come in, make your world private.
> Using that same analogy, if you have a party open to everyone in your
> you cannot just tell the landlord that he/she is not allowed to come.
> Especially since he/she takes one step in, looks around, and leaves. What
> would you be worried about then?
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 7:28am
are you really thinking that search engine use a backdoor??? LOL
I can t believe you said that.. LOL

does a search engine use a backdoor in http protocol? NO WAY
they use a simple http get request like any other browser do and most are
kindly enough to send an http header identifying their special browser and
most even check for a robot.txt file in your web site where they could find
your policies.
and you paied someone to disallow search engine on your website ??!! he
could easily do that...if it is not working like you want , it is not
because search engine use a backdoor.. it is just because this person took
your money and did nothing for you......if you need a private web site,
things will be even easier to do...


"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3c75ee7f$1 at
> How in the hell do search engines work, ananas?
> SW Chris
[View Quote]

looking for citizens

Apr 11, 2002, 9:21pm
Well try to not set your refresh to 1 .. especially when you have several
mp3 of few megs each .....

sure that is not a world for everyone.. LOL


"baro" <baronjutter at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3caf5a43 at
> Hello there, some of you know the world AVATAR but most do not. The
> version of the world has been around for over a year now and has a small
> handful of citizens. In the last few weeks we've really started building
> the citizen community in Avatar and have come to a point where more
> would be welcome.
> This world isn't for everyone, it has strict theme and realism guidelines
> and build is only given to people who are interested in the community.
> Also, this a world for people who are a little sick of the aw path or just
> want to try something new. There is not a single aw object or texture in
> this world. If there is a wall size, texture, or feature that a citizen
> would like for their project, it is more often than not promptly created
> for the citizen. We don't believe in restricting people's creativity with
> rigid (or disgusting and tacky) object path.
> Included in a reply to this are a couple screen shots to perhaps peek your
> interest.
> -BARO!

3.3 Bug : gesture change event doesn t propagate correctly

Jul 2, 2002, 9:28pm
Hi Folks,

Description in AW Browser 3.3:
when you click on a gesture the first time , it works and everyone around
you see it..
but if you click again on the same gesture, no ppl around nor bot see it...
except you!
you can walk , wait few seconds and click again... stil not working...
it only works when you click on another gesture...

Description in SDK Build24:
when an avatar_change event is received ,
the AW_AVATAR_GESTURE property remains at the last clicked gesture id even
if this gesture is finished. It should be 0 when no gesture is in

it was working fine before 3.3 release so I guess it comes from a bug in the
3.3 browser.


PS: maybe it should be forwarded to beta NG by one of those who can ;)

3.3 Bug : gesture change event doesn t propagate correctly

Jul 3, 2002, 9:48am
after some testing , i have to make a precision:
no avatar_change event is raised when you click again on the same gesture!
that s even worse than what i thought at first ;))


AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 14, 2002, 8:03pm
"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at> a écrit dans le message de
news: 3d31ac5a$1 at
> Nah I don't have a problem with you being different, I respect that. It's
> just most Europeans blame the Americans for being different. We're just
> keeping your old customs :P.
are you really trying to protect epp's intolerance with such a mindless
comment about what "most" europeans are thinking...LOL poor baby.. so the
bad guys are the evil europeans who are soooo bad at you.....and it surely
allows eep to be mean. Wake up kiddo.. the point here is that eep is
intolerant... nothing more.. forget all the rest..
So, please,try to undersand what they're saying here.. They are not saying
your way to format numbers is dumb ! by the way, did you notice that only
eep is saying that to their way to format numbers ?
So don t take that for an attack to americans... :)
I m french and have friends in the USA.. I have no problem with them nor
with others americans ..
I know no europeans that blame americans for being differents.. LOL that so
away from reality....
but for sure they can blame you if you force them to change their customs ..
See,here in France we use a simple space to separate thousands and often we
even don t use anything..
Then , Did i post to ask eep to change the way he writes numbers? no,
because i know we all have differents way to write things and as long as I
can understand,there s no problem for me.... that the way internet opens our
mind... and that is called Tolerance... and it seems to be a notion that
eep doesn t want to understand...

By the way, You should not consider Europe as a whole.. Europe is a melting
pot.. and for your customs, most of them are from English folk so please
don't think it is common in all Europe.( especially when an english person
like ncc 72897 claims their differences.... )

sheesh.. where is the friendly aw spirit, Bowen .. :)


AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 15, 2002, 7:00am
"bowen" <thisguyisashimmyritzer at> a écrit dans le message de
news: 3d323684$1 at
> Wow a monster.. what are you talking about? I'm disagreeing with eep,
> it again.

LOL you re funny guy..
you re disagreeing with eep? but i see no post where i can read that..
let me quote your first post in this thread:
answering to eep:
"Uh oh, better quit while we're ahead. ;) I smell a flame war in the
is that a disagree ? could you tell me what this "we" is? eep and you? why
do you use "we"? because you re both americans? so tell me now if it is
really a peacefull post or just some fuel for a flame war? ... sheesh grow
up kid....LOL

> Europeans are very stereotypical and mean to Americans. This
> applies to MOST of them I've met. Not all, most. NCC being a clear
> of that. If our customs are different, we're stupid apparently. I'm not
> being intolerant. Don't know where you got that from.

europeans are very stereotypical?? LOL just tell me, how many countries did
you visit to get that idea? let me guess.. none .. so who is stereotypical
now? You watch to much tv
hey , i don t wear a beret on my head nor i listen accordeon nor i have a
bread under my arm.. LOL
Sure NCC is intolerant.. bah we all have to endure eep-like people ;)))))
but it doesn t mean most of the european are.
You can have your own customs , i see no problem and you don t appear stupid
for that

> I don't care how you format numbers, it doesn't matter as long as we can
> both understand each other. And reasonably using periods in place of
> is pretty confusing since you do have to worry about decimals. I prefer
> comma system.

the whole point is exactly here, Bowen.... confusion... your system confused
drubi in the first place.. because he/she has different customs than
yours... It was here eep should have shown some tolerance and accepted the
idea that your system can confuse other ppl exactly the same way their
systems can confuse him... noone is wrong using one s own system..

> I know, but a lot of Europeans have ill manners towards the US. Using
> France as an example, My friend was visiting and a lot of the people on
> street acted snobby to him soely because he was from the US.

people on the street were able to see he was american then decided to snob
him? LOL
do you think it appeared above his head ,a red flashing sign saying "hey i m
american" ? LOL
i lived a long time in paris and what is sure is that most of people on the
streets are too busy walking fast and thinking of their own problems than to
worry about people around them...So they could appear snobby, but it has
nothing todo with your friend being american.. :)

> so
> Did you read NCC's post? :D Apparently he's from England.
> ..
> we
> I'm not trying to force them? Spacing is easier too, nothing might be the
> best, excluding decimals.
> our
> I didn't tell you to change? Why are you picking me out, I said I
> that you're different.

you re right , you didn t ask me to change. the "you" in my sentence was a
more general you.. well maybe a notion that exist only in french , sorry if
i was not clear.I think your right word is "one" .."they can blame the ones
that force them to change".... i was not picking you out.. read it again..
it is all about eep...because he, in his own way, asked drubi to change...
and don t forget you appear to defend him.. so you appear to agree with

> melting
> So is the US :P. Different areas of the US are like the different areas
> Europe. You'd be surpised. The northeast (where I am) is more European
> like, while the southeast is the redneck country (not all of them but the
> majority). The west is the rich people since it costs a fortune to have a
> freaking house over there. So on so forth :D
> Hey I was friendly, just pointed the origins of things out and why people
> blame the US for being different when we basically use their customs they
> gave us.

except this thread was just about the bad manners of eep... don t see in
this a blame on US...ananas was just showing how eep is unable to accept
different customs than his own....

ok that s my last post in this thread, contact me by mail if you want more
explanation Bowen :)

Have fun in aw :)


> --Bowen--

AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 15, 2002, 8:46am
you are too much ;)))

( no contraction this time.. a lot safer ;))) )


"eep" <eepNOSPAM at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3D329C29.B367F353 at
> Hey, miles, contractions have apostophes (') in them. ;P
[View Quote]

Mutation, an adventure game world

Sep 10, 2002, 8:40am
Hi Folks,

Ombre and I are glad to open our multi-player adventure game in a heroic
fantasy world called 'Mutation'
Solve the puzzles , alone or with your friends....
Learn Magic ... Face or avoid your opponents.... And defeat the mighty
To'Rak to fulfill your quest.

But always keep in mind that your intelligence is your best asset.


for more info:


Mutation, an adventure game world

Sep 10, 2002, 3:20pm
Mutation use gesture buttons to interact with bot. as gesture events are not
sent by 3.4 browser, you should not be able to see your status nor to cast
I m working on adding a command line feature to fix this problem...

and i hope aw will fix that before they release 3.4 ....


Mutation, an adventure game world

Sep 17, 2002, 9:55pm
Hi folks :)

for those who are interested,
the command line has been added ,
type /commands to get the list of avalaible commands ...

for the curious, there's a new feature that show you your actual position on
a map of Mutation
it is in the status page.. reachable by a click on the 'Status' button or by
typing '/s'

Enjoy !


"milesteg" <MilesTeg at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d7e29de$1 at
> Mutation use gesture buttons to interact with bot. as gesture events are
> sent by 3.4 browser, you should not be able to see your status nor to cast
> spell...
> I m working on adding a command line feature to fix this problem...
> and i hope aw will fix that before they release 3.4 ....
> Regards,
> MilesTeg

MAFIA RPG - Jobs open

Nov 5, 2002, 12:29pm
Hi swe,
Carlsbank is in charge of nothing in Mutation.
Only Ombre and I are...and we like to see new game worlds coming..
so please ,understand carls is talking in his name not in Mutation name
he is an enthusiastic player but he is only this.. a player .
Now, on mutation, you re right , it is not a rpg game (not yet at least) but
an adventure game in a multi player environment..
And as players asked for more rpg features, we are working on it actually.

you are welcome in Mutation,


"swe" <swe at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3dc7ddc2 at
> Stop your spam. We don't care about your lame wannabe rpg (and i mean
> mutation, not mafia).
[View Quote]

MAFIA RPG - Jobs open

Nov 5, 2002, 12:33pm
you re right Nornny
especially because Mutation is not his game and now Ombre and I have to
suffer about his big mouth.


"nornny11" <Nornny1 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3dc7dff2$1 at
> #4 That is the stupidest excuse for flaming a community advertisement in
> whole entire universe.
> #5 Stop spamming the newsgroup. Lesson in PR, don't attack other RPGs, it
> only makes yours look worse when you have to compare it to others.
> --
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
[View Quote]

Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 12:16pm
that is wrong dan
He doesn t work in Mutation, we ejected him several times

He is not welcome in Mutation


"d a n" <awdan at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3e69f740 at
> 1. Use a spellchecker
> 2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P
> ---
> D a n


Jun 9, 2004, 11:51am
Whatever your friend does ,she is downloading the old version of the
avatar.dat file.
This is probably because this old file is cached somewhere between her and
the objectpath webserver.
So i guess her internet connection is set to use her isp proxy.
she can either remove the proxy settings or simply be patient and hope her
isp proxy will update soon.


"ciena" <nikona at> a écrit dans le message de
news:40c70ffd$1 at
> a friend deleted her av dat file to load the new avatars but she still
> the old avatar list. she even deleted all her cashe and still only sees
> old avatar list. she also reinstalled aw and overwrote the old one and
> rebooted but still sees the old avatar list. can anyone please help with
> this?


Jun 9, 2004, 2:41pm
no, that makes no difference.
a proxy can be used on any kind of connection.
if you are curious, check this to learn what a proxy is :

It could happen your friend's ISP is automatically using a proxy and
therefore there is nothing she can do except wait until the proxy cache
dumps the old file. what is her ISP?

Ask her to check if a proxy is set in Microsoft Internet Explorer:
On the [Tools] menu, click [Internet options].
Click the [Connections] tab.
Click the [LAN Settings] or [Settings] button, depending on how she connects
to Internet.
See if [Use a proxy server] or [Automatically detect Settings] checkbox is


"ciena" <nikona at> a écrit dans le message de
news:40c72a13$1 at
> She also has ASDL if that makes a difference
[View Quote]

Need to make a black box...

Aug 6, 2004, 6:34am
i am afraid you will get no suggestion because it is currently impossible.
lights (world light or local light) are not 'blocked' by objects.


"lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at> a écrit dans le message de
news:4113410d$1 at
> I'm just trying to alter an aw pictwllh.rwx so that no light from outside
> gets into the box or on anything in the box, so far no suggestions have
> gotten me to that goal but thanks all anyway!
> --
[View Quote]

Need to make a black box...

Aug 6, 2004, 7:05am
btw, there are few workarounds but it is a tedious task,
you have to use inside your black box a modified version of your objects.

first workaround:
-you edit all the objects to modify the Diffuse commands so that your
objects are not affected by the directional lights (world or local lights )
and/or modify the Ambiant commands if you want your objects not to be
affected by the world ambiant light . Remember to modify the Surface
commands ( ) too as
it is a shortcut for the Diffuse and Ambiant commands.
-you manually prelight the vertices ( ).

Second workaround:
-you remove the 'Lit' arguments of the Texturemodes commands, like Paul
- you modify the textures to apply the light directly on them.
unfortunatly this second workaround is useless on most of aw objects. it is
more usefull for 'skinned' objects ( UV only between 0 and 1, no texture


"milesteg" <milesteg at> a écrit dans le message de
news:4113429c$1 at
> i am afraid you will get no suggestion because it is currently impossible.
> lights (world light or local light) are not 'blocked' by objects.
> Regards,
> MilesTeg
> "lady nighthawk" <dmurtagh27 at> a écrit dans le message de
> news:4113410d$1 at
> world
> inside

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