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bot click detection bug?

Oct 17, 2002, 8:50pm
Hi magine, i had the same problem after i installed the beta world server...
i cleared all properties and reloaded from a dump and then the problem


"magine" <magine at> a écrit dans le message de news:
> I'm finding that bots are having a hard time detecting clicks on objects
> lately. It seems to be a problem when running an instance in global
> mode, detecting clicks that are in areas far from the bot. Sometimes the
> bot will receive an OBJECT_CLICK event, and sometimes not. I've been
> using the beta SDK (build 27), but I also tested with the previous
> version (build 24) and had the same problem. However, the problem only
> began in the last month or two. Could it be a glitch in with the new
> world server (rather than the SDK)?
> -Magine

[VB] RichTextBoxTab

Nov 11, 2002, 9:24pm
"bowen" <thisguyrules at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3dd0314a$1 at
[View Quote] it is a snap in java ;)))


[VB] RichTextBoxTab

Nov 11, 2002, 9:46pm
"bowen" <thisguyrules at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3dd03cc6 at
> Psh, you java monkey!
> --Bowen--

yup...houba houba.. :))
*jumping back to his java tree*



Nov 17, 2002, 1:10pm
"baron" <pk39srt at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3dd78fed$1 at
> Anyone knows if/how you can restore the 3d window after sending a URL with
target=aw_3d without having the user "clicking on the large X button "?
> ================
> From
> New in 3.3: you can now specify the special target keyword aw_3d with the
url command. This causes the triggered web page to replace the 3D window
instead of being sent to a separate web window. For example:
> activate url target=aw_3d
> Once the 3D window has been replaced with a web page, it can be restored
by clicking on the large X button in the upper right corner of the new web
> -Baron

you can do it with a javascript on the webpage .. but it will ask the user
if he wants to allow this operation... :)


Event Subscriptions ... Where's the filter?

Nov 24, 2002, 10:52pm
i love that one :)))))))))


"joeman" <joeman at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3de172ac$1 at
> Nah, you're forgetting that the program can look ahead into itself, and
> check what events are set, whenever. The SDK would send a mask for all
> of the events.
> -Joe
[View Quote]

Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 12:16pm
that is wrong dan
He doesn t work in Mutation, we ejected him several times

He is not welcome in Mutation


"d a n" <awdan at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3e69f740 at
> 1. Use a spellchecker
> 2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P
> ---
> D a n

Question about setting owner for aw_object_add ()

Apr 27, 2003, 7:23pm
use aw_object_load


"ubermonkey" <henry at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3eac4854$1 at
> I'm writing a bit of a game here, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows
> there's a way to have the bot set the owner of an object it creates to
> something other than the ppw owner used to start the bot. (note: this is
> my world, where I am caretaker and have all rights)
> The issue in question is that the users can destroy pieces of the
> environment (causing them to be deleted). When I reset the environment,
> bot uses the stored data of all the destroyed objects to reconstruct
them -
> this works fine. However, the owner is always set to my citnum, regardless
> of what citnum I tell it (aw_int_set (AW_OBJECT_OWNER,whatever);), which
> problematic considering that other people are also building in the world,
> and when their destructable objs get reset, they are then owned by me,
> making it impossible for them to alter them.
> Any ideas?
> -Monkey

Elevdump Format

Jun 1, 2003, 8:08pm
it is something like:
{PageX} {PageZ} {NodeX} {NodeZ} {NodeRadius} {TextureCount} {HeightCount}
{space separated Texture list} {space separated Height list}


"tony m" <ag5v1u7001 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
6pskdv0ta8tqdt5f81qi7o3rra6unq6uoa at
> has the propdump format published; does anybody have anything
similar for the elevdump format?

Getting "my" session number

Jun 9, 2003, 2:33pm
int aw_session (void)



"kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message de news:
Xns9395B5A2D6B45kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> Hi, I need to find out the bot's own session number (in conjunction with
> building), if possible. I'm somehow persuaded there is a way, but I can't
> for the life of my remember or find it.
> Thanks in advance for any help :-))

Problemes using AW SDK with visual c++

Jun 20, 2003, 2:41pm
the problem is not from where the set function is called, it is how member
functions are handled in C++.
Even if your function signature looks like void bar(void), in fact its true
signature is void bar(this*);
C++ add 1 parameter in first position, this parameter is a pointer to the
object on which the function is called.
this is why a function for event or callback needs to be a 'raw' c function
or a static function of a class.


"bowen" <Bowen at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3ef331bf$2 at
[View Quote]

No click events (new world server)

Jun 28, 2003, 8:00pm
do you have the same problem with 3.4 sdk?


"kf" <none at junk.mail> a écrit dans le message de news:
3EFDF37C.B74 at junk.mail...
> There seems to be some problem with the actual world server in
> combination with older (3.3) sdk versions.
> When in global mode, it is quite easy and reliable to get an
> object_click event in small worlds (eg. 10NSWE), while in bigger worlds,
> it is almost impossible to get such an event at all, even not when the
> avatar clicking and the application monitoring are the only two
> instances in the world.
> Clicking on an object 10, 20 and more times often yields but 1
> click_event raised, often none at all. The avatar in question is,
> though, recognized fine via avatar_add, avatar_change and avatar_delete
> on every occasion.
> Logging the application out and in, logging the avatar out and in, even
> using a different dsl line or computer all make no difference and result
> in the same no-event. Same for different time periods of raising
> sdk_wait. Whether it is 1000 or 100 miliseconds all make no difference.
> Is this a global incompatibility of world server 3.4 with sdk 3.3 - or
> just a bug?

No click events (new world server)

Jun 28, 2003, 8:45pm
ok , so if you expect this to be a worldserver issue, then it is probably
related to some trouble I experienced with sdk 3.4 and posted on the beta a
while ago. this was the lost of click event.
This haven't happened to me for a while now tho.
The only way I found to fix that problem is to restart the world and reload
the properties from a dump.

I hoep this help.


"kf" <none at junk.mail> a écrit dans le message de news:
3EFE15A5.77C4 at junk.mail...
> No, idea, there is no 3.4 for VB yet <eg>.
> However, this is more of a general problem, as Xelag noted before
> already on another occasion, some applications are supposed to run with
> different versions of a world server and at least the main events are
> expected to be consistant through the versions - and if not, at least
> some note in the sdk would be helpful.
> This is definitely not a sdk issue, but a world server issue - since the
> very same applications run fine with the old (3.3) world servers.
> IMO there are some more world server problems as well, I heard eg. about
> the CT rights not to be respected properly, and personally, I experience
> some strange behaviour of ratings settings when world parameters are
> changed in some cases (I am still investigating that, some world simply
> set the rating themselves to a different value...) and two other issues
> that also appear buggy to me, I also managed already twice to crash the
> world server out of the blue from the browser - so I hope there will be
> soon a world server update in which this problem here could be addressed
> as well. :-)
[View Quote]

No click events (new world server)

Jul 11, 2003, 4:51am
Mutation is a P70 world handled by an invisible bot in global mode and it
works fine.
it uses sdk 31

I am wondering, in your test , are you using a visible global mode bot?
the fact it is a visible bot could be the origin of the problem.


"kf" <none at junk.mail> a écrit dans le message de news:
3F0DFE9F.7321 at junk.mail...
> I experience this generally with global bots. I did not try many
> combinations of worlds and settings yet, but it certainly happens in
> worlds bigger than 20 NSWE and with terrain and water (latest world
> server, latest sdk).
> Re-starting the world or doing complete dumps and reloads won't change
> it, just sometimes, shortly after login, it works in rare cases, but
> after a while, all item click events beyond ca. 12 cells from the bots
> location stop.
> This started with the 3.4 world server - on the 3.3 world server, it
> worked fine in the same world and with the same application (thus, a 3.3
> sdk in a 3.4 world shows the same incorrect behvaiour).
[View Quote]

No click events (new world server)

Jul 11, 2003, 7:00am
well like i said, i have no problem with a global mode bot to detect click
in the whole world (P70)
May i suggest the problem could come from your code or the wrapper you use?

"kf" <none at junk.mail> a écrit dans le message de news:
3F0E78D3.7FB1 at junk.mail...
> I tried now running the very same application without propagating the
> status (invisible bot) and without using global mode:
> Bot is at 6N, object to be clicked is on 19N.
> 1) When using an invisible bot, the problem stays the same, the click
> event is first only rarely and after a short time not at all anymore
> raised, but when the object is moved to 17N, it works reliably every
> time.
> 2) When NOT using global mode, the click event is raised reliably every
> time (provided the object stays within the perception range of the bot,
> so it works eg. fine at 19N).
> Therefore, the problem is definitely related to the global event state,
> but I am not able to find out any further condition that could cause the
> problem.
[View Quote]

No click events (new world server)

Jul 11, 2003, 7:12pm
Did you try with another bot?
i am sure you can setup a xelagot or a preston and see if this bot detects
clicks that your bot doesn't detect. This is a needed test because it seems
that, so far, you are the only one having this problem.

Secondly, the problem could be a bug in sdk when the bot is in global AND
visible. just make your bot invisible in the worlds you found are
unreliable, this would help to clarify the problem. then you could try the
same with a xelagot and see if you see the same trouble.


"kf" <none at junk.mail> a écrit dans le message de news:
3F0F1DA6.4600 at junk.mail...
> I did now some extensive testing and...
> the very same application works well in some worlds, works less good in
> others and in a third group, it is very unreliable (all those worlds on
> the same world server). Even when using the same world settings, it
> behaves different in different worlds.
> Within these worlds, the behaviour is consistent, though - eg. leaving
> and coming back or stopping/starting the world will result in the very
> same behaviour as before.
> There seems to be some general pattern though: The slower the response
> on an object click event, the more likely it will, sooner or later, not
> raise an event at all.
> I conclude that this is a world server issue, since the same application
> yields on the same world server in worlds with same settings different
> results.
> It might have to do with how and where objects are stored and looked up
> in the database and an object lookup takes up a very short time or a
> long time (and when it takes a long time, some sort of event discard or
> timeout takes place which subsequently then not propagates the event).
> In worlds with an unreliable propagation, the "safe zone" is not
> centered around the bot or the ground zero, but the "safe" rectangle can
> be shifted into one direction (eg. you get reliable results up to 11N,
> but down to 20S), which points also to an object-related reason.
> The reason is definitely not the global mode itself and not the wrapper
> or sdk either, since, like said above, in some worlds it works well, in
> some less good and in others very unreliable (outside the "safe zone").
> Changing the aw_wait value does not make a difference in all that, btw.
> What I did not try yet is to set up a seperate world server and put the
> "unreliable" worlds into it - if it is working then, it was a matter of
> world server load situation either for the event queue or the object
> storage lookup.
[View Quote]

No click events (new world server)

Jul 11, 2003, 10:15pm
Did you try to reload the properties of a world that you saw unreliable?
try and tell me if it fix your problem
because few months ago, i experienced several times a lost of click events
and found that reloading the properties was solving the problem. this
problem didn t occur to me for a long time now, what world server build are
you using?


"kf" <none at junk.mail> a écrit dans le message de news:
3F0F4815.207D at junk.mail...
> I used Xelagot 3.419 for a cross check now (script:
> avatar_object_click.txt) - with exactly the SAME results.
> In fact, when running both applications at once, both see the same
> events raised and the same events not raised.
[View Quote]

No click events (new world server)

Jul 12, 2003, 8:08am
"andras" <andras at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3f0f7e06$2 at
[View Quote] I use a windows worldserver, that could explain i have no problem :)


Avatar location

Jul 31, 2003, 11:39am
nope, that is only way , listenning to
avatar_change/avatar_add/avatar_delete events and storing these informations
in whatever you want .

"swe" <swe at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3f2918c3 at
> hey, i need a little help with getting an avatars location. i want to know
> if there is anyway of finding an avatars location, without the need of
> keeping a database which updates every time an avatar moves?
> thanx :)
> -SWE

VB SDK Terrain Height Set

Aug 12, 2003, 8:39pm
HI , few months ago, a friend asked me for a bot to modify terrain
so I made Terraformer using Visual C net. it was my first bot in C++ :)
it is a console based bot that let the users interact with it via the chat
it has a basic rights feature so you can allow only few ppl to have full
access to it
it uses only 1 instance and is monothreaded but it still accept several
users requests in the same time ( using a queue to schedule them)
it loads terrain page when necessary so it can build way beyond world limit.

It is poorly commented but I hope this will help you


PS: if you want to compile it , you will need the boost library ( used for
the regexp)

"baron sweetman" <petrossadeletethis at> a écrit dans le message de
news:Xns93D574A618817petrossa at
> "bowen" <Bowen at> wrote in news:3f38ab37$1
> at
> for
> i tried that it works fine for 1 page, but whatever i tried i can't get
> it to put the pages right order. I thought i'd start with the most left
> up page, and work my way down, then backup next page to the right.
> I got some spectuacular results, but alas nothing like the original.
> Then i tried several other ways to get to another page which produced
> some more spectular results. I've asked on this forum a few times how it
> works, but it seems that it's a trade secret :(

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object changing help

Sep 12, 2003, 11:04pm
please post a more complete code ,
that would certainly help to see where is the problem :)


"swe" <swe at> a écrit dans le message de
news:3f626141$1 at
> i get the info when the user clicks the object, so im pretty sure its
> correct.
> -SWE
[View Quote]


Oct 21, 2003, 10:14am
the rotation is indicated in the 2 upper bits of the texture byte :

"codewarrior" <pete at> a écrit dans le message de
news:3f94b7d2$1 at
> The SDK doesn't seem to allow a bot to set the rotation of a
> given terrains texture, although the browser seems to have this
> capability.
> It would be nice if the SDK could specify a rotation value.

problem is aw_address

Mar 3, 2004, 9:21pm
hi DM Mercury, i use aw_address without problem but i don t use it like in
your pseudo code.

aw_address is a blocking function so you can t be sure of the context when
it returns because while in a blocking function , events can be raised. that
s why i suggest you use the callback.

a rule of thumb is to never use a blocking function in an event handler.
blocking function may appear simpler to use but they lead to many trouble in
a non trivial bot.

another point is that aw_address asks the world for the ip of the user so
you should do it only once, in the avatar_add event and then save the result
and associate it with this aw_session so you don t waste time asking the
server again and again :)


"dm mercury" <dmmercury at> a écrit dans le message de
news:40462e14 at
> I have been trying to make it so IP's are correctly logged when ever an
> event occurs. However when there are multiple people in the world, the IP
> that is looked up is reported as the same number as the first IP found on
> avatar add events. When chat occurs it displayes the correct IP so does
> exiting the world and object / avatar clicks.
> I have tried the code in VB (com wrapper), Microsoft Visual c++ and dev
> all produce the same results. Maybe i have made a dummy error with
> something, but i just cant seem to see why i am getting the same result
> the IP.
> this is the psudo code
> sdk.aw_addres(aw_int(aw_avatar_session));
> log (event, sdk.aw_int(aw_avatar_address), msg);

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 10:58am
Hi MrBruce,
Just a reminder :
ocx need to be registred.
To do so, you need to use an utility called regsvr32.exe that is in your
system directory
copy your ocx where it needs to be then drag it on the regsvr32 to register
it :)


"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d01e50e at
> Ok well, I have Windows ME and I ran into this problem months ago with
> BillyBobs RPG Bot and I put the file in my windows system file folder and
> that program still would not work.
> I had Brant's Paintball 2.4 and it worked fine it did not ask for this OCX
> exstension.
> I obviously need it for the bot to run, so I need to know exactly where to
> download AWSDKOCX.OCX that will work with Windows ME and how and where to
> install it so the Shoemakervillage 3.00 PaintballBot will find it and use
> correctly, without screwing up my OS.
> I would really like some detailed info as shamefully I admit I am not that
> knowlegeable about SDK or C++ or Visual Basic stuff. Being a world owner
> does not allow time to study these things LOL.
> MrBruce.
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 8, 2002, 4:32pm
did you try to register it like I posted earlier? :)


"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d024178 at
> One more thing, after adding the new awsdkocx5.ocx
> I am still getting the same error at startup of the bot as I posted in my
> first post, so that did not help either.
> MrBruce.
[View Quote]

Brant's PaintballBot help needed

Jun 9, 2002, 8:21am
consider regsvr32.exe like cobdump3.exe .. this utility needs the name of
the ocx as argument like cobbump3 needds the name of the cob file...
ocx are a special case of activex dll.. that s why regsvr32 is talking about
you can register your ocx like andras said or simply open Explorer, drag
your ocx with your mouse and drop it on the regsvr32.exe.a messagebox saying
registration succeeded will appear .


"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3d02aa3e$1 at
> i found the application regsvr32.exe and click on it, but seen no where to
> add it, ok question. Do I just copy and past it INTO the regsvr32.exe
> because when i just click on it it says in a box with Exclamation point
> following>> NO DLL NAME SPECIFIED Useage: Regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [/n] [/i[:
> Cmdline]] Dllname
> /u- Unregister server
> /s- Silent; display no message boxes
> /c- Console output
> /i- Call Dllinstall passing it an optional [cmdline]; when used
> /u calls dll uninstall
> /n- do not call DllRegisterServer; this option must be used with /i
> That's what I see when I double click Regsvr32 in my windows system
> Now what?
> MrBruce.
[View Quote]

Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 12:16pm
that is wrong dan
He doesn t work in Mutation, we ejected him several times

He is not welcome in Mutation


"d a n" <awdan at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3e69f740 at
> 1. Use a spellchecker
> 2. No, hes not a hacker. He works in mutation :P
> ---
> D a n

(Newbie) - How to use an object's name in an object search?

May 27, 2003, 7:48pm
Hi Chris,
There's no integrated search engine in the aw sdk,
You will need to query the world and parse the action field yourself.

Remember that the scripting function 'name' allow several objects to use
the same name :)


"the architect" <user at domain.invalid> a écrit dans le message de news:
3ed393c9$2 at
> Hey there. My name is Chris, and I have just started playing around
> with writing bots. I am using AX Logic's Java implementation
> (
> Is there any way (short of String parsing with the action field) to use
> an object's name in an object search?
> If not, I think that splitting out the name into a new field would be a
> good idea for a future release. Otherwise, how do you search for a
> specific object among several using the same model? Use coordinates? I
> would think name would be the most logical way.
> Anyway, thanks for listening to the ramblings of a newbie. I hope to
> learn enough to contribute at some point, instead of just ask questions.
> - Chris

Question about searches

May 31, 2003, 11:57pm
I can't help you with AX Logic, I use my own java wrapper.
But I am surprised you can't find your object by description.
are you sure you compare to the right String?


"the architect" <user at domain.invalid> a écrit dans le message de news:
3ed83e57$1 at
> Hey all, another question.
> First off, I am using Java, through the SDK provided by AX Logic
> (
> I have a bot that does a 5x5 query. First, I tried looking (for a
> specific object which I *know* is right there) by Description. Didn't
> work. then, I tried looking by Model. Nope. Then, just out of
> curiosity, I used AWObject.allObjects, which should basically be a hit
> on *every* object. For each object found, I have the bot speak the
> model string. I noticed that several objects aren't being found at all.
> Any idea why I might miss objects when I don't constrain my search? I
> mean, they are right beside my bot.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris

Interested in comments

Jul 15, 2003, 3:13pm
"brant" <awteen at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3f1303f9$1 at
> Well, but even if Mutation has one, that doesn't mean that I shouldn't
> one, since Mutation's isn't publicly available. I wouldn't consider
> a champion of the open source movement, but I do think that the AW
> benefits most when everyone has the opportunity to use a bot.
> But then again, I respect the decision of the owners of Mutation - money
> speaks, after all :)

Hi Brant,
sure you are more than welcome to make a weather bot.
the weather handling in Mutation is made by a very small part of the bot so
there's no point to post a few lines of java code that would be meanless
without the whole framework.
the bot in Mutation is definitively not like an usual bot, it has no GUI, no
help, nothing that a user would expect from a bot. I programmed it to make
Mutation a game world, it was never designed to be a general purpose bot nor
to be available for other users. There are already very good general purpose
bots and sooner or later they will handle a 3.4 day night cycle. i m pretty
sure someone could already make a xelag script to do that :)

I you face a problem while making your bot, well, i will be glad to help you
if I can. But as you probably guessed, i don 't use VB but Java to make bots
I can already give you a tip: even if you change only one attribute of the
world, ALL the attributes will be send to ALL the users inside the world and
in response, ALL the users will generate an AW_EVENT_AVATAR_CHANGE , that
can generate quite a big network traffic.


Interested in comments

Jul 15, 2003, 3:17pm
Welcome in the virtual worlds ;)
In Mutation the day night cycle last 2 hours : 80 minutes for day 40 minutes
for night.
in my opinion, that would be boring to have the same timeframe than in
reality, that would mean if you use to go in aw in your evening time, you
would alway see evening, nothing very exciting.


"starfleet" <Starfleet at> a écrit dans le message de news:
3f141b7c$2 at
> Muti's system is not a 24 hour cycle.
[View Quote]

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