nova n@n.com // User Search
nova n@n.com // User Search
Feb 27, 2001, 1:46pm
yikes if you did something like that it would be cool as hell but omg the
verts would kill even mighty max.
[View Quote]"foxmccloud" <FoxMcCloud at cyberbrain.com> wrote in message
news:3a9afd76$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well the video card is rendering the screen, not AW... so, there's not
much to be done about it, except maybe using a higher
> resolution... and if you want quality, png would be the format of choice
rather than jpg...
> By the way ! (not really related but it made me think about it)... i'd
really like to see a program that would do something like
> read all the objects in a world (or in a defined sector of a world) and
read their geometry if you give it a local path to the rwx
> files, then export this all to a big .3ds file or some other more
widespread format...
> That would be a little tricky to do because you have to read rwx and write
3ds files, but once you know how to do that it's really
> easy...
> So the point would be to take a big 3d "screenshot" of a world (maybe with
the avatars included, why not?) and read that in a 3d
> rendering program so you can render a beautiful picture of your world...
it could even set the correct lights etc...
> It sure would be long to render, but even if it took days i'd like to give
it a try ;o)
> Of course no one is going to actually do it... If I could read rwx and 3ds
i'd try it... maybe the creator of Accutrans can do that
> program? I really think it would be easy ;o) just long to perform...
> Fox Mc Cloud
> "wyzard360" <wyzard360 at hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message news:
3a9aefd3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Mar 2, 2001, 11:28am
Now thats one hell of a idea a privacy feture for tgrams would be great as
would a outgoing history.
I dont know how many times ive had people tgram me thinking im the owner of
the world im always inand saying can i come in or for the out going im sure
ev ones done this sent a tgram got a reply and you sit their and wonder what
you said and have to ask the person who replyed what you said.
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <lanezeri at free-1.com> wrote in message
news:3a9f974c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok.. how about a feature where only people on ur contact list can telegram
> you..
> --
> - = [ T e c h n o ] = -
> http://wt.s5.com
> - = [ S t u f f - X ] = -
> http://www.stuffx.com/aw
Mar 5, 2001, 11:02am
I think what joe zip ment by
"but to rotate in the z-axis as well, for example, a pp01.rwx at the
same angle as a roof01.rwx,"
Is simply this soemthing like create set rotation 0 0 45 and more or less
permently set by comand line the rotation of pp01.rwx. kind of a cool idea
when you think bout it would make it like haveing a literly unlimited number
of objects to use in aw.
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3aa1bb1f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you can do most of this, but shadows are crazy! To do shadows with
> activeworlds would bring down the FPS a bunch. And, you can allready go
> through an object with shift on, and its called create solid off. Also,
> stuff can rotate on the z access, create rotate 0 0 1. Stuff can go side
> side and back to fourth, create move 40 0 0, create move 0 0 40. I agree
> with you that you should be able to load objects from other paths :)....
> ~Joeman
> "joe zip" <joe_zip at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3aa1afc5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> shift
> side,
> the
> in
Mar 4, 2001, 12:09pm
I dont see any thing wrong with it if its done like that would be no difrent
than the old phone bot i use to use phone bot to boost chat range in one
What would be nice is if you could have one master bot that had multiple
slave bots that sent chat to the master bot letting you set up a sort of
net to boost chat range set the slaves out at 199 metters away from the
master but as aws curent limit for most cits is 3 bots would make this set
up a little useless.
[View Quote]"rolu" <rolu.university at bigfoot.com> wrote in message
news:3aa151d9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "imagine" <imagines at seatac.net> wrote in message
> news:3aa04960 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ah... and you don't let them in in person either, I assume?
> to
> I
> world
> It's only spying if you use a dumb implementation. The beacon would be
> clearly visible for everyone around, with a special av. It will show up in
> the whisper list. The only real difference: the person isn't actually
> It's not like a microphone hidden in a bush somewhere.
> If you whisper something, the beacon will not hear it (unless you whisper
> the beacon). You can kick beacons if you can kick people. The beacon will
> have the name of it's owner on it. So, what's the difference with the
> of the beacon actually being at the place of the beacon? Nothing.
> chat
> And what if those friends want to build somewhere else at the same time?
> Oh, there is. You need to listen to be able to participate. The beacons
> aren't one way - you can send chat back to it.
> Could be solved by making a better implementation of whisper.
> rolu
Jul 22, 2001, 9:20pm
Heheh aw is defently good for checking load temps for your cpu sence it
loads the cpu to 100% heh
And i already figured out a way to use aw to compare one vid card and or
system config to another.
Requires you to have a world of your own though that you can swap paths back
and forth etc.
what you do is make a sphere of a certin vert/poly count say a suicidal 10
to 20 k then place this in your world add it to your tport list so its fully
Then get a reading of your fps in aw change cards settigns what ever then go
back to your world tport to the sphere you made and take another reading of
your fps :)
simple and acurate no good to compare your os to another system though as
their tport wont match yours less you send them you tport list.
[View Quote]"captain mad mike" <cmadmike at crosswinds.net> wrote in message
news:3aee0d72 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeah the mouse trigger thing would be useful, heh maybe we could get
> user-moveable objects in AW like click it and then you can drag it
> around...hey that would be fun. As for 3d benchmarks, yeah I have 3DMark
> 2001 (the lobby scene rules!) and 3DMark 2000, I thinnk my score droppped
> from a 5000 to a 1200, still when you think about it if AW became a
> benchmarking tool in the way that games like Quake have then it would
> probably see some more popularity from the gamers who want to get bragging
> rights. I suggested to roland before in beta we should have hardware synth
> support too...lets hope he adds it :)
> --
> -CMM
Jul 16, 2001, 10:23am
You know there are some people who have a "bite limit" on their isps if they
go over this limit they have to pay extra per meg.
A 100k html post will add to that bitelimit fast especialy if other people
who reply to it leave the html in there 10 replys to a 100k post = 1 meg the
charge on 1 meg extra can in some case be quite high $1 to $2 US.
i know a few people who are in this very situation with their isps.
And before any one asls yes chat does count its per meg of tfered data be
that email files chat lines showing up on your aw browser or object dling.
[View Quote]"syli" <rflorez at mindspring.com> wrote in message
news:3b50ed94 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes, i goofed - but i CAN admit it. Check back - and you will see you
> the same on several posts.
> --
> ~Syli~
> "chucks party" <Chucks_Party at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3b50c525 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 30, 2001, 10:41pm
good app and cheap now true space 5.1 i have gotten offers for it at 299
after i dled the trial version.
you can get true 3 for 70 or accutrans for 20.
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <Lanezeri at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3b65eae2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What's behind MP? Seems everyone is talking about it.. I never heard of
> before.. is it like DE or something? Do you run around killing people or
> what?
> "eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B64FB9B.2AAB504A at tnlc.com...
> swearing and location-specific body damage, but MP's environments are MUCH
> more interactive and its graphics blow away Kingpin (and most other
> games): http://tnlc.com/eep/compare/mentions.html#maxpayne for more info.
> good
> be
Aug 15, 2001, 11:39pm
very nice way to look at it jfk2
i my self dont trust others interpreatations of the bible.
and i dont like the fact that there is the king ames version such and such
translations etc rerasons for this are fairly obvious the biggest one being
when a person translates or transscribes something they will undoutadly
change the wording and later on the meaning of words may and do change some
what after a while new words are added and some removed.
its the omited words and phrases that i dont like the entire meaning can be
changed when this happens.
heres a small example of words being added sence old english
at one time there was no word good it just didnt exist god was used for both
Example of something useign both god and good in one sentence i know is
stupid but hey .
Be good or god may strike you down now old english
Be god or god may strike you down.
People now adays would see this and think typo .
and realy when you think bout it god does mean good.
Back then they would see the first god as meaning good and spoke it would
infact be pronouced good second acurance is god and pronouced god.
Also letters were added to the english language 2 as matter of fact.
all of this efects translations.
getting back to the adition of the word good i suppose some king probly
didnt like the fact that people were useing god in writen text for good in
spoken word so he made it up.
Also kings and queens put a spin on things like any one in politics to make
them selfs look good.
so this to likly happened.
So i my self take it all with a grain of salt.
do i belive mostly what in the bible yep
will i listen to some preist tell me that i have to belive this way or im
going to hell no.
ps im glad to see that no flame war started over such a hot topic as this
and it has been fun to read as matter of fact least to the point at wich i
[View Quote]"jfk2 builder" <jfk2 at jfkmusic.com> wrote in message
news:Xns90FDB2AB7945Cjfk2jfkmusiccom at
> Everyone has their beliefs in something and thus i'm NOT flaming here.
> But you wrote your beliefs... And it's time that you may hear mine...
> The bible to my beliefs was created by man WITH GOD's INSPIRATION to
> control man & women.
> But if you should look upn the bible as i do.... You would see that it
> is really a adult version of a storybook. When man & women create
> storybooks to control the kids.... You will find stories in there.
> Some with a moral to the story & others just plain fun to read & some
> that are stupid stories... BUT stories nonetheless.
> My look at the bible is a storybook for the reason that GOD is my
> supreme being. He allways was & is & forever will be. At least for
> any of my lifetime or lifetimes if that should ever happen.
> But GOD is the true adult. As he is all knowing as well. He created
> the heaven & earth & all living things on the earth and in the
> heavens.... And because god is the true adult has has a rather long
> lifespan... HIS storybooks result in being his kids books. His kids
> are us people living on one of his creations called Earth.
> And if you or anyone reads this kiddie book called BIBLE... you will
> see that it contains all the ellements that are contained in our books
> we make to entertain and enlighten & teach our kids. The Morals to the
> story. The what if's you do something to someone and the results. All
> the be nice to others as you would love them to be as nice to you stuff
> is there....
> BUT that is my belief in what the BIBLE means to me and what GOD or the
> superior being that i call GOD means to me.
> You see.... No flames from me here.... Just an added insight to my
> beliefs as well. and what MY verson of GOD is. And my version of what
> the BIBLE means to me.
> "anduin lothario" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in
> news:3b796036 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
Aug 27, 2001, 12:37pm
windows any version of from 1.0 to even xp is still built on a dos base
WinMe is defently a shell win 9.x is a shell and win2k is a shell.
there are way to see this you can strip all the gui away and it will still
You can boot to a comand prompt only for one you cant do that in non shell
i havent seen xp but like the rest i kinda figure it to has a comand promt
only mode and even if it doest that doesnt meen that dos isnt there just
meens it harder to get at.
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
news:3b898b03$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ugh... I told you not to reply if you wouldn't accept that Windows is a
> shell... maybe you didn't read that... On top off?? get a sense of
> you don't run OSes "on top" of others! that isn't possible! but what IS
> possible is to run it from inside and get ppl to you that it's not run
> an OS technology which over 20 years old!!!!! It's just that they made it
> possible to display high-res gfx, and because of more advanced hardware
> Windows looks so advanced!
> PS. if you're STILL not gonna accept that Windows is a shell, then just
> "lanezeri" <Lanezeri at stuff-x.com> wrote in message
> news:3b8986ac$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> is
> it
> correct,
> What
> oh
> a
> without
> me
Sep 2, 2001, 10:28am
there are dos versions of c++ and not to mention asm basic delphi etc
also here one i bet you didnt know freeked me when i first seen it.
there is a dos version 7 on floppys
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <Lanezeri at stuff-x.com> wrote in message
news:3b8ad73e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Okay smart ass.. you create a program FROM DOS.. and I'll bow down and
> your feet..
> Didn't think you could..
> --
> Lanezeri
> Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X
> http://aw.stuff-x.com
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3b8aa82c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> news:3b8aa68d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 2, 2001, 10:30am
hmm interesting idea kind of a hybid now ill give you that but it still
leans towards shell more than os.
you know hounestly id like to hear eeps take on this <<not being sarcastic
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b8aec6a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Some programming computer courses require you to learn how to program in
> DOS. Windows is niether an operating system, nor a shell.
> SW Chris
> "lanezeri" <Lanezeri at stuff-x.com> wrote in message
> news:3b8ad73e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> kiss
Aug 31, 2001, 2:15am
I use to tinker with them
didnt fly them much though was to disapointing
to get one up and have it crash *is a horible pilot*
I did run rc cars all the time includeing one i built fromscratch dang near
was a mix of a trx1 a kyosho and some scratch built parts was the badest rc
car i ever saw i had a crash bar on the fron the was sort of shaped like
this > eheheh some other guy had a old barrbie rc car body with real rc car
stuff in it painted black.
i hit him when he lept cutting me off.
all you seen was black and pink plastic flyign around hahah
my rc car did 57 mph and was aproaching 3 pounds :)
[View Quote]"trekkerx" <troop2 at empirenet.com> wrote in message
news:3B8F0639.F83B80E1 at empirenet.com...
> Anyone in the newsgroups, fly R/C or Control Line (U-Line) Airplanes for
> fun? Cuz im starting, and was wondering how many people like to fly
> them.
Sep 1, 2001, 12:56am
lol yeh
i did all but shoot one down
idiot was buzzing my house
so i shot it a few times with a bb gun
was a 12 shot co2 rifle hahah
hit it at least 10 times
and it started sputering and smoking
[View Quote]"trekkerx" <troop2 at empirenet.com> wrote in message
news:3B90192E.C9077A68 at empirenet.com...
> fun to wach others crash, but not yours.
> nova wrote:
Sep 1, 2001, 12:58am
is a expensive hobby
can go up to 1000S of dolors for one plane transmiter and reciver
control line (u controls) are fun though and cheap plus there are lots of
clubs specificly for control line crafts not all are planes helos card even
ufos :)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at nckcn.com> wrote in message
news:3b8fba1f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Oo... I've always wanted to do that. Like so many other things... ":\
> SW Chris
> "trekkerx" <troop2 at empirenet.com> wrote in message
> news:3B8F0639.F83B80E1 at empirenet.com...
Sep 1, 2001, 1:03am
o for those who are interested in planes car helocopters contro line crafts
etc go to
http://www.towerhobbies.com they have every thing you will need o yeh get
the mop ready
your gona druel over soem of the stuff they got :)
i sugest for the beginer rc pilot a ugly stick plane or one of the other
"stick planes" they are basicly ugly boxxy but nearly indistructable planes.
also rc gliders are good for intermidiate pilots they fly nice and slow
making them easy to keep from crashing.
dont start with a helo to hard to fly period you need leasons for them and
they are deadly if you loose control freing had to get 12 stickes from a
rotor blade hiting him.
[View Quote]"wing." <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3b9040cd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I've done it a coupla times, theres a landfill up around here thats always
FULL of these guys. Apparently packed dirt on top of
> garbage makes a great surface to land on as it won't chew your plane up
too bad if you sneeze or somthing :)
> "trekkerx" <troop2 at empirenet.com> wrote in message
news:3B8F0639.F83B80E1 at empirenet.com...
Sep 4, 2001, 12:23pm
Heh i could probly make a entire web page smaller than some of theese html
I seen one thatwas like 30+k in here thats just crazy.
heheh if you want to see some serioudsly large post in html go to a html ng
ive seen full blown websites in thoose ngs :)
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3B94DE16.1F8BE482 at tnlc.com...
> Most of the time HTML isn't necessary. Tyrell just likes to abuse it. For
example, he made a link out of "entrance of mine" AND included separate URL
text. It's just unnecessary; simply JUST the URL is sufficient. The red
text, "WARNING - VERY DENSE", is also unnecessary since simply all-caps
> grimble wrote:
have a
Dec 30, 2000, 10:57pm
heheh oops the moderator double posted :)
[View Quote]"Active Worlds" <cof at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:383d8103$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Skewes [mailto:ted at netBuskers.com.au]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 2:01 AM
> To: newsletter at activeworlds.com
> Subject: netBuskers embraces AW
> Hi,
> I've recently discovered Active Worlds after a brief 'affair' with
> Worlds.com.
> I'm really quite speechless about it, it is the best thing I've come
> on the net and after mp3 compression, the most useful. I run
> http://www.netBuskers.com.au which is a vehicle for my own music and for
> others who care enough to subscribe to my service. I have taken to AW like
> duck to water and have built at 175N 15E on Colony Alpha, AlphaWorld and
> MetaTropolis. Colony Alpha is my HQ, the other sites are very undeveloped.
> I'm online most nights (Aussie time) which is most mornings VRT. Anyway
> like to invite ppl to come visit and if they do they can download my
> song for free (usually a subscription is required). I'd love to know what
> ppl think of my 3d forest and multi-story 'floating' glass building!
> If there are any AW musicians out there that would like to be involved, I
> want to make AW netBuskers part of the broader AW music community and
> them to join me in whatever way they like. I'd love to go visit their
> and see how they do things, cos I'm making it up as I go along!
> If you'd like to mention any of this in your newsletter I'd be most
> flattered. I feel like a newbie around AW at present and I know there's a
> lot to see and learn .....I can't wait, this whole concept is fantastic !
> RockOnRegardlesss
> Dingo ts (AW username)
> "Dingo" Ted Skewes
> Australian netBuskers
> http://www.netBuskers.com.au
Dec 2, 2000, 5:29pm
hehe lol
[View Quote]"fatts" <mac4tbh at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3a27d21d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> some of the TEST post are the best posts...?
> "nova" <n at n.com> wrote in message
> news:3a27b883$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Dec 2, 2000, 5:30pm
yep i got the same turns out my news.aw.com got messed up and turned in to
mail.aw.com. may have been me or may have been out look glich
[View Quote]"tony56" <chandler56 at mail.com> wrote in message
news:3a288c8c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.activeworlds.com/status_inworld.html
> --
> - Tony56 (chandler56 at mail.com)
> "Freedom: That's What The Government Wants You To Believe!"
> ____________________________________________________________
> nornny <Nornny at snet.net> wrote in message
> news:3a2827e0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> the
> log
> Alphaworld
> else
> by
Dec 15, 2000, 6:36pm
well maybe if sertin cits had not just used the beta group as a froum to bad
mouth others and roland him self maybet he 3.1beta would not be a closed one
but a public one.
and maybe they would not have deleted the messages already in the group but
why keep them ???
most were nothing more than personal atacks against one person or another
many corps would have done this months ago.................................
[View Quote]"zero" <dmonix at home.com> wrote in message news:3A3A6683.8050005 at home.com...
> Before I began working in Motion Capture for Electronic Arts, I worked
> in Quality Assurance.
> Closed Beta Testing is a must, especialy when dealing with a program as
> this.
> The last opened Beta , they had people just running out and grabbing the
> 3.0 without the proper requirements. People wouldnt read the
> documentation, just go and get the new beta and fail, and not understand
> why.
> Then post issues on the New Groups confusing people at Aw because they
> didnt know the configs of all these Users.
> These "Bugs" need to be properly written so that aw understands the
> nature of the problems.
> For instance.
> What happened (short summary, then Full description)
> What config does user have. (full details)
> Entered AW and avatars had big heads.
> -Ran AW V.__ with default settings ( no changes).
> -As Avatars loaded in noted all have bigger heads.
> PII 400 128 mb RAM
> Voodoo II
> Win 98
> (more details as possible)
> I think the beta NGs got way out of hand, and it wasnt even worth while
> for them to look at.
> What with general complaints, peoples two cents worth, and flames and
> fights. This doesn help AW any.
> They need to know whats going on.
> I dont agree that they should have wiped the beta group, i think it may
> have relevant answers to some pples issues.
> But it does definitely need an overhaul, and some procedure and protoca;
> added to it.
> Z!
> agent1 wrote:
going to submit bug reports at all... They download it so they can use it.
The point of releasing a beta is to make sure it works before unleashing
your creations on the world. It's not "who deserves to and who doesn't",
it's "who can help us find bugs?".
general public. This allows for the more obscure bugs to be found.
news:3A3A3F18.135108F3 at stud.ntnu.no...
place? Just the fact that they're saying: you deserve to beta test and you
don't, I think, is really bad for the community. If the chosen beta testers
have any guts at all they should withdraw. I doubt they'll do it tho'.
> --
> Chris Waddell
> dmonix at home.com
> www.dmonix.net
Dec 21, 2000, 8:46pm
hey i happen to be a long term juno email user and id never user their
freeking isp. i know one person that pays for juno as a isp and its bout the
worst isp out they have free and pay funny thing is both have a 10 min time
out timer .
as per the cybering bull i seen this as well oddly enough the seem to want
these peeps there in 10 mins there i seen bout a dozen f*** yous few go to
hells d*** heads a few times etc and no ejections
Dec 23, 2000, 12:53pm
juno should never have ventured into the free/pay isp service they had a
good servie with their free email now even it is going down hill
[View Quote]"sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3a413b0a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> At least AW is getting money, mabey they'll acauly do something with it
> advertising.
Dec 23, 2000, 11:53am
ive seen this as well with some other site forget witch he got his entire
site vaped for warez they said he had warez on his site what he had was mods
for unreal tourny on his site in zip files they said that he had warez and
delted his site that was 50 megs.
another freind of mine in rr had a 3d art site on xoom deleted reson warez
even though all she had was images that she had made and that others had
made and sent to her yes i suspect some of the images that were submited
were made with pirated copys of bryce max true space etc.
but the images were not warez. basicly be care what site you put your
objects on they may vape you for haveing warez on your site even if like
some you dont even have a single rar on site and just zips...
[View Quote]"kah" <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
news:3a3e4f6e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well, I expereinced the prob too. But I think I saw some website on
> 50megs.com running after the time I (stupidly) delted parts of my cache
> (including the OP on 50megs.com).
> anduin lothar wrote in message <3a3d3779 at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
> object
> also!?
Dec 23, 2000, 11:55am
well this is the comunity news group after all so i think even though you
didnt meen to post it you got some people curious ot your progy you sure did
me tgram me when you have it working
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3a3d4064 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You must accept my apologies for that last post... I was not intending to
> spam here -- simply trying to write a news reader lol ;-) Please ignore
> that and this message.
> Further information... I am using the aforementioned "Internet components"
> to write a news reading client alternative. The components come with some
> sample programs, and I was not expecting the "Post" button to actually
> a predefined message LOL!! I gotta look through the source for that.
> Have a nice day and happy holiday season everyone :-)
> _________________________
> John Viper
> http://www.jtsoft.net
> "God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve..."
> "john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3a3d3f36 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> |
> | The Internet Component Suite is a set of native
> | components for Borland Delphi (all versions,
> | including 16 bits) and Borland C++ Builder. The
> | major TCP/IP protocols are supported for building
> | client/server, intranet or Internet applications.
> |
> | NNTP and more. Each component has samples writen
> | in Delphi and in C++ Builder. Several client/server
> | applications, including an event-driven and a
> | multi-threaded server, a complete FTP client and
> | TELNET client with ansi emulation are provided.
> | Full source code provided for everything.
> |
> | The Internet Component Suite is freeware, royalty
> | free and support is done using a mailing list.
> | Visit our website and download now from
> | http://www.rtfm.be/fpiette/indexuk.htm
> |
Dec 21, 2000, 8:40pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
what the heck no replys from eep
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" =
<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.2920.0" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>what the heck no replys from =
Dec 22, 2000, 1:18am
well this is odd no post from him at least in this group for 2 days thats
odd he usely has something to say at least once a day and im not saying just
angry posts ones were he posts info of some sort etc nothing at all in 2
days and that is strange
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3A42C693.9F990667 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Awww... didn't get a reaction, huh? How disappointing... :'-(
> Seriously people. Why would Eep even bothering acknowledging such a
> pointless post? Just because you feel like pulling his leg doesn't mean
> he has to respond. And since you all were probably holding your breath
> just waiting to see what Eep would do, he probably did the smartest
> thing he could have done by actually NOT posting. Just pissed you off
> some more.
> At least if you guys feel the urge to pick on him, have a legitimate
> reason for it. *grin*
> --
> Goober King
> Say what you will about him, but Eep works.
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Dec 22, 2000, 1:20am
woops didnt meen to hit send on that last one ment to edit it last post to
any group from eep was yesterday
[View Quote]"nova" <n at n.com> wrote in message
news:3a42c803$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well this is odd no post from him at least in this group for 2 days thats
> odd he usely has something to say at least once a day and im not saying
> angry posts ones were he posts info of some sort etc nothing at all in 2
> days and that is strange
> "goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
> news:3A42C693.9F990667 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
Dec 23, 2000, 2:16pm
not cussing you out or nothing like that but if your going to post both
plain text and html post the plain text first so people dont have to look at
the html first .i know in out look as soon as you click on the + to expand
atopic it loads the message if its html it may take forever to load etc .
just a sugestion
[View Quote]"kah" <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
news:3a411f65 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If you can't read HTML posts, here comes the postin plain text:
> I just want to inform everybody about the USWF Festival, that will travel
> all member worlds/towns of the USWF. The "kick-off" will be held in
> the 6th. January 2001 (unless other stated at another time). We welcome
> (yup, even Legion) to a a show and then a party! So drop into USWF_CC some
> day,go to the Event & Advertising area (South East corner of the
> building and trough the wall) for more info.
> Head,
> Event & Advertising Comitee
Dec 22, 2000, 5:15pm
unfortunatly life forms is the only reliable way to do seqs and get exactly
what you expect i tryed the cob dump progy got it to work a bit but the
results wernt what i was after didnt give it any more time. who ever wrote
it i please update it has promise . i also rember seeing something from
arlintower i belive was the name that was supose to do seqs and was supose
to be made specificly for aw any one have that url at the time i had it the
progy wasnt out.
[View Quote]"raiven" <spam at showgirl.com> wrote in message
news:3a439e53 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Lifeforms does seqs and has a limited library of model geometry(figures,
> some animals, etc).
> Yes you can export the geometry if you want, but it's just what they give
> you.
> As far as I know Lifeforms has no creation capability of new objects.
> Plus it sux, I am sorry, but it does, its more crash prone than a wheeless
> car launched from a catapult driven by dodo's.
> For modeling avatars I highly recommend 3DSTUDIO MAX 2.5 (3 is better,
> only 2.5 has rwx export plugin)
> l8tex
> -raiven-