nova n@n.com // User Search
nova n@n.com // User Search
Feb 13, 2001, 12:25am
it has its own nntp server didnt know that how do i get at it?
[View Quote]"xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
news:3a884c39$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Windows 2000 has a built in NNTP server. Yeah, you guys shouldn't be
> serials though <Agrees with facter> lol
> --
> -Xero
Feb 13, 2001, 1:28am
o ok dang that suxx :(
[View Quote]"xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
news:3a889f8d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wait, this is not in pro, it is in advanced server, dunno about normal
> server though..
> --
> -Xero
> http://www.darkvapor.com
Feb 12, 2001, 12:24am
tryed accesing it no go my bet is its not running but if it at the time of
this message you got some prob there
vrt time is 12:18 feb 12 2000
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a873f8f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it's not just AW, btw...
> news://awjbell.com
> --
> J B E L L
> http://platinum.awjbell.com
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
Feb 12, 2001, 10:28am
yeh her mouse could have one of the little sloted wheels tore loose.
I had that happen a few times if its only 2 month old id take it back and
get my money back.
And id get the ms intele mouse explorer with intele eye ive had mine over a
year still works great
[View Quote]"anduin lothario" <uswf at uswf-aw.com> wrote in message
news:3a87c790 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmm I'd say a hardware problem, but if not, get one of those Laser Mouses
> --
> AW Community Register
> www.awcommunity.org/awcomreg
> "myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3a87b61d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> couple
> it.
Feb 12, 2001, 8:04pm
i thought it looked strange cause of the gray and black text for craig
[View Quote]"carolann" <carolannh at charter.net> wrote in message
news:3a885aab$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Would it have been possible for "I Love Craig" to find out or reasonably
> conclude whether
> or not AWGate accepted homosexuals before feeling the need to ask? I
> realize that he could
> not whisper there so the information that he can whisper "help" does him
> no good but he is
> also directed like this:
> " For the Conduct Guidelines please say World Rules or see
> http://www.activeworlds.com/conduct.html " If homosexuals were not
> allowed by AW I think it
> might be stated, as age requirements are in Gor worlds. If he
> disregarded the welcome
> message's suggestion then I think he was trying to get personal feelings
> about it from anyone
> who heard him and anything beyond what the guidelines say would also be
> personal
> interpretation, not AW's guidelines specifically. If "I Love Craig" was
> really wanting to know what part of himself it was important to reveal
> at AWGate, he could have "listened" for just a short time to see how
> many people felt the need to state personal details upon entering or if
> personal details were required. It seemed fairly obvious to me that the
> information was not solicited. It also seems to me that those appointed
> to monitor a world, in
> this case AWGate, are only human and at some point have to call them as
> they see them, and
> to some human minds it could have appeared (even in the altered
> conversation) that because
> the question was asked it may have been a lead in to chat of that
> nature. Why else would a
> person state a particular detail, any detail, about himself?
> other
> sides.
> their
Feb 12, 2001, 11:47pm
hehe once i get my web site updated id not mind haveing a ng for it sounds
like it may help to get more visitors to my site.
[View Quote]"xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
news:3a8882f5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yeh I can give anyone a group in mine too if they want I dont care lol
> --
> -Xero
> http://www.darkvapor.com
Feb 14, 2001, 12:19am
subject says all
Feb 14, 2001, 11:34am
28days 10 hours 10 minutes 23 seconds and it dont update least not on my end
has been the same sence i updated to 3.1 yesterday.
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3a8a61a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> About 2 minutes after DLing 3.1 I noticed the same thing and telegrammed
> roland about it. He informed me that the uniserver has been watching you
> since December 1st.
> --
> Wing
> This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
> She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the
> phone,
> She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's
> got posters on the wall
> Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her
> boyfriend, he dont know,
> Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week.
> AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
> bathgate at prodigy.net
> eyemwing at teleport.com
> ICQ #101207433
> dzap <dzap at localbar.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8a3ec8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 14, 2001, 11:42am
yeh i to agree that aw 3.1 should not be a upgrade with the pop up box skip
upgrade but a dl from the web site.
also to try and vape some of the bugs your seeing try uninstalling aw and re
dlling 3.0 or sence i havent been to the aw site if 3.1 is avail as a full
dl installer dl it instead this may help with some of the problems.
i found that doing this in 3.0 got rid of some stability problems with 3.0
and may help in 3.1 as well.
[View Quote]"anduin lothario" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in message
news:3a8a825b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8a7257 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> what's
> Yes, I agree with you too then, if they allow you to use thos Z objects in
> WildAW, why not AW... Those signs are pretty spunky I suppose, in some
> effect, although most AW objects suck...
> the
> now
> Agreed, they should put the beta testing on the website for "seperate"
> downloading, and until ALL the bugs are fixed right up, then the forced
> download could be in effect as there wont be any hassles.
> that
> them.
> How
> <nods> True, they should be advertising as they did, they should allow
> special commands to all around AW but in a restricted radius as to prevent
> LAG. Maybe as Wing said earlier about it not recognising encroaching into
> anothers property... I mean, who would really want a tree flying around
> their newly built house and destroying the place and giving off different
> lighting effects. Remember that the movement command can move the object
> very far, or atleast to what I have tested to your maximum view.
> upgrade
> are
> it
> Well upgrading is totally free so it is not too much of a problem accept
> the disappointment. I'm more or less thinking about what you just said,
> say:
> are
> Well, the simple answer to that one is... MONEY MONEY, GIMME MORE MONEY!
> LOL, pleasure :)
> Sincerely,
> Anduin Lothario
> --
> AW Community Register
> www.awcommunity.org/awcomreg
Feb 16, 2001, 8:43pm
Creative sound cards set the standard for all other sound cards its why you
see sound blaster compatibal on every sound card out.
Creative sound cards are basicly the best out and are defently the best bang
for your buck 59 buck for live value 99 for live 159 i think is curent for
sb live platnum.
Now creative web cams do suck so does their vid card :)
I had a creative anihhilator 2 mx evil evil card and have the creative
webcam 2 its a POS
[View Quote]"rolu" <rolu.university at bigfoot.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b0bbb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3a8ae84c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ensoniq,
> Creative? Sucks? huh? Surprises me someone actually would come up with
> Creative makes very good sound cards for years already. Oh well.. there
> always unhappy people.
> rolu
Feb 14, 2001, 11:38am
Yeh you have to be careful with mp3s some site may say tos violation and
they tread such a thing line as per legality its not even funny.
And col klink lay off myssie shes new to the ng and her posts keep this ng
alittle more light heated than it has been.
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3a8a8885$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *cough* can you say illigal?
> ~Joeman
> "col klink" <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8a8694 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> goin'
Feb 15, 2001, 12:45am
i dont etier and i click them all the time
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <lanezeri at free-1.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b3407 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> True.. I can't leave it open all the time anyway.. it is annoying.. I can
> make it smaller yes but that just annoys me knowing it is open.
Feb 15, 2001, 1:37am
im trying to get a object to move out 10 metters wait=2 turn and come back
on a loop
my problem is i have no idea how to get this timed out so that it come back
front end first
turn and go back front end first
the wait time can be difrent as can the distance if one of you has one that
goes out like 25 metters and does what i want it to just copy the comand
line to a reply please :)
Feb 15, 2001, 2:07am
yeh i know i just want it to move strait out roatate and return looping
all it is is a matter of timing it right
theres some formula in the faq help but no example of one that work that i
could work from
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b5109 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "nova" <n at n.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8b4ee1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> back
> that
> Unfortunatly, I dont think you can "turn" an object like that, the move
> function jsut does not support it.
> As far as I know - someone else might of experimented with something...
> F.
Feb 15, 2001, 9:54am
hmm id prefer to use a single object
that why i never used animation before cause it rquired multiple objects and
when you take a low vert object with say 30 40 50 verts and need 6 7 object
to do it well you still end up with a high vert build.
[View Quote]"billyat" <billyat at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3a8b9535 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> These move and rotate commands leave a lot to be desired. They sure
haven't made old fashioned animation controls obsolete. I won't
> go thru the details but I think you need 3 objects -- only 1 of which is
visible at a time. One object at the beginning pointed out,
> another at the end pointed out, and another at the end pointed in. Then
you use 3 control objects to move the first, rotate the
> second and move the third. If someone has a simpler way please let me
> I haven't had much time lately, but if I get a chance I'll set up an
example in Polygon.
> --
> billyat (Bill the Yat)
> "if you don't like polls -- LIE TO THE POLSTERS"
> nova <n at n.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b5608$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 15, 2001, 7:24pm
cool headed there now
[View Quote]"billyat" <billyat at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3a8c22a7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I couldn't agree more nova! Even invisible objects add to the poly count
and degrade performance.But i'm damn sure you can't do
> stuff like that without old fashioned astart;adone controls making things
visible and invisible. I set up a simple example in
> Polygon if you want to see it. The effect is 3 sailboats sailing in a
triangular pattern; as each boat reaches the vertex of the
> triangle it rotates and sails on. Looks pretty neat and is located at
polygon 7.7S 5.9W 0.0a 89. At that position there's not much
> of a poly count but if you turn around you may experience serious lag.
Just wait for a good load.
> The controls are the 2 fireplugs. There are 6 sailboats: the 3 at the
verticies are all labeled sb0 and the others that will move
> are labeled sb1,sb2,sb3. The controls read:
> create name sbc1,animate me . 1 1 5000,astart;adone move 0 0 10 time=10
name=sb1,move 8.66 0 -5 time=10 name=sb2,move -8.66 0 -5
> time=10 name=sb3,visible sb0 no,visible sb1 on,visible sb2 on,visible sb3
on,astart sbc2
> create name sbc2,animate me . 1 1 10000,astart;adone rotate 4 nosync
name=sb0,visible sb0 on,visible sb1 no,visible sb2 no,visible
> sb3 no,astart sbc1
> The effect you're talking about would take 4 controls and 4 objects.
> --
> billyat (Bill the Yat)
> "if you don't like polls -- LIE TO THE POLSTERS"
> nova <n at n.com> wrote in message
news:3a8bc37a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 15, 2001, 7:30pm
if i have to ill do it that way and may for now
but i still want to do a single object by just timeing it out awesome
example of what can be done with the new comands.
a cool little one i was goofing with is.
create light type=spot,examine
to bad no one else can see it when you move it now that would be cool
[View Quote]"billyat" <billyat at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3a8c22a7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I couldn't agree more nova! Even invisible objects add to the poly count
and degrade performance.But i'm damn sure you can't do
> stuff like that without old fashioned astart;adone controls making things
visible and invisible. I set up a simple example in
> Polygon if you want to see it. The effect is 3 sailboats sailing in a
triangular pattern; as each boat reaches the vertex of the
> triangle it rotates and sails on. Looks pretty neat and is located at
polygon 7.7S 5.9W 0.0a 89. At that position there's not much
> of a poly count but if you turn around you may experience serious lag.
Just wait for a good load.
> The controls are the 2 fireplugs. There are 6 sailboats: the 3 at the
verticies are all labeled sb0 and the others that will move
> are labeled sb1,sb2,sb3. The controls read:
> create name sbc1,animate me . 1 1 5000,astart;adone move 0 0 10 time=10
name=sb1,move 8.66 0 -5 time=10 name=sb2,move -8.66 0 -5
> time=10 name=sb3,visible sb0 no,visible sb1 on,visible sb2 on,visible sb3
on,astart sbc2
> create name sbc2,animate me . 1 1 10000,astart;adone rotate 4 nosync
name=sb0,visible sb0 on,visible sb1 no,visible sb2 no,visible
> sb3 no,astart sbc1
> The effect you're talking about would take 4 controls and 4 objects.
> --
> billyat (Bill the Yat)
> "if you don't like polls -- LIE TO THE POLSTERS"
> nova <n at n.com> wrote in message
news:3a8bc37a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 15, 2001, 1:13pm
Try dropping your res one notch to like 960 x 720.
Give your chat log window more room ie make it bigger and shrink the 3d
and vapeing the cache may not be a bad idea as you could have coruption.
Something i do my self is after every 3 updates i uninstall and reinstall aw
giveing me a cleaner update. (dont think that will help with the texture
prob is just a tip to keep things clean)
i know your card should work as a freind of mine has a lt with 3.1 on it and
it has a ati based 2 megger vid sys on it and she gets a tad better
performance in 3.0 3.1 than she did with 2.2 go figure :)
Also another thing to try is running aw at less than maxxed i can up my
frame rate by like .1 or .2 frames a sec by just running in a less than
maxxed state even though i stretch it out to what is basicly maxxed why it
works im not sure but it does
[View Quote]"kah" <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
news:3a8be21a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> well, I knew of the prob and installed 3.1 on another harddisk...I'll try
> that anyway
> casay wrote in message <3a8be105$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
> problems.
> problem
> NO
> Could
> me
Feb 15, 2001, 7:20pm
every app i have uses both if you set it to single chip only it wont but
other wise it does and id still buy it today 3dfx or no 3dfx when they
released the card they had no idea they would soon have to close down and
they warentyed it for life so i figure that they tested the heck out of it
when they said life time warenty.
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3A8C2180.A85CC676 at andras.net...
> I wouldn't buy it either (since I bought one already). I did not find ANY
app yet which uses both videoprocessors.
> Andras
> dzap wrote:
Feb 15, 2001, 7:23pm
im with kah i to would still buy the voodoo 5 5500
but for my next card i will get a ati radeon aiw if they have it in 64 meg
ver i think they do now but not sure. and the only reason id get it as my
next crd is cause i already have the v 5 5500
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3a8c3c54 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> GeForce cards are CHEAP now. GeForce II MX cards are pricy, and better
> GeForce II cards are mad expensive. ATI has another chipset that beats the
> ass off of GeForce II MX in 32bit color mode but I forget what it's
> --
> Wing
> This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
> She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the
> phone,
> She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's
> got posters on the wall
> Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her
> boyfriend, he dont know,
> Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week.
> AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
> bathgate at prodigy.net
> eyemwing at teleport.com
> ICQ #101207433
> kah <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8c3160 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 16, 2001, 8:07pm
heheh was just listening to the mp3 and my dog started barking heheh
na from what i could hear sounds good but my conect was sucky and was
getting a bit of lag
[View Quote]"run facter run" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3a8d9b9d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Most of you probably know that I produce electronic music as well =P
> Pollen was originally set up to let people have a 3D link to that
> was asked where the ideas for it came from - if anyone wants to know its
> loosely based on the Jeff noon novels ..Vurt, Pixel Juice, Nymphomation,
> Needle in the Groove and of course.."pollen"...sot heres that little
> glad u guys like it btw - I've had some great comments =)
> Oh, the self promo part? I just put another new song up online..its hit 15
> on the jungle charts so far - www.mp3.com/facter .checkit if yas want, its
> the first one..The Bridge...
> Well, theres my 5 minute break - why do Fridays always get *really* busy
> the hour before your about ta knock off ? hahaha..
> F.
> --
> The opinions expressed in this newsgroup post are not representive of
> Activeworlds.com nor AWCI policies. Any information posted within this
> newsgroup post, is the express opinion of "Facter"
Feb 16, 2001, 8:10pm
its also my fav type of music
listeing to sould divide rtight this secound
[View Quote]"xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
news:3a8da11e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey cool song, didn't know you did electronic stuff, I like electronic
> stuff, lol..cool song..<downloads more> lol
> --
> -Xero
> IM: o0 Xero
> xero at darkvapor.com
> http://www.darkvapor.com
Feb 17, 2001, 2:17am
so proud for you why not try and get banned next time that would be a realy
great thing to prove how good you are at ticking peeps off.
[View Quote]"joeman" <Joeman at bootdown.com> wrote in message
news:3a8df632$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Listen Up Col Klink (Agent Fox Mulder)... Take a REAL IQ test and FAX me
> score. You would get one around a 60. Please dont lie about your IQ.
> ~Joeman
> "xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8df203$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> spell
Feb 18, 2001, 1:25pm
My next card that will possibly go in my new tbird will be a ati radeon aiw
if they have a 64 meg ver by then if not ill use my v 5 5500 till they get a
64 meg ver of it.
I want it for its tv out tv in caps mainly and i dont think ati is going any
where soon thankfuly.
As per s3 any thing they were reliable cards so if you have one dont pitch
it keep it for a back up card like i did till recently with my old s3 virge
4 meg but no way would i buy one now.
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A8FA4C2.9C1E1E43 at tnlc.com...
> Word. Besides, S3's defunct now anyway. Tip: stick to companies still in
business. nVidia isn't going anywhere anytime soon, especially not with
their chip in Microsoft's X-Box, the console killer...<smirk>
> xero wrote:
Feb 18, 2001, 3:56pm
You know theres a realy good reason why you have to be 18.
Is the same reason the gate is rated pg its so kids do not have to be
exposed to the language that the gks pks have to deal with evry day .
I bet you have no idea how stress full the job of a gk pk is trust me when i
say its high strees i was security in colonycity now cyber town for a good
18 months or more and it was extreamly stressful.
There a lot of 18 19 year olds whod crack under the stess and a kid 11 to 16
would crack very easy and loose their temper with the trouble makers.
[View Quote]"agent fox mulder" <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a9009ff at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> --
> __________________________________
> Mhuhahahahahahah Not Even Bruce Wilis Can Save You Noe,
> The Seven Dorks Are Here
> "agent fox mulder" <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3a9009ba$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Gk
> pks.:)
Feb 19, 2001, 2:20pm
both sound good real but omniverse does sound a bit better
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A90AA3E.E3805E69 at tnlc.com...
> There is a GROUP of something and then there is ALL of something; hence
multiverse vs omniverse--I like the latter.
> jeiden wrote:
all of
is, at
Feb 19, 2001, 7:59pm
I was wondering if any one here in the ng would be interested in doing
reviews for game for my web site as well as some one to act as a forum
moderator and some one to what amounts to searching the net for walkthroughs
and faqs for various games.
For now their would be no money involved and who know here may never be but
if at some point i get some good sponsers and can afford to pay the peeps
who help out now it could become a paying job.
i have a mirc chanel set up right now im on enter the games irc server
my curent web site wich suxx and hasnt been updated in over 2 or 3 years is
Feb 20, 2001, 10:54am
Yeh i should have at least marked it OT but i hit send before i relized it
And at the time yours server wast wanting to be found jbell
[View Quote]"andras" <andras at andras.net> wrote in message
news:3A922FC0.4ED8430D at andras.net...
> I don't want to start a flamewar here. so my comments are:
> 1, Eep is more or less right - the question is NOT AW related but:
> 2, Nova's request is not absolutely off-topic. There is no other forum to
ask the members of this community (whom he is familiar) in such a broad way
(and he is looking for ppl in general to help him).
> Sometimes you just can't find a broad enough audience to ask something:)
> Andras
> eep wrote:
here--this includes all the rest of you, too!
off-topic posts will be dealt with MUCH more harshness...
be but
years is
Feb 20, 2001, 11:42am
yep it does just checked it
but go here and get one of their clients
www.eyep.net and get your self a acount
will be a subdoamin like well ill use mine wich is dead (not running a
novaflare.eyep.net so for your news server would be and i sugest useing this
if you want to use your nick in the servers name
news://afm.eyep.net if they have it available
[View Quote]"kah" <hiorth at sensewave.com> wrote in message
news:3a927218$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> here's a link:
> news://
> that's your IP and it should work fine :-))
> andras wrote in message <3A923074.79E3C1B7 at andras.net>...
> on earth jump into a business you have no clue at all???
Feb 20, 2001, 11:37am
(no offence ment in this post)
agent fox where the heck are you from originaly ?
i ask because it seems that you use broken english.
[View Quote]"agent fox mulder" <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a9205ef at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> OK since veryone always gets mad at poeple who post stuff not about aw,My
> newsgroup has stuff like-Miscelaneous and stuff-It has 170 groups in
> if you want one/some added i can add it/them for you. One problem though
> not sure how to get a link so to it so people can get it ,does anybody
> how?