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AV Making Programs

Dec 23, 2000, 11:44am
i curently use 3dmax r3.1 to make my avs with as well as true space the
progy from arlin tower was supose to be a seq animator made specificly for
as for ccutrans i wont buy that program untill the peeps who m,ake it make
it so you can reformat with out going through a hassel to get it
reregistered after a reformat
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kinda in a pickle...

Dec 25, 2000, 12:41am
ouch a roaming bot with blue priningting caps may work dont know if any
would do a bp while they roamed
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End of the world(part one)

Dec 26, 2000, 4:44pm
i know a bot can gobeond the wall and can go above it as well you can also
in your own world make a object with a masivly ocenter pivot center point
and turn it to the outside of the wall on the other side. now can a user go
past this point iheard people say they can but have never seen proof ie a
screen shot showing them at some corod beond the wall and no one has said
how to do it just that they did.......
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AlphaWorld up

Jan 5, 2001, 1:53pm
heheh was saying same thing the last time
said hmm maybe some tech spilled his coffee on the mb ZAP!
[View Quote] Facter.
[View Quote] Nornny
[View Quote] hmm mabey the AlphaWorld server machine is damaged?:) Mabey Enzo spilt some
coffee in the machine? Just a guess :)>


[View Quote] --
- Tony56 (Tony M.) [chandler56 at]
"Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Pizza Pie!"
[View Quote] --


Jan 10, 2001, 1:24pm
you shouldnt have posted the netstat thing alot of peeps with puters dont
know bout it to begin with id never post any thing bout netstat and the like
when some one is talking bout hacking some one alot of people will use the
threat of hacking to scare some one and dont realy know a dang thing bout
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USWF Forum/hacking

Jan 10, 2001, 1:15pm
heheh thats not a record late tgram i got one once that was from around 7 or
so months before :)
once got a icq from 2 years before and a email from 5 years before :)
seems some times tgrams just kinda get hung up :)
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Shred's Censorship article on

Jan 9, 2001, 6:49pm
no offence ment here toward you goober king but this is the same sit that
has basicly destroyed cybertown/colonycity
they gave in to a group called the teenz when they did they allowed them to
basicly say any thing they wanted and of corse they also had to allow this
for every one else
now cybertown/colonycity is dieing all because they choose not to censor
in rr censorship is not and should not be allowed
but in vr it has to be or the chat room turns in to nothing more than a porn
for a chat comunity to survive their must be rules and they must be followed
if they are not followed the person must be punnished in some way
if you dont follow the rules in aw then you should be ejected
i my self dont see rules as sensorship maybe you and others do thats all
amatter of opinion
* returns to his seat after grabbing a few buckets of water * :)
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Shred's Censorship article on

Jan 9, 2001, 7:08pm
you know even though as shred said aw is based in the us ok fine heres the
thing is every on in aw from the us??
so how can you impose one countrys rules on every one and if you can whos
laws should be aplyed?
and to put it another way in the us we have laws to protect kids from porn
and the like if you do not censor some one for cybering in public in a g
rated world maybe we should just let any one go and by a porn mag or go to a
xrated movie even if they are 8 9 10 years old. while were at we could make
child porn legal as thats a form of sensor ship as well it just happens to
be to protect children from harm just like aws rule of noprofanity in g
rated worlds. yes childporn is a hundred times no a 1000 times worse than
some one cussing but where do you stop when not sensoring?
do you stop at allowing foul language or cybering in public in a grated
world or do you just keep going?
we have rules in aw for a reason that reason being to protect children and
any one else from hearing what they do not want to hear if i wanted to hear
public cybering i could go to a xrated world so i dont see aw as sensoring
any thing there are world from g to x rated that is not censorship in the

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Shred's Censorship article on

Jan 9, 2001, 8:03pm
ok you say mute some troll as thats what these people are that were talking
bout thoose who live to be ejected ok so you say just mute them thats a
great idea as long as this troll is also totaly dumb and dont relize that by
tporting out of the world and comeing back un mutes them this goes for any
chat room i know of some call it ignore a few call it turn your back but all
shats i know of have one thing incmmon say you are muted ignored or some one
has turned their back to you you can clear this out by one closeing and
reopening or 2 as it is in aw tporting to another world and returning
muteing in any fomr does no good.
ejecting some one for say 5 minutes will work especialy if that eject is
based on blocking a ip that person will try loging bac in once or twice and
then leavinf period chances are that troll wont come back some hard core
trolls will.
in the old blaxxun com we didn have boot tools and were constantly arassed
by trolls we stayed for a long time fianly leaving the trolls didnt win we
let them win and let them have the worthless place if aw were to disban or
limit the gks/pks and get rid of the bots with the caps to eject the trolls
would adventualy win and aw would die as the old blaxxun com died and as
blaxxun owned colonycity/cybertown is now dieing.
im sure all here will agree with me on this one point no one here unless it
be a troll wants aw to die as blaxxun com has died....
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Shred's Censorship article on

Jan 9, 2001, 8:29pm
but what im saying is this active worlds puts a rateing on each of their
worlds g through x (nc 17)
if something is not exceptable in a g rated movie it should not be
acceptable in a grated world .
if some one comes in and says some thing to the effec i think (fill in your
least fav politician here) is a son of a bitch mfer useing the true word
thats there opinion of said political figure but being grated world this
person should be ejected in a r rated world i say this is fine this type of
language is allowable in a r rated or above moive but not below it you will
ocasionaly see wording like this in a pg 13 movie but rarly
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Shred's Censorship article on

Jan 9, 2001, 10:36pm
i my self have no problem with the ocasinal this sucks or as ive seen alot
of latly and say my self that sux or suxx i say it that way cause its simply
faster than typing sucks but some language should not be used in a g rated
world is all im saying same for pg and pg 13 after that if you dont want to
here it you can goto a world that doesnt allow the language but ill be
dambed if im going to be in a g rated pg or pg 13 and have to leave because
some punk thinks free speech means he can sit there and cuss un till evry
one leaves as this type of person will be the type who came for that exact
purpose you say mute them ok yeh ill mute him what will he do every few
minutes tport and come back cclearing the mute out a troll will keep this up
untill one of 2 things happens every one leaves or he is ejected. i say yes
free speech should never be taken a way but you also should not be alowed to
break simple rules if you do break them then you should be punished in some
mannor alowing some one to constanly cuss does hurt some one it hurts the
person who want to be in a clean cussing free inviro people seem to forget
thats there are people from every religion and race in aw and aw gate a
cristian will not want to hear this language even if you dont agree with his
beliefs they should be respected and if they are not the person who isnt
should be delt with by being ejected i do agree that a person should not be
imediatly ejected for comeing in and saying something to the effect "what
the hell is this place?" when i was a city guide in colony city i seen many
many people come in and say just that you know how mind blowing it is for
some one who just got a computer to find 3d chat? first thing i always said
to them "this is colonycity a 3d chat room and is a g rated chat " most
would say o ok sorry
so yes i think some things are obviously in need of being reworked as i have
seen people come in say something like what the hell is this place and
imidatly be ejected
(personal experaince) was in some world or another a grated worl forgot the
name and dont even know if its still open any more was helping some newbie
whent through the normal stuff arrow keys to move yad yada yada
then was explaining how to pass though objects to him
i said to pass through a object use your shit key wham i was ejected i
sliped and missed the t would i consider this fair no i should have recived
a warning about it that shouldnt be alowed as matter of fact their should be
no bot that ejects with no warning alowed in aw as far as im conserned.
but when you warn some one not to say shit or waht ever and they start with
this shit why cant i say shit i think that bullshit stuff they should be
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"Restricted Commands"

Jan 12, 2001, 8:19pm
i kinda agree with eep on that one.
there probly wont be tomany peeps totaly abuseing the comand i do see the
possability of abuse here though like some one holding down shift and insert
on a object useing the comand.
i think some one said something bout useing a priv pass of another cit to
delete tourist build abuseing a comand like that.
that way only the tourist vadelism object would be deleted leaving every one
else property alone basicly select cell by cell while hold shift hit delete
trash cleaned up..
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Jan 13, 2001, 2:17pm
sorry missed first post
would this be paid or trade etc?
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Jan 15, 2001, 10:31pm
eheh compare the ip addys in the headers to his other posts and youll see
the same ip so it was ethier him or some one in his house
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Jan 16, 2001, 12:49am
lol dont think thats listed in the headers though :)
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Important Message Very IMPORTANT

Jan 15, 2001, 11:35am
strange how the ip in the message headers are the same in all the posts.
so if it wasnt you i think maybe you should look at people in your house.
just so you dont freek and screan novas a hacker al you have to do to see
ips in a ng is right click message and select properties.
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Wow, this place sure has changed

Jan 15, 2001, 11:31am
dont bother wasting time trying it may run on them but if it did it would be
the worst laggy mess.
but if you want to make money off them take and and all 72 pin sims and sell
guy near me buy them at a decent price right around 40 to 60 cent per meg
ie 8 meg at 50 cents per meg is 4 bucks :)
so i say find a local puter place see if they buy 72 pin sim ram and other
misc hard ware hds cd roms etc people still use this stuff also watch out
for cd roms that run off of sound card like cretives old cd rom drives
people still use them in little servers sence they dont use a ide device
chanels up.
2 gig plus hds scsi or ide also worth some money still. basicly these puters
can bring some good money if you strip them down. they are worth more in
parts than they are as puters
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Wow, this place sure has changed

Jan 15, 2001, 11:51am
yeh i noticed ths bout eep.
hounestly i dont know if i like it or not heheh :)
come on eep flame the hell out of this thread for old times sake :)
in all seriousness though there are a few things that eep stated in ng and
on his site
one being the way objects are rendered in other words the way the blink in
and out games as eep said do not do this and there are a few out their that
use raw rwx files.
these games do not do this why because they render partial objects.
something that i would like to see added to this statement is this this
would also help performance senece only verts that are rendered will effect
performance if they are not rendered no drag from them.
ok done flame away eep :)
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by any chance...

Jan 16, 2001, 3:24pm
Well the people who had the leaked beta 3.1 browsers should have just used
them not said any thing and not sent tgrams and emails etc . I bet any one
here if they were ,makeing the 3.1 beta would have done the same thing. I
mean even if you choose to ignore the people not on the beta you still have
to go through the email as im sure not all bugs are posted to the beta group
im sure they also send emails etc. I woulnt mind haveing a copy to do like
sw comit said and mess with it off line just to check out the new comands
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Midi,Wav Problems

Jan 15, 2001, 10:27pm
no dout ive chated with people from germany russia china japan etc all had
horrid english and all were easyer to under stand tham agent fox mulder.
it makes it very hard to under stand and is anoying when you Talk Like This
As Well As A Huge Waste Of Time To Type Out.
just ypeing in that one little pharase like that took me as long to type out
as it did for my entire reply minus it includeing this.
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i miss 3.1

Jan 16, 2001, 12:32pm
where avenger said 500 panels spining etc thing is some times a bug wont
show up till you have the same thing going on a bunch of times.als maybe you
should look at all the difrent panels and see if maybe the comand lines are
difrent on some of them in wich case the may look the same in the way they
move but maybe the speed is difrent or some other thing.
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i miss 3.1

Jan 17, 2001, 10:55am
heheh no ofence eep but you can be a little harsh :)
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Jan 17, 2001, 1:06pm
agent give it up no ones useing your password ecept you.
no ones posting to the ng but you the ip addy has never changed.
you may think your fooling people by saying its not you posting but evry one
here knows all the post have came from the same news reader same ip same
evry thing. so just give it up no one cares you waste every ones band width.
and dont post but all you have to do is not read my posts well guess what
when i click open the group i have to dl your useless posts.
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About My Capitals

Jan 17, 2001, 12:59pm
more like you will be ignored. this has got to be the most anoying so called
style ive ever seen.
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About My Capitals

Jan 26, 2001, 10:51pm
uhh derek why reply to lond dead threads?
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About My Capitals

Jan 26, 2001, 11:01pm
heheh yeh but dang man read the dates we dont want to get thing stired back
up ehehe
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A New Newz U Can Uze

Jan 18, 2001, 1:50pm
yep like rolu said let the readers decide.
i my self like to read puter related news sites for like hardware reviews
overclocking and the like.
and i dont only read one each site has its own take on things and their own
opions read each one and make desions based on that smae thing can be done
with any news site.
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A New Newz U Can Uze

Jan 18, 2001, 1:52pm
and as for agents caps in his subjects that i dont mind a bit cause it is a
style as it makes his messages stand out.
but the caps in posts yeck glad to see you dumped them from your messages :)
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World Problem

Jan 19, 2001, 1:45am
hmm is that in a can as in Prince Albert
yes yes i know its a old joke but hey was to easy :)
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Sorry about that

Jan 21, 2001, 11:19am
bout the hacker thing who cares let people think your a hacker and think
that if the mess with you youll fry their puter :)
if some one spred a rumor like that bout me id say yep sure am.
and i guess in a way i am im always in my registry and all that good stuff
peeps always think theres only on type of hacker but realy any one who
makes a puter do something its not supose to thats a type of hacking.
thats why they call the little reg files registry hacks. one of the best
hacks like that involves mtu and some other misc setting for your modem
theres progys to do it but you can do it by hacking in the registry.

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