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Ok,Everyone Is mad at people for posting about diff stuff (Community)
Ok,Everyone Is mad at people for posting about diff stuff // Communityagent fox mulderFeb 20, 2001, 3:51am
OK since veryone always gets mad at poeple who post stuff not about aw,My
newsgroup has stuff like-Miscelaneous and stuff-It has 170 groups in it-And if you want one/some added i can add it/them for you. One problem though im not sure how to get a link so to it so people can get it ,does anybody know how? begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*3D]413I!<R!Y M;W4 at =V]N9&5R(&1O=VX at =&AA="!R;V%D(&]F(&QI9F4L2$ET8V at at :&EE+&ET M<R!F87-T97(-"E1%3#M73U)+.U9/24-%.CDR,BTX.#$X#0I414P[2$]-13M6 M3TE#13HH,S V*3DR,BTX.#$X#0I!1%([5T]22SH[;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0[37D at M2&]U<V4 at 3VX at 37D at 0V]M<'5T97([4')I;F-E($%L8F5R=#M387-K871C:&5W M86X[<S9V(#!B,CM#86YA9&$-"DQ!0D5,.U=/4DL[14Y#3T1)3D<]455/5$5$ M+5!224Y404),13IM>2!B87-E;65N=#TP1#TP04UY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O M;7!U=&5R/3!$/3!!4')I;F-E($%L8F5R="P at 4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N(',V/0T* M=B P8C(],$0],$%#86YA9&$-"D%$4CM(3TU%.CL[.#0S(')I=F5R('-T<F5E M="!E87-T.U!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N M861A#0I,04)%3#M(3TU%.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z.#0S M(')I=F5R('-T<F5E="!E87-T/3!$/3!!4')I;F-E($%L8F5R="P at 4V%S:V%T M8VAE=V%N(',V=B P8C(],$0],$%#86YA9&$-"E at M5T%"+4=%3D1%4CHR#0I5 M4DPZ:'1T<#HO+T%G96YT36]L9&5R+F-O;0T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=&UO M;&1E<BYC;VT-"D)$05DZ,C P,#$R,C -"D5-04E,.U!2148[24Y415).150Z M:F%R>6YC0&AO;64N8V]M#0I%34%)3#M)3E1%4DY%5#I096YG=6EN8F]Y-C9 M:&]T;6%I;"YC;VT-"D5-04E,.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T* A4D56.C(P,#$P,C(P5# U-#8U,5H-"D5.1#I60T%21 T* ` end imagineFeb 20, 2001, 4:27am
not everyone is getting mad about posting off topic. Usually it's just eep
with that problem :) Imagine [View Quote] poseidonFeb 20, 2001, 4:35am
Hey Hey, dont worry Agent! Some people just get very made because they are
so desperate for some kind of news that they get mad when the posts aren't directly related to the. Don't worry about it....they will get over it with the proper dose of Gossip =) Poseidon [View Quote] outlaw xFeb 20, 2001, 6:11am
is it just me, or are there a lot of tight at sses around , my motto what ya like , on topic off topic , Pictures of the Baby , either way it's alright with me ,when I see a header that doesnt suit my interest, I simply dont read it , seems resonable to me builderzFeb 20, 2001, 9:45am
No offense, Agent, but IMO, if you don't know how to LINK to a
newsgroup, you shouldn't be running one. All newsgroups start with news://, just like the HTTP protocol starts with http://. Builderz Stuff-X [View Quote] nova n@n.comFeb 20, 2001, 11:37am
(no offence ment in this post)
agent fox where the heck are you from originaly ? i ask because it seems that you use broken english. [View Quote] nornnyFeb 20, 2001, 11:44am
Why is everyone so mad because you post idiotic posts and off topic posts?
It's simple. All you newbies are IDIOTS!! Spell it out with me, I-D-I-O-T-S! I'm serious, the newsgroup hasn't dealt with this low level of IQ since...well never. Not at least since I've come, and I've read enough older posts to get the jist of what the newsgroup has been to. I'll be the first to admit that I think you all are idiots also.Major ones who only want power and try to be cool, but have NO technical knowledge or common courtesy to READ THE RULES before trying to do anything "cool." You want to run a newsgroup? Learn how to use one first. Then, you wonder why everyone gets so pissy towards you. If you just stayed in this newsgroup and answered help questions that you CAN answer, or just send your input to threads that NEED input, you'll go a longer way then posting 20 different posts as to why everyone is so "mean" to you. A bit elitist? Yes, no doubt at all with that. But I know we all do it to keep this newsgroup the way it was meant to be, and to keep this community strong. It's not hard being one of the ng gods (Eep, god of war. Alphabit, goddess of love, the panthenon goes on), but it's REALLY hard if you keep screwing the newsgroup like this. Maybe you all should bring your parents along to the newsgroup so you can learn to be nicer. Maybe then, we'll be nicer to you. You have to understand also that we're just as unique as the next newsgroup out there because of the way the community has evolved. You want to post off topic and do whatever? Go to a newsgroup that cares. We care (and live) for AW and its citizens, not anything off topic. Yes, I know its hard to understand, you all are prolly just teens trying to fit in in VR. But hey, if you think ALL newbies are being treated like this? Think again, I have seen the SW City sprites doing very well here. Maybe you should look at yourself before looking at us. Nornny [View Quote] agent fox mulderFeb 20, 2001, 1:17pm
And besides i didn't know how to get a link yet i just started
news:// eep no@1.comFeb 20, 2001, 1:35pm
[View Quote] > And besides i didn't know how to get a link yet i just started > news:// myrthFeb 20, 2001, 4:16pm
hehe :)
and everyone! don't worry, eep has given AFM and Col Klink plenty of times to change, so that statement didn't go against his new nicer image. :) -Myrth P.S. Visit Hole, its spiffy! [View Quote] holistic1Feb 20, 2001, 4:20pm
You are correct myrth, Eep has shown an amazing amount of restraint.
Holistic1 [View Quote] > hehe :) > > and everyone! don't worry, eep has given AFM and Col Klink plenty of times > to change, so that statement didn't go against his new nicer image. :) > > -Myrth > > P.S. Visit Hole, its spiffy! > [View Quote] eep no@1.comFeb 20, 2001, 4:43pm
<twitch> I have my limits...
[View Quote] > You are correct myrth, Eep has shown an amazing amount of restraint. > [View Quote] xeroFeb 20, 2001, 7:11pm
Kill AFM! Sacrafice him to the might powerful one, uhm..Eep? LoL..
-- -Xero IM: o0 Xero xero at holistic1Feb 21, 2001, 12:57pm
wingFeb 21, 2001, 7:27pm
AFM isn't worth of a sacrafice. Just a small McDonalds hamburger.
-- Wing This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie. AW Citizen 305004 "Wing" bathgate at eyemwing at ICQ #101207433 [View Quote] |