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agent fox mulder // User Search
agent fox mulder // User SearchLook Here If You Know How To Make Avs plzDec 16, 2000, 8:25pm
Hey i was wondering if theres anyone that could help me.theres two custom
avs i want and i was wondering if anyone would beable to make 1 for me for free they are 1):a teenager 1 with sunglasses,baggy pants,backwards hat,chain(if possible),a black tshirt,a vest (if all accesories can't be added ok just [retty much a cool teen av) 2):A Agent Mulder one black pants,and black and a white shirt,with black shirt over it ,a Mulder face,A Gun(in other words a mulder av)if you can help tgram Agent Fox Mulder or email me at jarync at thank you OpDec 28, 2000, 11:32pm
Hey I was wondering does anybody have a good op With lots of objects i could
use? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY DOWNLOAD ACTIVEWORLDS 3d CHAT TODAy A Chat where Your In worlds ya go to YOU'LL Like it also check out begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,#$R,CE4,#$R.30P ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end OpDec 28, 2000, 11:32pm
Hey I was wondering does anybody have a good op With lots of objects i could
use? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY DOWNLOAD ACTIVEWORLDS 3d CHAT TODAy A Chat where Your In worlds ya go to YOU'LL Like it also check out begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,#$R,CE4,#$R.30P ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end ScriptsDec 28, 2000, 11:32pm
hey Anybody got some good Xelagot scripts?
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY DOWNLOAD ACTIVEWORLDS 3d CHAT TODAy A Chat where Your In worlds ya go to YOU'LL Like it also check out begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,#$R,CE4,#$S,#$U ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end IF U HAVE NAPSTER READ THISJan 13, 2001, 3:21pm
Hey Everyone If U Always Wanted A Logo For Your City,World,Your name,Or
Anything BUT U SUCK TO MUCH(No Offense)Then Ask Agent Fox Mulder And You Can Get Your FREE Graffiti Logo Really Nice it could say like i dunno example:lamborgini City Home Of The Crazed Drivers You Can Have Anything Just Contact Me And Get Your Logo FREE of Cost Telegram Agent Fox mulder that Is A G E N T F O X M U L D E R At Mulder GrafitiT HAVE A NICE DAY YEA begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,314,C T,C(S ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 14, 2001, 10:26pm
Ass Fucker
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Yo welcome To Whever we Might Be Have Fun I guess "i know this signature is stupid" [View Quote] U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 14, 2001, 10:34pm
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 15, 2001, 12:37am
Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them Someone
Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone Was In My name im Sorry About This But Clearly Someone Must Know My password... U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 15, 2001, 12:38am
Ummm i wasn't One At the Time these Were Posted,I Did Not Post Them Someone
Must have My Password Cause recently I tried To log In And Someone Was In My name im Sorry About This But Clearly Someone Must Know My password... U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 15, 2001, 12:49am
Think If I attempted to Fraud you"He's gone mad.I always knew he was
insane,they should put him in a nut house....When will this madness END???".....So As You See He Would Try To Copy Me In every Possible Detail U CAN HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GRAFITI LOGOJan 15, 2001, 12:50am
Think If I attempted to Fraud you"He's gone mad.I always knew he was
insane,they should put him in a nut house....When will this madness END???".....So As You See He Would Try To Copy Me In every Possible Detail -- Important Message Very IMPORTANTJan 15, 2001, 12:45am
Those Messages Were Not Posted By me As A
Matter Of Fact I Was Not On At The Time I Believe Someone Has My Password Cause recently I Attempted To Log In But It Told Me Someone Was Already Logged It So Clearly Someone Must Know My password Since Also Someone Built In my Name And I Don't Know How they Know My Password Cause *Laugh*I Don't Even Know It So I Am Quite Sorry About What Accured In those Messages Please ignore Them And I Will Change My Password And Make Sure Noone Can get In To It,Once Again I Am Very Sorry About What Happened Ok"Forgiveness please"*Talks Like A Chinese Guy*If You Are Reading This Thank You For Taking Time To read This Long Message So Anybody i Offended Sorry And Any Foul Language Sorry....Thank You Have A Nice day begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,354,#(T,C4U ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end build 354 3.0Jan 15, 2001, 9:15pm
Is There A higher One Besides Build 354 3.0 BESIDES 3.1 Like A 3.0 Build
355??? begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,354,C,Q,C4U ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end Free Hosting(I Don't Need It,Im Doing It)Jan 15, 2001, 10:44pm
Umm I Can Host Your World For Free i Have Cable Internet And I Can Host Your
World,Though Im New-Theres Chances Of Certain Times The World Being Down.... -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,394,# T,30S ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end O MY DEAR LORD I WAS RIGHTJan 16, 2001, 11:04pm
Oh My God I CAn't Believe It I Was Right O MY GOD I COuldn't Send Tgrams
Then It Kicked Me Off Right When I Got One THEN I REALIZED IT SAID SOMEONE ALREADY LOGGED INTO MINE AND IVE BEEN GETTING TGRAMS THAT MY CONTACTS ARE SENDING TO OTHER PEOPLE (GOOD WAY To Listen To their Conversation)This IS Crazy Someones Got My Password And Ppw Im Hearing Other People Conversations Through Telegram THIS IS CRAZY I WAS ACTUALLY RIGHT SEE MHUAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I WAS RIGHT If Only It Happened In Math Haha -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,3=4,#$P,3,W ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end GOD DAMNET HELP KILL THE GUY IN MY NAMEJan 16, 2001, 11:07pm
PLZ Im BAck On But Ill Post If Im Off And CAnt Get On This IS Crazy -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,3=4,#$P-#,V ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end GOD DAMNET HELP KILL THE GUY IN MY NAMEJan 17, 2001, 12:07pm
Ok This May Be Weird But The Reason I Use Capitals Is Because.....It All
Started In Awgateway Nobody Could Hear Each Other Cause To Many People Were Talking So I Started Doing This.......And Cause I Hate It When Its All In Capitals And When Its Not In Capitals,And This Does not Take Any Longer -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals [View Quote] About My CapitalsJan 17, 2001, 12:10pm
Ok,In The Past Few Month People Have Been Complaining About My Writing Style
Why Though,This May Be Weird But The Reason I Use Capitals Is Because.....It All Started In Awgateway Nobody Could Hear Each Other Cause To Many People Were Talking So I Started Doing This.......And Cause I Hate It When Its All In Capitals And When Its Not In Capitals,And This Does not Take Any Longer So Please Ignore my Caps There Is Nothing Wrong With Them -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,3=4,30P-S$Y ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end Rolu They Won't Listen To Me Even If I Become GodJan 17, 2001, 8:10pm
Rolu,They Don't Listen Cause Of My Capitals,Which Is Just
Something I Do,Also They Complain About Me Not Typing Right,If I Say Something Like That(Someone They Can Listen To)All I Get Is "Shutup Agent Fox Mulder",Learn To Type Right","Shutup Or We Can Get You Disconnected From the Internet". They Never Listen, They Don't Give A Damn What I Say So They Won't Listen......Trust Me I Know Ok You'll get Your WayJan 17, 2001, 11:24pm
In The NewsGroup I Will Start To Talk With small letters.There are you happy
now maybe ill stop getting complaints -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,3 Q,3A4,#$R,3 X ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end Ok You'll get Your WayJan 17, 2001, 11:53pm
If Your Going To Be Like That Nornny I'm Going Back Like This Unless You
Have Soomething To Say About It. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------Whats Up??????And Dont Complain About My Capitals [View Quote] Newbies:May 23, 2001, 12:06pm
Listen they ask a question cause they want help.. They have a right to ask a
question. If you were a newbie you would ask Ultimate Paintball Bot problemsOct 29, 2001, 7:21pm
Hi,I'm having trouble with the ultimate paintball bot.
ok,I type in the cords,world,citnum,ppw,etc..then click "apply"then i want to make a score list so i click "Open"and choose a file(A new file i made"New Document.txt")then click ok and then where it says"score list"there's nothing there.. So the problem pretty much is i can't get a score list which means i cant get frenzies with also means i can't get teams...So does anyone know how to get it to work? Paintball BotNov 24, 2001, 6:58pm
I was wondering if anybody has a good paintball bot,Or script,that is
available for download begin 666 Agent Fox Mulder.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..DUU;&1E<CM!9V5N=#M&;W at - M"D9..D%G96YT($9O>"!-=6QD97(-"D%$4CM(3TU%.CL[.SM387-K871C:&5W M86X[.T-A;F%D80T*3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1! M0DQ%.E-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CTP1#TP04-A;F%D80T*6"U704(M1T5.1$52.C(- M"D5-04E,.U!2148[24Y415).150Z06=E;G1&;WA-=6QD97) <VAA=RYC80T* M14U!24P[24Y415).150Z4'5R<&QE7V1R87!E<T!H;W1M86EL+F-O;0T*4D56 >.C(P,#$Q,3(T5#(P-3$Q.5H-"D5.1#I60T%21 T* ` end Paintball BotNov 24, 2001, 8:13pm
Ya,but with Brant's pball bot,for me it always screws up because if i start
a new game after ive already played one..and someone clicks on old grenades,then it gets a error Look Here If You Know How To Make Avs plzDec 16, 2000, 8:25pm
Hey i was wondering if theres anyone that could help me.theres two custom
avs i want and i was wondering if anyone would beable to make 1 for me for free they are 1):a teenager 1 with sunglasses,baggy pants,backwards hat,chain(if possible),a black tshirt,a vest (if all accesories can't be added ok just [retty much a cool teen av) 2):A Agent Mulder one black pants,and black and a white shirt,with black shirt over it ,a Mulder face,A Gun(in other words a mulder av)if you can help tgram Agent Fox Mulder or email me at jarync at thank you OpDec 28, 2000, 11:32pm
Hey I was wondering does anybody have a good op With lots of objects i could
use? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ HEY DOWNLOAD ACTIVEWORLDS 3d CHAT TODAy A Chat where Your In worlds ya go to YOU'LL Like it also check out begin 666 Jaryn Michael Clouatre.vcf M0D5'24XZ5D-!4D0-"E9%4E-)3TXZ,BXQ#0I..D-L;W5A=')E.TIA<GEN.TUI M8VAA96P-"D9..DIA<GEN($UI8VAA96P at 0VQO=6%T<F4-"DY)0TM.04U%.D]Z M>0T*3U)'.D8N02Y4.VUY(&AO=7-E#0I4251,13I/=VYE< at T*0412.U=/4DLZ M.VUY(&)A<V5M96YT.TUY($AO=7-E($]N($UY($-O;7!U=&5R.U!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0[4V%S:V%T8VAE=V%N.W,V=B P8C([0V%N861A#0I,04)%3#M73U)+ M.T5.0T]$24Y'/5%53U1%1"U04DE.5$%"3$4Z;7D at 8F%S96UE;G0],$0],$%- M>2!(;W5S92!/;B!->2!#;VUP=71E<CTP1#TP05!R:6YC92!!;&)E<G0L(%-A M<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-CT-"G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I!1%([2$]-13H[ M.SM0<FEN8V4 at 06QB97)T.U-A<VMA=&-H97=A;CMS-G8 at ,&(R.T-A;F%D80T* M3$%"14P[2$]-13M%3D-/1$E.1SU154]4140M4%))3E1!0DQ%.E!R:6YC92!! M;&)E<G0L(%-A<VMA=&-H97=A;B!S-G8 at ,&(R/3!$/3!!0V%N861A#0I8+5=! M0BU'14Y$15(Z, at T*55),.FAT=' Z+R]!9V5N=$UO;&1E<BYC;VT-"E523#IH M='1P.B\O06=E;G1M;VQD97(N8V]M#0I"1$%9.C(P,# Q,C(P#0I%34%)3#M0 M4D5&.TE.5$523D54.FIA<GEN8T!H;VUE+F-O;0T*14U!24P[24Y415).150Z M4&5N9W5I;F)O>38V0&AO=&UA:6PN8V]M#0I2158Z,C P,#$R,CE4,#$R.30P ..6 at T*14Y$.E9#05)$#0H` ` end Avatars menu structuredJan 6, 2001, 5:59pm
To Fix That-1):Press The Button Next To Minimize
2):Move The Window That Activeworlds Is In To the Very Side Of your Screen Until U Can Only See "fIle" 3):Click File Then Use Your -> Key Until the Avatars Show Up 4):Now They Should All Be There Other solution: Try To Use A Different DeskTop theme -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ |