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Medievil/Fantasy RPG

Feb 4, 2001, 6:20pm
Hey everyone! I am looking for some great object and avatar, VB Bot
programers, or OP managers who would like to help in a new Medievil/Fantasy
RPG. the world is Gulakon, though it is down for server changes. Let me know
in AW,


Paintball bot

Jul 17, 2002, 2:14pm
Don't be so cynical and mean about it - he didn't say his PBall bot was
better than yours. He simply said he was offering a PBall bot that he made,
and was offering it for free.. jeez.


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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 11:44pm
Hi there.. I attempted to use the pluggin link to instal the universe but I
have activeX features disabled, so nothing seems to happen =/ I dont really
want to undo these disabilities... anywhere to download the program directly
from the site?


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 1:13am
ahhh thanks :D


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 1:13am
Nope, I can see flash :) My virus program just doesnt allow programs on the
net download directly to the computer through activeX... or something :P


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Feb 4, 2001, 6:16pm
Heya everyone out there in NG land! I am looking for some quality builders,
object/av makers, bot programmers using VB, and a webmaster to work on a
Medievil/Fanasy RPG. the project is located in GUlakon. contact me if you
woudl like to join!


Feb 5, 2001, 2:16pm
Hehehe I only posted in NGs of the same th eme =)
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Gulakon, Medievil/Fantasy RPG

Feb 4, 2001, 6:18pm
Hey everyone! I am looking for some great object and avatar, VB Bot
programers, or OP managers who would like to help in a new Medievil/Fantasy
RPG. the world is Gulakon, though it is down for server changes. Let me know
in AW,


PPW Management

Sep 8, 2004, 1:15pm
I actually thought that was kind of a necessity... If I remember correctly
(and if it still works this way) if someones on your PPW and you change it,
they wont get bounced off it.. Although that would take a lot of browser
updating and checking... Something to let the user kick people off might fix


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Personal Inventory

Oct 14, 2004, 4:18am
Im sorry to let you know but it all works off a database :) And its not PHP.


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Personal Inventory

Oct 17, 2004, 1:33pm
That's not the point I was arguing :)


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TRUE industry standard mouselook would be awesome :)

Jul 2, 2006, 6:21pm
I really enjoy the way Guild Wars handles movement and looking around.
You can run forward and such, and you tend to handle turning by changing
your camera /direction with the right mouse click. At first its hard,
but its incredibly intuitive and handy for games and gaming :)


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Complicated browser eh?

Jul 16, 2001, 5:52pm
Well, I suppose AW is just doing what businesses do - try and get all
business thats possible.,... SO instead of developing the browser for all of
US , they made a newer version for people who arent even here yet (the
newbies who complain about the browser being too hard)? lol


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Memerial World to open shortly

Sep 14, 2001, 11:06am
What the heck is the world name?


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For the nostalgic and old AW people

Sep 16, 2001, 3:34am
heheheh, nifty :) Was fun to look over at 10:30 at night :)


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Is the Uniserver down? <NT>

Nov 9, 2001, 11:04am
If their servers are functioning normally, and NONE of us can get in (I
can't either. On windows 98 here), then they have serious problems with
either their heads, or their server =/


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AW down np lets chat in here lol

Nov 9, 2001, 11:16am
Pretty good! Just getting ready for school over here - yourself? :)


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AW back up

Nov 9, 2001, 11:19am
well, the uni is back up, but it seems all the AWC worlds are down =/


AW protest !

Jan 5, 2002, 4:17pm
Maybe somebody WILL buy up AW< like someone bought up WOrlds, and turned it
into AW, correct? But I sure hope things just get better myself.


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AW Story

Jan 31, 2002, 11:30pm
Does anyone have the story that was made about AW? I believe is was written
by Protag... not sure though. To be more specific, I beleive he only had 3
chapters, and was about a "smaller" company that merged with a larger. The
company specialized in computer security for large companys.... It also had
some Indian Gaming mixed in.. Lemme know


AW Story

Feb 1, 2002, 12:02pm
I believe that is it! Thanks a lot!


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Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 3:42am
I think people are just a bit paranoid...


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Question: Walking Speed

Aug 31, 2002, 2:16am
Would you not get bored and impatient if walking were any slower in AW? :)
As has been decided, it's a game.. walking is slow enough in real life, lol,
and we don't have the use of cars.. so why not let us be able to walk as if
we WERE cars?


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to daphne

Sep 1, 2002, 2:56pm
Good point SWE... Or perhaps linn posted the very message in the newsgroups
(general discussion mind you... at least it wasn't in community, or this
thread would be two times longer), in order to tell everyone - not just
Daphne "Hey, ok.. I made a mistake, and I am sorry I made such a big deal
over an error in judgement on my part." Is that really so bad? If so, you
could always do as SWE said, and when you see a message saying "To so and
so", you could just not read it with the intent to flame the poor person
because they posted a two line message that is in your mind... out of


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Taking bets..

Sep 7, 2002, 11:21pm
Some very good points. When is it too soon? When is it too late? No one
really knows, but the judgement call has to be there. And if you wait too
long? Then who has a finger pointing at them?


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im officer messages

Oct 27, 2002, 3:12am
I don't see in any harm with people having some fun, if they mean to make
some people laugh.. as long as it isn't done more than "every so often",
there's really no problem with it. :)


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Take a moment of your time.

Nov 5, 2002, 2:23am
Sarcasm isn't what's annoying about his post... it's the fact that he made
that post, in response to one with some "deep thoughts"....


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Just For Fun...

Nov 5, 2002, 2:17am
boots :o


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Does anyone know Trowa Barton???

Nov 5, 2002, 11:47pm
No, the newsgroups are not a lost and found, but this *is* general
discussion :) Trying to find someone, and asking if anyone has seen the
person, is "general" :)


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[Humor] You know you have been on the computer too long when....

Dec 30, 2002, 2:32am
This doesn't count for being online, lol, but after being used to the 'page'
feature on coordless phones (you press the button and the phone begins to
beep until it is picked up, so you can find it when lost) Ive actually
thought "I can't find my history book.. page it!" :( Sadness when I realize
half a second later it's impossible LOL. Too bad :(


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