rolu // User Search
rolu // User Search
Feb 9, 2001, 4:12pm
[View Quote]"eep" <eep at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3A8416F8.615C1AD1 at tnlc.com...
> Hi, this is a friendly service announcement.
> "which worth to read" = "which is worth reading" or simply "worth reading"
> and "actually" should be before "has"
> We now return you to your regularly scheduled posting...
> andras wrote:
worth to read.
Feb 9, 2001, 4:18pm
Why don't you shut up yourself. I'm sure he's working on it. If you had
actually read and understanded all the posts in the last 24 hours, you would
see that he cares for the AW community - and just made a mistake. No need to
stir things up again. Now get lost with your half a brain cell.
[View Quote]"lord vector" <mike at vectorscape.com> wrote in message
news:3a843088 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Facter,
> why dont you just shut you face, go back to building the
> Looooooooooooooong over due web site, I hope its better than the current
> pile of garbage. If you have any respect for the AW community (which its
> obvious to anyone with half a brain cell you dont!) then if you are going
> ban him do so or shut up and tell us somthing of use like the new web site
> is up and its of use to the community.
> As I dont see why you post in here at all as I dont see a website NG.
He's not only for the website, you know.
No you don't.
But try to anyway.
Feb 9, 2001, 12:38pm
[View Quote]"col klink" <jarync at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a83f409$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What happeneed here who shot who in the what now?What did epp Do?I must
> missed something
Read the posts. It's all in there.
Feb 9, 2001, 7:42pm
[View Quote]"run facter run" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3a84579f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "nornny" <Nornny at snet.net> wrote in message
> news:3a84550c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> that
> more
> *prepares his lemons for the Bigger Bitter Battles*
> hmmm...bitter.....now, that reminds me of something...
> oh yes, Friday afternoon - Beer.
> hehe
> Run, Facter...Run !!
shouldn't that have been your other alter ego?
Feb 10, 2001, 6:37pm
Where did the test ng go? There was one here over a year ago.
[View Quote]"tomba" <tomba_2k at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3a85a3ab$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ignore post, testing.
Feb 10, 2001, 7:42pm
[View Quote]"ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message news:3A85B0A1.DB5695AC at oct31.de...
> What about testing if cancelling works after having checked if posting
> works?
> Not a problem as long as no one replied to them (just an idea)
That would be messy. And if it didn't work there would still be test
messages. I'd rather have the test ng back.
> rolu schrieb:
Feb 10, 2001, 8:47pm
[View Quote]"lanezeri" <Lanezeri at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a85bee7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Who cares.. I bet you guys have posted something like this before.. dont
> hound these people for it.. it says "ignore, testing" just ignore it..
> bitching..
Oh, shut up. I'm not saying people shouldn't test, on the contrary. But if
you really want to mess with the options on your newsreader you can't do it
here because you can be sure to get into trouble with certain people. We had
a newsgroup for it, where everything could go. I'm just saying it should
come back, so everybody can test as much as they want without trouble.
Feb 11, 2001, 9:41am
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a861ebe$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> only in aw's community NG could such a huge thread come off of one person
> trying to test their news reader software..
I've seen worse.
Feb 10, 2001, 8:50pm
[View Quote]"chanex" <amarecos at uninet.com.py> wrote in message
news:3a85b7bb at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have problem with Directx8 when I open AW3.0. the people `s nick it`s
> big and i can`t see very well the people `s head and some objects, if
> someone respond me plz.... :-(
how comes you think it is dx8 related? A (few) screenshot(s) would help
(but, if you can, don't post them here, instead upload them somewhere and
give links).
Feb 11, 2001, 12:10pm
[View Quote]"jeiden" <tgrenier1 at mediaone.net> wrote in message
news:3a864409$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The reason these so called "absurd people" do not want children exposed to
> this is because of the pervs that are looking to find them and talk them
> into leaving home and coming to them to either be killed or forced into
> child porn.
yes, and you can prevent that from happening by not letting those children
know about sex, being gay (or straight or whatever), child porn, pedophiles,
and stuff like that.
(note for the ones who didn't get it: this was sarcastic)
Feb 10, 2001, 11:20pm
[View Quote]"harry potter br" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
news:3a85e5bd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello, im having problems with the sky. When I face NW it gets normal, but
> when i face another direction,the sky gets spotted. I noticed that since
> i've reformated my PC. I've tryed to reinstall the video drivers, and the
> problem continues. Direct3D is working well. Please, help me as soon as
> possible,
A screenshot of this would be nice. If you make one, please do not post it
here (unless it's small) but upload it somewhere and give us a link.
Feb 11, 2001, 9:50pm
[View Quote]"internal affairs" <ji0414 at starlinx.com> wrote in message
news:3a87082b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> A witch on AW? Do you like ride a broom around as an avatar? I can't
> that. No wonder why all your objects have to do with witches. Well I know
> for one thing I am not buying any objects from you anymore.
Shut up.
Feb 11, 2001, 9:40pm
Looks quite neat actually.
Have you tried deleting your cache? (or at least the awgate part of it)
it seems like the browser is mistaking the width of the background picture
or something like that. It might have downloaded incorrectly. Deleting it
will force a reload.
[View Quote]"harry potter br" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
news:3a86fdfc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi, the picture of the problem that im having is at:
> vulcan.spaceports.com/~hpotter/sky.jpg . Thank u,
> Harry Potter BR
Feb 12, 2001, 9:42am
[View Quote]"harry potter br" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
news:3a8726b1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Rolu, ive deleted the cache, reinsaled awbrowser and the problems
> See, when i face NW the sky gets normal.
Might be an issue with your video card. Have you looked for new drivers?
What video card is it?
Feb 12, 2001, 2:08pm
[View Quote]"harry potter br" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
news:3a87cff9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Rolu, my video card is a SIS 530 Onboard. I've installed the drivers 3
> ago.
Were they the newest drivers? Have you checked the website of the
manufacturer? If they were the newest, try installing older drivers. If they
weren't the newest, try installing the newest drivers.
Feb 13, 2001, 8:30am
[View Quote]"harry potter br" <felipedrummond at globo.com> wrote in message
news:3a884fe6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello, rolu
> ive installed directx 8 and when i run Dxdiag, it shows that i havent
> hardware acelleration. I've tried do play Fifa 2000 but it doesnt show the
> option to run with hardware acelleration.
> when i installed directx 8 and runned aw, it shows that it couldnt locate
> hardware acellerator. And the AW runs with the sky nice. 5 minutes ago i
> tryed to run aw and after loading it, an error has appeared sayng that
> was a problem with a unknown module.
If you have problems in general, try talking to the manufacturer of your
card. They know it's ins and outs.
Feb 11, 2001, 9:45pm
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3a870416 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have been out for a day or 3 now, gettin my new comp all together and
> stuff, and I was just wondering what the word is on AW 3.1?
> Also, has anyone here had a problem with an ABit Siluro (32 MB, NVidia
> Mine freezes the system when DirectX is active for about 5-10 minutes, and
> it may actually freeze on a particular instruction, but I have no way of
> tracking the instructions sent. Please let me know -- I cannot run AW or
> about $200 worth of games for more than 10 minutes at a time lol
Check the temperatures inside your case, especially those of your vid card.
It might run too hot. Open the case and let a table fan blow at it and see
if it doesn't crash.
See if you have the latest release of directx - it might be an already fixed
Also take a look at the bios, there might be some performance related
settings there. Try putting them at lower performance/higher reliability.
Feb 12, 2001, 10:20am
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3a873d4e$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Here is what my ventilation system is like. I have a "suck" fan in the
> front at the bottom, and am using the power supply fan as my "blow" fan.
> This SHOULD run air right over the processor, but I think some IDE and
> cables are in the way.
Those IDE cables are very bad for your airflow indeed. If you have a steady
hand, some patience and luck, you can try to cut all cables in the ribbon
apart and bundle them. But you could run into trouble with it (damage the
cable, or get interference). I hope the new serial standard takes off
quickly... tiny data cables are good.
> Tomorrow I will try and see if I can get some wire
> wraps to help tie the wires out of the way of the wind tunnel and I will
> if I can get some of the twisted IDE cables. Should I also get a second
> "blow" fan for the back? Also, where can I get a ventillation device for
> the PCI slots in the back? The Graphics card has a fan on the chip but
> obviously isn't doing much good.
Try a table fan :-) Blows into the case sideways and cools almost
everything. Very good emergency solution. Wouldn't recommend it on the
longer run though, too much dust.
Feb 13, 2001, 8:43am
[View Quote]"john viper" <jviper at jtsoft.net> wrote in message
news:3a886002 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I appreciate everyone's recommendations and support, and I do have a
> ventillation problem, but that in fact is not contributing to my video
> problem.
> I was running AW with my VIA Hardware Monitor running and the processor
> hovered around 95F, never going over 100F. It froze after about 5 minutes
> of running. I have the latest VIA 4-in-1 drivers installed.
Checked your bios settings?
Also, you run windows 2000. I assume you have an AGP video card. AMD has
some drivers for win2000/agp, try installing them. See here:
Feb 11, 2001, 9:45pm
[View Quote]"myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a87049b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> *sigh* My mouse is sticking! :o(
> heheheheehehe Just trying to change the subject and lighten things up
> Guess it means I'm a brat huh? hehehehe
clean it :-)
Feb 12, 2001, 10:24am
[View Quote]"myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a87b1c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks but I have over and over and it is spotless. That's what I get for
> buying something at Radio Crack....errrr I mean Shack *lol* I think I will
> just put the one in that came with my PC. hopefully it will work. I never
> used it but it is previously used *sigh*
Have you looked at the inside? If you take out the mouse ball, you'll see a
few little cylinders, which press against the ball (if it's in). If there's
dust on them, it won't move correctly. Use a small screwdriver or something
to scrape off all of it, they should be completely clean.
Feb 12, 2001, 2:10pm
[View Quote]"facter" <"Facter at AWsupport"> wrote in message
news:3a87fdfe$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "run facter run" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3a87f0ab$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> context.
> out
> aaaarrrrggghhh, forgot over the weekend that I now have twoa ccounts for
> here =)
But which of the two does what now? :-)
rfr=private, facter=AW?
Feb 12, 2001, 10:32am
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a8739de$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i know this isn't the place.. but is anyone good at cracking reg #s? I
> a program that will "expire" in 30 days unless i give it it's reg code..
> prog's license fee is $640 and there is no way i'll pay that.. but i'm
> dieing for this prog..
Delete the executable and reinstall, that usually works.
Feb 12, 2001, 10:35am
[View Quote]"myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a87b61d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I need help here. My PC mouse seems to keep sticking and it's only a
> months old. I have cleaned it and it's spotless. Not a speck of dust in
> I took the mouse out and replaced it with the one that came with the PC
> after making sure it too was cleaned BUT that mouse is much worse. I then
> took the new one back out and put the old one (the one I bought a copule
> months ago) back in. I love this mouse and I'd be lost without it. Does
> anyone know what the problem could be? I'll be lost without my PC here.
> *sigh* I'm getting depressed here. :o(
See my other post... the first time I opened a mouse there was so much dust
on the little cylinders I thought it was a layer used to give it more grip.
I cleaned everything but the cylinders, and it didn't work. Only when I
cleaned everything off the cylinders it worked good again.
Also, be sure to have a good mouse pad. Try out several of them, and also
several other surfaces. See what works best.
Feb 13, 2001, 12:51pm
Feb 13, 2001, 5:21pm
[View Quote]"agent1" <Agent1 at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a897855$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Anyway, nothing is final with Napster yet. They've just been shut down
during the trial. Most likely they will be forced to stop offering free
services and pay royalties or something.
with napigator you can select servers other than the official napster
ones... even if the official napster servers get shut down, those will
probably stay up. For a while at least.
Feb 13, 2001, 9:01pm
[View Quote]"outlaw x" <tbooker at frontiernet.net> wrote in message
news:3a899a50$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is a Post , some say ......( not most ) is really not the best.
> But the worse you can say about this post , is it's only just a "TEST"
> the " X " has struck again. :0)
Feb 14, 2001, 9:22am
If only windows would use a decent file system...
there are many filesystems that don't even *need* defragging.
[View Quote]"facter" <facter at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3a89e074 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3a89cc5a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Since January? Hard drives should be defragmented a *minimum* of at least
> once per week - especially if they are larger hard drives. I myself defrag
> mine every three days on an automatic defrag. You should also scandisk
> computer at least once a week.
> Give it a good defrag and see how it goes.
Feb 14, 2001, 8:50pm
[View Quote]"wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3a8ae84c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Soundblaster Live! Value, Soundblaster Live! Platinum 5.1, Creative
> two of which are excellent sound cards, the third being the loser all have
> bad sound. And don't even attempt to tell me Creative's sound cards suck.
> I've won that arguement many a time.
Creative? Sucks? huh? Surprises me someone actually would come up with that.
Creative makes very good sound cards for years already. Oh well.. there are
always unhappy people.
Feb 14, 2001, 8:58pm
[View Quote]"xero" <xero at darkvapor.com> wrote in message
news:3a8aa401 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey..Heres the Cow Vac..Well..You can see for yourself..
if you like stuff like this, take a look at www.joecartoon.com
home of the frog-in-a-blender and the gerbil-in-a-microwave