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GKs and their Perks

Apr 30, 2003, 1:22pm
[View Quote] "Community Service Rewards" include a 25% (not 50) discount on purchases
of products such as world servers, and certain months of citizenship extension
for a certain amount of months served in a community organization (I think 6 - 6).
To meet the requirements you must make at least one 2-hour shift every week,
and you must provide shift reports and logs if necessary to prove that.

I don't think these perks are a reason for people to become Gatekeepers,
because they usually do not know about them before starting in the program.
I myself started gatekeeping back in 1997 when we did not have discounts,
extensions nor eject powers, so yes I would still be a GK even without them.
I've won enough citizenship extensions in different contests to last me a virtual lifetime,
and I don't bother using the server discount either because it must be requested beforehand.


GKs and their Perks

May 1, 2003, 12:57pm
[View Quote] I don't know if they were implemented by AWI's or some community group's initiative,
but apparently the company feels that these volunteers are good for the business
beyond what they lose with these discounts. It would take time and money
to train paid workers to do the same thing and with the same enthusiasm too.
Maybe some would leave without these perks because they felt unappreciated,
but there are also many who simply could not afford to pay for their citizenship otherwise.


GKs and their Perks

May 2, 2003, 11:56am
[View Quote] It is hard to stop kids calling themselves GK-this-and-that,
just have to educate people not to believe everything they are told.
If it is your own world then feel free to boot them.
The dedicated Gatekeeper citizenships are numbers 292634-292683 and
297633-297644 I think, and GKs are only allowed to use them in AWGate
and certain event worlds like Godzilla and Avatars conference worlds.


Message to Bill and YS CRASH!

May 7, 2003, 12:31pm
[View Quote] Oh, I thought it should be cleared when AW is restarted?
"Before, if the "flush" option was enabled, the log file would be appended
each time, thus growing bigger and bigger. Now it will start with a blank
log each time."


Some kind of error in outlook..

Jul 17, 2003, 2:06pm
[View Quote] Does not seem to hang for me anymore :) (OE6)


out of control gk bot

Jul 21, 2003, 1:55pm
[View Quote] Gatekeepers have not received any instructions about
words "m a t t" or "confederate" being eject on site,
only told to look out in case M a t t advertises his password stealing bot.
So those words must have been programmed into Customs Aide by AWI.
That M a t t thingie has really been causing trouble for years now.


Old Timers Day

Sep 8, 2003, 1:23pm
[View Quote] Yes, thank you AWHS and especially OneSummer, was awesome :)
Fun chatting at AW GZ with tens of people, wish that was always so...



Sep 14, 2003, 5:37pm
[View Quote] Sometimes this can be because of a bug that 3.4 has with some gestures,
so taking avatar animations off from Settings in Options menu might help,
unless you have already done so?


ENZO: Heads Up

Sep 29, 2003, 1:02pm
[View Quote] Sniff, I used both before AW. Comic Chat was quite fun actually. I wish AW had IRC interface ;)



Oct 3, 2003, 12:07pm
[View Quote] Vi ses :/


3.4 Users?

Oct 7, 2003, 1:11pm
[View Quote] It is a patch to 3.4 that takes away the feature/bug about
World Features dialog staying open when teleporting to another world.
Maybe it was supposed to be released to the public at one point?



Dec 14, 2003, 10:57am
I deny all rumours that Saddam was caught in Hole! :p

*off with reward money*

Mauz, owner of Hole

Posting in the newsgroup

Nov 16, 1999, 11:07am
[View Quote] Yes, a lot of the dynamics of these newsgroups is now gone.
I can understand why chose this way: since many of
the "troublemakers" protested by not renewing and are now tourists,
it's easier for the moderators to not let them post at all
than lurk by the newsreader all the time and only delete the
offending posts afterwards. But apparently they don't mind
leaving the new, innocent and eager tourists out either.

This can also lead to the very unpleasant result that if a citizen
does post against the charter, he can soon find his citizenship revoked...


Posting in the newsgroup

Nov 18, 1999, 10:17am
[View Quote] I _was_ referring to the newsgroup charter as a matter of fact,
because it says that "[a]ttacks on AWCOM, its employees, contractors
or partners will be rejected." (Hey I read my VCR's manuals too ;)

But m0e is right about it just being a rumour that it was his newsgroup post
that got LordDragon into trouble; I don't even know if he himself knows
the reason. Well, at least he got his world and citizenships back now.

Actually, my biggest complaint against the current password system
is that half the AW doesn't know how to set it up hehe.



Dec 6, 1999, 1:35pm
[View Quote] Yes, HearMe is very easy to setup for the chatter too, since it downloads
automatically when you enter the chat room web page. Voice quality is good.
The fact that only person can speak at a time takes something off
the conversation part though, especially if somebody's holding
a minutes-long speech, since there is no way to interrupt him.
But all in all, it makes it more tangible that you're meeting real people there.
It's also easier for some people to express themselves in voice than text.

However, there is one danger for this international AW community:
for a foreigner it's usually easier to produce and understand written English.
And if you try to chat with Americans, they WILL comment on your accent.
Moving chat into voice window may intimidate most of the foreigners
to stay quiet if there are native English-speakers present.

If you plan to use voice in public AW occasions, please make sure that
there is a written transcript of all the official speeches and announcements
in AW window all the time. And don't force the speechmakers to use voice
if they don't want to, even if it's just friendly peer-pressure with good intentions.


A good day for freedom around the world.

Oct 8, 2000, 6:52am
[View Quote] Tourists still can't post here. One could wonder why,
all the "troublemaker tourists" are citizens again anyway ;)
Maybe they think there is better (self-)control over the content,
if you must give out your citizen account information when posting?
Or maybe it's just yet another incentive to registering.


AW3 contest over; results inconsistent

Oct 8, 2000, 6:41am
[View Quote] Considering that the contest was judged by AWCOM staff, maybe the
"COF SUX" graffitti right at GZ had something to do with it...? ;)

A'tuin2 was the obvious favorite anyway, full of 3.0 stuff
(prelights, detailed textures, grayscale masks, world lights, fog)
and even public building - a must see :)

By the way, Contest8 (it's Star Wars!) is now moved to Amigos2.


Did the duct tape go undone again?

Dec 30, 2000, 5:54pm
[View Quote] TechTalk was cancelled on Friday, all Roland said then was:
Roland: server rebooted (again)...even though Sun said all problems were fixed
Roland: I have to clean up the mess
Roland: I don't know what the problem is...all I know is that $40,000 sun servers should not be spontaneously rebooting
Roland: 3.1 beta is reaaaal the SDK docs done this week, check 'em out if you are interseted
Roland: I all set for next week...but I dunno...if the server reboots again all bets are off
Roland: ok...I'm off...I need to see if there's any hope of recovering alphaworld this time around...

The Network Status says now
The main Active Worlds server has experienced a relapse of the hardware problem
that occurred three weeks ago, despite the fact that Sun assured us at the time that
everything was fixed. We have moved the universe and many of our worlds to a
backup server until the main server can be fixed. During this time some worlds
(including AlphaWorld) will be down. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please direct any inquiries to support at

Another information I got stated that the universe will be running
on the backup server until at least Tuesday. The new (temporary?) address
for is, so some world hosters,
especially on Linux, may have to add it to world.ini:

The old hardware problem they're referring to is the one where the primary
Active Worlds server kept rebooting itself, until Sun Microsystems finally
replaced the whole motherboard. They also experienced power outages at the time,
despite of UPS at the network site. That in turn delayed the AlphaWorld
database rebuild, which takes at least 10 hours even under good circumstances.

If somebody has more info, please post it here. (AWCOM employees? Anyone...?)


AlphaWorld up

Jan 3, 2001, 5:07pm
Immigration Officer: PLEASE NOTE: AlphaWorld is back up for now, but building will be disabled until AlphaWorld's server machine can
be repaired.


Texturing on tree01 to tree03

Jan 5, 2001, 11:32pm
[View Quote] The wise ones don't post to this newsgroup anymore ;)

> When I add a texture to tree01, 02 or 03 in AW, it only textures one side of
> the tree and leaves the rest of it bare. Why is this? I was also wondering

Executive summary:
If you're using AW 3.0, you can no longer animate tree01 - tree03
with textures that have see-through parts, like flower or tree textures.
Use for instance astrotrf, grass1, grassn, grasso, or chatwal2.

Technical explanation:
The sprites in AlphaWorld, like flowers, shrubs and 2D trees,
have the "textureaddressmode clamp" command in the rwx file.
It prevents horizontal ghost lines above them in RenderWare 3.0.
But it also means that you shouldn't use their textures to animate
objects with UV values greater than 1, like tree01 - tree03 have.
Otherwise you may get distorted results, like the picture showing up
only once in some corner of the model and the rest just thin stripes.
Whether you see it right or not, depends on which kind of instance of
that texture, clamped or non-clamped, you first see when entering the world.


Texturing on tree01 to tree03

Jan 6, 2001, 4:39pm
[View Quote] Err the joke was that I posted here too...

Anyway, it might be nice to have a "technical" newsgroup,
maybe by renaming "worldbuilders", which is too restricting.
Especially since Roland cleared the old beta newsgroup, which would
have had this information about clamp command too. At latest TechTalk
(Fridays 8 PM VRT at AWUniv 30N 30W, didn't somebody ask that?)
he said that "the beta newsgroup was never intended to be a database",
but what other public knowledge base do we have than these newsgroups
and some web pages and tutorials, mostly by private citizens.


3.1 Info..

Jan 6, 2001, 9:22pm
[View Quote] Woo rumours fly fast - and wrong.

Roland said at TechTalk that AW 3.1 beta will be released next Monday
as an "invitation only" round, but the tester list hasn't been decided yet.
The date when the beta will be avaible for public to download depends on
how the closed beta goes. AWCOM employees have had access to 3.1 already,
so maybe some trusted citizens too, but not me.

Get the facts straight from the horse's.. err Roland's mouth:
TechTalk log at
AW 3.1 info at



Jan 15, 2001, 2:02pm
[View Quote] You may have a trojan horse backdoor program implanted in your computer.
It allows the cracker to use your computer as he was sitting by it himself.
The posting style of your evil twin reminded me of somebody else anyway.

In that case, changing password wouldn't help, he'd find it out too.
Or maybe if you don't put "remember" checkbox on in AW but always
type the password yourself when logging in, then that password is safe.

If you are not running a firewall like ZoneAlarm yet, you can download it at
But maybe it would be best to unplug your cable from the net _now_
and/or take the computer to some expert to be cleaned.
Or maybe Peacekeepers or AW Support can help you with that.

[Follow-ups only to community please = see the Newsgroups line in headers]


i miss 3.1

Jan 20, 2001, 10:08am
[View Quote] Roland said at TechTalk that he may add more beta testers when the beta
is a bit more stable. He has no plans yet how they would sign up though.
There may be no public beta at all if the closed rounds go well.
The final release will be in "a few weeks".

About how he chose the first group:
"first, there was a very small group of users who I personally wanted on beta, about 10 or so
these people had demonstrated an ability to provide excellent feedback and knowledge of the product in past betas
after that, I needed about 10 or 15 I picked those at random out of a *very* large pool of qualified people
so, that's how I got 25 beta users"


Thats it I am through

Jan 18, 2001, 2:38pm
[View Quote] How to filter in Outlook Express 5:
- choose a message by the poster whom you want to filter out
- go to Message menu
- choose Block Sender.
You can undo it from Tools - Message Rules - Block Senders List.

You can make more sophisticate filters from Tools - Message Rules - News, like
highlighting messages by certain sender with some color instead of deleting them.

In Outlook Express 4 you can make filters at Tools - Newsgroup Filters - Add.


3.1 Open Beta Release?

Feb 3, 2001, 12:47pm
[View Quote] Roland said yesterday at TechTalk that AW 3.1 "will probably be released
next week sometime" if no more bugs come up - there is still a couple left though.


negative light still works

Mar 19, 2001, 2:36pm
[View Quote]
See Bug #50 reported 3/5/01: "Extremely large values for the brightness=
argument of the light command can still wind up creating a negative light."
Roland has already fixed it for the next build.

Negative light was removed from 3.1 because the new version of RenderWare,
which will be used in AW 3.2, won't support it anyway.


Re: 3.1 patch testers

Mar 31, 2001, 4:53pm
[View Quote] Roland said this on February before 3.1 was released:

Mauz: if you get it fixed, will you release new version for everybody, or just next beta testers?
Roland: typically, if there are further bug fixes after the first release, the update goes out to the beta users first and then
everyone a few days later
Mauz: so there will be new beta tester list?
Roland: no, the same one
Mauz: not any new entries...?
Roland: do you mean, new entries to the beta list *after* 3.1 is released?
Mauz: yes
Roland: um
Roland: wasn't really planning on you think it would be necessary?
Mauz: oh nobody has asked? :)
Roland: asked to be on the beta after 3.1 is released? :) not yet :)


AWHS - Let's get it together.

Jul 18, 2001, 9:50am
[View Quote] Argh why meeeee... I supported the original goal of AWHS:
to protect the buildings of NACs (Not A Citizens) when they were
threatened to be opened for anybody to delete back in 1997
as a compensation for introducing the citizenship fee.
Yeah yeah AWCI didn't even keep that promise - thankfully ;)

Lots have been done since by AWHS, with the support of AWCI,
to convert accounts of historical site and GZ area builders
back into their original citizen name or into AWHS-accounts.
So that way they will stay protected even if the NACs properties
would get deleted. New additions to the historical site list may
pop up every now and then, like Alpengeist's Sky Kingdom just now.
But all in all, the goals of the old AWHS have already been reached.

The proposed new AWHS seems to be more into cleaning up than
preservation. Sure the old AWHS started to go that way too,
but I never really thought it fit the founder's idea.

However, as the original purpose is now obsolete anyway, maybe
AWHS should change into a "AlphaWorld Town Planning Office".
Town planners in real life deal with city plans, zoning laws
and provisions, estethical values etc. So it is more natural
for such an organization to take matters of taste into account
than purely historical values. A historic building can be ugly too.


3.2 closed beta next week?

Aug 4, 2001, 3:37pm
Roland: well, AW mgmt [decreed] that 3.2 shall go beta next week, ready or not
Roland: basically, the only thing that isn't working real well yet is the firewall support stuff...but they're tired of waiting for
that I guess
Roland: first beta will probably be a dozen or less...I want to start out real slow on this...there is a ton of new code
Roland: i dont know what day next week

(I tried to post in the beta group but apparently the beta tester list has been reset.)


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