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usul 2

Nov 7, 2002, 2:12am
The other option of course, would be to not accept the nomination of R and X
rated worlds.
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ncc 71854

Nov 7, 2002, 2:13am
Good idea.

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 7, 2002, 3:00am
VERY good idea

wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)uk

Nov 7, 2002, 6:30am
After thinking about this situation and to keep all parties at peace there
is only on outcome that will keep all happy.

The awards should be in two

1. A cyaward that does not consist of any adult rated worlds.

2. A adult cyawards for all adult related theames.

This way all get what they want.

If you want something so bad, you have to give and take a little.

This issue is one that is controversial, I'm sure the adult worlds would be
only to happy to compete against each other. Yes its more work for these
involved, but if you want something so bad you have to give something.

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Nov 7, 2002, 9:11am
2. Cys decide to hold a separate Teen Award event each year, so that those
talented kids can get the recognition they deserve, in a safe environment.

3. Some generous and caring community members support this astute move by
the Cys by jumping in to offer prizes for the event!

3. The teens go wild!! They are so happy that they will have their own
event, in which they now can shine even brighter, and even have a better
chance of winning, without having to compete against adults with more
experience, some of whom are professional! And they can win worlds! cits!
software! yay!

4. The entire community is happy that something that was perceived as a
negative by a few people, was turned into a wonderful positive by a few
other people who decided that instead of harping and complaining, they'd
support this positive action by AWinc, and find a way to make it work for
more people in the CommunitY, so that even more people could be satisifed.

5. The previous fragmentation in the CommunitY begins to heal, they renew
their cits and worlds, and everybody lives happily ever after.

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Nov 7, 2002, 9:13am
Best idea

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wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)uk

Nov 7, 2002, 9:27am
The only problem I see with this is that you are banning all teen from the
main cyaward presentations of which many teens would/might gain insperation.
and meet the older members of the community.

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goober king

Nov 7, 2002, 9:35am
So? The CY Committee has no control over what people do *after* the
awards are over (or before, for that matter). As I said before, the CYs
are simply for recognizing skill and effort. If people want to visit the
winning worlds afterwards, that's not the Committee's problem. Most
adult worlds have plenty of warnings present as soon as you walk in
anyway, so if a kid doesn't heed those warnings, then it's not the fault
of the adult world *or* the CY Committee. Let's put it this way: If
everyone made a big deal out of the winning adult world (such as
announcing that it is an adult world during the ceremony), don't you
think that would make people *more* curious to visit the world?

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Goober King
Curiosity killed the community...
robrod at


Nov 7, 2002, 9:39am
I would hope the older members of the community would go out in droves to
the Teen awards, to support the kids, and encourage them in even further
expanding their talents. I know a number of the older members, talented
technicians and artists, who would definitely be there.

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goober king

Nov 7, 2002, 9:40am
Actually, that sounds like a great idea, except I wouldn't offer prizes,
since the real CY Awards don't offer prizes either (and that's not the
point of the CYs anyway). I think simply making a "TeenCY" statue object
that the winners could place in their builds/worlds would suffice. :)

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Goober King
It's like the CYs... only not.
robrod at

linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 7, 2002, 9:45am
2 separate awards is the best idea why separate the kids from the
community ceremony ..... i think if any worlds are to be separated it should
be as E N Z O has done and this makes our CY awards kid safe

ncc 71854

Nov 7, 2002, 9:47am
The kids might want to know about the main CY awards and about who wins

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linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 7, 2002, 9:47am
the real CY Awards???? what goob ?????????? this is a degrading statement
to the "kids" already????

linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 7, 2002, 9:50am
the kids as we call them :-) should NOT have to ask about them they
should be right in there with us some of them can build circles around the
"older" cits

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wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)uk

Nov 7, 2002, 9:53am
well observed there, this is why I suggested the two sep awards, kid safe
and adult worlds.

Im very sure even the relevent worlds would welcome a awards event that can
cater to their theames. It not the point of exclusion it is inclusion into
something that can reflect tastes and somewhere they can all meet freely and
perhaps model and have avatars that also reflect their theames.

Plus teens do own worlds outside awteen

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ncc 71854

Nov 7, 2002, 9:54am
They will want to see the winning worlds....they will be curious why they

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goober king

Nov 7, 2002, 10:00am
*sigh* Thank you for totally missing my point; you seem to excel at
that. Would "original CY Awards" sound better? :P

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Goober King
Who knew semantics could be so annoying... oh, wait...
robrod at


Nov 7, 2002, 10:00am
Goob? Did you actually say I had a great idea? You feeling okay?

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Nov 7, 2002, 10:01am
you're right. better not to separate the kids. separate the adult worlds
is better. just thinking ahead if they go forward with this, how to give
something to the kids. i sure wouldn't want to see them with nothing at

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wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)uk

Nov 7, 2002, 10:06am
Its extereamly simple a new award catergary.

Best teen section

This includes all teen work into a section that proberly has been
overlooked, a section only where teens can be nominated. This I'm sure would
create some great work and really included teens/kids into the cyawards.

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Nov 7, 2002, 10:57am
Since it seems the Cy Awards Committee refuses to "police" itself then, YES,
it's a good idea for the company to assert a bit of "policing" for them...

AlphaBit Phalpha says the Cy Awards never have been "biased" but what it
seems they are doing is applying the word "biased" to what is actually a
sense of "common decency" held by most uses of this program...

People.... If your common decency tells you that promoting the type of
worlds in question is very wrong for an organization belonging to this
Community (that encompasses all ages, genders, cultures, ect.) then please
do not accept the label of you being biased...

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Nov 7, 2002, 11:13am

Since it seems the Cy Awards Committee refuses to "police" itself then it's
a good idea for the company to assert a bit of "policing" for them...

The Cy Committee should have thought about possible repercussions before
changing the rule that kept the organization inline with company guidelines
and with what most users want their community to be; which includes what the
community's award program promotes also, regardless if they put Adult Only
type stuff on stage or not!!!

This Community DOES belong to the "COMMUNITY" and not just to the Cy Awards
Committee, after all... The Cy Committee are the ones that stepped beyond
their "scope" in trying to force the community to accept things they do not
want to accept... The people here are not all sheep, after all...

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Nov 7, 2002, 11:22am
Hmmmm....good point ncc...raises a question.
Would the Cy Awards be able to post the winners publicly?
Seems that would be the same as announcing them at the ceremony.
Maybe the Cys would need an x-rated page for adult viewers only?
Oh would that be monitored?

wizard myrddin hippyring@rdescape(dot)co(dot)uk

Nov 7, 2002, 11:37am
I am more then sure one of the adult themed worlds that has web hosting
would only be to happy to host a adult awards schedule etc. Plus advertising
within their own worlds. But thats for TZ and the Cy Committee to decide if
they want.

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Nov 7, 2002, 11:50am
Well...then basically the adult world Cys would move away from the Cys
entirely as I see it?

From posts in the past people seemed upset that there are even adult worlds
in the aw universe.
Would the next outcry be for aw to remove adult themed worlds from the aw

I don't think removing adult themed worlds from the Cys would settle the
main concerns for some folks in the community.

I don't think some folks would be truly happy until adult themed worlds were
completely removed from our universe.

But that's just my observation from all the past history regarding them:)


Nov 7, 2002, 11:50am
Goober King... What the Cy Committee did have control of is the rules they
follow and, since they are this community's award program, then what rules
they put in place need to be in keeping with this community's wishes and
that has always been, for the majority, the wish to keep this software
family oriented...

The family oriented standing is why many came here in the first place and
why many have stayed... It's one of the main reasons why I had always
promoted ActiveWorlds to practically everyone I talked to!!!

We lost users in January and since because of the large price increase...
Most of us that are still here understood the necessity of that even though
it didn't exactly make us happy... We stayed because we still have great
hopes for this software and because it was still mostly in keeping with what
we could still support... We knew some Adult-rated worlds existed in this
universe but, for the most part, they kept to themselves and didn't 'always'
shove their existance in our faces...

What has changed is that now the Community's premiere awards event HAS
"shoved" their existance in our faces and held them up for the whole online
community to view as some of the best that ActiveWorlds has to offer...

Many of us do NOT want our Community known for it's Adult-themed worlds
whether they are very well done or not!!! THIS is why the controversy!!!
It's not because we are actually afraid that the community's Cy Awards
event will have nekkid avatars parading on the stage... It's because
allowing this to continue will eventually change the whole face of

The picks done through the Cy Awards do more than reward for best this or
best that... They also influence... That's something you seem to be
ignoring in your protests...

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Nov 7, 2002, 12:59pm
From my post dated October 30, 2002
""Why doesn't someone do as you mentioned at one time and do an awards show
that are only for R and X rated worlds??? (I still contend, as I said in
an e-mail to AW Inc. several months ago, that if AW Inc. in any way sponsors
such an awards show, their "Family Oriented" claim will be further

AlphaBit Phalpha recommended this course of action herself but didn't follow
through with it for some reason... If this course had indeed been followed
there would have been a lot less uproar in the Community...

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lady gabrielle

Nov 7, 2002, 1:02pm
Ok.. so why not have the Cy Awards on 2 nites... on the first nite.. incluse
all the catagories that dont have adult nominees in them... on second nite
have all... and rate the world that nite...

There REALLY is no solution to this... I have read everyones comments... but
the fact still remains... AW is a universe that EVERYONE pays money to be in
and EVERYONE has the SAME rights... so what do you do?

Move on EVERYONE... this is REALLY GETTING OLD!!!!!!

Perhaps Daphne's Christmas Bingo topic... come one... let this die folks..
nothing is being resolved...
just alot of hurt feelings.... let AW decide.. and live with what they

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e n z o

Nov 7, 2002, 1:14pm
The Cy awards are not and have never been an AW Inc. sponsored event. They
have always been taken care of by the community members who sacrifice their
time and effort to make them happen.

AW Inc. makes software. You make worlds. Those worlds have content. If
the content falls into one rating or another then there needs to be a rating
which allows veiwers to chose if they wish to visit. This feature will be
built into the software. How you use it will be your responsibility. World
owners will have to be responsible as will veiwers who set their personal
rating limits.

Your invocation of the Oscars is not logical.

Rarely (and I say rarely because I am almost positive but could be wrong)
does a X rated movie win an Oscars. There are other award shows that do
present films of that rating with awards, but not the Oscars. Also, the
Oscars as do the Cy awards often become places for advertising worlds and

This is not meant as a discussion point. "Policing" will be done by you the
world owner and you the veiwer - not AW.


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e n z o

Nov 7, 2002, 1:19pm

I for one self censor my reading... I know who I would read messages from
and what topics are of interest. Until the recent rash of
calls/telegrams/email to the office I thought everyone in here did as well.

With 22K of messages, I was asking for a place to start looking for posts I
probably had filtered.


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