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Nov 8, 2002, 12:37am
If the Adult worlds decide to have their own Cy's, that's fine. But, the
impression that I have gotten is that the Teens would be separated from the
Cy's all together and have their own Cy awards. If it were with the rest of
the community awards, and Teens had a fair chance at every category just
like every other world and person, then that would be fine. From what I can
see, it would not be so, the teens would be placed in their own Cy's, not
being allowed to even attend the regular Cy's.


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Nov 8, 2002, 12:38am
No, it wasn't in GorVernA, as I do not visit that world anymore (previous
post) and no I am not trying to start up trouble. Do you actually read these
posts? I was responding in agreement to someone. Why not, you say?! Adult
content=adults only. The CY's are a "community" event. Community means
content that is allright for everyone INCLUDING children to view. The
content I saw was NOT for children to view. Therfore, it shouldnt have been
promoted. Its like advertising "Playboy" on the Family doesn't
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Nov 8, 2002, 12:44am
[View Quote] Teens are not in question, adult worlds and themes are. Therefore, using common
sense, they should be the ones excluded.


linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 8, 2002, 12:45am
if there are 2 awards no matter what the name of them one for adult
theme and one for reg community cits the teens should be part of the
latter I am not in favor of separating anyone out of them but the adult


Nov 8, 2002, 12:46am
good. But what would this 'adult cy' entail? Would it be the same awards? or
different ones?


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ncc 71854

Nov 8, 2002, 12:58am
Then install bots into the bingo worlds and have them eject for adult chat

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ncc 71854

Nov 8, 2002, 1:02am

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Nov 8, 2002, 1:13am
Not to worry SW Chris...the Cys will never be la Cys!:)


Nov 8, 2002, 1:14am
The bot can't decipher apparent inuendos.


Nov 8, 2002, 1:14am
lol...thanks SW Chris:)


Nov 8, 2002, 1:18am
Well there little lady:)
I beg to differ:)
I have seen grown upstanding members of this community speaking of BOB in
the Bingos.
You DO know what BOB is?...If not just ask some of our fine upstanding
And guess what?
If a young adult doesn't know what it is they beg to have someone tell them.
How is this release of partial info different than the Cys I ask you?
*shaking head*


Nov 8, 2002, 1:21am
Me also jstone. might be put to a Community vote as to which the Cys will
cover.....Adult rated or G rated.
I reckon if anyone is going to make a decision it just might be you folks:)
No promises yet tho.


Nov 8, 2002, 1:21am
Well could go the other way...where adult themed worlds would be


Nov 8, 2002, 1:22am
Thank you Wiz.
Very nicely put:)


Nov 8, 2002, 1:26am
Sorry Bowen...but teens are not in question...but are the concern.
Both at this time are at risk as far as I can see.
Especially if the community decides via a voting process.
I personally would rather see the Cys stop completely then to have to deal
with making choices in matters like this.
Either 2 decisions are going to cause pain and frustration for one group or
the other:(


Nov 8, 2002, 1:28am
Ya gots a group of people that are willing to take on organizing 2 seperate


Nov 8, 2002, 1:35am
[View Quote] Hardly. Teens are not the entirety of underaged people. If I'm not mistaken, there
are a great number of community members who also loathe the gor and other adult based
themes/worlds. If we're going to use the Oscar example, like Rick said, X rated
movies aren't allowed into them. Slaves in the true gorean sense (I don't care about
the "we're not like that" routine) are considered part of the bondage theme, which is

Don't segregate things that don't violate ratings (to protect them). But do
segregate things that could be offensive to almost everyone given their nature.


linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 8, 2002, 1:39am
I don't recall anyone saying just one group had to do this I realize
last time was confusing to say the least but there are other pal who can do
this too
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Nov 8, 2002, 2:03am
The whole time I have been working for CitBingo, I have never seen anyone
talk like that there. Besides, there is a host there almost all night who
watches.....I doubt that ever happened.
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Nov 8, 2002, 2:08am
If it was a conversation, then I'm sure one of the hosts would have taken
care of it. If someone came into CYAwards and was talking like that, then
I'm sure one of the members of CY would bring it to their attention that it
is not allowed. On the other hand, if you are promoting adult content, it is
much different, because it is the committee who is promoting the content.
Conversations are a little bit uncontrolable unless someone is monitoring,
which Citbingo does.
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Nov 8, 2002, 2:10am
I think two seperate CY Awards would solve this problem for everyone
actually, so I agree on that. If we could have one CY Award for "family"
("G"-"PG") and one for Adults ("R"-"X") then it just might solve the
problems ...*G* ;o)
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sw chris

Nov 8, 2002, 2:23am
It _doesn't_ have to be one or the other. I would personally give the adult
themed worlds another CY Awards ceremony. Why? Because their content
promotes a lifestyle that kids can't be a part of. In a G and PG rated CY
Awards, _everyone_ can enjoy the Cys as long as their _content_ is
appropriate. Do you guys understand this? Please consider that point of
view, because that is the correct way to look at it. Adults will not be
excluded from a family-friendly Cy Awards, but kids _will_ be excluded from
an adult-themed CY Awards.

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Nov 8, 2002, 2:33am
Elyk....ask Daphne about it please:), her and I just chatted about it.


Nov 8, 2002, 2:34am
SW Chris,
What about the award recipients pages?


Nov 8, 2002, 2:36am
Any chance you would be interested in helping out if things go that way?
And that's a serious question ok?
Not being fecisious:)


Nov 8, 2002, 2:38am
Want to run this idea past ya'll:)
What if an adult world person who has their entrys in an adult world were to
have a world to display their entry in where no r or x rated displays or
chat were present in the display world?

sw chris

Nov 8, 2002, 2:58am
What about them, indeed? Create a different website? And call the award
something else? Maybe keep the same name?

Whether you decide to create two awards or choose one or the other, my
arguement still stands.

SW Chris

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sw chris

Nov 8, 2002, 3:00am
Such worlds would be minimal in number, at best. That would double the cost
since one would be maintaining both worlds.

Then again it might just prove more economical just to not allow that kind
of stuff in one's world. But that's just me being fecisious. :) Bad joke?


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Nov 8, 2002, 3:06am

linn ironhead@digitalpassage(dot)com

Nov 8, 2002, 3:40am
now bit to answer your question as nicely as i can no flames here
simply that I would not work with you if hell froze over cause the "oh feel
sorry for me" and the mind games( i saw your chat with maki SHAME ) you
play would never work on me "sweetie"


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