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Take the Poll...

May 26, 2001, 5:50pm
wow...I'm honoured for having my site suggested :-)) and and you should add
the webring as well (plus there's a typo, it's andras.net)


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Poll updated and Fixed...

May 26, 2001, 9:47pm
still a few typos :-(( :

PS. bad luck I guess...

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Poll updated and Fixed...

May 27, 2001, 12:40pm
hmmmm...last time I checked on AWnews.com it was down, maybe that's the


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Poll updated and Fixed...

May 28, 2001, 6:57pm
yes, I checked it with the W3C HTML validator (to see if it was just me) and
it sayd error 500 hosntame doesn't exist.

PS. maybe you should check with your registrar...

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Question about worlds hoster

May 28, 2001, 6:47pm
just know that by uploading the exe to a server, it won't work. now, it
doesn't matter what OS your world is hosted on, makes no difference. after
what I know there are no (publicaly released) bots for Linux/Unix, so that
won't be possible. if your world is in AW, the server will have to be 3.0
(thus accept server admin logins) :-))

PS. good luck with your world!

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Question about worlds hoster

May 29, 2001, 2:33pm
oops, hit the wrong key ;-)) thanx for correcting me :-))


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[NG Survivor Results]

May 29, 2001, 2:28pm
that was a blowdryer? tought it was a kitchen tingy... *eats larve mush*


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May 30, 2001, 1:26pm
guess what, I got the same problem with a world I was supposed to host. (I
will not mention any names, to keep privacy intact) the first day went fine,
but the second day when I started up the world I got "World running
elsewhere", I asked the owner, he sayd he didn't know who it was. After a
while a guy asked me about the prop & atdump of the world, saying he was the
new host. because nothing special was buit the first day (less than 10
objects) I sayd I didn't have it. later when I told this to the owner, he
sayd he had not asked the other host to host, and didn't even seem to have
met the person. I guess I should ask him to change his world password trough
the AWCI...


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No tourist allowed?

May 31, 2001, 1:41pm
correction: those Juno ppl seem to be cits before they log on for the first

and it's not free to keep this a bit organized and to give you more for the


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Quite Place (Off-Topic Post)

Jun 1, 2001, 3:39pm
Quite place? do you mean quiet place or have I missed something?
quiet place: your bed, under the covers


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[NG Survivor] Challenge 3 Results

Jun 1, 2001, 3:42pm
was I late at sending?? take in consideration that I live in CET and have
MAAANYYY school hours each day :-((


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Tag Commands

Jun 1, 2001, 3:44pm
it's easy: if your texture's called cows5 use this: create animate me cows.
5 0 0
but you should use create texture instead (it's 2.2 compatible as well) then
you just use create texture cows5


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Preston question which should be in bots but gets more replies in here.......

Jun 4, 2001, 8:08am
humdidum... before creating something, check if it allready has been
created... the MBE/KAHBOT AdBot for HamBot does exactly what you want (tough
it works best with OLD HamBot versions). the ad URLs and the time between
rotation can be customized easily. one day I might rewrite it as a
stand-alone bot. URL: www.kahbot.com


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Jun 4, 2001, 8:05am
new rendering engine??? never, ever! but it's truly just one of those
special RWX commands (the ones with #! in front of them)...


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Buildin error...

Jun 4, 2001, 7:57am
to me that looks like network errors... truly the server not handling many


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Buildin error...

Jun 4, 2001, 2:30pm
.... that means:
sckConnectionReset 10054 The connection is reset by remote side. (taken from
VB help files)

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Buildin error...

Jun 5, 2001, 3:46pm
that means that the server did a thingy that's the equivalent of kicking you
off it...


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[Fwd: Re: Off Topic stuff]

Jun 6, 2001, 1:48pm
there IS a partial moderator... Facter seems to be one of the most awake
AWCI employees, he actually reads this NG and does a *FEW* corrections,
deletions, etc now and then...


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Moderator doesn't like avenger but still leaves the morons N/T

Jun 7, 2001, 2:33pm
ban M a r c u s, he only talks about porn!


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A Brighter Better Active Worlds, Tom please read

Jun 7, 2001, 2:31pm
shut up you! you always make shitty comments when somebody critizes ppl...
AND you threatened me when I told you that I would send an abuse report on
you if you didn't stop posting something I can't remember, but that was
really annoying... M a r c u s seems to go all around AW lookin' for porn,
the only reason he tells ppl to remove it is so that he can defend himself
lookin' at it!


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[Possibly OT]: Telegram Encryption?

Jun 7, 2001, 2:26pm
why's this so important? one shouldn't send any confidential info trough AW


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[Possibly OT]: Telegram Encryption?

Jun 7, 2001, 7:00pm
well, if Roland & Co. bothered to encrypt chat and whispers, they truly
bothered to encrypt telegrams as well... personally, I don't encrypt files
that I send over networks with my apps, but none of my apps send
confidential info (well, they're not intended to at least) anyway...


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An interesting question

Jun 22, 2001, 7:14pm
uh... when did AWCI employees start being that rude? Guess why it's a
thankless job:
because AW management seem to do mostly bullshit to put more money into
their pockets and don't give a damn about their users, so the users get
pissed of, and guess who the "link" between the two are... Yes, you're (I'd
guess) the would-rather-be-the-missing-link-link.


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Re: Public Notice...

Jun 23, 2001, 9:07pm
HUH?? you shouldn't just ignore ppl...

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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 24, 2001, 11:28am
does ANYBODY model to-scale in AW??


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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 26, 2001, 4:02pm
in other words, it seems a bit TOO USER-friendly and not enough
COMPANY-friendly for the AWCI management....


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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 26, 2001, 8:33pm
sorry to let this out on you, and I suggest telling them about it, maybe
they'll start showing a little more interest in usual users...


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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 29, 2001, 10:09pm
lots of stuff... like being lame newbie chaser numero uno, and he really is
a well of information. except on user stats...


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Re: Public Notice...

Jun 24, 2001, 11:25am
he did post in HTML, just look up the full header and body(with your
newsreader: right click message, properties, details tab and then click
message source button), it's all there (and if you observe the post
attentively, you see a change in font size)...

PS. I know that you can filter, mute, ignore, etc me (DUH), but it isn't
very wise (spelling?) to ignore everyone systematically...

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[NG Survivor] The 4th to go...

Jun 28, 2001, 3:35pm
my Final Words:
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOthe bots will get youMOOOOOOOOOOOexcept AlphaBit cuzz


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