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My First Ever Avatars! (big pics attached)

May 14, 2001, 5:12pm
WOW! they were GREAT! What software do you use and will you publish them?

PS. instead of attaching, you should rather upload them to a webserver and
provide links :-))

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FYI NEWS ARTICLE: Recently in the news concerning 1st ammendment rights of USA Citizens

May 15, 2001, 1:06pm
let's just forget about this whole thing, nobody won :-))

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Dreamlandpark picture inside!

May 15, 2001, 12:46pm
do you own it? If not, there's no reason for doing this massive ad campaign
in the ActiveWorlds (for the ActiveWorlds universe ONLY) Community newsgroup
:-)) and you can't have a website in a newsgroup.

PS. if you want a newsgriup for your town, you can get a free (with limits)
one from Tavido 3D, see news://kahnews.cjb.net/default,welcome

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Dreamlandpark picture inside!

May 16, 2001, 3:38pm
and it wouldn't even require many lines of code! (it's just changing the
aworld.ini file, and possibly have the language files automaticly download
to the cache, so that the product-name string matches...


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ZONE alarm

May 16, 2001, 3:49pm
heard of this...but firewalls don't catch viruses, they catch trojans and
that kinda stuff...
you can download free upgrades for most virus scanners tough, and there are
free ones too (no, I'm not speaking of trial versions)


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To Factor

May 16, 2001, 3:57pm
then get a citizen to moderate it! Like Goober King or someone... Ok, the
ppl around must be informed about how this works, etc (I don't think that N
a y R has understood this...)

PS. What happened to the war game you posted about last year?

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To Factor

May 17, 2001, 1:10pm
Anyway, wouldn't it be time for one of those descriptions of all the
regulars in the NGs (you did it sometime last year)?


*Sigh* Tourists...

May 17, 2001, 1:01pm
that's the best one for AGES!!!!!!!!!!


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Herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre's Johny!!!

May 17, 2001, 4:17pm
why are you posting stuff about litterature in the AW Community NG? and I've
got a better chance than getting in to Harvard than you, so chill it!


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May 17, 2001, 6:50pm
not to be too Eepish...NEVER EVER POST IN HTLM!!!!!!!!! Do I have to repeat
to every newbie that if everybody posted in HTML it would mean a general
increase of 300% in the amount of storage place needed??? and hey, the ppl
having the servers aren't the only ones needing lots of space...cuzz you
download it...

PS. Your name is against the code of conduct, I think...
[View Quote] Name: AV's (Absolutely Virtual's)
Size: PS 30 (Coords out to 30 N S E W)
Type: Open Building for Experienced Builders (Need to request from
world owner)
NO! Building Lots. Make your own! ONLY Rule is to
not be HOGGISH on Claiming Property! Be Fair, since world
is not a large size! Room for only a select few
experienced builders. Deletions will only take place if users abuse
the privilege of open building without size
Future: Right now, the only objects and textures available are from
Alphaworld, and all teleports are at GZ in AV's. If you
were part of AFantasy before, and still know or have
the lists of textures, and custom objects there, those are also
available to you. I will be adding the textures and a
list of custom objects to my webpages for the world but those
will not be added to the website until sometime in
June. There will no longer be any kind of object yard within the
world itself, since its downsized to a limited area,
which I prefer be for the builders.
Owner: Sexy Eyes and featuring avatars by Lightwave!

Any Citizen Numbers received after May 23rd will be handled on the 30th
of May, since we are not going to be around to handle adding citizens to
building rights due to out of state wedding. You can either telegram in
AV's or you can send me email which I do get more regularly than logging
into activeworlds, with your citizen number to: LW-AVs at cfl.rr.com

Thank you, and hope to make a great little community of friends in AV's.
Sexy Eyes


May 17, 2001, 6:52pm
HTML, that is...


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May 18, 2001, 10:58am
when we do, the message might actually get to the newbies...


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May 18, 2001, 7:05pm
sorry for being so Eepish...but that's what happens when you post every day
;-)) ! and I meant that Sexy Eyes was an NG newbie...


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Rumors are they real or not???????????????

May 17, 2001, 6:45pm
uh...why do you post this in the **ACTIVEWORLDS** Community NG????? I don't
care a *beep* if somebody is spreading rumours! Anyway, "everybody" hasn't
heard them!!! right now, the one spreading rumours is YOU!!!

If Dreamland Park haven't got NGs, tell them to buy a NNTP server, it's
really cheap!!!

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May 18, 2001, 10:54am
you madder!!!! ever EVER post in HTML!!!!!!! When will you stupid newbies
learn that????



May 18, 2001, 11:03am
*beeeeeep* typos!! was meant to be never EVER
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Yet another Preston builld 33 question...

May 18, 2001, 10:52am
truly...if not, make a Xelagot script...if this is for the mole thingy in AW
you describe in your below post, you need Eject or CT...you'll never get


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Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups: Take 2 (VERY long!)

May 18, 2001, 7:02pm
gonna be hard to get past you, that's for sure! ;-))


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New Forum

May 18, 2001, 7:00pm
Chucks Party had illegal stuff, Xavarella was unfortunate cuzz Chucks Party
posted in her forum, so it contained illegal stuff as well. it wasn't
because it was a forum.

PS: Chuck, if you don't agree don't bother to tell me, cuzz I know you don't
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Posting in HTML

May 18, 2001, 2:39pm
you forgot something: if everybody posted in HTML, it would mean a general
increase of needed storage space of 300%!! (not just the AWCI that would
suffer, cuzz to read posts you have to download the exact same data stored
on the server!) this is because the average post (ASCII) to these NGs are
1kb large, but those exact same posts in HTML become 3kb large...

PS. same thing for attachments, upload them to your homepage and provide a
link :-))

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Posting in HTML

May 20, 2001, 11:44am
¨how dare you insult the great Eep?? LOL ;-))


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May 18, 2001, 2:44pm
Hello, just wanted to inform you all about the USWF's 1 year anniversary
gift-hunt in USWF_HQ, May 25th at 16:00VRT. Winners will be awarded with
prizes :-))
If you want to donate a prize, send mail to kah at kahbot.com

PS. I hope you don't reckon that this is spam...it's just a community
annoucement that's on-topic...

Old review

May 20, 2001, 10:55am
I used to be on MS Cartoon Chat all the time, so one day in November 1999 I
looked in the "chat" section of the portal I used (and still use) and I
found a sub-category called "VR-chat" and there was a link to the Patagonia
homepage. So I downloaded the software (wasn't aware that there was anything
else than Pata at the time) and explored Pata. Then I lost interest cuzz
there was no way for tourists to build there at the time. then in the autumn
of 2000 I logged on again and saw a sign on Pata GZ saying that free cits
were being offered. So I signed up for a cit and that's the story ;-))


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May 20, 2001, 11:42am
after what I've heard (I guess the origin was a TechTalk) Roland has tryed
to implement that special GeForce stuff, but he sayd he didn't notice any
difference, therefore one can assume that he didn't succesfully implement


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Would You?

May 24, 2001, 7:59pm
would be cool, but the price is a bit high...since you have a co.uk domain,
I presume you live in the UK, so anybody outside the UK would have to pay
lots of postage fees, customs fees and silly taxes AND the 20 dollars... and
you should ask the AWCI for permission, because it's their trademark...


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May 23, 2001, 5:24pm
WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))))))))))))


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DSL is great! Posters in AW suck!

May 26, 2001, 1:00pm
in AW2.2 this wasn't possible because the bounding box was very large (guess
that it was just to prevent this from happening too), but since that has
changed in AW3 it's now possible... but ok, the old objetcs where a bit
weird, cuzz you couldn't build them right next to a street for example even
if the sign itself was on your property...


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making yourself show up as off-line??????

May 26, 2001, 5:57pm
this is a UniServer bug. because the browser sends (and is required to)
heart beats at a high frequency and that the timeout period for normal users
(not like with bots) is very short, even if you have a biiig download going
on (heavy website plus for example world load) the browser won't be able to
send it's heartbeats in time, resulting the UniServer to stamp you as
offline. now when it does this, it should try to kick your IP as well, just
to be sure, then this problem wouldn't occur. And the reason for short
time-out is that a lot of ppl would freak out if they get disconnected for a
second and get "allready logged in" when they try to re-enter the Uni...


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making yourself show up as off-line??????

May 27, 2001, 12:46pm
**In reply to JFK2**
Dear JFK2, please don't confuse laws about being sacked without reason and
getting your AW account closed down without reason (ok this isn't a law, and
they had a good reason to close it down anyway). they would've won a trial
if you would've been stupid enough to go on with it. Then you would be a
poor man, after paying a lot of money to lawyers, etc... that would be very
fine anyway, cuzz you wouldn't afford to use the internet, thus not annoy
us... so, as Wing sayd, please go on with the trial.


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making yourself show up as off-line??????

May 28, 2001, 6:59pm
sure you had your dial-up card selected? DHCP is dynamic IP hanging, if your
ISP doesn't have one (if you have a permanent IP) then it truly won't work


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