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php text image

Mar 23, 2003, 11:11pm
i saw awhile back in awn00by a few images, just single color background and
single color font, but you could change the URL and make a new image, with
the text you add to the URL, so something like, can't remember the exact code of the
URL, would make an image that said 'blah blah' on it. anyone know where i
could find this or the code for it? thanks.


php text image

Mar 24, 2003, 12:05am
well i found ananas' font php script ( ) have
transferred the files to my server, uploaded the symbol.ttf, changed the
FONTNAME.ttf to symbol.ttf in the script, tried numerous things and nothing
seems to work. :( i can't even get the image to create, it just shows the
little red 'X' in IE and doesn't display in AW - ananas' creates a blank
image, but that one i couldn't even get to show text, am i just losing my
mind? help? :\

[View Quote]

php text image

Mar 24, 2003, 6:47pm
i looked and couldn't find '--enable-gd-imgstrttf' - found the other one
though. so i just can't use it on my server then if that's not enabled?
anyway i can enable that? depend on my host?

[View Quote]

php text image

Mar 24, 2003, 9:18pm
had to download netscape, heheh. attached is the 'source'. not sure what it

[View Quote]
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php text image

Mar 26, 2003, 12:13am
ananas <vha at>:
>, just the line
> ImageTTFText ($im, $size, 0, 0, $pos, $fore, "symbol.ttf", $line);
> is wrong somehow.
> Upper/Lowercase maybe?
> Different directory?
> Read access not allowed?

well, i lowercased the symbol.ttf on my server, and changed it in the script
to such, it's in the same directory as i.php, and i CHMOD'ed it as 777 to
see if it would work and that didn't help so i wouldn't think anything else
would - 777 is everything.. :\ thanks for the help ananas, i 'spose it's
alright if i don't figure it out, just thought it would be fun, something
different to use.


How to Drive Yourself Insane

Mar 24, 2003, 12:32am
heheh, i get it - it drives you insane because it doesn't exist and you
can't figure out the right URL.

[View Quote]

New Video

Mar 25, 2003, 6:57pm
incredible! now when's your full feature length movie coming out?! ;)

[View Quote]

Gaurdian's Stairs?

Mar 26, 2003, 12:07am
oh look everyone - cy awards is looking for a stair set! :D now bit, change
back to your bit account. :)

[View Quote]

Gaurdian's Stairs?

Mar 26, 2003, 6:58pm
maybe because he tweaked them he thinks he owns them.

[View Quote]

Gaurdian's Stairs?

Mar 28, 2003, 5:34pm
you could zip 'em and attach 'em in here, or upload to a server so bit and
anyone else who would like a copy could simply download their own.

[View Quote]

Gaurdian's Stairs?

Mar 29, 2003, 5:27am
cy awards <cyawards at>:$1 at
> Thanks Lady B but I'm needing some that are straight:)



The Game: Repeating Our NG Posts

Mar 29, 2003, 5:27am
brock <Brock at>:
> Why do you say "we" it's just "you" lol.




Mar 31, 2003, 12:50am
Immigration Officer: Sunday Bingo may be discontinued as of the first of
April . Wednesday games will become the only AWBingo games as of that time .
Watch for signs in AWBingo world for new information .

well for chintsy-ness. what now? the prizes suck enough - now we're going to
discontinue one of the bingos again?


Old AW versions

Apr 4, 2003, 6:14pm
marvel at the sheer crappiness of it all.

[View Quote]

universal teleport?

Apr 14, 2003, 6:47pm
[View Quote] i believe he meant 'universal' as in universe-wide teleportation, ability to
teleport anyone anywhere, from anywhere...not as in teleporting to say, dlp.


agreeing with the GK's is bad

Apr 25, 2003, 5:46pm
[View Quote] you worry me.


They're Running out of ideas here

Apr 20, 2003, 10:44pm
and if you continue to watch...two will say 'AW Newsletter'.

[View Quote]


Apr 24, 2003, 8:21pm
probably because you add the image and you send as text format, and the
image no longer works, even if it did, it would probably attach it, unless
you sent the message in html format.

[View Quote]

Second Life Open Beta

Apr 26, 2003, 1:11am
there are and have always been mature rated sims in SL, and they have been
working on a system to keep minors out of them. the material can get quite
obscene and can fall within the category of 'X/18'.

[View Quote]

OK the truth whitestar is wrong

Apr 26, 2003, 1:09am
excuse me, mr. b, but you're leading yourself into the same exact problems
as before, and i think you know what happened the last time these kind of
problems started up. maybe it's best if you finally(possibly once again)
come to your senses, close the world for good, stop wasting your time, and
apparently money, and forget it. just become a regular member of the
community, i don't think anyone cares to hear this crap, we've heard enough

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Fishtank iMac

Apr 30, 2003, 12:03am

[View Quote]

i thought this was funny

May 2, 2003, 5:49pm

[View Quote]

NG server bug

May 6, 2003, 6:26pm
i believe is hosted on a microsoft server(software), or you
could just blame microsoft for outlook express.

[View Quote]

The Teen Gate Beta Has BEGUN!!!!

May 8, 2003, 12:47am
if the 'aw community' could care less, then they must care some, therefore
it is indeed couldn't care less.

[View Quote]

The Teen Gate Beta Has BEGUN!!!!

May 8, 2003, 5:50pm
[View Quote] ah, a very powerful statement.

people often make the mistake of saying 'could care less', instead of
'could't care less', that bothers me, so i always try to correct people when
they say that, along with lots of bothersome phrases...etc.. ;) though most
people such as yourself probably couldn't care less so it's perfectly
alright for you to ignore it all together.


universe message

May 24, 2003, 12:33am
[View Quote] i noticed this when i got home and logged on to. you can only imply that
they had put awbingo, or the like. they should just change it back after
they send the message out, since everyone will have it printed to their chat
who's on at the moment, anyway. or, just put 'bingo in citbingo right now',
instead of the correction.


Super awesome cool poll

Jun 29, 2003, 12:59am
[View Quote] you mean... you did that unintentionally? ah ha ha.


ActiveWorlds Tapestry of Nations

Jun 30, 2003, 2:45am
just world logos?

[View Quote]

aw is dead :( aw managmenmt sucks

Jul 1, 2003, 4:39pm
[View Quote] maki

AWGate needs a scatter bot...

Jul 7, 2003, 7:55pm
have they implemented one? my home's awgate gz, and two tries i didn't land
there, but about a coords away - and there was no one else directly in the
center. :O

[View Quote]

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