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maki // User Search
maki // User Searchhelp...Dec 19, 2002, 2:54am
Thanks bit! I think I got it - though I changed maximized= to 1 and it came
up that way, I woulda never thought of editing the ini. :) [View Quote] help...Dec 19, 2002, 2:58am
Hmm, still is a bit odd - It will only open maximized (even after setting
maximized back to 0) and it's not resizable. :O. At least I can get in though. ;) [View Quote] help...Dec 19, 2002, 3:12am
Ah joy, now it's perfect. :) Looks good, and wasn't so difficult. Good old
basic mode. Thanks for the help. :) [View Quote] Tourist allowance 3rd colorJan 7, 2003, 8:59pm
maybe rather than being a '3rd color' they could have a T over their
green/red world 'ball' on the list. maybe, even more, they could allow you to check that 'T' on and off in the world features. [View Quote] Tourist allowance 3rd colorJan 8, 2003, 2:17am
oh, how ishy. why are so many question marks? not possible for a world not
to have a rating.. :O maki [View Quote] need help in setting up TV stationJan 12, 2003, 8:58pm
yep - goodluck, there is a lot of tv stations that don't even do much or
aren't that well known, tiptronic, but it's always fun to make one just :) see the replies to your thread in community for better advice rather than this silly waste of bandwidth below.. maki [View Quote] I ENCROUCHED IN AWTEEN!Jan 20, 2003, 8:41pm
AW3000 - ILLEGAL UNIVERSEFeb 4, 2003, 1:06am
*raises hand* i think i spent 2002 new year's in there, then the next day i
found out it wasn't legit. :\ maki [View Quote] WILL EVERYBODY SHUT UPFeb 6, 2003, 9:33pm
Calling out to the Community for helpFeb 7, 2003, 7:15pm
how does one actually know how many citizens "they've brought in"? do these
hundreds of tourists that become citizens actually tell YOU that THEY registered PURELY because of A!!CT Bruce? what if these tourists you see in A!!CT are in A!!CT a lot and 'enjoy' their time there, but then go to another world and they actually registered for another reason - something else pulled them in - and you claim you're the reason they registered? what if a tourist prances into thebeans, seeing the nice anti-lag gz that's nicely organized and easy to build within and there isn't so much psychotic deletion and issues - and fraudulent credit cards - and decides they're going to register, but since they've been in A!!CT you claim it as being a registry based on your world - how is such a thing fair? i'm sure you have some perfectly logical answer to this, how you determine that you've successfully created a registered user out of a tourist with your world. personally - if A!!CT was the first world i tried building and interacting within i would be scared, just my opinion though. :) maki [View Quote] Calling out to the Community for helpFeb 8, 2003, 2:33am
you know what - you know why you're always being "anti'd" in here? you know
why you're always getting put down? it's because you never stop with the same old crap. you've done it entirely to yourself, for some reason, people automatically think low of such a world that has massive deletion issues, a psychotic tourist environment, extreme lag'd down GZ's, thousands of signs and welcome messages that contain nothing more than CAPS that ramble on about your problems and how we're supposed to help and how terrible it is that you have to run this for the community. you get ATTACKED because it's purely annoying, if you ENJOY doing this for the community, and feel you're doing such a great job in bringing in the AW community and putting money in AWI's bank accounts, then stop your damn complaining. all you ever post about A!!CT is your issues, whether it be with severe deletion problems, your lack of money to keep the world going, you know, it's enough these people you "bring in" to the universe have to pay for their citizenship(which you attempt at providing, bad idea..) then you try to beg the rest of the universe to pay for YOUR bills - it's your choice to start a massively huge privately owned public building world. it's your responsibility, sure, 'hire' some people to help around the world and with whatever problems that can be solved by someone with some rights, but you don't go asking the community you're providing such a thing to. sorry if i seem rude, but maybe you should just take a look at your posts, your worlds, and get it together. people don't care to hear all your STATISTICS about how much you PAY each year, each month, about how you should get whatever you want since you can get a few citizens to register, by getting citizens to register then getting a 150 user limit from AWI for free is just stealing from AWI. they don't get much out of that - which by the way, neither do you. the only time there's 150 people in a world is during the CY's or other HUGE events, A!!CT definitely isn't a huge event. if you want to be liked by ALL of this community, you have to pull yourself together here, don't post every bit of information to try to back yourself up each time someone tries to say different. instead, change it. make a difference and people will appreciate what you offer more. according to what you seem to think, you ARE the community, help yourself for once, if you don't think you can afford to keep this going anymore, keep your world at a logical size, get it cleaned up, and stop paying for people's cits just to keep AW open. by the way, i never go to awteen unless i join someone there - i hate it almost as much as a!!ct, probably more in fact, because of the people, however. you don't try to change a program for the 'better'when you can't financially do it. maki [View Quote] Free TS3Feb 12, 2003, 12:02am
XP is pretty much based on NT isn't it? many programs respond to XP as NT
and most things that require NT will work on XP. pro at least. maki [View Quote] php - help :-)Mar 1, 2003, 2:37am
to me, it sounds like he's installed phpnuke or postnuke, those often have
lots of conflicts and errors when you first install them. and it sounds like j is just trying to be secretive about it - avoiding it's actual name. :) best thing to do with those types of problems is go to their forums and do a search, j, for your errors, then post if you can't find it...but SEARCH first!!!! they tend to have issues with people who come on and start a new thread for the same question everyday. :) though i don't even know what it is you're having problems with. only inferring. maki [View Quote] php - help :-)Mar 2, 2003, 1:48am
he's right j, i started using phpnuke for a new site i was making but it
didn't work out so well and i hated the theme customization, so i tried out postnuke and it's just as well and better - and has a MUCH easier installation, no CHMOD'ing, sept couple files, and a visual in-browser setup. :) maki [View Quote] Recommendation for mail client?Mar 3, 2003, 6:48pm
Recommendation for mail client?Mar 3, 2003, 11:20pm
hehe, that's pretty funny. from looking at the forums on opera's website it
seems many, many websites aren't compatible or even block the opera browser, I've never seen a website that blocks IE users - unless maybe it's some rebellious opera user, which I have also never seen. :) if all these websites seem to block opera browser when you can use IE and have just as well a visit, why waste your time emailing the site owners and standing up for a browser just to view a website? seems kind of stupid when I just open IE and can visit anywhere without a problem. :) maybe it's 'smaller and faster' but with computers today, I don't think a few megabytes of space is going to hurt you. IE loads just fine and fast for me. *shrug* my own opinion though, I have nothing against microsoft like many do. maki [View Quote] "Throne" ObjectMar 10, 2003, 2:20am
there's some rather 'rough' looking ones from objectd' - located at ~2N 35E.;;; i presume you know how to change textures and colors, you could make them look better. but hey, they're free. :) also take a look in the world 'freebies' if it's open - lots of good stuff in there, not sure about a throne though. maki [View Quote] "Throne" ObjectMar 10, 2003, 7:01pm
[View Quote]
oh, yes. didn't realize when i typed that out then i copied and pasted the
rest in. ;) maki the fatal OP address.Mar 12, 2003, 7:18pm
a friend of mine experienced this extremely problem just starting today - he
uses my object path,, which was down because jtech's servers have been offline, i proceeded to creating a backup and made the new URL - he changed the OP address to that while i was offline, when i got home today i tried to enter his world (space) but i kept receiving that fatal disk error message and activeworlds would close - when i asked about it, he said he was getting the error too. he said he called AW and they said they'd never heard of such a problem, told him how he could probably fix it, but don't know why it happened. does anyone think they have a reason on why changing the op address to that would cause an error like this, not allowing you back in the world? thanks, maki the fatal OP address.Mar 12, 2003, 8:42pm
makes sense - but what is it then that makes it happen for everyone who
tries to enter? happened on more than one computer. if that was the explanation i didn't understand it. :\ maki [View Quote] the fatal OP address.Mar 17, 2003, 6:54pm
A really bad joke :DMar 22, 2003, 2:07am
carlbanks <CarLBanks at>:
> ROFLOL! hey, i didn't think it was too funny. scared the crap out of me. :( maki A really bad joke :DMar 22, 2003, 4:32am
i highly doubt that. people in the gateway are just paranoid. seems that
person's webpage is just a fun 'harmless' site. i took a look at the code and it just simply looks like a windowsmediaplayer/windows code, i had virusscan open when i visited it as well, didn't notice a thing. oh well. was worth the laugh, regardless of whether i can turn on my computer tomorrow or not. ;) (good excuse to get a new one!) maki [View Quote] 3.4Mar 23, 2003, 1:24am
who cares anymore? we all know the features. we all know everything about
newaw. ninety percent of aw already has 3.4. who cares? maki [View Quote] 3.4Mar 23, 2003, 11:04pm
john <john at>:
> I've got 3.4 Beta World Server > > There was a link from the beta page > > :-S right - you have to be a beta tester to even view your world in 3.4 anyway ...! maki [View Quote] Uploader ScriptMar 23, 2003, 8:25pm
hey thanks ananas! i've been looking for a nice simple uploader script like
this.. :) maki [View Quote] |