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maki // User Search
maki // User is downAug 24, 2002, 4:26pm is downAug 25, 2002, 7:51pm
we should...Aug 25, 2002, 10:18pm
Start a petition to have object rotation/rotate command enabled in
alphaworld :-) It'd be easier than <removed*>...everyone wants it...why not? Screw history... ;-) maki *current working code removed to prevent peering awi employee eyes from seeing o.O i cant find my property...any help?Aug 26, 2002, 9:42pm
That program should work fine, she just has to enter the right ppw.
maki [View Quote] ok......i also misplaced my linksAug 26, 2002, 3:42am
[View Quote]
Try this: locate the "Activeworlds
Utility" on that page....this has a property search implemented in it. It will need to run bots on your ppw, and/or others if you have other people's ppw's [sometimes helps when scanning large areas :-)] The property search is a tad slow, depending on the world size and the amount of bots you're using, but if you let it go for awhile, maybe if you leave your computer for awhile..I'm sure it would be ok. Good luck :-) maki Yaha Virus.Aug 26, 2002, 8:03pm
TouristsAug 28, 2002, 11:07pm
TouristsAug 29, 2002, 9:14pm
talisan questioned:
> But did it have the desired effects? :) Not sure, enzo at a techtalk once said they were making the most money when they disabled tourist access to the entire universe....but personally...I wouldn't pay to get into alphaworld... kind of..*lame* :-) maki [Event] The Great AWTeen Show InfoSep 1, 2002, 2:03pm
(C&C) The last promotionSep 1, 2002, 2:05am
hehe, great, now we won't have to read you constant silly messages anymore.
maki (the story was funny [View Quote] Cy Awards VotingSep 1, 2002, 1:40am
The final five nominees have been selected for each category and are ready
for the public to vote on! :) Please visit to see the nominees and to vote with your choices. thanks, maki Funny Enzo!Sep 5, 2002, 2:08am
eep doesn't care..he just has to make sure he's left his *godly* comment..
:) maki [View Quote] Funny Enzo!Sep 5, 2002, 2:40am
Re: For your listening pleasure...:Sep 5, 2002, 10:19pm
Someone...Sep 14, 2002, 7:27pm
If you build something with it..and the code is fixed..the objs will still
rotate, you'll just have to find a new code to use for making new objs rotate. maki [View Quote] stupid questionSep 14, 2002, 10:58pm
Why do I have messages from 1998 to now in the beta ng and in every other
one just messages from a couple months ago..and being deleted? Is this something set on the ng server? ..thanks maki world helpSep 16, 2002, 6:51pm
I've also had this problem...I don't know about the router thingy..I'm not
really a techie in that area ;) I ended up asking around for awhile and finally finding the time his services were free, they are at the moment, but he has a pricing plan that is being's around $27 for p20/10user and bigger for anything under that...object path is 50 megs free, and not too bad for more ;) maki [View Quote] uhhhhhSep 17, 2002, 8:37pm
goob...did you notice that wants $10,000 for :) maki we should celebrate...Sep 19, 2002, 9:28pm
:-) turns 20 today. maki Fwd: We Should All Celebrate My Return From The HospitalSep 24, 2002, 11:56pm
2 - Happy me for getting home from the hospital in much better shape than when i left almost 5 weeks ago. It sure feels good not having to put up with all the finger sticks [I'm DIABETIC and i get 5 of them a day. Morning, Noon, Diner, Late Evening & the IV in the AM and the BP & Temp check to see if this old dead boy is still alive = I sleep if i was lucky like someone who was dead] Although i must admit they do have very good food there. It is so much tastier there than in the NY State University Hospital [teaching hospital] but i guess they just know how to feed the people in the 6th floor nursing home much better than in most other hospitals without a nursing home inside it. Most of my stay was in the nursing home part and there was plenty of activities to keep me busy. The only one that they lacked was having a good PC with AW like software running for use by those with PC knowledge to use and play with. [And possibly help teach those that don't know a PC how to operate it] But now i'm finally home and my feet are so much better. For the first time in almost 1 & 1/2 yrs i don't have any toes that are inflamed and i can now use a regular pair of shoes again. So until i message you again someday.... Regards, JFK2 PS... Tell everyone in AW Newsgroups that I'M BACK... I'm sure you will have some type of response when you post this in the AW Newsgroups by everyone including Goober. heeeee's baaaaaaaaaaack..... maki [Browser Info] Graphics Modes (C&P)Oct 3, 2002, 8:47pm
are you an idiot?Oct 6, 2002, 6:15pm
I thought it was as well, though it was late and I can't help but bust out
laughing at the stupidest things .. oh well. maki [View Quote] Does anyone else think that...Oct 6, 2002, 7:53pm
Does anyone else think that...Oct 7, 2002, 2:27am
Public Appology to EveryoneOct 10, 2002, 1:10am
Oh jeeze it's so hard to get to everyone's birthday and make a build for
everyone though .. I've been getting telegrams about birthdays everyday, and mine is coming up, too! (psst, I'm turning 8!) maki [View Quote] Public Appology to EveryoneOct 10, 2002, 1:37am
I also told you I was 8, or 9, and 10, 11, 12's 7 :) you didn't
believe any of them anyway .. ;p maki [View Quote] Public Appology to EveryoneOct 12, 2002, 3:14pm
Evvvilll Software Corporation (HTML!!!)Oct 12, 2002, 1:38am
me as well, I have no problems with xp, seems to run fine and better than
other ms os's...I don't really hate microsoft ..I don't really care, oh well. maki [View Quote] |