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Cy Awards World Closed until the grand opening

Nov 8, 2003, 9:07pm
Dear Activeworlds Community,

The cyawards world is officially closed until it's grand opening in
May....or perhaps before:)
Thank you everyone that stopped by and offered all those wonderful
Please stay tuned to VWTV for sneak peeks and their ongoing contest:)

Cya at the Cys!

AlphaBit Phalpha

The (Hopefully Not) Pending Loss Of A!!CT & MrBruce

Nov 14, 2003, 7:10pm
You guys aren't "hosting" the
You have exclusive coverage:)
Going to Arizona and gone for 3 weeks...catch ya'll on this after December
Happy Thanksgiving!

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The (Hopefully Not) Pending Loss Of A!!CT & MrBruce

Nov 14, 2003, 9:26pm
lol....Glitz is us!:)

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Message to TENGEL

Dec 7, 2003, 6:51pm
Well I am personally glad these posts were made:)
I am very concerned about Tengel after hearing all of the above.
Tengel graciously made a fantastic calendar for the Cys and then it went
I have not been able to reach him either...this concerns me greatly.
Does anyone have a way of making sure he is ok?

Message to TENGEL

Dec 8, 2003, 6:24pm
Ahhhh...thank you...glad to know he's ok.

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Dec 14, 2003, 2:27am
I know!
Have a well trusted techy type person, volunteer to be a tester for all
programs then have a sight where tried and true and trusted plugins can be
downloaded from....of course with a note of who made what so creators get

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AW Radio

Dec 16, 2003, 9:03pm

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AW Abuse

Jan 24, 2004, 2:07am
Wasn't no glitch...was them darned spoiled alien babies gone wild!!!!!
*now thinking of producing a vhs called "Alien Babies Gone Wild!"*

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AW Abuse

Jan 24, 2004, 5:32pm I'm hold the "disturbing" title:)

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What would you guys say to AW boxed in stores?

Jan 26, 2004, 1:53am
I read in some notes for advertising tips that the best advertising is news
reports on human interest stories.
For instance;
1.A romance true story that some talk show covered.
2.An AW user that did some heroic feat.
3.A story about a Net chat site that catches a person causing it's users
grief and it's company money?:)....hint hint

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Radio Stations Spamming at GZ areas

Jan 28, 2004, 9:04pm

Rather than come to the ngs and complain.
Maybe we can take a poll and make suggestions as to how often the url might
be announced?
Or possibly suggest that radio station urls be posted on gz signs then folks
could be directed to them instead of 3 lines of chat advertising?
One station will be doing Cy commercials, and I have asked that they not
announce Cy commercials but once every 10 minutes. Think that is fair?
Whatcha'll think?
It's always possible to turn negatives into positives ya knows:)


Radio Stations Spamming at GZ areas

Jan 28, 2004, 10:10pm
We;; hmmmpf!...All those above comments are sure positive:)

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AWMegaOY Downloads??

Jan 30, 2004, 1:39am
Hey....I try to download something in AWMegaOY and I get a dead link?
Does anyone know who built it and if they are upkeeping it?
Any help appreciated...thanks!

AWMegaOY Downloads??

Jan 30, 2004, 1:43am
N/M...It looks like the path isn't right on some of the objects...the folder
like "models" was left off...oopsy!

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Are all on 3.5?

Jan 30, 2004, 8:20pm

Are all on 3.5?

Jan 31, 2004, 12:11am
IMHO it's much better:)

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Are all on 3.5?

Jan 31, 2004, 12:12am
Well....currently we are going to have to go forward with 3.5 features in
the Cys...shouldn't effect much:)

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Are all on 3.5?

Jan 31, 2004, 12:12am
Ahh heck Brock....maybe a wooden nickle:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 3:11pm
Hey...check out what you get when you put in your

Wiz...any chance you are releasing that url soon?
I would be interested in acquiring it for the community if

Jan 31, 2004, 3:20pm
Ummm...forget my last post...however...I will state that I think that is
pretty bad to use something that is so popular in AW to redirect folks to
your URL.
Am I pissed? Yeppers:)
But only because you are misleading the community in AW to benefit yourself.
And all this time I was under the impression you and Linn didn't support the's different if they benefit you eh?:)
Your colors have been shown dear:)
I am going to look into the legal aspects of all this. Not sure if I have a
leg to stand on since you are in the UK.
But it's worth the try!:)
I do believe that organizations can get their legal names released to them
if a person is using it to lead folks astray...we will see:)
If you would like to voluntarily redirect that url to we can forget all about this:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:21pm
Oh was redirected to a retail buddah site now its going to
Not a good move you are using an AW Sponsored and created
organization to direct folks to their competitors.
May I suggest you redirect it to ?
That or give me your passwords to the url and release the url to me so I can
set it up correctly?:)
Shame...shame shame......

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:38pm
What and give you the chance to change the url so people couldn't see your
love for the Cys?:)
Bite Me Wiz...I was reactionary in return for all the time you and Linn have
taken away from my time needed on the Cys. And then to blame me for Linn
having heart problems? 2 are ridiculous and what you did only
proves it.
Am I pissed still?...yep:)
Why do you hesitate to redirect it to the cy home pages? Still hate them?
But love the url name...interesting:)
I want folks to see you for who you really are...all about yourselves.
I see you heeded my advice...good....I would hate to see someone wanting to
have fun in AW lose in the real world:(
Now...since you are busy working on your redirects could you please redirect
it to and all will be forgiven and YOU and I
can sit down for a spot of tea and get to know each other better:)


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Jan 31, 2004, 4:47pm
Heck Wiz...I don't know the legalities of time used etc...but I know what
Jerme says below makes sense:)
I DON'T want to take this legal. I just want to have fun in AW along with
I just don't want the community confused by a web page that it was
How the heck would "cyawards" benefit you other than from AW users in the
You knew exactly what you were doing when you took that name.
I wished I had known about it earlier.
Do you take cream and sugar in your tea?:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:50pm
Thanks Jerme.....I'm not sure if all that is true for each case that arises.
But you had some good"that it has been registered and is
being used in bad faith."
If Wiz wasn't involved in AW ever then it wouldnt make any difference.
I am hoping that it is redirected before I start promoing folks to our page
cause I dont need a bzillion grams from people asking why it isnt going to
the cys page.
And I tell you...taking time away from getting what needs to be done
done...pisses me off;)

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Jan 31, 2004, 4:52pm
Thanks for the documentation XelaG:)
I don't think Wiz truely recognizes the Community's love for the Cys. Maybe
after some tea he will:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 5:10pm
Everyone please stand by for what I think might be some very good news for
all concerned:)

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Jan 31, 2004, 5:25pm
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Jan 31, 2004, 6:16pm
Its all "past" now Jerme...but thank you:)
Maybe a post titled Copywrites to inform others now?
Appreciate your info tho...thanks!

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Jan 31, 2004, 6:32pm
Well...once I have money I will definately trademark it legally...but until
then I have to hope that it sets still.
I've been pondering setting up items at cafeexpress with cy stuff as
momentos for folks, but Im not sure how everyone feels about that?
I could post total sales made to expenses for things like the trademark,
url, certificates etc?
I just dont want the Cys to become too "retail" looking, but would welcome a
way to add some monies to do more for them.
Right now, because of generous sponsors we get free radio, news site, and tv domain url, free building and modelling and special effects,
world and server hosting.
Anyone own a printing company for the certificates or IRL statues?:)
LOL...sounds yummy yet somewhat scary meal you are having there!...careful!

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Jan 31, 2004, 6:51pm
I am soooo sorry Strike!
Hey...I'm allowed to participate in the surmise of the ngs just like you and
anyone else aren't I?:)

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