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Jul 5, 2003, 5:15pm
com·mu·ni·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k-myn-t)
n. pl. com·mu·ni·ties
1.. A group of people living in the same locality and under the same
2.. The district or locality in which such a group lives.
1.. A group of people having common interests: the scientific community;
the international business community.
2.. A group viewed as forming a distinct segment of society: the gay
community; the community of color.
1.. Similarity or identity: a community of interests.
2.. Sharing, participation, and fellowship.
4.. Society as a whole; the public.
5.. Ecology.
1.. A group of plants and animals living and interacting with one
another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental
2.. The region occupied by a group of interacting organisms.

[Middle English communite, citizenry, from Old French, from Latin commnits,
fellowship, from commnis, common. See common.]

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I'm Back

Jul 5, 2003, 5:16pm
Damned all caps names!!!!!!....:)

I'm Back

Jul 5, 2003, 8:07pm
You changed it you cheater!:)

[View Quote]

M A T T Types in Sims?

Jul 5, 2003, 5:24pm

Volunteers needed

Jul 8, 2003, 7:20pm
Hey Weizer:)

Great idea to post the need here.
Hopefully we will be able to have photos for ALL of the recipients or
their works on the album page.
Thanks for the great job!


[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 12:49pm
Howdy ya'll:)

Yes...that's my AlphaBit in Texas's the story.
King Tex and I will be taking a train trip up to Boston (see itinary
below) and will have a couple of 3-5 hour layovers in a couple cities.
I'm not sure where everyone lives, but would love to have the
opportunity to meet some of you, even if only for a few hours.
Also, Amtrak has a bit of history for not being right on time, so people
would have to call the station to assure the exact arrival.
It looks like the major layover cities are Chicago, New York-Penn.
Station, and Washington-Union Station.
This is tentative to us picking the tickets up today. Plus I will get an
exact time schedule should they have additional cities with any layovers.
If you are interested in meeting us, let's chat via email or here or I
can call you.
If you aren't interested in meeting us, well don't
know what your missing?
Here's the itenary;

Train #22
Departs Austin 07/25/03 10:31am
Arrives Chicago 07/26/03 2:25pm Reserved Coach

Train #48
Departs Chicago 07/26/03 7:00pm
Arrives New York-Penn. Station, NEW YORK (NYP) 07/27/03 1:50pm

Train #194
Departs New York-Penn. Station, NEW YORK (NYP) 07/27/03 5:00pm
Arrives Boston-Route 128, MASSACHUSETTS (RTE) 07/27/03 8:50pm

Train #195
Departs Boston-Route 128 08/17/03 6:45am
Arrives Washington-Union Station 08/17/03 2:30pm Reserved Coach

Train #29
Departs Washington-Union Station 08/17/03 5:20pm
Arrives Chicago 10:53am 08/18/03

Train #21
Departs Chicago 08/18/03 3:20pm
Arrives Austin 08/19/03 8:20pm

Hey Andras....if you're in the states while we are in Boston, we would love
to meet up with you again:)
And DMC2U....we will definately be seeing you for that hug you so
desperately keep requesting *wink*.


On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 2:09pm

Hey E N Z O....just a warning...we will stop by and see you guys again,
so please make sure you have some of that wonderful coffee of your's brewin
when we get there:)
After taking the train to Phoenix last month, I thought how fun it would
be to have people along certain routes have reservations also and just
bombard the train with a mobile AW reunion. I reckon the conductor would
probably make sure we weren't in the "quiet car"
Hey Goober King....maybe we could set a date for you to go to AWI also
when we do and have a meeting about the council idea?
Woooohoooo...only a couple weeks and Casey Jones will be mounted to his
cabin again!....Hehehehe!

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 5:17pm
Well...that's a long story.
We will be in Boston in August, but have Tex's Mother's 80th Bday to attend
on the 10th, and her campground to go to sometime probably in August.
What we could do is communicate via my other email address once we know what
our plans are for August?
Sailing! are made for fishing boy!:)

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 7:42pm
Ok...the itenary is confirmed now and I'll get back to you when we know what
dates we can make it.
BTW...I have never sailed but love to watch America's Cup...HOWEVER...if I
were going to exert THAT much energy I will do it with a rod and reel thank

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 7:46pm my mouth watering already!
If you can email me your phone number again please, I can call you before we
leave or after we arrive in Boston.

L'OH... per affondare ancora i miei denti negli impianti meravigliosi di
padronanza del Chef italiano!


> I'm in the states till the 14th at least, and what's more - I'm in a
desperate need of some good italian food !!!

> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 8:33pm
Ahh I wish Sweetie:(...but then would take one mighty long train
tunnel to get me there!:)

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 11:23pm
It's like pulling teeth to get me on an airplane

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 10, 2003, 11:27pm
Awww..thanks sweetie...but I'm afraid that if you got Tex anywheres near
water...he would have withdrawels if he didn't have a pole in his
I'm not sure what our time is going to be. But I will definately be
getting hold of you and let you know when we can be at the AWI office.
Thanks for the sailing offer though:)


[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 11, 2003, 1:48am
Awwwww...sorry to hear that and I don't think the train will be going
through that town:(
Shoot...we all really need to have a reunion that everyone in AW can go
to...what fun that would be!:)

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 11, 2003, 6:39pm
Awwww..sorry about that:)
Would have been wonderful to meet you also!
From the looks of it once we get into the NE most stops are like 10-15
Dang, probably no smoke breaks

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 12, 2003, 4:13pm
That's not being a jerk:)
That's being safe which is very good!

[View Quote]

On the road again!....hmmm....reminds me of a Willie Nelson song:)

Jul 13, 2003, 7:43pm
Cool idea!
Fishies are what we are definately into these days:)
Thanks themask!:)

[View Quote]

A!!CT looking for new host

Jul 15, 2003, 1:43am
We have DSL and have constant problems..
Just about every morning we go down for 2 minutes to a half hour.
I'm not sure what they are doing, but I just live with it cause it's pretty
good priced for the speed.
We host 6 worlds for friends and they know for free they have to put up with
intermittant interuptions.
It's almost like clockwork so I'm supposing they are working on their
servers at that time.
Warner cable seemed to be the best IP I ever had for continuos connection.

The Cy Awards 2003!

Jul 17, 2003, 5:49pm
Dear Activeworlds Community,

We are just a few days from things really rolling into gear for this
years Cy Awards.....Yayyyyyy!!!!!!
There are some minor changes this year. They are as follows;

1. We are replacing the nominations process with an "entry" process. What
this means is those that are going for an award, will submit themselves.
(This will eliminate duplication of entrys, and errors. And about 300 emails
to sort through).

2. We are having a September month of Cys filled with world owners, and
citizens, and some already established events. If you are interested in
hosting an event, please send an email to cyawards at with your
Some events are already posted on the calender link on the Cy Awards home
page at .
Please join in with an event to help kick off this years Cy Ceremony:)

3. The Cys will abide by AWI's guidelines regarding world content and
minors. Non general audience worlds will be exempt from participating for an
award. If anyone wishes to discuss this with me please do so by email to
keep the ng flames down:)

4. At this point we are working on a vote bot for you all to vote. Voting
will be posted on the Cy homepage according to the calender.

5. Rules have been simplified and can also be viewed at the Cy home page

6. We have some new additions to the teams. I will be working on the team
pages this weekend.

The entry form will be up at the Cy home page link on the front page at 7pm
vrt this Saturday.

Good luck everyone!

AlphaBit Phalpha

CYs are CommunitY:)

The Cy Awards 2003!

Jul 18, 2003, 12:36am
The actual ceremony will be held October 25th at 7pm vrt.
You can find all of the Cy events on the calender located on the calender
link at

[View Quote]

The Cy Awards 2003!

Jul 19, 2003, 8:25pm
Ohhhhhh...that's not me:)...That was my irl hubby I met in here...Alpha
If your'e interested in any more info, the old archives of the AW Newsletter
has it...but don't look real close at my pictures cause I ate too much back

> Alpha....You may wanna take a look at this, but on the page
> it appears as though
> you put YOURSELF on the list of those TO BE REMEMBERED - WHO ARE NO LONGER
> In other words....You don't plan to DIE sometime before the Cy Awards, do
> you???
> I hope I just simply misread the page. It would be a shame to see you
> go....
> Cheers for now :-)
> PC Hamster
> Mayor - City Of Hamsterville
> pchamster at
> Denver, Colorado

The Cy Awards 2003!

Jul 20, 2003, 9:33am
Happy Early Birthday Alaskan Shadow!....hugggggs:)

[View Quote]

The Cy Awards 2003!

Jul 20, 2003, 11:21am
Your'e welcome sweetie:)
So.....what great plans do you have for your birthday?

[View Quote]

The Cy Awards 2003!

Jul 20, 2003, 3:17pm

[View Quote]

Cy Directors

Jul 17, 2003, 9:19pm
Dear Activeworlds Community,

I would like to let you know the current organizers of the Cy Awards,
should you have any questions or concerns.
Weebo-Handles alot of the technical needs and misc.
IHNK-Handles communication of needs for building.
Cyberwitch-On sabatical this round.
Myself-anything else that needs to be done.

All 4 of us can handle communication needs. Questions, concerns etc.
If you need to contact any of us please email cyawards at
and one of us will respond quickly.

Thank you:)

Cy Directors

Jul 18, 2003, 12:39am
All we can do is our best....and speaking from experiance....any thing you 2
and Cyberwitch do is the bestest:)

[View Quote]

Cy Directors

Jul 18, 2003, 12:40am
Hehehehe Legion:)

A paranoid question comes to my mind: are Bits and Cy related?

I'll never tell:)

Cy Directors

Jul 18, 2003, 12:41am
Not a movie:)
A spectacular event!:)
Although it would be great fun to have a movie of just one

[View Quote]

Cy Directors

Jul 18, 2003, 9:47am
Hmmmmmm...maybe pineriver could make one of each recipient receiving their
award then offer them for a reasonable price to each recipient to make a
couple bucks for more software to keep up his great work:)

[View Quote]

New Trojan Floating around AW

Jul 21, 2003, 4:46pm
I also got this...

Registrar: TUCOWS, INC.
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Status: ACTIVE
Updated Date: 18-jul-2003
Creation Date: 18-jul-2003
Expiration Date: 18-jul-2005

Now I would say that wouldn't appreciate trojans
being sent to people over their services.

xiii. information or other material that contains a virus, corrupted data or
any other harmful or damaging component;

xiv. in the instance of the NETFIRMS FREE HOSTING PLANT, storage of log
files on non-html content;

Our New Address:

Netfirms, Inc.
5160 Yonge St., Suite 1800
Toronto, ON M2N 6L9

Tel: 416-661-2100 Fax: 416-661-0700
mailto:abuse at

Maybe it's time as a community to do something about things like this:)

[View Quote]

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