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alphabit phalpha // User Search
alphabit phalpha // User 31, 2004, 8:04pm 1, 2004, 9:28am
That was something that came to me as a signature after realizing how much
they meant to the CommunitY:) That and Cya at the Cys! [View Quote] Wizard Myrddin Retraction and thank you:)Jan 31, 2004, 5:29pm
Dear Activeworlds Community,
I would like you all to ignore my last thread regarding and any comments I made towards Wiz:) Wiz is generously donating the to the AW Community in my trust. Thank you very much Wiz:) I will also appologize for any comments I made that might have disturbed him. Wiz is now an Honored Sponsor of the Cys and we are very happy to have him:) Thank you Wizard Myrddin! Sincerely, Bit:) AW.Advertising NGFeb 1, 2004, 2:02am
Is the newsletter gone?Feb 5, 2004, 3:08pm
Group BuildingFeb 5, 2004, 4:21pm
Thanks Sharon.
Sounds great! But time is being dominated with Cy stuff. Good luck and have fun! Bit:) [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 5, 2004, 11:00pm
AWI also gave Logan.'s family accounts so they could come into AW and heal
with others. Junodome was also opened for that day, since Logan had migrated through the dome. And who says AWI isn't Community?...hmmmm?:) Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 1:28pm
Sometimes things are done for a reason and most parties don't know the real
intent behind the gesture. I personally know a group of people who (out of the kindness of their hearts) Set up a birthday link area for folks to see if someone they knew had a birthday coming up. That group would monitor the upcoming birthdays to see if there were builds started, then when it got colse and none were built, they would hurridly make something. You ask why? would lil Susy feel if she attended a bday site, built there then got her hopes up that there would be a site for her at her next birthday? And there was none:( Why wasn't there a cardsite for her? Now...maybe Suzy was the quiet type and spent her days building and not chatting much, but always built at a card site cause she was a "giver" in the Community. But then it could have been that Suzy was an AW "Disser" thus folks weren't interested in supporting negativity? But guess what? I bet that small group of people who build those sites for people they have never met wouldn't give the Disser's a second thought and would make sure even THEY had a birthday card site....out of the kindness of their hearts:) Currently I am majorly tied up in regards to organizing the Cys, and unfortunately can't contribute to card sites....God bless you who do! But....when I do go to make a card, I learn constantly and enjoy the friendships at them...PLUS as a added bonus.....I get to view some pretty damned great artistic creations! fingers are tired and I need to get back to the Cys. Happy Birthday to all of those I haven't or might not get a card built for....and I hope in the future dissing turns into kissing...oooo Valentines day is near! Anyone making a VDay site for a party??? Huggggs:) Bit:) Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 2:44pm
You silly girl you! Now how the heck am I going to keep track of my ole buddys if they go and change their names on me and not let me know huh??? Let's do coffee sometime! Hugggs;) Bit:) [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 2:54pm
But I still stand by opinion, for my own personal reasons.
> That's allowed, correct? : ) Hey...opinions are the hearts of people...of course people are allowed to state their opinions sweetie:) This newsgroup would be pretty darned boring if we didn't...yikes! > > I just find it very interesting, and a tab bit confusing, that a Cit of AW > who had previously shared my view of the "competition builds" has suddenly > pulled a 180 on me and sent me a rather snippy gram. > Well, that too is their right, I suppose. Well....please don't be angry at that person. It's possible that seeing or hearing some other opinions, they have taken a different views of things. Maybe reply with "I respect your opinion:)...huggggs" I find myself doing 180's all the time in's the nature of things in here:) Chit...I am beginning to sound like the fruitcake lady on Jay Leno...hehehe! Be yourself...follow your true beliefs...and never change what others want you to change:) Hugggs! Bit:) Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 3:43pm
Hi Lara...long time:)
I share your feelings when I'm building. I just wanted to share what others do as a group to get things going. Maybe I got too focused trying to explain stuff usual:) Thanks for clarifying what most feel in AW. We already knew that about you, because you are one of the folks that has the heart of gold in the community! And amongst close friends:) Bit:) [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 6, 2004, 5:23pm
> So, plz forgive me if I'm not "feeling the love" in AW lately.
If your'e wanting to feel the love of AW....I could sure use ya in the Cys:) If interested please contact me inworld. I already know you and the rest of the Wallhuggers personalities and would love to have ya aboard! Group BuildingFeb 7, 2004, 2:03am
Now you gals done and did it....gonna make me do a metaphor again aren't
you? Ok......let's say the card site is a ummmm.....event irl......and suppose the event was all tents and flowers and music etc. Now......odds are there would be signs noting who does what for the event. It's sorta like when a house is being remodeled or would see the company performing the redo out front no? And in comparison to movies...."Produced by"....or "Costumes by" etc etc. Now...let's all pleeeeeease spend all this energy ummmmm.....leaving a birthday card for <snip> *for Ravens sake*...hehehehe! Group BuildingFeb 8, 2004, 6:32pm
Cyberwitch oversaw a place in AW Prime that lists upcoming birthdays and the
persons hobbys or favorite colors etc. I don't have that coord tho...anyone else have it out there? Pssst folks...looks like one for the AW Birthday Builders! AWBB...yayyyyy! lol [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 8, 2004, 11:03pm
Oh cool...Thanks Lady N!
I'll get those added to the cakewalk area. Group BuildingFeb 8, 2004, 11:28pm
Well it's the 3 of us actually.
I did cake textures, dreamer2 did giftwrap textures, and Cyberwitch would take the cakes and giftwraps and create "sets" for folks in the community to use. [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 8, 2004, 11:40pm
Oops....coords are.... Cakewalk 2492N 2665W
Looks like I need to fix some thing tho...moved texture paths...yikes! [View Quote] Group BuildingFeb 9, 2004, 12:54pm
AW Radio Station QuestionsFeb 8, 2004, 5:28pm
Not only shut down but also heavily fined:(
I know that when we open our bait shop in Austin, we have to pay a license fee just to broadcast "in-store" even. Also, anyone hosting the radio stations on a server would be liable also, plus any money making ventures sponsoring or hosting the radio stations. BTW...any radio stations that are planning on sponsoring the Cys, could you please share some info that would validate that your stations are legal? I definately don't want the Cys shut down because of doing anything that isn't approved legally. Sorry, that's just the way it has to be:( Thanks! Bit:) [View Quote] AW Radio Station QuestionsFeb 8, 2004, 6:30pm,1285,53377,00.html?tw=wn_story_related
Does this mean that since 1998 any radio station on the net has been paying 7 to 14 cents per person per song? AW RatingFeb 14, 2004, 2:27pm
Ya'll want to help AW get more people? :) AW RatingFeb 15, 2004, 11:28am
AW RatingFeb 15, 2004, 3:33pm
Ya just spurred an
What if the community...for the sake of community....formed a group that would investigate ways to acheive free promo for AW, then made that information public? Danged...that would not only show AWI how much we love the program (if we are willing to sacrifice our time to do promo for AW) but would possibly assist in lowering prices if we actually made it a prosperous thing! Some of you will say, "Why do their work for free?" Well, it's not THIER WORK it's our community. And just an fyi....that would be one organization that would definately be a Cy candidate:) Just my 2 cents worth:) AW RatingFeb 15, 2004, 4:29pm
Well heck...go for it!
I would like to be a participant if you get something going:) You might check with Mountain Myst about getting a world for it also. A world to put links for folks to vote....links for folks to make comments in forums...a place for meetings...a place for events to educate folks about the organization etc. Good luck and please keep me up to date:) Bit:) |