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alphabit phalpha // User Search
alphabit phalpha // User SearchAW RatingFeb 15, 2004, 5:32pm
lol...I bet your watching the race right now:)
What did you think of that preshow? Pretty cool eh?:) Go Earnhardt!!!!!! AW RatingFeb 15, 2004, 8:17pm
Well then ...let's all just give up without even trying:)
I have a tendancy to look at the possibilities or reactions to an action on occassion and was just thinking out loud. Well...think I'll go find a hole to crawl in and shrivel up and blow away.... NOT! I will be here to the end trying to come up with ideas that will enhance AW on the net. You know why? Cause I believe in AW and most of the people here in the community. Shoot...getting up on a soapbox I'm done ranting....for now:) AW RatingFeb 15, 2004, 11:11pm
Le contrare Le Lioness'e!
I am too far under water for the rock to sting to any great lengths! hehehehehe........btw....guess what happens the 28th of this month?:) [View Quote] AW RatingFeb 16, 2004, 2:51am
Hey Raven:)
Loves ya too Gal!...hugggs:) Let me be a shoulder for a moment....but then please let me follow as a mentor:) First of all.....the GK's are the GK's...The PK's are the PK's...and on and on. We as citizen's have the choice of relaxing and enjoying Activeworlds doing what we love to do, or getting involved in the "politics" and becoming frustrated, because the system never allows for organizations to please everyone all the time. I have personally irritated some folks because I couldn't please them in regards to the Cys. And yes, I came VERY close to resigning...wait...I did! I stepped back and asked I REALLY want to give up what I truly love? Was I REALLY going to let "situations" cause me stress and a hunger for what fullfills me? Nosiree! When I felt I had ran into a wall....I rested....rethought things, then returned and focused on what was truly important to me. The community:) I couldn't serve the community fighting causes and wearing the cloak of Don I chose to go back to where I was when things were blissful and fullfilling for me:) AWI really does care Raven. In what I have personally witnessed and heard from others first hand...they care up the yang yang. Imagine going to game rooms like msn and yahoo etc..... Imagine one of the owners of those programs coming into chat and conversing with the users....nope...aint gonna happen...not now...not in the past...not never. Those other sites are definately in it for the money and nothing more. Take a trip up to Boston some time and experience sitting down with JP or E N Z O or Calpentera or Stacee. Watch them watch you intentively when you discuss innovative ideas etc. As far as destroying the bday builders cant nor can anyone else destroy something that is good:) Who ever is telling you that you have needs to have their virtual head examined!:) You will find that no matter what you do, someone will find something wrong with it. Let's turn that entire ordeal (regarding the bday build posts) into a positive now shall we?:) Ok.....things were mentioned and people came to the defense for or against the issue. During those posts, people were thanked for doing them. When in the past were the people who make the bday builds thanked publicly? See? You opened up a can of worms, but those worms were really catterpillars that blossomed into butterflies:) Don't be "done". Be happy! What the heck....go out there and help with a bday build's open to all to help ya knows:) A personal note to all......if you feel something negative about something in AW...join it...try it...think about it after you have walked in those shoes...then share your experiences:) And a final note to will never survive in chat rooms if you wear your emotions on your sleeve....and always remember that this is text can not see the physical of the person to really know how they are feeling when they say something to you....ahhhh can't crawl into someone's brains in IRL even to know what they are thinking. Good luck all and God bless:) *thinking I should have written this in the morning, so it would have been said with fewer* Hugggs:) Bit:) AW RatingFeb 16, 2004, 1:26pm
Nooooooooooo....nononononononon.....don't be doin that ok please? (assuming
"taunt" means harrassing). Raven, please don't retaliate. It gets you nowhere but in a bad situation. Who ever is suggesting that is as wacky in the brain as the person that blamed you for ruining bday builds...Lordy! Don't do what other's suggest, do what your heart tells you to. Put the past behind you. If your'e bored, I have a project for you if you like poetry and have some free time;) May is what I call "Cy Month". People will be putting on Cy related events during that month. You can see open dates at the calendar at Why not host a poetry reading? I did it for a "bit" people really enjoyed it. Anyways, just please don't get into something that is going to give you and others a huge headache ok? Huggggs:) Bit:) Tourists builds in AmericaFeb 19, 2004, 7:45pm
Wooooohoooo jetta and Andras!
And now they can enter those builds in the Cys;) If ya'll haven't seen....details are at The CyUnitY Awards for tourists only:) Media MeetingFeb 22, 2004, 1:35pm
Attention all media owners
Media mtg tonight in cyawards world 9pm vrt . Contact me for ppw to enter world. Thanks! Bit:) Cy Awards Nominations Open Saturday February 28:)Feb 22, 2004, 7:12pm
Dear Activeworlds Community,
The Cy Awards Nominations will formally open this Saturday February 28th 7pm VRT. You will be able to place your nominations at the nominations link located at Please make sure you read the rules and procedures at the rules and procedures links. Please check the Cy calendar for upcoming events, voting, closure of nominations and voting etc etc. located on the calendar link on Cy home pages also. We promise to bring you the best Cy Awards ever this year, and hope all of you can make it:) Don't forget about this year's new addition ...The CyUnity Awards for tourists builds! Also we are still taking reservations for you to host a Cy related event during the Month of Cys in May:) Thank you:) AlphaBit Phalpha cyawards at Cy Awards Nominations Open Saturday February 28:)Feb 22, 2004, 10:20pm
Thanks Brant...I'll fix that...anyone can nominate anyone even themselves
and we are going back to community noms and votes....just like the old days but might have a point system for voting. [View Quote] Cy Awards Nominations Open Saturday February 28:)Feb 23, 2004, 1:10am
Active Worlds ExperienceFeb 24, 2004, 7:37pm
Wow...that's great maki!
Cyawards world won't be open until the ceremony to post your ad in it, but is there any other way we can help promote it? Great job! Bit:) [View Quote] Cy Nomination logo and link informationFeb 26, 2004, 5:33pm
Nominations open in just a couple days!....woooohoooo!
If you are interested in posting a nomination sign logo with a link to the nominating site, please use the following; create picture;activate url These can placed on any sign object at your gz area in your world, or at your building site in a public world. This will help to remind folks to place their nominations (hopefully for the area you place your signs:) and will also help the Cy Awards with your wonderful support:) Thank you and Good luck everyone! Sincerely, AlphaBit Phalpha Help?Feb 27, 2004, 11:59pm
Anyone have or know of a free guestbook template that doesn't use scripting?
If not possibly something that doesn't have popups or put cookies on folks pcs? Thanks! Bit:) Help?Feb 28, 2004, 1:26am
No php would be great also.
Unless someone has a template that all I would have to do is alter the guestbook template and put the scripting and it on a server? Last time I tried to do php etc I got all confused and gave up. [View Quote] Im gonna pop..Mar 3, 2004, 3:43pm
URL QuestionMar 4, 2004, 12:31am's the scenario.
On one of my web pages, I have other pages that when you hit "refresh" it automatically sends you back to the default.html. Another weird thing it is doing is if I want to send a person to a different html than the default html, they get an error message of that "inside" html not being accessible? I checked my html text and nothing there looks like it would be causing it. And I believe my url forwarding is correct also on our domain name server. Help please!?:) Thanks in advance, Bit:) URL QuestionMar 4, 2004, 1:38am
Yup:) Now that blanco.html is definately there and appears when you click on links to get to it. But the dang thing won't appear when I give someone that url. [View Quote] URL QuestionMar 4, 2004, 1:56am
Ahhh...well that helps a bit.
At least I can use that to get folks directly to the page. Thanks Mongo! btw...we are domain hosted at Been there about 3 years now and no problems. [View Quote] The Ongoing Virus Sending Attempt DilemmaMar 5, 2004, 2:23am
You know....I just checked the nominations coming in, and found about 10
attempts at sending me a virus with return addresses from blahblah at bkahblah at and blahblah at It seems pretty obvious that where it's coming from, the person is a definate 3D'er person. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes once I find out where the root is from:) Could everyone PLEASE make sure you have virus scanners running on your incoming and outgoing mail? And definately scan thoroughly ALL your hard drives. If you aren't savvy on how to do these things, please ask here. I am sure there are many that will help, if it stops this insanity:) Thanks! Bit:) I just found something cool:)Mar 5, 2004, 2:56am
I haven't had a chance to check it out much, but the following site has a
little chat window you can put on your homepage and audio and maybe video chat from it? Anyways...I thought it was cool:) I just found something cool:)Mar 5, 2004, 11:53am
Well, I caught San Marcos (Organizer of the AV99 Event) in there and I
believe he had actually made the program. Nifty lil thing I think:) [View Quote] More reliable help needed :)Mar 6, 2004, 11:45am
Hey Elyk:)
Here's an idea.....have an open house where folks experianced in these fields can all congregate and meet the current instructors. Sometimes something like that can spur recruitment. Also, it might be fun to have a monthly "learning event" where people are invited to come chat and meet people or ask questions? [View Quote] Cit account expiring...Mar 9, 2004, 2:52pm
March 12thMar 11, 2004, 11:26am
Lordy...sorry to hear that KoL...but I understand.
Take care and stop by anytime. Good luck on your ventures! Huggggs! Bit:) Cy Awards Nominations Closing!Mar 11, 2004, 12:48pm
Hi Everyone,
The Cys Awards nominations will be closing this coming Saturday the 13th at 7pm VRT. Please don't miss the deadline! Noms can be placed at On March 27th we will be posting all nominations with details at the above url for corrections. You will have 1 week to notify us of any needed corrections. Voting will commence the first part of May...and then the 22nd...The Cy Ceremony! Good luck to everyone and thank you again for supporting your Cy Awards! Sincerely, AlphaBit Phalpha |