the derek // User Search
the derek // User Search
Aug 22, 2001, 4:18pm
everything you make is copyrighted and VAILD..
things like this and actually buying one make it
hold up in court better
[View Quote]kah wrote:
> then it might not be valid... if you write: copywrite 2001 Myname Mysurname
> it won't be a valid copyright notice...
> "brandon" <brandon at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3b83d759$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> forgot
Aug 23, 2001, 12:23am
when you shutdown.... the guy cant spell suggest
[View Quote]
Aug 23, 2001, 8:54pm
umm even a bot needs ct rights :o)
[View Quote]brandon wrote:
> caretaker.....thats how you chnage world settings and thats the only way you
> can change the backdrop...other then a bot
> "m a r c u s" <i_have_a_site at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3b8564c5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> stay
> be
> any
> may
> get
> of
> right
Aug 27, 2001, 10:03pm
i know there was a post ssomewhere about this but
if you have a midi play then close aw it will
perform an illegal operation
did the same thing when i had www.something.com
and changed it to http://www.something.com
Sep 1, 2001, 9:32pm
well he came in seemingly with no intent except to
spam i mean he even said he wasnt gonna reply
which i take it as "im advertising and leaving so
dont bother" and html posts take a long time to
load its not something id bitch about just would
ask the person to stop
[View Quote]lanezeri wrote:
> Hey buddy.. I don't care if u post in HTML, it don't bother me at all..
> actually.. I don't know why people bitch about it.. but.. I guess thats just
> me.. anyway.. u weren't a menace lol.. trust me..
> --
> Lanezeri
> Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X
> http://aw.stuff-x.com
> "r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Rules
Sep 1, 2001, 9:35pm
cross posting is when someone posts the same thing
in different ngs... basically making people read
the same thing over an dover in each ng and making
it look unread when it is actually not... i dont
complain but it does bug the heck out of me
[View Quote]donna wrote:
> Maybe it is time to put this issue with Ryan to bed, I talked to
> Ryan last night, he tells me he 11 years old. I personally disagree with
> warez sites (I found out what they were only last night) but this is a child
> for goodness sake!!! has any one of us ever done anything wrong when we were
> kids? I interpret Ryan's 1st response to EEP's post as a childish way of
> defending his self. I saw his apology as a much more mature way to handle
> what he did wrong. I saw that anana's (whom I believe a decent human being)
> had mentioned cross posting. What the heck is that? And am I doing this
> also?
> Donna
> "r y a n" <birkin at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
> news:3b90a2c2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Rules
Sep 1, 2001, 10:00pm
the one that has the name of the newsgroup in NS
its called group
[View Quote]donna wrote:
> Hi KAH, what field are you referring to please. Where do I find it at
> please? Huggz Donna
> "kah" <kah at kahbot.com> wrote in message
> news:3b915824 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> talked
> handle
Sep 3, 2001, 3:40am
well its twice as long try downloading 30 or 40 on
a 28k modem and each text message can take up to
10 seconds for me almost a minute if its html
[View Quote]young phalpha wrote:
> uhh, you mean the difference of 150-300 milliseconds or so is that much? :)
> --
> Young Phalpha
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message news:3B916CF3.51A9493F at yahoo.com...
> well he came in seemingly with no intent except to
> spam i mean he even said he wasnt gonna reply
> which i take it as "im advertising and leaving so
> dont bother" and html posts take a long time to
> load its not something id bitch about just would
> ask the person to stop
> lanezeri wrote:
Sep 3, 2001, 4:07am
yeah but they go up fast especially with all the
new worlds being bought lately
[View Quote]syntax wrote:
> He's been "n a y R", "Ryan.", "Ocean Boy" and a whole host of others.
> And 323710 isn't very new, considering the citnumbers are already in 34k.
> --
> - Syntax -
> www.swcity.net
> icey <icey at altavista.net> wrote in message
> news:3B92985D.1F5A297B at altavista.net...
Sep 3, 2001, 4:08am
lol i mean when someone starts a new post as a
crosspost id much rather they post it sperately so
that there are different discussions going on in
each one not the same one
[View Quote]kah wrote:
> LMAO, you just crossposted yourself!
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3B916D9D.43EBAF0E at yahoo.com...
> talked to
> child
> were
> handle
> being)
Sep 3, 2001, 4:20am
stop complaining if you dont like crosposting that
much just ignore crossposted threads you cant
expect everyone to never reply and if they do
never forget to change the newsgroups
[View Quote]eep wrote:
> Yo, idiots, stop CROSSPOSTING! God damn...
> the derek wrote:
Sep 3, 2001, 5:18am
well like i said you can complain all you want but
eheres always gonna be someone replying to a
crosspost and i am not a newbie i knew i was
replying to a crosspost im not stupid
i see nothing wrong with repkying to a crosspost
if a crosspost is posted its already there boohoo
and if youre gonna flame me for this question then
i dont know why im bothering but if i reply to a
reply to a cross post wouldnt it only be visible
to that newsgroup? on ns the group says
general.discussion thats it
[View Quote]eep wrote:
> Um, I expect you to pay attention and read people's posts (like Ananas where he EXPLICITLY mentions how newbies like you unknowningly, and mindlessly, reply to crossposts). Take responsibility and pay attention! Stop cluttering up the newsgroups with junk!
> the derek wrote:
Sep 3, 2001, 5:22am
correction reply to a non-crossed reply to a
[View Quote]the derek wrote:
> well like i said you can complain all you want but
> eheres always gonna be someone replying to a
> crosspost and i am not a newbie i knew i was
> replying to a crosspost im not stupid
> i see nothing wrong with repkying to a crosspost
> if a crosspost is posted its already there boohoo
> and if youre gonna flame me for this question then
> i dont know why im bothering but if i reply to a
> reply to a cross post wouldnt it only be visible
> to that newsgroup? on ns the group says
> general.discussion thats it
> eep wrote:
Sep 3, 2001, 5:12pm
eep this is why you get no luck out of "newbies"
i asked a question i expected an answer WITH SOME
INTELLIGENCE geez can someone else here answer it
then? eep himself has got to evolve a little if he
expects others to evolve lol well eep since you
didnt do what I asked i see no reason why i should
do what YOU asked. and i also dont see why i
should continue to have to listen to you complain
about stuff and expect people to just go POOF i
fixed it IDIOT
in your own words
suck filter twit
[View Quote]eep wrote:
> Well, I can see that you haven't evolved yet in here so it's back into the filter with you. And you seemed halfway respectable in AW...ah well.
> the derek wrote:
Sep 1, 2001, 9:30pm
umm its good youre apologizing but putting it in
the wrong newsgroup is gonna just make things
worse... u shoulda emailed him or posted in
general discussion i doubt he hasnt filtered you
[View Quote]r y a n wrote:
> This is a message to Eep,
> Eep, Please stop being rude to me... im a citizen of activeworlds aaswell,
> and i have a right to post, and i will never stop posting because of you....
> so dont look at my posts if your just gonna be rude to me ok?
Sep 1, 2001, 10:08pm
*hands eep a chill pill* hes a kid you know hes
gotta get why most everything here thinks hes an
idiot the ngs arent only for adults they are made
for all of aw to post to thats why newsreaders
have a filter option
[View Quote]eep wrote:
> I'll talk to you however the FUCK I choose to, kid. Now stop acting like the lame little shit that you are and learn how to use the newsgroups!
> r y a n wrote:
Sep 1, 2001, 10:05pm
i know you ahte "twits" eep but hes a kid and i
dont see what youre gonna report him on... posting
non topic things in newsgroups aint gonna cut it
:P hey at least hes admiiting hes wrong right?...
not in the best way though :O(
[View Quote]eep wrote:
> Then prepare to be reported to your ISP/email provider's abuse account if you continue to act inept and incompetent in using these newsgroups. It's that simple, kid. Evolve or lose your account.
> r y a n wrote:
Sep 3, 2001, 5:15pm
see everyone can post something useful once in a
to find empty land:
to build there get a seed bot a good place is
[View Quote]r y a n wrote:
> Hi,i need some land in AW, ive had some before,but i want some more,does
> anyone have a city lot or know of empty land i can build in?
> Ryan.
Sep 17, 2001, 10:57pm
anyone know where i can find a picture of the
santa maria (columbus)? doesn't have to be a real
photo but i n need to know what the parts
are for a report due friday and don't tell me to
go to search engines ive tried that its ALLLLLL
Sep 18, 2001, 8:41pm
yes if he was the indians wouldn't be here that's
not the purpose of my report
[View Quote]internal affairs wrote:
> You do realize that Columbus did not discovered America.
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3BA69997.1BE8D0F0 at yahoo.com...
Sep 22, 2001, 1:46am
hopefully as a junior in HS id know that by now
[View Quote]internal affairs wrote:
> Ok just checking :)
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3BA7CB47.6FFE90E0 at yahoo.com...
Oct 8, 2001, 9:37pm
i know several people whove done it and have been
caught. nothing bad ever happened except aw told
them to shut it down. if they had not... thats
another matter
[View Quote]lanezeri wrote:
> Now.. if someone had a Uniserver that was cracked, would AWCOM get angry and
> maybe.. ban their account?
> --
> Lanezeri
> Lead Bot Programmer at Stuff-X
> http://aw.stuff-x.com
Oct 24, 2001, 1:34am
eek forgot it doesnt show it yeah its that big and
its a powerpoint presentation but hell its funny
[View Quote]lanezeri wrote:
> Good lord! NEVER post something like that.. 409kb.. that is a attachment..
> at least WARN us.. I don't care for small attachments (5k - 10k) but 409kb
> is pathetic!
> --
> Lanezeri
> Degtur Solutions at http://www.degtur.com
> Stuff-X at http://aw.stuff-x.com
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3BD62CBE.88E9D02B at yahoo.com...
Oct 25, 2001, 8:58pm
ive got a 28k modem it took 1 1/2 minutes to
[View Quote]internal affairs wrote:
> Wow that was a waste of my bandwidth AND time. I spent the past 5 minutes
> downloading that huge mofo.
> Next time, warn us. We all don't have uber-fast AOL connections like you do.
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3BD62CBE.88E9D02B at yahoo.com...
Oct 26, 2001, 1:28am
and why do you think im on aol? im on 28k because
the phone lines here are 290 years old and cant
support a faster connection and dsl isnt available
yet... btw i use prodigy/earthlink, depending
which one i can get a faster connection off of at
the moment. and when i said uploading i meant
posting. sorry bout the big file size but i dont
normally post attachments and thought it told you
how big it was... see the next post i make after
this :o)
[View Quote]internal affairs wrote:
> Upload? Uh...you mean download? Get your poor ass off AOL and you'll have a
> true 56k connection. Although it's actually only 53 kbits/sec and with line
> conditions it limits it to around 49.3 kbits/sec - 51 kbits/sec, that's
> still better than 28.8 kbits/sec.
> "the derek" <ImTheDerek at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3BD89579.962BDE1C at yahoo.com...
> minutes
> do.
Oct 26, 2001, 10:15pm
this fle is big-between 400 and 500kb, but funny.
if you dont like jokes being made about the
tragedy, ignore this message and move on.
Oct 30, 2001, 9:36pm
i doubt there isnt another solar system in our
galaxy. i do beleieve a year ago or so we found
the first planet outside our solar system. i would
go to nasas site to see how far away it was
[View Quote]foxmccloud wrote:
> see below
> "brandon" <a at b.com> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdf3205 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The possibility is nearly zero. Pluto and Neptune were already too far to see by the way, they were detected with other
> techniques... But now the solar system is well-known by astronomers and I'm sure they haven't missed a planet :)
> There is no known other stellar system in our galaxy yet... There recently have been a few planets discovered, the first extra-solar
> planets ever discovered, but they're in other galaxies, which means millions of years of traveling at lightspeed, so don't even
> imagine with a conventional rocket.
> I think this will happen, but we probably won't be there to see it ;)
> Gateways and things like that have no scientific basis...
> as for teleporting, there have been a few successful experiments already, but only on very small scale (teleporting a photon a few
> nanometers farther by using the undetermined states of quantic physics or something lol, don't remember well). Well for now they
> calculated it would take 5000 times the age of the universe (which is 10 to 20 billion years) to teleport a human being. I don't
> know if such a technology can be developed enough to be usable though.... you never know. The data also neeeds to be stored for the
> teleportation, and with current means of storage (HDDs) it would take a stack of disk drives high as the distance from the earth to
> the moon to store all the atoms in a human being. As you can see there's some progress to be made yet :P
> Imagine that your parents or grandparents didn't even know tv when they were born, and now we're there with our computers, 3d cards,
> internet and all... I can't imagine what the world will look like in 20 or 40 years :) But I'm pretty sure we'll never encounter any
> extra-terrestrial or anything like that, even if some exist in some remote corner of the universe, we won't be able to reach them.
> Fox Mc Cloud
Nov 1, 2001, 1:01am
why is it unprofessional? aw runs awbingo so why
should they not promote it? they would promote the
cy awards in that message too. is that
unprofessional? was it a brithday of the staff or
a citizen? if it was staff its not that bad. you
dont want a company totally serious do you? that
would be boring.
[View Quote]kah wrote:
> looks lik kmissile[weird number]k was right! the AWC have used the uni
> greeting topromote AWBingo, which I think is wrong of them. also, a while
> back they sent out a message about a birthday, which I thinkis a bit
> unprofesionnal of them... here is the message displayed now:
> "Immigration Officer: Welcome to Active Worlds 3.2! For the latest
> information on 3.2, please see http://www.activeworlds.com/help/
> AWBingo4 is now open!!! Join us for fun and prizes!!! :-)"
Nov 23, 2001, 4:28am
my # is 4953664... i stopped using it cause of those dumbass chain letters
and spam messages i got. if u dont get them no one has you on their list
theres is almost no other way not to get them
[View Quote]"tyrell" <tyrell1 at sk.sympatico.ca> wrote in message
news:3BFC8DB5.D460D470 at sk.sympatico.ca...
> Hmmm... it's interesting that just because one can't figure out how to
config a
> program properly, it's obviously the programs fault...
> I'v been using ICQ (ver 2001b now) long before it was sucked into AOL (my
> is in the sig)... I NEVER get spam... (try sending me an ICQ... I'l not
get it
> unless I manually enter you into my contact list...) I'm never bothered by
> anyone 'not' on my contact list... If someone on my contact list becomes a
> in the... er... neck... I place them in my 'ignore list'... What could be
> easier...
> Just because 'you' can't figure out how to configure the program doesn't
make it
> a bad program... It appears the problem is with the User...
> my 2 cents...
> data21 wrote:
> --
> Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
> "Eat well, stay fit, die anyway."
> http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/ty1/index.html
> ICQ UN - 272905
> All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.