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the derek // User Search
the derek // User SearchAmerica, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)Jul 26, 2005, 5:52am
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> People don't respond to AW related threads here unless its a flame war :P
> [View Quote] America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)Jul 28, 2005, 4:17am
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> How many members of the Bush Administration are needed to replace a
> lightbulb? > > The Answer is SEVEN: (1) One to deny that a lightbulb needs to be replaced, > (2) one to attack and question the patriotism of anyone who has questions > about the lightbulb, (3) one to blame the previous administration for the > need of a new lightbulb, (4) one to arrange the invasion of a country > rumored to have a secret stockpile of lightbulbs, (5) one to get together > with Vice President Cheney and figure out how to pay Halliburton Industries > one million dollars for a lightbulb, (6) one to arrange a photo-op session > showing Bush changing the lightbulb while dressed in a flight suit and > wrapped in an American flag, (7) and finally one to explain to Bush the > difference between screwing a lightbulb and screwing the country. > > *imagines the scene at the white house when a lightbulb needs to be changed* everyone blames each other for hte light bulb burning out then when they do replace it they set up secuirty checkpoints to make sure the lightbulb really is a lightbulb. America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)Jul 28, 2005, 8:22am
Okay now since i disagree with just about every single sentence, i will
repost it again and pull this sucker apart into pieces. Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we /\/\Good lord get some grammar lessons... ill skip whatever this sis upposed to say I can no not other /\/\Since when can YOU no longer say this. To accomodate everyone and /\/\everyones beliefs, this is what you would say to a large group of /\/\people, just because you celebrate christmas doesnt mean you have to /\/\wish everyone else a merry christmas. How are you being offended? /\/\Hell youre offending me by being offended! /\/\Yeah Right dude. Bomb iraq for oil. yeah we sure were worrying aboutt hier culture! /\/\ Since the terrorist /\/\AKA "Propaganda Bullshit" However, the dust from the attacks had /\/\Where did you even get this idea from? anyone almost This identity. /\/\Our country is barely 200 years old and blacks havent even had the /\/\right to vote for more than a few decades. We havent even had time /\/\to develop our own culture This culture has Japanese, /\/\Then why does such a large portion of California speak spanish? How /\/\come almost every semester i have at least one person who speaks /\/\Russian in my class? Why do pakages in the US have 2 languages on /\/\them? You, sir, are an idiot. Christian, men /\/\The minute politics and religion cross is the minute the government /\/\will fall due to corruption. /\/\We? So far this has been about YOU not "we" citizen And to end this, any religion that reads the bible and follows the commandments WOULD find the plege of allegiance to be offensive. Putting your hand over your heart and pledging allegiance is the same thing as worshiping an idol, something that according to the Bible, will get you damned to hell. New website for friend want inputJul 28, 2005, 9:15am
made just for you pelican ;-) no really a friend wanted me to make him this site, i told him 2 weeks, i ahve about a week and a half left. Im not totally finished but i wanted ot get some stuff started on the message boards so he would have something to read and debate on when i showed him the site. its a political website. Takes a different approach to things than youre probably used to. Please if possible say something on the boards and id like any input! thanks! New website for friend want inputJul 28, 2005, 5:28pm
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> It reminds me too much of free templates.. not good :[
thats because i used one... for now |