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Apr 18, 2001, 1:00am
There's nothing we can do. I have at home too they won't let you host your
world 24/7 on your PC. It violates their usage policy. Like they said, you'd
have to apply for a commercial account.
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Apr 25, 2001, 4:24am
Then I'd nicely ask them that since under the circumstances would they
please allow you to do what you've been doing until they add the at work in
your area.

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May 11, 1998, 3:45am
Well, I just posted to the Beta Ng and I just found my post here in this NG
and I didn't send it in twice!?? Also, I get a message now saying that
the discussion NG isn't here anymore. Did I miss a post about that?

Roland Vilett <roland at> wrote in article <355356e8.0 at sundev>...
> Hi folks,
> just a quick note about cross-posting. We've had a few well-intentioned
> (and some not so-well-intentioned) posts that have been cross-posted to
> or all newsgroups on our server recently.
> The "beta" newsgroup is moderated and is for discussion of the current AW
> beta only. All off-topic posts are deleted from that newsgoup.
> Furthermore, it is not possible to delete a cross-posted post from just a
> single newsgroup and leave it in all the others.
> Thus, when I delete a cross-posted post from the beta newsgroup, it is
> deleted from *all* newsgroups it was posted to.
> So in the future if you could keep your cross-posting only to relevant
> newsgroups, that will make my job easier and also mean that your posts
> a better chance of sticking around. ;)
> Thanks,
> Roland

Ejection identification - Put to TOP of list

May 31, 1998, 4:53am
There's no excuse for that happening and I hope someone is going to QUICKLY
identify the person who ejected you Xav!!! Enough, is enough is

(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Feb 14, 2001, 8:51pm
After ByteMe did the complex actions on the jack in the box in Objectd' we
decided that there would be a use for rotate- rdone/rstop/rstart and same
for moves. Then it was pointed out to me why not an overall generic stop,
start, done. I did post it in the beta NG when we thought of it but it's
something for the wish list.
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(3.1) Move/Rotate Command enhancement (With examples)

Feb 14, 2001, 9:40pm
Hmm interesting. I sure hope Byte huriies up and teaches the class on the
astop/start stuff, I could sure use it. That and more examples on the help
page. lol
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Apr 18, 2001, 1:00am
There's nothing we can do. I have at home too they won't let you host your
world 24/7 on your PC. It violates their usage policy. Like they said, you'd
have to apply for a commercial account.
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Apr 25, 2001, 4:24am
Then I'd nicely ask them that since under the circumstances would they
please allow you to do what you've been doing until they add the at work in
your area.

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AW Products Are Screwed...

Aug 12, 2001, 7:05pm
It wasn't off topic, at least I don't think. I think the post had to do with
a thread that ws in here before about all of this and someone complaining
against AW for taking away citizenships. I for one am glad the truth of the
matter came out since Facter rightlfully didn't expalin it before.
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Aug 8, 2001, 4:35pm
I just got a brand new Yamaha lightspeed 2100EZ 16X write, 10X rewright, 40X
read, 40X rip. Out of the box it has almost the same problems.
Running Win Me.
800 P III
128 MB Ram
I have another 48x CD Rom drive.
Running Roxio ( Adaptec) Direct CD and Easy CD Creator.
Running tests as per Yamahas instructions through Easy CD Creator.
Installed all the latest software and firmware updates.
All devices showing correctly in Bios

Both drives read music disks although neither will automatically pull up a
music program and play the songs anymore. I have to open up a music player
and select the files to play.
Both will read and start up a game disk as normal.

The CD burner will test to read audio files from the 48x CD ROM but it won't
test data files.
It won't run any test from my hard drive and gets stuck on 'finding data
files for testing'.

Info/tips from Dell and Yamaha-
All Dell PC's have the CDROM jumper set to CSEL (not master) and I was told
to put the CD burner to CSEL too. Tried that, didn't work.
Put 48X on master, burner on slave. Same problem.

Final solution- Told that drive is defective and send back to where I bought
it. :-(

If anyone has any other idea as to what may be wrong or conflicting here
before I send it back it would be greatly appreciated. I personally think
there's some conflict someplace between the software and the burner but I'm
probably wrong.


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Aug 13, 2001, 3:13pm
He made another personal attack in the Community NG.... after you posted
this warning.
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AW in the spotlight

Aug 22, 2001, 3:33pm
Worked for me but I had to add the ht at the front and the .ram at the end.
Oh and thanks brandon for giving the timining for where it was at in the
Interesting story, too bad no one at AW GZ helped him and he choose the
Willy avatar! ;-)
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This world (.dat) is pissing me off...

Aug 22, 2001, 9:18pm
Ok, ok,,, chill a bit...
Sometimes you don't always download the newst dat file from a web site for
various reasons. Mainly, the web host hasn't updated the file for wahtever
reason and you're still re-downloading the old dat file. I've had this
happen on several occassions.

Work around= delete the avatars.dat file in your cache folder on your PC.
Replace it with your new dat file and enter AW and you'll see your new


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This world (.dat) is pissing me off...

Aug 22, 2001, 9:40pm
I'm saying the the web doesn't always update instantly from you to where
your OP may be at. No, I'm not at all blaming your particular OP as they
may/maynot have control on it all. ( Probably don't - I'm not a web master
though so don't know)

I've experienced the same problem you're having several times. I've deleted
the old dat file from my cache, enetered AW and still downloaded the old dat
file again even though I've updated the one on the site. I've had this
happen on a lot of different sites, not just one or two but many over the
years. Again, it's probably not your particular OP so don't blame them.

I don't know exactly what happens. I do know that over time it fixes itself.
If you are trying to test things though, you've deleted the old dat file
from you cache folder and enter AW and redownload the old one the best/
quickest fix is to put your new one right into your cache.

I was just trying to give you a workaround so you can look at your new dat
file :-)

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Sep 2, 2001, 12:58am
Will you just please drop it? You're not going to have anything to say that
hasn't already be said as I don't think it's possible after so many years.
All you're doing is lowering yourself. You show up, post a bunch of
different posts in various NG's, off topic and seems to me with the purpose
of just making trouble although I could be wrong. So, again, drop it,
ignore him, filter him, whatever it takes.
PS- I really don't want a reply.... enough bandwidth has been wasted on this
as is....

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Ejected for telling the truth about CNN ????

Sep 15, 2001, 6:25am
I agree 100% Ananas. Not all Palastinians, Muslims, Islamic people or Arabs
as a whole are evil. Just a few of them are. Same goes for some Americans
and people all over the world.

In responce to the alleged CNN coverage of Palistinians celebrating:
I do not understand and never have how people, any people, could have such a
hatred for another. I do not understand how any organization or group could
justify the killing of inoccent people and call it 'collateral damage'. I
can see how recent generations of some of these groups of people would be
frustrated, angry, feel abused, have no hope and see us as bullies. It
greatly upsets me to hear different groups of people think that this is a
terrible tragedy but also think that it's something that's been a long time
coming. They do not seem as shocked as I am. I can picture CNN coverage of
Americans waving American flags in responce to a military victory. Just try
to keep in mind the 'collateral damage' that went along with it. :-(

Our recent tragedy unfortunately is a monumental example of things that have
been going on all over the world for a very long time. It seems to be a tit
for tat game whether it be Israel & Palestine (and most every other Arab
nation at one time or another), Great Britian & the IRA, USA and several
groups over the years etc... This game needs to stop. I can only hope and
pray that somehow, someway, we as a human race decide that terrorism and
wars in general only hurts and rarely solves anything. As an American, I do
not want the world to think of us as the bullies of the world. I do not want
to see my fellow Americans attacking other Americans because they are Muslim
or _____ ( fill in the blank)

I hope and pray that the lives of those lost in this terrible tragedy will
not be wasted and their sacrifice steers us on a course toward a more
peaceful and tolerant world. Yes, I have high hopes....

I do not believe that if we go into X country and invade it will solve the
overall problems of terrorism. Sure, we could disrupt this network or that
but it only drives people further underground and increases the hatred. The
only long term solution is to work toward removing the hate that drives it
and humanity working together to solve those problems.

From a statement in the press today about the world coalition against
terrorism that really bothers me....

"If there is an attempt to bring Syria and Arafat into the coalition, then
that is a problem," an Israeli official said."

Yes, it is a problem if we decide that we are not willing as a world to work
together no matter what the past & current differences. Hey, Russia & the
USA are doing it! :-) A common goal goes a long ways toward removing hate,
building trust and moving forward. This is an unprecedented opportunity for
everyone in the world if it's done right. I hope, as an American I can
someday say that it was my country that lead the way.

end of my .02

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Ejected for telling the truth about CNN ????

Sep 15, 2001, 2:15pm
Yep, I was one of those that reported that story to them asking them to
research it and put the info in their site. Looks like many others did too.
Thanks for posting the link so soon after they put the info on it.
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Re: Bin Laden's Special Song

Oct 24, 2001, 4:56am
Here's a bunch of stuff like that if you're interested

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Re: Bin Laden's Special Song

Oct 26, 2001, 7:33am
Since I so STUPIDLY put a link to some of this stuff.........
If ANY of you played the Osama Yo Mama game you now have a trojan/backdoor
on your PC!!!!!!
Check this on how to remove it -

Also, write to and let them know just what you think about
them and their company using this tragic situation under the pre-text of
donation to the Red Cross to put this on your PC!


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Universe greeting

Nov 1, 2001, 5:35am
I think Moria has asnwered your reasons very well for why it's wrong and
unprofessional. At least in privately owned worlds. Unless it's limited to
AW worlds only then it shouldn't be used except for server problems etc type
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Universe greeting in general

Nov 1, 2001, 5:31am
I have to agree with you Moria and thanks for saying it so nicely. The Spam
type messages should be limited to AWCOM's worlds and not the privately
owned ones. I honestly thought that was how it was going to work anyway.
People pay for private and commercial worlds. Many try to make extra money
from them in one way or another. Pulling people out of those worlds to
AWCOM's worlds is not right at all. It is a good idea for them within their
worlds to communicate and let people know of their events. Also, is a great
way for world owners through the AWEC or something to promote events.

There should be at the VERY least the world option to turn it off like you
suggested. I don't think it should have to be a world option though but
should only go to their worlds period. Yes, a warning message of server
problems etc enmass to all worlds would be helpful but should not be used as
an excuse/reason to keep all worlds getting these messages. OH, and this is
'feature' is added before privacy/green checkmark off/ mute someone from
gramming you is??

My .02

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is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 1:45am
Something got into it or something is very corrupted. Have you tried
unistalling it and re-install? Also, have you written to the company since
it seems to be something wrong with their latest update. Check for a patch!
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Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 23, 2001, 1:20pm
I have to disagree. I have had ICQ for years. Long before AOL junked it all
up. I have probably one of the lowest ICW #'s of anyone you know - 1XXXXX.
It was even lower than that when I first got it. Never had a problem, very
few people just asking me to join or have ever sent messages un-solicited.
Maybe 10 in all this time. Set it up right and it can rock. Obviously you're
doing something wrong - hint, don't join any of those groups!!!

Recommmending AOL or Yahoo Messenger??? ACK! Now that's where you'll get
tons of people just contacting you. I don't and won't have either.
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any ferret owners please help

Nov 26, 2001, 2:21pm
Get rid of your real life one. Download Ananas's ferret avatar from his free
site. Create a custom seq. It will be trained.. ;-)
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I need CD-RW drive info

Nov 26, 2001, 2:19pm
I just got a TDK Velo CDRW. It rocks & was easy to set up. Has Burnproof.
Comes with TDK Blender and that includes Nero 5.0. On sale on TDK's site for
$149. Specs - 24X write( Takes me 3-4 minutes to burn a music CD) , 10X
re-write, 40X read, 40X rip (5 seconds to rip a CD) . Have it on a Dell
800pIII. Set it to master.

I had got a Yamaha Lightwave - Was defective out of the box. Sent it back,
got this TDX, very happy.


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I need CD-RW drive info

Nov 27, 2001, 4:34pm
From PC World- Rating the top CD Burners

1) Yamaha Light Speed 20X/10X/40X - Nero 5.5
2) TDK 24X/10X/40X - Nero 5.5 + Burn Proof(Came in second because of a
minor install problem that TDK has already fixed. Burns faster than the
Yamaha one and has Burn Proof. Yamaha doesn't. This is the one I have and I
didn't have any installation problems. Yamaha installed faster for them
3) Plextor PlexWriter 16X/10X/40X - Easy CD Creator.
4) TDK 16X/10X/40X

#1 & #2 were given as best buys. TDX or Plextor would be the better ones.
The LightSpeed still has 'noise' problems I think. The one I had sounded
like a jet taking off when it was spinning. At the time of the review the
Yamaha also cost less but TDK dropped the price a ton so( Was $245 in
article, now $149) ....... I think if they re-did it today TDK would come
out on top and Plextor or Yamaha would be in #2. I don't like Easy CD
Creator so that's the only reason I didn't look at the Plextor although they
are very good and reliable. Also, got my TDK on sale... lol


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Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 7, 2001, 2:49am
Hello All,
Yes, I'm finally back. Don't we all just love AT&T? NOT!
Anyway, I'll try to address some of the problems we had and why we did some
of the things we did.

The vote bot-
We tried a vote bot this year because there were complaints last year that
the 'yell' we had wasn't fair. The vote bot was running at the same time in
3 different Uniservers, AW, OW, and 3DWorlds. It's my understanding that
this was part of the reason for the delayed responce and possibly no
response from the bot. Overall though I think it worked out well compared to
last year and it's something that might be done again. The prize that was
given from the bot vote was ActiveWorlds browser specific. In other words,
the avatars from other 3D environments were not in that contest. We were
trying to let the AW community be involved with the voting process. We do
try although things don't always work perfectly. I'd like to thank Magine
for her vote bot as it performed overall very well. I don't think there's
EVER been a bot in 3 different places like that taking votes. Possibly some
type of secure web based voting might be developed instead. ( Want to write
the code for it?? lol ) We are learning but if this is a problem and
everyone feels it's overall unfair (I don't) then I guess we can decide
whether to have a public vote or not next year. Keep in mind that the Avvies
is not an AW specific event. It's supposed to encompass several 3D
environments and the public vote was only there because we wanted to do
something 'special' for the AW avatar creators.

The world crashing
I don't have a clue as to why the place was crashing. I do agree with
whomever said it might have been an MP3 or music file causing it. Whatever
was causing it hadn't for weeks prior to the event. I was in there for days
and never crashed. I did crash several times while 'trying' to help do the
event over a very old phone line and dial up connection. Anyone that was
there saw what I was going through. lol Unfortunately due to AT&T deciding
they are God and can cut hundreds of thousands of people off I was not able
to be in there the couple of days prior to the event. I don't know what, if
any objects or files were added at that time. I do know that Credo
Interactives entry didn't get added because of it. :-( *Side note- Please
let me know if anyone hears of a class action lawsuit against AT&T. *

Someone mentioned limiting the number of avatar entries per person. Yes,
that will be done next year. I never expected so many avatars and also so
many different creators. Even if we had limited it this year we would have
had ~ 40-50 avatars anyway. :-) I am VERY pleased with the success of the
event from that perspective. We had some wonderful avatars!! If you were
having problems crashing teleport out to something like 500n 500w and take a
look at the avatars. Really look at the animations!! WOW!! Check out the
Atmosphere entries too! They had custom animations as well and are 'skinned'

Again, I can only apologize that I wasn't able to give a final test to the
world before we opened it. I know nothing about the other worlds and
possible problems that were going on there. Next year it's going to be a
very 'bland' world with just the avatar info and signs... lol Actually, I
think that since Xela has put so much time and effort into his bots and the
animation bot (did you see it?? ... way kewl!! ) that we just might use them
instead of having all the images around. That might work well. We'll see.

Finally back on-line.................. *and mad as heck at AT&T....

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Dec 7, 2001, 1:42pm
Instead of arguing that this thing can't do what was said it DOES do...
check out Yes, it does delete program files.
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AW protest !

Jan 4, 2002, 12:09am
That's real 'productive'.....
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Lindows.Com: Target #1 for Microsoft. Help them out! :)

Jan 19, 2002, 10:45pm
<start rant>
Yes, US Court system has really screwed up over the recent MS lawsuit. I
always thought the origional charge was that they were making computer
makers install MS software, show it on the desktop and not provide other
competing software. In particular Internet Explorer. Of course MS put IE
withing the operating system too and that was supposed to be removed too.

So what happens?
First result - Split MS up into two seperate companies. ( Tossed out as an
2nd result - Make MS buy PC's and provide software free to schools ( Like
that was a 'penalty' to MS as the school system was one of the few places
they didn't have a monopoly.) Apple and the other states that abstained
disputes it and now waiting on solution #3.

My .02 on this
1) Any Federal judge making a ruling on technology MUST be under that age of
50, be a consumer on the Internet and understand the basics of how a PC and
the Internet works. We have to many judges making decisions about things
they simply do not understand at all. Comparing Napster & is a good
example of them not understanding the technology. Napster NEVER had ANY
files on their servers. They provided peer to peer file transfer with the
ability to search other PC's for information. That's no different than ICQ
having peer to peer or using any basic search engine for information on
other PC's and servers. Napster or ANY peer to peer technology cannot
control its users and how they use the technology. provided space
for the files, kept the files on their systems and allowed ppl to upload and
download to that server. That's a whole different ballgame.

2) #3 Judgement should be
Do not allow MS to provide ANY free software. If consumers want it they have
to purchase it. For example - I buy a new PC from Dell, I get to choose the
software AND operating system I want and pay ( something ) to have MS
software. This should be for at least a 4 year period since that's about
how long it took IE to run Netscape into the ground. I should be allowed to
have various options like to have Netscape or WordPerfect instead of IE and
Word. I should not be forced to only have a choice of MS products. :-(

This would hit MS where it hurts and go a LONG way toward other companies
having some kind of chance at getting a share of the market back. Isn't that
was this was all about in the first place????? Shouldn't the result of the
lawsuit address that?

I should have FULL license to the software I get with my PC. The MS software
I got with my last PC is for use ONLY on this PC as the license is for the
software on this particular hardware ONLY. I got the software but if I want
a new PC and remove the software from the old one I can't use it on an old
PC. I don't even have a license to the OS, only to be used on this one PC.
Example - Say I want to purchase XP and put on this PC. I should be able to
take the existing Windows ME and put it on another machine I have. I

MAKE MS REMOVE IE from the OS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Immediately, now, provide
EVERYONE a new OS that doesn't have it in it. My reasoning - I am currently
having problems with a kernall32.dll error. I CANNOT fix it by doing a basic
'over install' of my OS beacause I upgraded my IE. Now, why shouldn't I be
able to fix my operating system because I updated a
program??????????????????????????????? *yes, I'm very mad about all this!*
This is probably one of the strongest reasons to MAKE them take a PROGRAM
from the Operating system.

<end rant>

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