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ferruccio // User Search
ferruccio // User SearchPassworded chat fileApr 19, 2004, 5:57am
likely a kid with overprotective parents isn't going to go that far just to
edit a chatlog :P "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom Telegram All ButtonApr 21, 2004, 2:14am
how about a "block telegrams sent to all" option in the settings? that way,
those who don't want to be spammed can simply click the checkbox [View Quote] Bulk Telegrams?May 1, 2004, 7:53am
This was already discussed in a previous thread.. I like the idea though.
fix moving objectsMay 2, 2004, 6:29am
It would basically be a new feature, but it doesn't change based on the
world server. It would be a feature that would allow the avatar to move up objects without moving at all. I think when the avatar stops moving, all object detection stops, which is why you can only go up elevators when moving. Cube Cell GridJun 8, 2004, 8:38pm
I dont know if I already mentioned this (I probably did, and forgot why it
wouldn't work), but a cube cell grid would allow for people to build skyscrapers without worrying about reaching area full. The visibility settings in worlds with a cubic cell grid would have to be modified too. Instead of a cylindrical shaped visibility field we have now, worlds with a cube cell grid would have a spherical visibility field (Imagine trying to render 300 meters up and down of fully furnished skyscrapers with this old renderware engine, would be disasterous) Why wouldn't this work? Cube Cell GridJun 10, 2004, 9:03pm
The whole way the world server works might have to be completely
reprogrammed, though. Instead of managing objects in a 2d fashion like it is now, it would have to be managed in a 3d fashion. Movable cell grid.Jun 19, 2004, 7:30pm
The ability to set the altitude of the visible grid when you view cell grid,
to make it easier to align buildings that are several meters above ground. (for the cell space conscious) Blocking...Jun 25, 2004, 5:44am
How about something like.. telegram requests. There could be a feature in
which the person sends you a telegram, and a "telegram request" is put in your telegram box. click on it and a pop up window says "so and so sent a telegram, accept it?" and if you click no, then it gets sent back to the sender with a reject notice. I wish.......Jun 24, 2004, 7:33pm
Please clarify what you mean by LIT and foreshorten. Sorry, but I can't get
a clear understanding of exactly what you want, Kathryn. O_o I wish.......Jun 25, 2004, 5:41am
Ohh okay that makes sence. So, in order to make the objects respond to
light, all they have to do is change one line of code? I wish.......Jul 2, 2004, 8:08am
But that's one whole line of code! Surely you wouldn't expect AWI staff to
go through all that work. removing contacts/blocking optionsJul 9, 2004, 4:40pm
It shouldn't be too hard to impliment. If floating tabs were easy enough,
this should be no biggie. removing contacts/blocking optionsJul 18, 2004, 1:35am
It was 3.5 when they added the separate tabs. Your site said 3.4. ;)
[View Quote] Fix that seeding problem.Jul 8, 2004, 8:56am
I'd like that seeding problem fixed. I can't really give a name to it, but
it's when you seed an object with a bot withen the past few years, and all objects duplicated from the first object have cracks between them, or overlap. clean aw texture pathJul 18, 2004, 8:40pm
Suppose we have the same texture that is stored in two files on the OP.
Let's call them name X and name Y. Once that has been done, we cannot remove one of them, because everyone who has built under one of those names will have the textures no longer work for their buildings, assuming we have to remove either X or Y from the OP. [View Quote] Re: gesture buttons redesign (was Re: AW 3.5)Jul 24, 2004, 5:49am
Wow, you're really digging deep, lol.
[View Quote] Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon RotationJul 28, 2004, 3:44am
It would be cool to have the world lighting change according to the position
of the sun and moon as well :D Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon RotationJul 30, 2004, 6:33am
I have to agree with Eep here. Your initial post was too nebulous to get an
accurate understanding of exactly what you wanted. ;) Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon RotationJul 30, 2004, 6:35am
No, it's "nada más." That's just the way they say it. Not all phrases are
supposed to be literally translated into Spanish. Didn't you learn that in Spanish class? Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon RotationJul 30, 2004, 9:28pm
It's nada más. :P Don't believe me? Live in Madrid for a few months.
Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon RotationJul 31, 2004, 8:18am
plus iv been fluent in the language for about 3 years now...
How many years of spanish have you taken? Re: light switches (was Re: Intigrated(Local) Sun/Moon Rotation)Jul 31, 2004, 4:16pm
Oops, I forgot to put the "fluent for 3 years now" in quotes. C P said that.
[View Quote] Improved cell grid for terrain.Aug 4, 2004, 9:44pm
We need a cell grid which you can see through everything for worlds with
terrain enabled. Improved cell grid for terrain.Aug 6, 2004, 10:26pm
A very pointless reply :P It is very useful if you are trying to save cell
space or line lots up properly. In AWTeen you cannot see the cell grid through any objects, making it very hard to figure out where the area is full, for instance. |