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Objects moving avatars...

Sep 10, 2004, 8:51pm
Omg at how many times this has been requested. E N Z O better make this a
feature and even better make it a feature for alpha world.

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Objects moving avatars...

Sep 10, 2004, 11:52pm
Walk in with a huge battery pack and electromagnets in both hands and they
will do your bidding :D

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Sep 13, 2004, 1:36am
255* ;)

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Sep 17, 2004, 6:21am
Yeah but the contest is really not a wish list thing, despite you trying to
turn it into a wish. Anyone who reads the wishlist probably reads most of
the other groups as well, and are getting pretty tired of the excessive
posting regarding your contest.

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Sep 17, 2004, 11:29am
8 threads posted about this already ;D this is the 8th.
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Mr. President.....

Sep 21, 2004, 5:05am
Something's on your nose, legion. You might want to wipe that stuff off.
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Mr. President.....

Sep 22, 2004, 3:41am
omg at you two actually arguing about it :P

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Personal Inventory

Oct 14, 2004, 6:00am
lol pwned.

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REMOVE Cit. No. <0> From BI's Protectable Property List

Oct 12, 2004, 8:21pm
Tourist builds have never been a nuiscance to me. If you want to preserve
it, just ctrl+shift select everything, insert, and move over. Simple as
that. Anyway it would be very hard to somehow un-register all the objects
that have been built by tourists, while keeping all the other objects
registered (which is the only current way to prevent encroachment as far as
I know O_o)

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REMOVE Cit. No. <0> From BI's Protectable Property List

Oct 21, 2004, 9:55pm
Your build doesn't look anything like the tourist build across the street.
Assuming that's the one you duplicated, you made the build better in the

Alphaworld Community Core Staff

Oct 21, 2004, 4:13am
Saying that Alpha World is a world for oldies would bad marketing. The
oldies already use Alpha World, so stop marketing to them. Market to people
who are not members by constantly improving the world. Though those new
pp16 objects are misaligned with inconsistant gradients, AWI has done a good
job in allowing a few community members to improve the world as much as
possible. I hope it continues at this pace.

Do wishes come true?

Oct 21, 2004, 4:19am
Okay... Give the AW browser the CryTek engine, and apply pixel shaders,
bump mapping and parallax mapping, and reflections/refractions, and some
nice ragdoll avatar physics. Give us customizable cars, full screen,
unlimited cell limit, and billions of objects to choose from. Let all of
this run at 300fps on any machine with a 4mb graphics card and a 233mhz CPU.

Think about that.

Do wishes come true?

Oct 21, 2004, 8:55pm
No sh*t, Sherlock. That's my point. Read up and you'll see it.

[View Quote] > Uh, no. That sort of crap would kill even the best graphics cards.

Do wishes come true?

Oct 21, 2004, 9:51pm
I was just kidding. :P

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Do wishes come true?

Oct 22, 2004, 4:23am
Actually I wasn't being sarcastic.

Much Needed Object Line - TELEPHONES

Oct 22, 2004, 4:20am
Have you ever considered object yards?

Much Needed Object Line - TELEPHONES

Oct 22, 2004, 4:21am
Oops, I looked again and see that you apparently have looked in object yards

Alphaworld needs larger ground object

Oct 23, 2004, 7:49pm
Yeah this is really annoying >_< I am not even making a skyscraper or
anything: just an 8 meter tall foundation, and I can see the ugly blueness.
Can't stand the current ground object me. Terrain was implimented over 2
years ago, and AW still uses the same ground object it used in 1997.

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Have objects follow axes

Nov 7, 2004, 12:45am
We need a feature that allows objects to follow their axes when they are
tilted in various ways. Right now when objects are tilted enough, they
follow the cell grid instead of sticking to their own axes. Ever since
three axis rotation, people have had to make minor adjustments when making
builds at crazy angles. It would greatly speed up the building process if
there was some sort of function key to hold down or option to select to make
the object follow it's x, y, and z axes according to wherever they are

Have objects follow axes

Nov 9, 2004, 1:11am
:P at nobody discussing this idea. Is it good? Is it bad? Can it be
easily implimented?

Have objects follow axes

Nov 10, 2004, 4:04am
imagine all the things you could make much more easily if objects could
follow their axes. You could finally make some complicated bridge without
worries over it being misaligned.

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Increase AWTeen World Size

Nov 7, 2004, 2:06am
I say put as much effort into Alpha World as AWTeen, but that's just my
biased opinion :P
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Increase AWTeen World Size

Nov 7, 2004, 4:01am

I thought that's what I just said lol

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Increase AWTeen World Size

Nov 9, 2004, 1:12am
There sure is a lot of land cover in AWTeen that's much larger than 100x100.
It's easy to see on the mapper. Any possibilities of cleaning that stuff

Resizeable Object Window

Nov 25, 2004, 2:14am
The current window ever since the release of 3.3 is much too big in my
opinion. It should be up to the users what size the object window should

Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World!

Dec 8, 2004, 8:46pm
It would be a great Christmas gift to allow tourist building in Alpha World
again (forever). This would be one positive change that would appeal to
everyone who is concerned about the preservation of Alpha World's history.

Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World!

Dec 9, 2004, 9:23pm
Yes, there are many different tourist worlds in Active Worlds, with you
neglecting to name some more of them, hinting at merely advertising your own
world, but nothing will compare to Alpha World when it comes to the original
intent for which this program was made. Also, tourist builds are
unprotected in Alpha World, so they will still have the desire to register
as citizens to get protected builds. Your "tourist" world does nothing but
hurt the situation by giving tourists incentives to not subscribe. Not to
mention, you completely avoided the point Color made regarding how tourists,
intermingled with citizens, would make Active Worlds a funner experience for
everyone, tourists and citizens alike. Take your advertising elsewhere.

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Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World!

Dec 12, 2004, 1:10am
Yet again someone misses the point. Despite its size, AWTeen is still very
crowded, with ugly terrain spikes/walls all over the place. Plus, a citizen
can simply use a seeker bot (I've still seen them used even though they are
banned) and massively delete tourist buildings. It would be much harder in
Alpha World.

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Jan 6, 2005, 9:22pm
That sounds like Doom 3-style control panels ^_^
Even if that's not what she meant, dang that's be a cool idea.

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Stop The Enter Key From Sending Telegrams

Jan 19, 2005, 10:37pm
Though it would be nice to have, just take the frustration as motivation to
improve your typing ;)

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