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Cube Cell Grid (Wishlist)
Cube Cell Grid // WishlistferruccioJun 8, 2004, 8:38pm
I dont know if I already mentioned this (I probably did, and forgot why it
wouldn't work), but a cube cell grid would allow for people to build skyscrapers without worrying about reaching area full. The visibility settings in worlds with a cubic cell grid would have to be modified too. Instead of a cylindrical shaped visibility field we have now, worlds with a cube cell grid would have a spherical visibility field (Imagine trying to render 300 meters up and down of fully furnished skyscrapers with this old renderware engine, would be disasterous) Why wouldn't this work? king small guyJun 9, 2004, 3:59pm
Cool idea but this would cause a few problems, firstly geting cell data from
the world server you will have to download more data, small problem. Also the big increase of probdump and world server database size. [View Quote] c pJun 9, 2004, 4:23pm
nah worlds could be bought just like they are now, just you add new
dimensions P20 would have 40x40x40 cube (20 each direction, up, down, north, south, east, west....its simple [View Quote] ferruccioJun 10, 2004, 9:03pm
The whole way the world server works might have to be completely
reprogrammed, though. Instead of managing objects in a 2d fashion like it is now, it would have to be managed in a 3d fashion. sw comitJun 11, 2004, 3:54am
If they're going to redesign the whole property database management anyway,
they might as well dump cell space and switch to a per-object download system. Cells have a limit now because they are downloaded in *one* big packet of info, which is hard on the internet and the risk of it failing transfer grows as the data packet grows. There's also the bonus of maintaining lag with a cells; but that could still be arranged with a per-object download system. Objects per coord and the way objects download would be split into two systems is all. But if a cube cell grid is done? Despite what the previous comments made, I disagree. Propdumps wouldn't become all massive, suddenly. I've looked at propdumps and they don't list any info about blank cells. Existing buildings would use about the same space, since the data the building was using in one cell is now divided amoung a bunch of cells, and when you add those all up, you get the orignal data used. People would be able to pack more info into a given area, of course; but that's just the price you pay for more detailed evironment, one that's worth it IMO. [View Quote] pc hamsterJun 13, 2004, 2:04pm
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] I guess there's not much point in building a hospital with all the rooms and stuff that a hospital has huh? > Why wouldn't this work? I probably would work if they upgraded the renderware engine. :-) Cheers for now :-) PC Hamster Mayor - City Of Hamsterville pchamster at Denver, Colorado (my REAL city :-)) > > sw comitJun 13, 2004, 2:41pm
Renderware is the graphic engine; AFAIK it has nothing to do with the way
things are downloaded =P [View Quote] pc hamsterJun 15, 2004, 6:41am
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] Still though...How long has it been since they upgraded the engine? Might help in improving the quality of the overall scene (especially in places like AlphaWorld).. Just a thought :-) sw comitJun 15, 2004, 3:31pm
An upgrade wouldn't make existing thing magically better. It would require
the buildings to take advantage of the new features. For example pixel shading commands, if those become available. The last major upgrade was AW version 3.0. [View Quote] pc hamsterJun 15, 2004, 8:46pm
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] But at least it would probably help to increase the cell limit, wouldn't it? I would think it would... sw comitJun 17, 2004, 12:03am
No, it wouldn't...the ONLY reason why it might is if the graphic engine is
more efficent and runs at a higher fps, in which case, having more objects in an area wouldn't cause as much lag...thereby encouraging AWI to rewrite the way things are downloaded, allowing more objects. > But at least it would probably help to increase the cell limit, wouldn't it? > I would think it would... > > > |