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ferruccio // User Search
ferruccio // User SearchMicrosoft and Borland Join Forces to Protect CompilersDec 9, 2003, 2:09am
and where did you get this from?
[View Quote] Panorama Changer Program (From Syntax)Jan 30, 2004, 3:30am
Well, I got this idea visiting Magine's Alphaworld Quest. At this location,
there was a link to an old program created back in 19?? (it said it's only for Win95 so I assume it's old) and it changed the panorama background for a specified world for only the user who is running the program. I am requesting that any one of the talented programmers in AW do an update of this program that not only changes the panorama background, but also give them the option to have a skybox if they want. I know the skybox thing may be hard to do, so even if someone creates a simple program that lets someone change both the panorama background picture and the color of the sky, that'd be really sweet. This would not even be a tough program to make... So, if anyone is interested, you can check out the website with "PanaChange" by visiting I even requested to MrGrimm that this feature (having personalized backdrops for worlds that allow it) to be implemented directly into the browser but he seemed to not really understand me. I know there is a way to change the backdrop on your own machine but it's a pain in the butt to do the process everytime you want a new background So, if any programmers want to take this task, that'd be great! Thanks for readin'. -Syntax (I'll be back in April.. ;P) Citizen status in contacts listJul 2, 2003, 7:53am
If you are going to leave for a long period of time, it would be neat to
insert a little message to why you will be away for so long. Perhaps be able to right click the citizen in the contacts and look at their status, and see something like "I am moving, I expect to be back in a month". People right now just change their name, for example "maki moving" which allows the danger of having their name stolen. Citizen status in contacts listJul 2, 2003, 7:30pm
I mean if you are going to be gone for a few weeks, or a month or so. It
would be nice having a little info in the contacts list, some symbol next to your name that tells the person that you will be gone for a long period of time, and you could access a message telling when you will be back. I am not talking about minutes and hours, I am talking about weeks/months It would also be nice to be able to send a telegram to everyone on your contacts list telling them that you will be gone, without having to spend a while telegramming each and every person Citizen status in contacts listJul 2, 2003, 9:07pm
well not expired, just if they are going to be gone for long periods of
time. if they expired, just have a red "X" by their name. if they are just away for about 6 weeks or so, then put a little chat bubble next to their name, where you click on it and it gives you info as to how many weeks they will be gone, and when you should see them back online again. data packets arranged in a cubical grid?Jul 19, 2003, 8:02am
It would be nice if it was as easy to build a skyscraper as it was making a
long wall, by making all the data packets arranged in a cube grid instead of the square grid like we have now. If this were possible, there would have to be a new way of choosing visibility. Instead of a circle with a radius visibility, it would have to be a spherical visibility. Is this at all possible? what problems might this cause? 3.4 problem: mouse buttonJul 19, 2003, 9:09pm
I liked it in 3.3 when there were two buttons, one was mouse move, one was
mouse look. Why did you fuse them into one button? Now if I want to switch between the two I have to go into the settings and change it. I used both all the time when building. ReflectionsJul 20, 2003, 6:39pm
It is already possible to add reflections, but they haven't been added
because not everyone has a super fast computer. It would create lots of lag as well. ReflectionsJul 21, 2003, 7:31am
I wouldn't really call that a reflection, it works *like* a reflection, but
a more real reflection (what you want) would be the car reflections from racing games, or the reflection off of the plastic curtains in splinter cell. The type of reflection you showed in the picture simply re-created the environment on the other side of the surface. If we were to make reflections in AW, it would have to be a certain texture to reflect. like "create texture stone4, reflect texture=silvmetal" which would make the object have the texture stone4, but have it reflect the texture silvmetal. ReflectionsAug 14, 2003, 4:27am
not really, reflections area already supported by rw3, they just aren't
enabled because of some lag issues .exe is now a cuss word in AWGateJul 23, 2003, 6:55pm
lol I really wish that the CA would give a list of "cuss words" so people
won't get ejected for talking about the trojan going around .exe is now a cuss word in AWGateJul 23, 2003, 7:04pm
Their logic is that this method will protect people from the trojan, which
is stupid, because when they are ejected, they already said the url and everyone heard it. plus, they can just mass whisper. feature for next water updateJul 26, 2003, 3:23am
some kind of ability to create patches of fog, instead of changing the whole
world fog. it would be good to create water environments for worlds that don't have 3.4 water, like alphaworld. TerrainJul 26, 2003, 3:25am
you wouldn't be able to move the terrain sideways, beacuse that would cause
a problem with the cells or something, I dunno.. but it would be nice to be able to only raise one certain cell of terrain without altering the other terrain around it Custome avviAug 12, 2003, 11:33pm
just out of curiosity, I counted 44 typos in that first post CP made. that's
absolutely outrageous. CP, learn how to type. Custome avviAug 13, 2003, 4:57pm
I am giving you a clue. I can't understand half of the things you said in
that post because of the typos. create move ...Aug 12, 2003, 11:28pm
maybe just a "creat push on" just so the object can push the avatar up and
down, maybe even something that makes the avatar stick to the object, to make moving platforms. we can already ride down elevators somewhat. it's just riding up that's a problem Change default font for AW interfaceAug 16, 2003, 6:21pm
Change it to something where people don't have to use capital Ls in their
name to prevent impersonators. Have a font where the capital I is different from the lowercase l. It's a very simple thing to do. Change default font for AW interfaceAug 16, 2003, 8:04pm
Are you saying people are unable to read the newsgroups? Anyway some people
are too stubborn to get their names changed Change default font for AW interfaceAug 17, 2003, 7:03am
Text never moves that fast anymore, last time that happened was sometime in
1997 during that big ENZO speech about COF taking over. anyway, this text is uber easy to read >_< I can't imagine people not being able to read AW if the font was changed. Times New Roman is an easy font to read. Change default font for AW interfaceAug 22, 2003, 3:22am
wow you are picky about text lol
I just want any readable text that won't have the I and l issue Not Really a wishAug 17, 2003, 5:21am
I'm assuming you mean drill holes in the backs of everyone's head so they
can just use AW. If you actually managed to pull it off, you would notice that in the VR world every single vertex on every object is extremely sharp! If you touch.. say.. the paper-thin edge of a pp16, you'll be sliced in half ^,^ Fix the problem with bump warpsAug 17, 2003, 5:13am
certain bump warps, for example "bump warp +0 -.2 -1.8a" work differently
now. In 3.4 I now end up in the middle of a floor, or on the roof of a building, when in 3.3, I never had this problem. Please fix this problem. <no subject>Aug 17, 2003, 5:17am
Text never moves that fast anymore, last time that happened was sometime in
1997 during that big ENZO speech about COF taking over. anyway, this text is uber easy to read >_< I can't imagine people not being able to read AW if the font was changed. Times New Roman is an easy font to read. <no subject>Aug 17, 2003, 7:02am
crap, this was supposed to be in the "change default font" thread *re-post*
For the kidsSep 1, 2003, 8:06am
This won't work at all. For one, most kids are the ones building all the
time, while the older people usually do the chatting. And, of course, Active worlds can't really work without both features put together. PPW securitySep 13, 2003, 10:06pm
not when you change your ppw though, because when I hand out my ppw, it's
usually for a one time use, so i change it right after the log into it. maybe a red "kick" button somewhere that would kick everyone off your ppw "stay" move command.Oct 30, 2003, 3:58am
There are a lot of people who use move commands to get all the objects they
want in one space. If the cell space is full, they just put objects in another cell, and use a move command with a really long "wait" on it, to move the object to where they want it located. It would be nice if there was a "create move x x x stay" which would instantly move the object with the given movement values, and have it stay there forever. |