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ferruccio // User SearchDirextX 9 support for Active WorldsMar 10, 2004, 8:03am
If this is implimented or not (I now hear that it would be very difficult to
do so) I am just trying to figure out how the active worlds browser can view more than eight light sources again. It's really bugging me, quite frankily. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but lighting really changes the environment you are in. It is extremely limiting to only be able to use eight light sources. I would like to use openGL which allows me to see all light sources, but it doesn't work with AW 3.4 and above, and I can't find any new openGL drivers to get on the opengl site. [View Quote] DirextX 9 support for Active WorldsMar 13, 2004, 6:39pm
You can also see unlimited light sources in OpenGL. Could anyone find me a
site where I can download an up-to-date openGL driver? It seems that the downloads page on has been taken down. [View Quote] This Area Is Too Full Message From Building InspectorMar 26, 2004, 6:05am
Well, I DO think that Alpha World needs to have a larger cell limit (cell
limit set to large, like in AWTeen, perhaps?) We can't keep holding back the potential of Active Worlds' main building worlds simply because a few people don't have newer computers. The price went up to $70 a year, equal to that of much higher quality MMORPGs, so why not raise the bar as well? [View Quote] non-breaking space on signsMar 26, 2004, 6:31am
You can do Ctrl+Enter to add space above and below the line, so all text can
stay on one line (if it still is more than one line, keep adding more space above and below the line using Ctrl+Enter) [View Quote] non-breaking space on signsMar 27, 2004, 6:25am
No it doesn't. if you evenly put a space above and below, it doesn't
off-center it. that's what I said >,< I do it all the time to make text smaller. [View Quote] non-breaking space on signsMar 27, 2004, 6:26am
I guess I don't understand what you are trying to ask then.
[View Quote] Opacity for objects.Mar 26, 2004, 6:35am
The command could be "create opacity" then put any value between 0 and 1
after that, 1 being visible, and 0 being invisible. One-by-OneMar 29, 2004, 12:29am
I really don't see how this would be an advantage at all
[View Quote] One-by-OneApr 1, 2004, 5:39am
So it appeals to the AW amish, who are the only reason why AW remains so
outdated. One-by-OneApr 1, 2004, 5:41am
I would not really feel retro if I had to experience all the disadvantages
of it. Let's feel like it's the '60s again by hiding under our desks during nuclear drills! If you ask me, that's going the wrong way. If someone wants to feel retro, then they would want to experience some of the *good* things that came with the past. Wish: Some Good AW PR!Mar 30, 2004, 6:12am
I completely agree with the builderz is saying. But also, we NEED more
people who can realize this, we need more people ranting about this. It seems that AWI doesn't really care to listen to a small number of peons anway. What ever happened to those times when protagonist would hang out in AWGZ and answer people's questions? AW is going downhill, and AWI hasn't shown us that everything will be fine. [View Quote] (rant enclosed) More Attention needs to be paid to Alpha WorldMar 30, 2004, 6:19am
MrGrimm asked me "Why are you so obsessed with Alpha World?"
I have a few reasons. It's sheer size, for one. It's the only world large enough that allows you to build a town almost limitlessly. It's Active Worlds' flagship world. This world USED to be all of Active Worlds. A world of this size was made for keeping an online community together as well. When AWI decided to put more emphasis on private worlds, there went the community. They got tired of how Alpha World was being neglected, so they went off to private worlds. And rick, don't tell me that active worlds isn't intended to be a community like what you said sometime last november. It says on the main page "The Active Worlds Universe is a community." Look at AWTeen, and all the attention it is getting. Why can't the flagship world of Active Worlds have that same attention? What about an object submission program for Alpha World? What about an active staff? I'm just saying, if people really want a community again, then more focus needs to be put back on Alpha World. (rant enclosed) More Attention needs to be paid to Alpha WorldMar 31, 2004, 3:32am
Ugh at you all completely missing the point of my post. This isn't about
AWTeen, this is about the potential Alpha World has. AW 4.0 should have a cool logoApr 1, 2004, 5:37am
I actually like Rossyboy's idea :P I don't see what's so wrong about it.
VisibilityApr 14, 2004, 5:18am
actually lag has everything to do with connection speed. you just have your
definition of lag screwed up ;) they are talking about frame rate, which is completely unrelated to lag. I keep correcting them on this whenever I have the chance. [View Quote] VisibilityApr 15, 2004, 5:32am
slow frame rates isn't lag though. it just skips to the next frame, keeping
up with however fast you are turning. [View Quote] VisibilityApr 21, 2004, 2:36am
It's internet terminology.
It specifically refers to slow internet speeds, sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to a connection between client and server. "Low Frame Rate" is not a correct use of the internet terminology "lag." Just because it happens to be used that way Active Worlds does not mean that it is being used correctly. It's a bad word to describe low frame rate, since the frames don't "lag" behind. they just get less frequent and more spaced apart. True "lag" in low frame rates would be someone with lower frame rates going slower through the 3d world's "time" than someone with a faster frame rate. Suggestion to AWApr 13, 2004, 7:01am
I suggested a similar idea a few weeks ago, though I don't think it should
be that fixed. I think it should be more like "(certain amount of money) taken off your subscription payments for each citizen you refer" It's a common business practice. I don't see why AWI won't adopt it. Suggestion to AWApr 16, 2004, 4:50am
Exactly, Ry. I don't see how people could manipulate the system. Give us
your theory, Starfleet. It's a common business practice that works, like I previously stated. [View Quote] GravityApr 14, 2004, 3:49am
Actually, there are gravity differences all over earth, but it's minimal.
[View Quote] GravityApr 21, 2004, 2:17am
red shift. stars with the same elements going through fission are more red
than our star. [View Quote] GravityApr 21, 2004, 2:23am
The red shift has to do with the velocity in relation to your position of
objects around you. as objects move away, they get more red, and as they get closer, they get more blue. if they aren't moving at all, then they appear to be their normal color. It's not like we have *no* idea about what's going on in the universe. We have a few ideas about what is going on based on evidence we've recorded. One theory is that the universe is expanding right now, and eventually the constant gravitational pull will cancel out the expansion force, and start pulling everything together, or "The Big Crunch." Another theory is that the gravity will become too weak too quickly as the stellar objects expand, so the universe will just keep expanding forever. [View Quote] Tourist WorldsApr 16, 2004, 4:57am
I do think they should be able to freely build in alpha world, with the risk
of their builds getting deleted. many tourists subscribed because of the frustration of them having their whole town deleted in alpha world. There isn't enough time to build a whole tourist down in crowded AWTeen, so when your builds get deleted, the frustration is less, so you just start up another small build as a tourist. Passworded chat fileApr 18, 2004, 1:24am
For young active worlds users with overprotective parents who want to view
their chat log to make sure they aren't doing something questionable. It will be passworded so the young active worlds user can't edit the log file. |