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Looking for testers for shared teleport list

Feb 5, 2006, 12:19am
I knew the "Note to AWI: Teleports" post was getting to something.

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One last time...

Feb 8, 2006, 8:55pm
What would you like the bot to do?

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Browser problem d/l stuff...

Feb 11, 2006, 10:51pm
I think a LOT more people are liking towards Strike than what they are
towards you.

If you're so desperate for money, ask your parents or go get a job.. Only
reason I can think of as to why you don't already have a job is because your
under the legal working age..

I don't think anyone wants to pay for a service that is ran by a fourteen
year old, with no qualifications, and who attacks others personally when
they simply comment on how the name of your "company".

If anything, Strike was only really trying to point out that you don't want
to use the name Spiraware.. Even just saying it, it sounds too close to

If you take any advice from any of these posts or not, is up to you. But so
far, you have just failed to get a potentially promising client.
They have read and replied to your post. If you were maybe more
professional, you could have made quite a bit of cash by selling them a good
quality bot.. Doesn't look like that will happen now.

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Browser problem d/l stuff...

Feb 17, 2006, 4:52am
But you don't quite understand.. No offence on the age limits that may be
implied here, but;

A 14-year old saying that, he is going to "climb the ladder", who has no
previous education certified in any I.T subject, and no previous work
experience plans to run a major corporation?

Let alone, anyone can come along right now, register "SpiraWare" (no one
would actually pay money for a name like that), and sue the hell out of you
for trying to make money off that same name.

Wait until you get certs, a better grasp of programming, a higher sense of
maturity and above all, knowledge of how the real world works.
Just because you're programming for people and getting money doesn't mean it
is a "internet job" and easier than anything else, like most believe. This
job is an actual job, just as much as working at McDonalds or the
International Stock Exchange is.

Selling people bots isn't going to get you anywhere. Most people like you,
also sharing your age group, do this as if they are playing a game of

Anyways, enough of me.. You will soon see that no one is interested in
you're bots, and that you are wasting your own time.

For $15-$20 I can go and pay a tiny bit extra and get a fully-educated
employee of a major company to program something that I have full
customization over, and I also get the source code with it, if I was
interested in modifying anything myself.


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Browser problem d/l stuff...

Feb 17, 2006, 10:34pm
I can't stop replying.

Your posts have me in stitches. They're too hilarious.

"I am plenty educated", is a good one.

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Browser problem d/l stuff...

Feb 20, 2006, 11:21am
I think he's post is actually replying to LtBrenton for posting that
Strike's bot is just 'ineffecient' code.

It was me putting the big one on the kid. Which is only really because he
attacked every other person who replied to his initial post.

Oh well, as you said, it can only affect he's business, which apparently
(although proven wrong within the second post of his) he can run as good as
any corporate high-flyer.


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Lurkers REVOLT :)

Feb 17, 2006, 4:43am
Same as everyone else, I suppose.

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Feb 28, 2006, 10:14am

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Mar 2, 2006, 3:57am


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Stagecoach Island Video Available

Feb 20, 2006, 11:31am
For some reason, I have seen people asking when the video of Stagecoach
Island will be available, and where to find it.

Now, I was thinking.. someone makes a video, with authority in Stagecoach
Island, the "VideoDirector" has bold, AWI assures it is not them, so
obviously, it must be Stagecoach Island staff (who didn't know that
already?). Add up the rest for yourself, they just wanted to replace the
SecondLife video.

After you put one and one together, I hope you all can figure out that the
video shot in Stagecoach Island has been available for quite some time now.


Then again, I could just be behind the times, and others did know this..
Hopefully though, I won't get any more questions of when and where to find

Hope it helps some of you ;)


Stagecoach Island Video Available

Feb 21, 2006, 2:40am
If it is the SecondLife video, why have they now posted it on AWNews.org --
even without a small "Thanks to"!! What is this world coming to!?

In all reality.. Some parts made me think it the original SL, but the other
parts defintally look like AW.

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Sailers get fed up with E N Z O

Feb 21, 2006, 11:26am
I guess that can be seen in two ways.

[View Quote] > That Rick is such a joker :D

Why you are not posting.

Feb 28, 2006, 10:15am
Those who don't post often, usually have very little to post about.

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Rare cosmic sighting..

Mar 1, 2006, 2:08am
The SW boys can give you a 20 page essay on it, if you want. :)

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Driving down the road..

Mar 1, 2006, 6:18am
On another note.. didn't you get disabled from ActiveWorlds after your
involvement with several illegal uniservers?

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Driving down the road..

Mar 1, 2006, 8:01am
Meh.. I guess so.. I shouldn't give him a bad name in public so instantly.

But if it was to be true, he probally would be greatful, since AWI are less
likely to read these NGs than what they would telegram logs.

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AW4 vs. SL features

Mar 14, 2006, 8:27am
Don't wait too long for a response. :)

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Second Life

Mar 14, 2006, 8:18am
People like myself, who have a team and ideas + over eight years experience
in ActiveWorlds, programming, modelling, game development and the like -
have tried emailing Active Worlds, Inc. but they really don't want to
contribuate to AW.

The thing is, people like I just mentioned won't pay upto $2,000 for a world
when they can either go and buy a galaxy or a uniserver and market
everything themselves - or, even go and make their own 3D games.

The only reason why my team has halted any further game development is
because we rather take a break from such hobbies that generate little to
zero profit - we just can't afford the time anymore.

We went to AWI, as we have enough time for AWI (It takes far less time to
put something in AW than in a real game).

It is also a lot better as the 3D engine is already built, the online aspect
of things is all set and the fact that both the developers and end-user can
interact with the environment so much, that they can even re-build it.


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4 1 Release update

Mar 31, 2006, 6:22am
Screw the 4.1 information -- ENZO made a post!

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4 1 Release update

Mar 31, 2006, 9:56pm
What are you on about!?

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4 1 Release update

Apr 1, 2006, 2:19am
I mean the splash isn't that great.. don't get peoples hopes up thinking
that its been revolutionized (like it should be).

Basically every splash since 3.0 has been the same thing..

There is always time for change though, as anything can change whilst still
in beta.

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4.1 April Fools Prank

Apr 1, 2006, 8:26pm
Just looking at the welcome message could tell you its not real.

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4.1 April Fools Prank

Apr 4, 2006, 12:16pm
Maybe AWI is unsure what to tell the users - they may fear they've blown the
version out of the water already.. I cannot comment on it anywhere near as
much as Rick or Chris, but from my observations, there are still somethings
that need to be fine-tuned.

For the majority, whom are not apart of any testing, yet read up on the 4.1
help files -- it is still greatly undocumentated.

Even though some users somehow get a look at the splash screen, help files,
and so on, whatever AWI wants to hide about 4.1, they can.

I guess the typical paying end-user will not know until they finally get
their hands on the upgrade - just when that will be is anyones guess.

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Just for fun

Apr 9, 2006, 8:40am
Four point one.

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Just for fun

Apr 9, 2006, 10:20pm
Well, not anymore, as you know. :)

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Development of AW Rendering Software

Apr 13, 2006, 11:07am
Was thinking of a project - a program that intakes a propdump of AW, and
rendering it with a different, more superior 3D engine, just for sandbox

I was wondering if any other such project exists, or if there are any
programmers out there who would like to criticize the project since I'm not
too sure if it is that possible.

The software could either just include the original AW object path to gather
the objects, or the little more complex issue would be to add support for
different object paths the same way AW handles it.

Of course, it would require the 3D engine to either support .rwx or spend
quite some time converting it on the fly.

For initial purpose, I could test it with some objects, conveting the .rwx
models to .3ds myself and use the first idea of having the OP included with
the software.

All feedback is appreciated, just so I know where I stand with this idea.

Development of AW Rendering Software

Apr 14, 2006, 11:25am
I thought that could be used similarly to what I stated.. except I meant far
more superior.. I rather see actual renders, not like that.

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Apr 14, 2006, 12:03pm
I feel so much better now.

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AW Messenger

Apr 17, 2006, 1:52am
What they like to call "citizen sdk".
Seems to work well..

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AW Messenger

Apr 18, 2006, 9:21pm
CitSDK - woot. Ten pts for me.

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