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There Turns Off Road to Nowhere

Aug 29, 2004, 8:10pm
It's more than buildings. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the idea
for the GK organisation come from an ordinary citizen?

[View Quote] > Well... we can create content. BUT. They must approve it and we must pay for
> each copy (of whatever we made) with our money. I don't like There even
> though I have a lifetime membership there. Good deal hehe. :P
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Aug 29, 2004, 10:39pm
Great work, Admiral! ^_^

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AWI ... update your webpages :o/

Aug 29, 2004, 4:53pm
Yeah, only Linux geeks would look at the source of the page just to go
"tut tut tut" at IE code.

Which could become a problem if AW makes a Linux version :¬(

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Active Worlds Medias

Sep 2, 2004, 10:30pm
You don't count unless you pay the artists :¬P


[View Quote] > How could you forget the one that started it all?! :)
> Active Worlds Radio (AWRadio)
> activate url
> Owners:
> Archergirl (#324219)
> LdyMagick (not sure of the cit num)
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Active Worlds Medias

Sep 3, 2004, 6:07pm
Um, try watching it once in a while. The new management has updated it
twice since then, I believe...

[View Quote]

Active Worlds Medias

Sep 3, 2004, 6:08pm
When the original CTV closed, they released their old show archive out
to everyone. I'm pretty sure they also included permission to
rebroadcast them.

[View Quote] > Hi everyone:
> And while we're on the subject here....
> WHAT is KSGTV doing showing an old version of "TrueVote", which is now on
> CTV-WindStar (PTV to be more precise). There's even a small CTV watermark
> in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
> Don't believe me? Check it out...
> create picture update=10

Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 2, 2004, 10:05pm
I've also been concerned about Black Box Voting, but it's not
conspiracy-esque enough to get enough people interested unfortunately :(

[View Quote] > I forgot to add the EFF link:
> Builderz

Somewhat proof of 9/11 was somewhat lies, the FBI lies, and Bush lies..

Sep 2, 2004, 10:29pm
*Edit* concerned about electronic voting/

[View Quote] > I've also been concerned about Black Box Voting, but it's not
> conspiracy-esque enough to get enough people interested unfortunately :(
[View Quote]

Movie / AW Ratings...

Sep 2, 2004, 10:00pm
VWTV? is merely my personal subdomain; everything there was
uploaded by me personally. Which usually means it was created by me also :¬P

Although maybe you're getting confused because can also be accessed via

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Movie / AW Ratings...

Sep 2, 2004, 10:02pm
Read his previous post... you have to pay licenses to use ESRB.

[View Quote] > E N Z O can you not change it, ESRB is made for rating games, of course you
> wouldn't have them put a rating on aw, but it would be free im sure, if you
> sent them a nice letter requesting that they allow you to use Said rating
> for your program, and if they refuse, well then they don't deserve you?
[View Quote]

Movie / AW Ratings...

Sep 3, 2004, 6:09pm
It wasn't a VWTV production though. "ENZO FANCLUB" was my own personal
production. Just like "I LUV MANDEYE".

[View Quote] > hence the reason I said vwtv...
[View Quote]

Movie / AW Ratings...

Sep 3, 2004, 6:11pm
To be honest, I think the current system is fine. You can tell people
that it's the American movie rating system if they don't know about it.
It doesn't take them long to research it. It's unlikely that they WON'T
know about it.

[View Quote] > In our case they would charge. We did look into it. Of course we could
> rate it with the same letters... but we couldn't use the logos and icons nor
> could we refer to their site. It seemed that it would only make it more
> confusing...
> Maybe we could do like Eudora and use hot peppers....
> E
[View Quote]

Back I think? aka "Test"

Sep 6, 2004, 9:04pm

AW Spiral Staircase

Sep 9, 2004, 1:46pm
As long as they're careful about it. Remember the texture overwrites
that happened last time they added loads of objects? STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!

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New Objects

Sep 12, 2004, 7:03pm
Yeah, they're being uploaded as part of Lara's prize I think? Or is this
a separate thing?

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New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 7:26pm
Oh ok. Thanks for clarifying this. I was a little confused since both
sets are on display in the same world.

[View Quote] > It's a separate thing. The objects Onesummer spoke of (new streaming media objects) are not part of the prize I won in AWTrivia. The prize I won was the right to have one object put into Alphaworld. In talking to Daphne before she died, she thought she could probably get Rick to accept a "set" (or two, or three) of objects rather than just one object. So, I enlisted tunablues and dreamer2 to make some sets of things to submit. They assembled Nomad's curved glass walls/curved floors or ceilings to match, plus dreamer made a door frame and glass door to complete the pp16 glass set. Dreamer also made some very cool 3D spheres that can accept texture or jpeg. Tuna and dreamer a bunch of absolutely lovely 3D trees. Andras has been instrumental in helping us get all this together - several "sets" of cool stuff to submit as my "one object" prize. Daphne would be happy! :-)
> I didn't know anything about Onesummer and Nightraven making streaming media objects for alphaworld until reading it here in the NG. So, yeah, their submissions are completely separate from my prize things. Being on dialup, streaming media objects are not something that would ever occur to me, but I'm sure those will be cool. Me...I'm looking forward to the new trees, spheres, and curved glass walls. ;-)
[View Quote]

New Objects

Sep 13, 2004, 7:29pm
It didn't work out right the last time they did it... in fact, the last
time they did it seemed very, very rushed.

The objects added last time were going to be part of some AWBuild
project... and were added just after the price rise... with texture
overwrites galore.

white1 is still overwritten, and now it's hard to decide wether it
should be fixed. The new white1 is a useful texture and even I have used it.

[View Quote] > I don't know how they are with uploading new things to Alpha but I do
> know they like it to work out right the first time since Alpha is the
> largest world and pretty much the heart of AW. I think it would be nice
> to get additions more often as well as the next. All I know is that Daph
> had been working on them for a while to get them ready and it was put to
> a halt when she had passed on. It just now got finished since Andras
> picked up where she left off and with help from a few others. I agree
> though on what you said at the bottom, it would be neat if some other
> objects from other worlds could be added as well. I'm happy that they
> got the new objects that they did though. :o)
[View Quote]

New Objects

Sep 16, 2004, 1:05pm
That would require modification of the megapath. On the megapath, many
many AlphaWorld objects, and textures especially, are overwritten. They
would have to fix this.

More than likely though they wouldn't fix it properly - remember the
texture overwrites of 2001 after the price hike? Best not to ask them
for it :¬P

[View Quote] > Now I changed mind. I want pretty much almost everything in Roman theme in
> Alphaworld. Make me want to have classical architecture along with fine arts
> and also landscaping. Ok I admit I'm inflating my wishlists lol.
> Roman Theme has what I like about:
> Fine Arts (Painting, Vases, et cetera)
> Furnitures (fancy ;D)
> Landscaping objects such as bushes and flowers.
> Classical architecture.
> Etc.
> It can't hurt to have a few objects from these collections, eh?
> Hey, President Enzo (probably won't read this section anyway but hey let's
> just give it a try, eh?)
> Objects without privileges of world owners.... can't hurt business, since
> most people like to own worlds and therefore their desires to own a world
> cannot be deterred by object additions to the Alphaworld library. World
> owning has addition That's the good reasoning, Mr. President. :)

New Objects

Sep 16, 2004, 1:06pm
I thought for a minute there that "Madeye" said something else. :¬D

[View Quote] > Made some good objects; Citname currently is Madeye or something, was a old
> thread back in wishlist or worldbuilders about his free object set :)

Taking extremely long to log into Active Worlds...

Sep 13, 2004, 7:32pm

[View Quote] > Internet Explorer

Terrain in AlphaWorld?

Sep 13, 2004, 7:11pm
Another excuse... terrain has no underside, while the current ground
object does.

[View Quote] > So far the only excuse i have seen as to why we cannot have it is because,
> it would cause Z buffering...However AW 3.5 added terrain offset, so couldnt
> they set the offset to -.005 and then it would be the same as their ground
> object.
> If not that they could make it below the ground object, and then allow a
> terrainbot (demeter) so we could raise it up, it would add, well, realism...

Letter to President Enzo

Sep 13, 2004, 7:08pm
Great ^_^. I thought it would end up something like Yahoo Chat... ugh at
the voice chat there.

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A little culture

Sep 14, 2004, 1:44pm
Actually, Britian is the name of the island. You're thinking of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Every country in Britain would be England, Scotland and Wales. Each of
the countries DO have their own government that can make some decisions,
but there is also the government of the United Kingdom.

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Interesting discovery....

Sep 16, 2004, 1:01pm
No, it IS actually sine and cosine.

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Interesting discovery....

Sep 16, 2004, 10:57pm
You didn't start your first sentence with a capital letter. "Doesn't
make mistakes" indeed. :¬P

[View Quote] > see! SWE doesn't make mistakes! >_<
> -SWE
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Sep 20, 2004, 1:41pm
"Sorry, but this interactive crossword puzzle requires Microsoft Windows
and Internet Explorer 5 or later."


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Sep 20, 2004, 7:56pm
Why won't it let me in when I change my user agent header? :¬O

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Sep 22, 2004, 1:54pm
That's not really the point though. The point is Microsoft's own
software rather than a common open alternative has won again!! :((((

[View Quote] > That's exactly what I'm thinking, Zeofatex. Mac did have its own version of
> Microsoft Internet Explorer. See Microsoft website for more info about it.


Sep 22, 2004, 1:55pm
It is probably illegal for other browsers to read it. Don't take my word
for it, I'm just saying it PROBABLY is.

[View Quote] > and as johnf said, this will only work in Windows ..or an operating system
> that can read VBScript (if others do that O_o)
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Sep 22, 2004, 6:07pm
Not for me.

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