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Aug 12, 2004, 1:15pm
I *never said* I was personally involved in it dumbass. I actually said
in the post you *just replied to* that I WAS NOT personally involved in
it. I WAS just pointing out that it was HIGHLY LIKELY that you didn't
need someone else's password to vandalise the memorial site since
memorial sites are usually sets of open land. I never said the one you
vandalised was like that, I was just saying that it could have been, and
probably was.

[View Quote] > It seems you are good at opinions you have no actual evidence or experience
> of... I'll not waste my time bickering with you over something were you
> never even involved in just so that you can continue your obsessive
> vendetta, stalking seems to be habitual with you doesn't it Possyboy.
> Hu
[View Quote]


Aug 12, 2004, 5:11pm
[View Quote] > I am entitled to have my opinion about what happened at 9/11

True. However, a memorial site is not the place to voice them.

> because my thoughts on the matter varied from the herd does not make them
> vandalism

No. It was vandalism because it was built at a memorial site. Don't you
get it? The people there didn't care about politics.

> - sheeeeesssh you fuckin Americans have to OWN everything - well
> let me tell you, YOU are a passing Empire, Thank God - enjoy your power
> while you have it because through your own insatiable greed and emotional
> bullshit mongering around the world you are destroying it yourselves thank
> God! You are not the only nation that lost people in 9/11 though you act
> ALWAYS as though you are.

Blah blah blah blah blah.

> You see only what you want to see you friggin idiots!

So do you.

AWCamp Lost It's Pride?

Aug 12, 2004, 5:13pm
Were you in AWCamp?

[View Quote] > You're a trouble maker Alaskan Shadow with your squirrely paws into
> everything only to cause disctontent and disruption wherever you go. Maybe
> someday you'll be a big star though where your name will be up in lights in
> HollyWood's back alley. You know one of those flickering neon signs over
> some rat infested dive. Keep up the good work! You have the mentality to
> criticise someone for cussing here in the NGs when you can't type a sentence
> without using some form of crude street language yourself.

AWCamp Lost It's Pride?

Aug 12, 2004, 5:14pm
Also where does AS criticise someone for cussing? I don't think she is
against the occasional heartfelt cuss word.

[View Quote] > You're a trouble maker Alaskan Shadow with your squirrely paws into
> everything only to cause disctontent and disruption wherever you go. Maybe
> someday you'll be a big star though where your name will be up in lights in
> HollyWood's back alley. You know one of those flickering neon signs over
> some rat infested dive. Keep up the good work! You have the mentality to
> criticise someone for cussing here in the NGs when you can't type a sentence
> without using some form of crude street language yourself.

AWCamp Lost It's Pride?

Aug 13, 2004, 3:51pm

[View Quote] > You got some kind of crush on AS Rossy? I just asking because you seem to
> think it your job to run in when you think she needs help. You don't
> initiate the conversation, nor add to it, you just put in your two cents
> when someone is speaking to AS.
> Guy, no one cares. Let AlaskanShadow fight her own battles eh ;)
> LF

web cam

Aug 8, 2004, 11:22pm

[View Quote]

web cam

Aug 8, 2004, 11:42pm
AWI has more female employees than Stacee and Kellie?

[View Quote] > Just Stacee and Kellie, the rest of em just smack him with a large tuna
> object they find on a floppy disk.
> - MR
[View Quote]

"barrage of harassing, defamatory and abusive messages" from anonymous users

Aug 8, 2004, 6:28pm
If it comes close to winning the EFF will surely step in. Internet
anonymity is one of the things they protect fiercely.

[View Quote]

Meh! TV

Aug 8, 2004, 6:32pm
Me too!

[View Quote] > I am a grammarian who
> drives people nuts. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

Meh! TV

Aug 8, 2004, 6:34pm
I don't see any insults in Ferr's post. It is concise and to the point -
simply factual.

[View Quote] > Yeah, I can see how knocking on a guys station with a bunch of buds on the
> NGs is constructive criticism. Truely petty of me Shadow, what was I
> thinking?
> LF

I admit it...

Aug 12, 2004, 3:03pm
This is so generic. Yawn.

[View Quote] > OK, I admit it, I am the worlds biggest hypocrite and you are all saint; you
> never attack me or each other, you never call me or each other names, you
> never claim anything about others that you cannot back up with evidence and
> you are always nice, considerate and intelligently mature posters - I on the
> other hand am the bane of your lives, a complete asshole and worthy only of
> you loathing and contempt - Shame on me for existing.
> Hu

Delusional-Minds Hosting Proudly Presents ChatRelayBot Hosting!

Aug 13, 2004, 12:49am
When it's hosted on *NIX? Do you think that will happen once it's out of
beta? ^_^

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VR Rome is now open for building

Aug 13, 2004, 9:55pm
Downloading a .exe?

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VR Rome is now open for building

Aug 14, 2004, 4:52pm
OMGZ how could I think a .exe file would carry a virus?

It's usually trojan horses that they carry, not viruses :¬P

Plus I don't know Jetta.

[View Quote]

VR Rome is now open for building

Aug 14, 2004, 10:15pm
No, I really don't know Jetta Lewis.

[View Quote]

VR Rome is now open for building

Aug 14, 2004, 10:59pm
It's, so any OP user can upload to it.

I wasn't aware he was advertising a different galaxy/universe though.

[View Quote] > Well, his exe file is at, do you realy think that they will
> accept a virus file there? and dont have some virus protection at their
> server?
> if not so, we all should be affraid to dl activeworlds.
> But i trust ActiveWorlds, and i know Jetta, and he is a very trusted man.
> and very cool as well :)

No media in AlphaWorld???

Aug 16, 2004, 1:40pm
You must be implementing the command wrongly. There's no way to block
activate media. Only create media.

[View Quote]

No media in AlphaWorld???

Aug 16, 2004, 9:55pm
Try putting x instead of z.

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Old Timer's Day Aug. 27 and 28

Aug 18, 2004, 8:09pm
I agree. Saving time is acceptable in live chat though, if it's
neccessary to keep the chat going at a reasonable pace.

[View Quote] > Which would be more acceptable than what you gave. Don't give me the
> "It's the internet, I'm just saving time." To which I'd ask, from what?
> Good written English needs to be common place, not just when you feel
> like you need to use it. At least try to capitalize and use
> apostrophes; that'd be a great start if everyone did that. (and not use
> "u,ur")

This is gay...

Aug 18, 2004, 12:17am
How could you tell Elisabeth was gay from that email?...

[View Quote]

Building Contest Outrage

Aug 19, 2004, 11:08am
More people read these ones though :¬P

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In need of some help

Aug 19, 2004, 11:47am
Did you find a new Team Leader yet?

[View Quote] > We are in need of some citizens who are willing to help with the AWHS
> committee and get it back on it's feet. If anyone is interested in
> lending a hand or two, here are the groups that you can join within the
> committee:
> -Building
> -Tour Hosts and Organizers
> -Historians
> -Graphic Archives and Photographer
> -Guardians
> -NAC (Helping to pick out and find NAC <not a citizen> builds throughout
> AlphaWorld)
> -Special Projects
> If you or anyone you know is interested in helping out in the community,
> please telegram me or email me at kfoerst at and CC to Chloe
> at chloe at
> Thanks,
> Elyk

Fibbles World

Aug 19, 2004, 11:33pm
One time, Fibbles took over the Cy awards, and spoke for hours in the
FIBBLY way that they do, and I ended up not being able to see the rest
of the Cy awards because I had to go to bed.

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Fibbles World

Aug 20, 2004, 3:28pm
He did? Why don't I remember that? Wow, it must've been late...

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AWCamp Prizes

Aug 19, 2004, 7:45pm
I COULD care less, but I still don't care enough to email them asking
where my prize is. I already have enough bot rights and I don't want
another world.

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[555] browser 3.6

Aug 23, 2004, 4:45pm
You rule Chris!

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3D Homepage Tutorial flash...

Aug 23, 2004, 8:20pm
I'm also pretty sure we don't have "move with mouse" as a feature anymore.

[View Quote]

3D Homepage Tutorial flash...

Aug 23, 2004, 9:06pm
Hence it's not a separate feature anymore, it's all rolled into one feature.

[View Quote] > Take off freelook.
> - MR
[View Quote]

3D Homepage Tutorial flash...

Aug 23, 2004, 9:07pm
Actually, when I take off freelook in the settings, it just means I
can't look up and down. o_O

[View Quote] > Hence it's not a separate feature anymore, it's all rolled into one
> feature.
[View Quote]

There Turns Off Road to Nowhere

Aug 29, 2004, 3:06pm
It also seems to be something they don't WANT to have. They aren't
letting their community evolve as ours did; they're keeping control.
They create the content. They create the society.

[View Quote]

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