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Cy Awards Voting Open!

Apr 17, 2004, 5:35pm
AlphaBit, I just wanna ask, are you filtering your mail from the voting
form into a different folder?

If so, you won't catch mine since the subject will be different. The
subject on mine is "Form Post From Mozilla".

[View Quote]

Cy Awards Voting Open!

Apr 17, 2004, 6:55pm
Yes and I have a feeling the recipient of the forms is expecting them as
if they come from IE and OE. I never use IE and have uninstalled OE. So
the subject will be different.

[View Quote] > I've been talking to a couple of people and we're having problems submitting
> the forms... using our e-mail reader is rediculous in the first place, but
> the fact that you're allowing people to just e-mail in the information
> defeats the purpose of us sending through a pop3 e-mail address. Submission
> by e-mail is not good because anyone can spoof headers and from addresses
> and mass mail you their votes. I'd suggest a webpage next time which will
> count and total votes for you, and than set a cookie on their computer,
> store their IP, and ISP on the server and try and keep them from re-voting.
> This would slightly more... un-cheatable. (I didn't say cheat proof.)
> Or we need to talk AW into giving you some space on their webserver and we
> cast votes exactly like we do for the feature vote which would prevent any
> problems (because users need passwords to vote.)

Lower AW's rating back to PG

Apr 29, 2004, 10:31am
If AW is PG-13, then it would follow that ALL public building worlds
should be made PG-13 and they have not been.

So it's inconsistent. Unless there is an exception in the case of
AlphaWorld (I can't see one) it should be rated the same as AWTeen,
Yellow, COFMeta, Mars...

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Lower AW's rating back to PG

Apr 29, 2004, 4:40pm
I'm pretty sure AW doesn't make any modifications to the registry. I was
under the impression that it was all done in the ini file... correct me
if I'm wrong though.

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CopyCat Uni Spammers

May 1, 2004, 7:32pm
I think it's usually other programs that are advertised, like There
(bleeachh!), Cybertown (VRML!! BLEEEACCHHHH!!) and Worlds (Java? JAVA?

[View Quote] > AW browser version 4.0 shall be a multiverse browser anyway with which
> you can visit all other universes.
> AW probably does not really care whether other universes are advertised,
> since when other universes have a lot of visitors, their owners are
> likely to upgrade and maintain the license - AW is in the lucky position
> that, whether in the own or in another universe, they always get a share
> somehow. :-)
> Plus - why not let people know about other universes who would like to
> have visitors (not private or small group ones), the whole AW community
> wins from it, because it is better that an unsatisfied person leaves for
> another universe in the same community than to leave for a complete
> different product.
> However, I'd rather fancy some list or information at AWgate or in the
> help file than announcements, which I consider to be vocal environment
> pollution.
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3.6 confirmed...

May 1, 2004, 7:27pm
Gosh... I sure hope this doesn't put VWTV out of date.

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3.6 confirmed...

May 1, 2004, 7:30pm
This looks interesting:

[View Quote] >

3.6 confirmed...

May 1, 2004, 8:11pm
Really? O_O

It surprises me that world owners don't use this more often in their

[View Quote] > That isn't new. It has been in AW for a while. Not a new thing. I don't know
> when it was actually first implemented but it's certainly not 3.6 feature.

Starby Solutions

May 9, 2004, 7:21pm
The word 1337 also refers to the Internet slang 1337.

In 1337, the adjective 1337 means elite and is a compliment.

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Cys Nominees Ball

May 5, 2004, 8:24am
I thought the Nominee's ball was going to be held by someone other then
the Cy Awards Team?

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Future Commands

May 5, 2004, 7:18pm
This is possible now. 3.5 I think it was updated the move command. There
are conveyor belts and moving water in SW City that use this now.

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Were is JP?

May 12, 2004, 11:28pm
You guys DO know that Bill Gates is RETIRED right?

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Can we be silent in our Community?

May 9, 2004, 7:31pm
Nah. I was smarter than to fall into the hands of sick men at 12, and I
am smarter than to fall into the hands of script kiddies now at 16.

[View Quote] > long long ago I saw the birth of internet. I was then in telecommunications.
> The PC became available to presidents, vicepresidents, assistants etc,
> predominantly male at that time. The Internet was a 'business tool'.
> Due to the male access to the Internet, and the demand (something so new and
> available) of pornography, the market of internet porn was born and grew in
> proportion to the males working 'overtime' LOL. Female access at that time
> was more in typing pools or secretarial so the porn industry was aimed
> mostly at men. And there was and still is a huge market out there. We cannot
> deny that or even change that until men no longer want to look (yeah right).
> The market expanded in time as women became interested and less shy about
> looking.
> At no time was the internet made for children. Over the years it became an
> information and teaching tool, supervised by trained professionals in school
> systems.
> Then children started creeping onto their parents at home PC, finding things
> adult, because the market was only adult then. The world panicked LOL
> I have never believed that internet is for children, in porn, or them even
> being online without supervision. Television now with 100 channels also
> carries porn, adult movies, and it is solely up to the parent to filter
> their machines. Filter the tv, filter the computer. Neither is a babysitter
> for children. You cannot blame the cable company for letting it into your
> home when it is properly marked as being adult content.
> If you ask, about 90 percent of those arguing for more children's rights,
> trying to make adults talk like children, in case children are around, will
> tell you that they would never let their children chat anyway...or go on
> internet unsupervised. LOL
> Aw now has a neat little filter built right in. Unfortunately at the Gate I
> have heard gatekeepers telling how to change the ratings (due to Alpha being
> pg13 they have to now it seems) which in fact give all minors the ability to
> change without parental knowlege to X rating. Do they ask the age before
> saying how to change it? no.....But Aw built a little filter at the ratings
> option. It includes a password to block changing the rating. So in this case
> should a world even have to ask age on entry, or demand proof, when the
> world is not only marked on world listing tab as R or X but is also usually
> marked on entry by Immigration Officer that is Adult.
> The Internet is an Adult tool, lent to children maybe with proper
> supervision and explanations. It is not and should never be considered a
> children's domaine. A child's playground or babysitter. Keep your kids off
> the Internet. Keep them safe
> sweets

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 9, 2004, 7:36pm
Please don't become an armchair psychologist. This is why we have so
many kids on ritalin.

[View Quote] > scientic study of the human brain, in its development which they
> have used teens for these studies, the last part of the human brain to
> actually develop and reach full strength is the part that controls though
> processing leading to decision making. This takes place in the average brain
> at approximates 19 yrs old. After that age the human brain is fully formed
> and functional and no other growth takes place.....Decison making thought
> process....and you want them on computers? ....You think without a properly
> formed brain for decisions that they can make a proper decision as to right
> and wrong? sometimes yes, mostly no, that is what parents are for, to guide
> and control until the brainis formed....sorry if not as romatic idea as
> children are little people, but in reality they are blank computers being
> programmed up to 19 yrs old....sorry folks ....
> Scientifically is a bad idea *grins
> sweets

Can we be silent in our Community?

May 10, 2004, 11:37pm
In *AWI*? I surely hope not...

[View Quote] > If there are pedophiles in AWI

World License

May 10, 2004, 11:32pm
There are anti-Paypal sites out there. When there are anti-anything
sites out there I would research them, although I haven't looked at the
arguments against Paypal in detail.

[View Quote]

Nothing to laugh about.

May 13, 2004, 9:46pm
It goes much further than this. IMO, Seiya has been lying even after she
came out about the Mark Emerson thing.

Take a look at this.;action=display;threadid=2048;start=0

It says "Guest" because Seiya deleted his/her account. At the time they
were posted, they were posted under the account.

[View Quote]

Someone had to do it, So ya know.

May 12, 2004, 11:30pm
Yea, and *I* know where he got the idea from.;action=display;threadid=2040

The first post is all that matters.

[View Quote] > I can't belive it was never done!!
> Maybe because it wasn't sapposed to happen... Oh well!!
> Cats > AW

Someone had to do it, So ya know.

May 14, 2004, 7:29pm


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Someone had to do it, So ya know.

May 14, 2004, 10:14pm
Sorry, only one fan club site per day.

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Someone had to do it, So ya know.

May 14, 2004, 10:53pm
You're not on the site!... unless... you're secretly ENZO O_O

[View Quote] > and that sexy swe ^_^
> -SWE
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AW Compiled with Borland C++ Builder 5? Cool!

May 14, 2004, 7:43pm
What'd you expect it to be compiled with? VB? O_O

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AW Compiled with Borland C++ Builder 5? Cool!

May 14, 2004, 10:15pm

I knew AWI were smarter than that.

[View Quote] > Microsoft Visual C++ perhaps.
> ~John
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AW Compiled with Borland C++ Builder 5? Cool!

May 15, 2004, 9:17am
There are plenty of good reasons to hate Windows ^_^

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AW Compiled with Borland C++ Builder 5? Cool!

May 15, 2004, 9:18pm
Unfortunately in a world where Microsoft has dominated the home computer
market we are sometimes forced to.

[View Quote] > well, if everytime you hear a company uses linux you celebrate, then you
> shouldn't be using windows! :)
> -SWE
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Interesting Article...

May 15, 2004, 8:33pm
Something like that really needs customised software.

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Interesting Article...

May 15, 2004, 9:17pm

[View Quote] > Praise be to al... god
> ~John
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They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 20, 2004, 11:33pm
Britain. You had just separated from Britain.

[View Quote] > doesn't matter if they get married in a church or a barn ........the
> state and church separation thing IF you will read the constitution was for
> the gov NOT to assign or force religious beliefs on ppl cause we had just
> separated from England and didn't want it to be like they had
> .......geeezzzzz get the facts before you spout off
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They tie the Knot in Massachusetts...

May 23, 2004, 6:31pm
Says the one who started it all with "and now some of us can go throw up"

[View Quote] > the only time it turns into an insult war is when ppl as adults or children
> cant have a discussion without flames then someone whines oh oh
> delete!!! oh my goodness! thats what is silly
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converting worlds to 3d?

May 20, 2004, 11:25pm

[View Quote]

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