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VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 2, 2004, 11:19am
Then change it in the exact middle. It could be VRT daylight savings.

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VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 2, 2004, 2:18pm
GMT time does change. It just changed for me. And now all the stuff is
an hour later.

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VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 2, 2004, 3:45pm
Wow this is confusing.

But doesn't solve my problem ;_; stupid people-who-invented-time.

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VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 3, 2004, 6:10pm
What?... We use metric here in the UK, except a lot of our road signs
are still in miles. I think most have miles and kilometres on them now

[View Quote] > I have learned that anything that involves UK is confusing. It is stones,
> dimes, inches, pounds, Fahrenheits and god know what based on someones foot
> size, thumb lenght, teoretically freezingpoints random moon positions and
> god knows what.
> Drac
> "rossyboy" <rossyboy at> kirjoitti viestiss
> news:406da6c9$1 at
> change

VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 6, 2004, 2:50pm
metric = metres, kilometres, kilograms etc etc etc.

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VRT time should change with daylight savings

Apr 6, 2004, 2:55pm
Blah. Bodyclocks are made to adjust.

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Lara & Raine. Have Passed Away?

Apr 3, 2004, 6:08pm
I was suspicious of it just by the way it was filled in. The name given
was "Lara from AW has passed away". I thought, if it was real whoever
sent it would have taken more time to fill the little form thing in
properly. Glad to hear that it's fake.

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Lara & Raine. Have Passed Away?

Apr 4, 2004, 10:01pm
No no what's happening is the Hallmark e-card has a spoofed address.
Most e-card sites do this.

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palm sunday remembrance

Apr 7, 2004, 4:55pm
Hahahahahahhahahaahahah yea I totally agree with you hahahahahhaha I'm
stupid too!!!!!111111!1!!!11111//1!1111oneoneone


[View Quote] > u wish! LMAO... says the one who got kicked out of the gks... hahahahaha cry
> us a river u dumbass
[View Quote]

Final Nominations Posted

Apr 7, 2004, 4:51pm
Why are there two "Innovative Design" sections?

[View Quote] > Ok...the final corrections are up now on the link at
> If you see anything that I have missed or a correction please email me asap
> at cyawards at
> April 15th will be the final deadline for corrections.
> Thank you everyone for helping out!
> Sincerely,
> Bit:)

Notice to the person whos computer name is Dude and lives in Pittsburg,

Apr 10, 2004, 5:15pm

[View Quote] > Netsend him...
> --
> Signed,
> TheMask
> :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting ::
> Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it.
[View Quote]

Build 531 Installation

Apr 15, 2004, 2:51pm
[View Quote] > is to make some sort of personalized API to draw DX/OGL/Software windows
> in the actual screen itself which then can take any number of
> characteristics from opacity settings, to "attachment" settings. This

With skins this would be cool.

Is this possible?

Apr 10, 2004, 5:14pm
Come to our event! Here is your personalised schedule.

Fri 2:21pm VRT - Your turn to cache
Sat 10:00pm VRT - Opening ceremony

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Where has gone NewAW ?

Apr 12, 2004, 3:14pm
It's been hidden for all this time remember.

For all we know they could have had like 10 people working on it keeping
it a secret and it's gonna be totally 1337.

Or it could just be an abandoned project.

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Where has gone NewAW ?

Apr 12, 2004, 4:28pm
Or where JP keeps his bottles of scotch...

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Where has gone NewAW ?

Apr 14, 2004, 9:34pm
[View Quote] > tree's


Where has gone NewAW ?

Apr 14, 2004, 9:42pm
Look at them closely, they're not that high poly.

[View Quote] > Those trees look pretty lag inducing in large numbers. I've got a few very
> VERY low poly trees if you might need some

Where has gone NewAW ?

Apr 14, 2004, 9:43pm
Hey! I have an ATI!

I like to play with the colours hee hee hee.... um ya

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AWI - Stop spilling coffee on the servers plz

Apr 11, 2004, 12:51pm
It's not coffee. It's JP's bottle of wine. (Chief FINANCIAL Officer)

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Happy Easter!

Apr 11, 2004, 7:45pm
It was put on this day to overwrite a Pagan festival, just like Christmas.

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Happy Easter!

Apr 14, 2004, 9:34pm
Ferruccio: Like Eep, but nominated for Cys.

[View Quote] > So, whenever I mention something that could be improved in AW, it's called
> whining? Let's all just say nothing then, and if anything bad happens,
> let's not mention it, because someone might consider it whining! Unlike
> from what I've heard about Eep, I don't senselessly flame people. I make
> suggestions of how things could be improved.
> If you consider that whining, then I can consider your post talking about my
> "whining" whining as well, so, stop yer whining! :P
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beta 531 comment

Apr 11, 2004, 7:02pm

Sorry, but it SUCKS!

No, I'm not sorry, it SUCKS!!!!!1111


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beta 531 comment

Apr 11, 2004, 8:18pm
It sucks because it's all or nothing. I don't want it all.

[View Quote] > Okay, generally when critisizing a feature its better to say exactly why you
> dont like it... "It sucks" wont get you anywhere with it...
> Poseidon
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What's coming with 4.0?

Apr 14, 2004, 9:32pm
There was a time Strike when you wouldn't dream of typing like that.

Obviously we have a different Strike today.

I remember those old days haahhahahaa... yea but you're cool now. Not
like then.

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What's coming with 4.0?

Apr 19, 2004, 10:26pm
lmao Ep0ch

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funny banner for cy award :)

Apr 15, 2004, 2:43pm
Nice banner, but it goes really really really really fast on my comp.
You might wanna slow it down a bit, or it might just be me.

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Cyawards' Teleports???

Apr 15, 2004, 2:45pm
Yea you guys have your work cut out for you fixing those doors...

[View Quote] > At this point no.
> All voting will be done via the web page .
> Last year we had many complaints that some of the teleports were incorrect
> or not corrected, and had tried desperately to make them correct.
> It's like the more times you write something the more risk of errors.
> Anyways, if anyone is interested in building a teleport station for
> everyone, they are more than welcome to, but if there are any errors, folks
> need to please contact the person(s) that built it. (Maybe a contact
> information sign at it?)
> Great idea, but too much additional work for the team at this point, sorry:(
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Cyawards' Teleports???

Apr 15, 2004, 11:34pm
lol I was j/k really

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warning virus

Apr 16, 2004, 4:15pm
Everyone, switch from Microsoft Java VM to Sun Java!

Microsoft Java VM is insecure because MS created it way back to try and
drive Sun out of Java. It is NOT a quality product. It's not because of
Java that viruses can spread through Java, it's because of the
insecurity of Microsoft Java VM.

I would also suggest switching from IE to something more secure like

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warning virus

Apr 17, 2004, 12:24am
[View Quote] What? I thought everyone did this anyway...

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