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May 28, 2004, 6:53pm
If they'd given word that they were going to do this I would be more OK
with it. However, as it is it was just sprung on Mars users without warning.

I'm assuming at the moment that it was a mistake (however an angry
response usually gets things fixed quicker).

[View Quote] > You can if you OWN the damn thing. Who do YOU think you are demanding anything out of them? Remember THEY own your little "game". they can "take their ball and go home" anytime they want.
> Period...end of report.
> Leo :)
[View Quote]


May 29, 2004, 12:45am
Also, that they own the universe does not justify their behaviour. It
allows it, but doesn't make it intelligent, sensible, friendly OR good
for Active Worlds.

[View Quote] > You can if you OWN the damn thing. Who do YOU think you are demanding anything out of them? Remember THEY own your little "game". they can "take their ball and go home" anytime they want.
> Period...end of report.
> Leo :)
[View Quote]


May 29, 2004, 3:43pm
Wow Veger :¬(

How much trouble would it have been for them to edit the registry in the
first place anyway? They could even have just copied the entry from
Alpha World's registry!

It's not your fault.

[View Quote]


May 29, 2004, 3:47pm
Wow, you must be really anti-tourist.

Not only did you totally ignore that my post was already a reply to this
exact same point brought up by BinaryBud, but you went ahead and told me
to get a citizenship and stop "freebieing off everyone else."

So, the idea of citizens liking tourists must be so alien to you (wow
you'd make a great Gatekeeper!) that you forgot I have to be a CITIZEN
to post in these forums. Unless of course, you were speaking in general
terms to all tourists, but that's not very nice either.

[View Quote] > they own the world, and world owners can do what they want with their
> worlds. Get a citizenship already, instead of freebieing off everyone else.
[View Quote]


May 29, 2004, 3:58pm
Yes, really. And that harsh reaction is something I'd expect from Bill
"How about we just cancel the account, terminate your right to use AW
and no one will have to contact anyone?" Hoover, not JP.

Yes, I did keep those emails ^_^

[View Quote] > Whoa
> I dunno about you guys, but that right there floored me. That's just pure
> unacceptable and lazy. Isn't this their job?
> And it probably explains why Alphaworld never sees any new objects if AWI is
> that scared to change the registry. Are they all n00bs or something when it
> comes to that stuff? O_o


May 29, 2004, 4:16pm
The argument between AS and I was a work of comeadic fiction.

[View Quote] > But seriously CarolAnn, the entire thread Cy Results was total crap, the
> political part was only a fragment compared to the BS produced mostly by
> Alaskanshadow and Rossyboy. I find it strange that a few political comments
> irritated you more than 100 posts of shouting and insulting?
> What I intended with my reply in the Mars thread was simply that I
> disaproved the solution to ban tourists and tell the obviously rich woman
> that everyone is not as rich as her. If you chose to make it into a
> political debate, that you must have a right to do.
> At some point one have to choose if one want to me a nationalist or
> humanist; one cannot be both.
> I think it is normal that people speak about politics in their everyday
> life, why would AW be different?
> Is there any other topics one should avoid? Maybe weather, becuase someone
> might have a bad experience about a tornado or someone might like rain, when
> some other hates it; it would be a potential topic for flames.
> Holidays maybe? Never say Merry Christmas or Happy Hannuka, because it might
> offend those with a different belief
> Food? One should refrain talking about food since it is a potential flame
> start; for example some might disaprice eating of raindeer and dogs others
> disaprove eating of carrots and cucumber.
> This list could be made as long as possible; every topic can be turned into
> a flame, or then again, one can talk about things, even hard topics, in a
> more constructive way.
> I would suggest you ignore comments that you do not like or then say your
> opinion; as you said , you do not want this to be a serious place, so why
> take the BS so seriously?
> Yeah, I like number 5 ;-)
> Mika
> "carolann" <carolannh at> kirjoitti viestiss
> news:40b8cac1$1 at
> able
> one
> I
> do
> real
> ;-)
> used?


May 30, 2004, 1:02pm

[View Quote]


Jun 2, 2004, 5:48pm
Yay tourists are back now ^_^

[View Quote] > Immigration Officer: Sorry, you must be a citizen in order to visit
> the world "mars". To become a citizen, press the Register Now! button
> in the upper left corner of the screen.
> I demand an explanation. You don't just un-touristfy a world without
> warning.

CY statues in AW no longer load

Jun 2, 2004, 2:08pm
Ohh NOW I see.

To try slow down the rate of false Cys?

[View Quote]

Besburn River Complete

Jun 2, 2004, 7:57pm
You fool! Now they can attack by sea! :¬P

Yay at connection

[View Quote] > Started October 30th, 2002, Besburn River was initiated as a long term
> project to physically connect Horizon City to SW City. After countless hours
> slaving away on the project over the course of time, it's finally reached
> it's destination. On June 2nd, 7:10PM VRT, 2004, the last bits of water were
> poured in!
> The river was measured by string, and it clocks in at 11,980 coordinates
> long, or about 74.5 miles long.
> Each coordinate of river is about 32 objects, which makes the river about
> 383,000 objects. Congrats to all who worked on this Alphaworld landmark,
> surely AW's longest river.
> picture of the river: (note the
> river's width is exaggerated for easy viewing)

look at the avatar on the frontpage of this site...

Jun 10, 2004, 11:43am
lol I wonder if members of other unis that don't know about AW wonder
what the "AW" in the icon means

[View Quote]

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 14, 2004, 4:18pm
I think MM DD YYYY was INVENTED by America o_O

Why? WhhhyyY?

[View Quote]

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 15, 2004, 7:53pm
"The 15th of June 2004." That's how I've always said my dates...

[View Quote] > Because it's how it's verbally pronounced. Good enough a reason if you ask
> me =P
[View Quote]

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 15, 2004, 10:23pm
What's an inch again?

[View Quote]

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 17, 2004, 7:51pm
Yet other countries are able to change when they have been using
imperial measurements for even longer?

[View Quote] > We Americans cannot change a
> century or two of a way of communicating date, time or measurement.

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 17, 2004, 7:57pm
Also remember to check the polyfluxer regularly. That thing's more
important than most people like to admit.

[View Quote] > Did you forget to shut down the fusion chamber before powering down the
> string accelerators for testing? I think that gave me a BSoD once...
> -CMM
[View Quote]

Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 18, 2004, 5:01pm
He does? o_O

[View Quote] > Well,, probably Ferrucio is not a kid tho he behaves like one sometimes :)

Re: Come on, this is getting ridiculous.

Jun 15, 2004, 7:52pm
Everyone knows computers do not think, especially a competent programmer
like XelaG. When you say a computer thinks, it is a metaphor. Many
people do it.

As for "hate campaigns", I would suggest that if you want to stand up
for your country you should defend it with opposing arguments.

"as a concerned citizen of AW, the USA, and the Nation, I'm requesting
that you stop poisoning our minds..."

I'm a concerned citizen of AW, the UK and of Europe. If you believe
XelaG's opinions are pure poison, attempt to prove it. Don't think that
any opinion that doesn't automatically support the USA is poison.

[View Quote]

Re: ENZO please delete this thread.

Jun 17, 2004, 7:47pm
The trouble is, although we all want peace, we don't all agree on the
method of obtaining it.

So if we all censor our opinions, there will be peace. (Your idea.)

So if we all act maturely towards each other's opinions, there will be
peace. (A better idea than your idea.)

[View Quote]

Re: ENZO please delete this thread.

Jun 19, 2004, 1:28am

[View Quote]

G rated areas and Nicks.

Jun 19, 2004, 5:08pm
Ah the problem is that forced name change is part of the master/slave
relationship that they hold.

[View Quote]

G rated areas and Nicks.

Jun 20, 2004, 8:21pm
"spills over into real life"

No, if women (or men!) want a BDSM relationship they go out and find it.
They have the FREEDOM to do that.

Oh and how many more times will I have to say this? GOREANS ARE NOT




[View Quote] > yes and its that relationship that spills over into real life (btw slavery
> is not a part of our culture now) and causes hurtful things to happen to
> ppl and families even death it on the news at times why would anyone
> condone slavery and murder? AW can YOU answer that?
[View Quote]

G rated areas and Nicks.

Jun 21, 2004, 2:01pm
You people can't seem to understand that this is more than an RPG to
them can you?

[View Quote]

G rated areas and Nicks.

Jun 21, 2004, 2:02pm
Yes bravo for standing up against this one isolated example of a crazy
unfair verbal attack involving insults towards the US.

[View Quote] > BRAVO Katrina !

Apathy Might have set in in AW Support

Jun 21, 2004, 4:36pm

[View Quote] > Is there something I can help with? If so please email me at
> enzo at
> E
[View Quote]

SWE Here is My Speech

Jun 21, 2004, 2:04pm
In that case, since AW makes such a big thing out of the 4th of July, I
propose that we also celebrate the national holidays of every single
country in the world. ^_^

[View Quote] > Intercultural conflict is part of the reason we've been unsuccessful in the
> Newsgroups. We're not only failing because of the international
> miscommunication but we lack skills to forge ahead on an individual basis.
> Our values and norms, thought processes and goals vary greatly. It would be
> powerful to effectively overcome our differences.
> Odds are that we will not have the direct experiences of one another.
> Usually our own cultural identities are not even apparent to us until we
> interact with others from different backgrounds. Our differences can feel
> like threats at first. But aren't those differences less important than our
> commonalities?
> We tend to overlook our similarities far too often. Differences between
> groups are far less than differences within groups so it would be logical to
> say the same for our likenesses.
> Cultures are always evolving especially when they interact with eachother.
> We have the power to change the world right here in this platform. We're
> the pioneers as BRO would say.

Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 23, 2004, 5:54pm
That's very very very very hard.

And possibly illegal.

To be able to run Windows binaries, well, you basically need to know
everything about Windows, and Microsoft doesn't tell us everything about

[View Quote] > I think somebody should make an OS that runs both Linux and Windows progs.
> I mean one that has full support for apps written for Windows and full
> support for apps written for Linux - if its not in some way illegal of
> course.
> Then microsoft could go ka-boom and that'd be the end of it.
> John
[View Quote]

Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 23, 2004, 5:55pm
There are 'compatibility layers' though which are kinda like emulators.
They don't work perfectly, however.

[View Quote] > That's very very very very hard.
> And possibly illegal.
> To be able to run Windows binaries, well, you basically need to know
> everything about Windows, and Microsoft doesn't tell us everything about
> Windows.
[View Quote]

Activeworlds Goes Belly Up

Jun 26, 2004, 9:29am
The interface of ReactOS looks... :¬/

I don't think I could work with that.

WINE will only get better though ^_^

[View Quote]

Enzo Please delete

Jun 23, 2004, 5:48pm
Ooh really? I skipped out reading it because it was so long... now I'll
set aside some time to read it...

[View Quote]

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