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wizard myrddin // User Search
wizard myrddin // User Searchread meJan 7, 2002, 12:42pm
Can i run a AW server with a 30days trial world?Jan 14, 2002, 5:51pm
Hi darma
The 30day trial worlds are all hosted by aw, you can of course use your own object path. After the 30day if you keep you then can host it yourself.. Wizard Myrddin [View Quote] Windows XP HumorFeb 9, 2002, 10:48am
I can honestly say I have never had any of these problems with my version of
Windows Xp. I have found the flight control in perfect working order, indeed I often fly around my world with no ill effects whatsoever.. Only problem I have encountered is, I was flying around my local area when members of the narcotics squad rushed to arrest me for suspicions of being under the influence of illegal substances. Only after they enlisting the help of members of the Nato task force curently stationed nearby prior to being sent on their caving trip to Afganistian did they manage to ground me for questioning. After explaining to all concerned that I was a Windows XP user did they release me from detention and enroll me in the recently opened Flying school "Pearly Gates" Since recieving instruction I now strap on my seat harness and conduct my pre windows XP boot up checks, this togather with informing the local services that I am about to boot up XP and can expect me flying within 10 min. Indeed I have heard that NASA are looking into installing XP in all future shuttle craft as the new propellant. Yours Wizard 3rd bed from the right under window St Gates Mental instution for the retired XP Bullwaste St Seatle by the Gates Wa [View Quote] National ID SystemFeb 13, 2002, 9:10am
Humm, OMG and Pow
Not in the UK my friend and beleave it or not we are part of Europe excluding a few Euro.. [View Quote] PHP helpFeb 27, 2002, 12:30pm
If you are just trying to perform a redirect on page load the simplelest way
is to do a refresh and re directect from any page. This is done in the metatags as such; <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;URL="> This html should be placed in the head part of your page and after 1 sec will redirect to Just place on any page Wiz [View Quote] Visual Basic anyoneMar 9, 2002, 2:11pm
On my travels through cyberland I have came across the follow great tutorial
that is academically written. Should be of use to those members that wish to increase their programming knowledge. Have fun and learn Da Wiz World redownloadingMar 10, 2002, 6:45pm
Hi Folks
Anyone experiencing the client(awbrowser) re_downloading its jpg folder? In this I mean that you have the jpgs and textures already dl into the aw cache and then the client decided to re download it all again? This might be a bandwidth plot to blast out sites (Joke) I have spoken to one other person who also is experiencing the same. Although we have been informed from AW.corp that the aw client is not re-downloading jpgs again (What is shown in the F3 download box downloading is nothing but names and numbers) (o boy I'm wondering if my site log is now at fault?? as this is showing the downloading???? Lets hope this non existent problem is solved. Da wiz World redownloadingMar 10, 2002, 8:37pm
Right I wait and see what happens in future, might just have been "One of
the quirks" If not my bandwith will be blown wild, which is main concern.. Da Wiz [View Quote] HELPPMar 27, 2002, 12:33pm
I had that when aw client gobbled all memory. Just had to close it and
restart client.... [View Quote] WARNING: IMPORTANTMar 31, 2002, 12:15pm
I thin all hosters and world owners need some clear words here.
Are you saying activeworlds.corp. client is insecure? Are you saying world servers have been compromised? This is a very serious situation for all world owners and hosters If my worlds and paths have been compromised I shall close all untill all pwds have been changed. I have requested from aw.corp a def statment on this issue to make sure your facts are true. Regards [View Quote] If You Miss Eep...Apr 6, 2002, 10:18am
Folder protectionApr 6, 2002, 10:15am
Hi there,
If your server/ftp site allows Cmod your folders 711 I think, this will allow the relevant folders never to be listed. Also remove object selection from your world, This will stop people from getting the object names.. If you cant set up cmod, create a index.html page and drop this un each folder.. If you cant code html I can create a index.html page that will refresh to any url you wish. For textures, if you can afford one buy a digimark from; you can watermark your textures with your own mark in case of "borrowers" or in case of despute. But in your original question cmoding stops listing, to password folders will depend on your hoster facilities,, Regards Wiz [View Quote] test (OMG! I'm testing too!)Apr 28, 2002, 9:10am
hey Kah love the description in features,, This one I think we all should
have on the aw client. I quote from the url you provided so Kindly. a.. Plonk file (aka bozo bin). Lets have our Plonker symbols on the contact lists... Rofl Wiz [View Quote] Its all explained at last (Joke)Apr 28, 2002, 11:40pm
Found on internet
Software Version Explanations Once you start playing with software you quickly become aware that each software package has a revision code attached to it. It is obvious that this revision code gives the sequence of changes to the product, but in reality there's substantially more information available through the rev-code than that. This article provides a guide for interpreting the meaning of the revision codes and what they actually signify. 1.0: Also known as "one point uh-oh", or "barely out of beta". We had to release because the lab guys had reached a point of exhaustion and the marketing guys were in a cold sweat of terror. We're praying that you'll find it more functional than, say, a computer virus and that its operation has some resemblance to that specified in the marketing copy. 1.1: We fixed all the killer bugs ... 1.2: Uh, we introduced a few new bugs fixing the killer bugs and so we had to fix them, too. 2.0: We did the product we really wanted to do to begin with. Mind you, it's really not what the customer needs yet, but we're working on it. 2.1: Well, not surprisingly, we broke some things in making major changes so we had to fix them. But we did a really good job of testing this time, so we don't think we introduced any new bugs while we were fixing these bugs. 2.2: Uh, sorry, one slipped through. One lousy typo error and you won't believe how much trouble it caused! 2.3: Some jerk found a deep-seated bug that's been there since 1.0 and wouldn't stop nagging until we fixed it!! 3.0: Hey, we finally think we've got it right! Most of the customers are really happy with this. 3.1: Of course, we did break a few little things. 4.0: More features. It's doubled in size now, by the way, and you'll need to get more memory and a faster processor ... 4.1: Just one or two bugs this time... Honest! 5.0: We really need to go on to a new product, but we have an installed base out there to protect. We're cutting the staffing after this. 6.0: We had to fix a few things we broke in 5.0. Not very many, but it's been so long since we looked at this thing we might as well call it a major upgrade. Oh, yeah, we added a few flashy cosmetic features so we could justify the major upgrade number. 6.1: Since I'm leaving the company and I'm the last guy left in the lab who works on the product, I wanted to make sure that all the changes I've made are incorporated before I go. I added some cute demos, too, since I was getting pretty bored back here in my dark little corner (I kept complaining about the lighting but they wouldn't do anything). They're talking about obsolescence planning but they'll try to keep selling it for as long as there's a buck or two to be made. New aw report formsApr 29, 2002, 10:28am
Ok this is a joke right! nothing intended.. Smile and the Universe smiles with you ^ ^ Wiz 10 AW CommandmentsMay 18, 2002, 11:17am
Ok its about time for humour.
No Offence meant to anyone 10 AW Commandments 1.. Thou shalt not downloadeth seqs,objects,textures on thine work computer, lest ye be cast out and ye be doomed to burn in hell. 2.. Thou shalt visit AW.Corp daily and keep it holy. 3.. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour, even if he is a flaming Eep 4.. Thou shalt not make for yourself a graven image of that which is copyrighted. 5.. Thou shalt not build any unwanted sign3.rwx before me, for I shall smite them immediately with a hasty click and read them not. 6.. Thou shalt use no Virtual Universe other than AW, for thy AW is a jealous AW. 7.. Thou shalt not forward chain letters. Instead, send these commandments to ten friends, and help save the life of a small tourist at AWgate! 8.. Mass Telegram AW not, lest ye be spammed tenfold. 9.. Thou shalt not spill thy guts and then click "Reply to all." 10.. Thou shall not call thyself "Peacekeeper or Gatekeeper" online when "God's Chosen" sounds so much better. (reproducced and modified) Wiz New Computer VirusJun 28, 2002, 5:33am
Boy that got your attention, Fun time folks..
Canonical List of Computer Viruses ............................................................................. .... ADAM AND EVE VIRUS - Takes a couple of bytes out of your apple. AIRLINE VIRUS - You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore. AL GORE UNIX VIRUS - Whenever you inquire about one of your environment variables, it shows you the current setting, but then tacks on an alarmist message concerning the future of the variable. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER VIRUS - Terminates and stays resident. It'll be back. AT&T VIRUS - constantly reminds you how it's giving you much better service than the other viruses. AT&T NEW VIRUS - every three minutes it complains that it's sick of circles. BILL CLINTON VIRUS - This virus mutates from region to region. We're not sure what it does. BILLY GRAHAM VIRUS - When you save a file, it prints, "I am saved!" to the screen. BIRTHDAY VIRUS - Keeps advancing your clock by another year. BOBBIT VIRUS - It turns a 7.5meg hardrive to a 3 1/2 inch floppy drive. BUSH VIRUS - Before you buy a new computer, it claims that your old computer works on voodoo programming. After you buy your new computer, it maintains the course of your old computer. For to do otherwise wouldn't be prudent at this juncture. CHICAGO CUBS VIRUS - Your PC makes frequent mistakes and comes in last in the reviews, but you still love it! CLEVELAND INDIANS VIRUS - Makes your 486/50 machine perform like a 286/AT. CLINTON VIRUS - Fills you with the compulsion to cut wasteful government spending at the same time that it compels you to hop into an airplane for a $200.00 haircut at taxpayer expense. CONGRESS VIRUS - Overdraws your disk space. CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS - Runs every program on the hard drive simultaneously, but doesn't allow the user to accomplish anything. CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS 2 - The computer locks up, screen splits erratically with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem. DAN QUAYLE VIRUS - Forces your computer to play "PGA Tour" from 10 am to 4 pm, 6 days a week. DAN QUAYLE VIRUS 2 - Prevents your processes from spawning any child without first joining into a binary network. Also said to cause speling erors in files stored on your disk. DAN QUAYLE VIRUS 3 - Their is sumthing rong with your compueter, ewe just can't figyour out watt. DAVID DUKE VIRUS - Makes your screen go completely white. ELVIS VIRUS - Your computer gets fat, slow, and lazy and then self-destructs, only to resurface at shopping malls and service stations across rural America. FEDERAL BUREAUCRAT VIRUS - Divides your hard disk into hundreds of little units, each of which does practically nothing, but all of which claim to be the most important part of the computer. FREUDIAN VIRUS - Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own motherboard. GALLUP VIRUS - Sixty percent of the PCs infected will lose 38 percent of their data 14 percent of the time (plus or minus a 3.5 percent margin of error). GEORGE BUSH VIRUS - Doesn't do anything, but you can't get rid of it until November. GEORGE BUSH VIRUS 2 - It starts by boldly stating, "Read my test... no new files!" on the screen, proceeds to fill up all the free space on your hard drive with new files, then blames it on the Congress Virus. GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS - nothing works on your system, but all your diagnostic software says everything is just fine. GRIDLOCK VIRUS - Keeps shuffling information that it calls 'bills' between your CPU and BUS, sending messages like 'House Bill #xxxx is unacceptable to Senate'. Never gets any work done. H ROSS PEROT VIRUS - Runs for awhile, leaves the system, then re-appears, but with less effect. H ROSS PEROT VIRUS 2 - Same as the Jerry Brown Virus, only nicer fonts are used, and it appears to have had a lot more money put into its development. H ROSS PEROT VIRUS 3 - Activates every component in your system, just before the whole thing quits. HEALTH CARE VIRUS - Tests your system for a day, finds nothing wrong, and sends you a bill for $4,500. IMELDA MARCOS VIRUS - Sings you a song (slightly off key) on boot up, then subtracts money from your Quicken Account, and spends it all on expensive shoes it purchases through Prodigy. JERRY BROWN VIRUS - Blanks your screen and begins flashing an 800 number. JIMMY HOFFA VIRUS - Nobody can find it. • JOHNNY COCHRANE VIRUS - Constantly gloats on how fast it us when compared to the Marcia Clark Virus. JOKE VIRUS - poses as a harmless list of funny computer virus names! Is quickly passed from one user to all other users known via e-mail, consequently consuming all known network resources. JACK KEVORKIAN VIRUS - Enables irreparably damaged files to delete themselves. JACK KEVORKIAN VIRUS 2 - Helps your computer shut down whenever it wants to. LAPD VIRUS - It claims it feels threatened by the other files on your PC and erases then in "self-defense." LEFT-WING-DRIVEL VIRUS - Deletes all monetary files, but keeps smiling and sending messages about how the economy is going to get better. MARCIA CLARK VIRUS - Asks for more time every time you give a command. MARIO CUOMO VIRUS - A very powerful virus, if it would ever run. MCI VIRUS - Encourages you to send it to your friends and family. MCI VIRUS 2 - Every three minutes it reminds you that you're paying too much for the AT&T VIRUS. MCI NEW VIRUS - Every three minutes it asks another true/false question. MICHAEL JACKSON VIRUS - Hard to identify because it is constantly altering its appearance. This virus won't harm your PC, but it will trash your car. NEW WORLD ORDER VIRUS - Probably harmless, but it makes a lot of people mad just thinking about it. NIKE VIRUS - Just does it! OLLIE NORTH VIRUS - Turns your printer into a document shredder. OPRAH WINFREY VIRUS - First appears on system as a 120 KB file, later swells to 200 KB, then returns to its original size. Periodic printouts appear to keep you aprised. PAT BUCHANAN VIRUS - Shifts all output to the extreme right of the screen. PAUL REVERE VIRUS - This revolutionary virus does not horse around. It warns you of impending hard disk attack--once if by LAN, twice if by C:\. PAUL TSONGAS VIRUS - Pops up on December 25 and says, "I'm not Santa Claus." PBS VIRUS - Your PC stops every few minutes to ask for money. POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS - prefers to call itself an "electronic microorganism". PONZI VIRUS - It logs onto your bank's computer and transfers $1 into the accounts of the owners of the last 10 computers it was on. It then attaches itself to the next 10 items of mail you send. REAGAN VIRUS - Puts your computer to sleep for eight years. When your computer wakes up, you're three trillion more dollars in debt. RICHARD NIXON VIRUS - Also known as the "Tricky Dick Virus." You can wipe it out, but it always makes a comeback. RIGHT-TO-LIFE VIRUS - Before allowing you to delete any file, it first asks you if you've considered the alternatives. RIGHT-TO-LIFE VIRUS 2 - Won't allow you to delete a file, regardless of how old it is. It you attempt to erase a file, it requires you to first see a counselor about possible alternatives. RIGHT-WING-HARDLINER VIRUS - Won't allow any changes on your system, but keeps saying that things will get better as soon as it takes over the Whitehouse. SEARS VIRUS - Your data won't appear unless you buy new cables, power supply, and a set of shocks. SPRINT VIRUS - Periodically runs sound file of a pin dropping. STAR TREK VIRUS - Invades your system in places where no virus has gone before. TED KENNEDY VIRUS - Crashes your computer, but denies it ever happened. TED TURNER VIRUS - Colorizes your monochrome monitor. TERRY RANDLE VIRUS - Prints, "Oh no you don't," whenever you choose, "Abort" from the "Abort, Retry, Ignore" message. TEXAS VIRUS - Makes sure that it's bigger than any other file. TIPPER GORE VIRUS - When you attempt to play any sound file, it pops up a warning window stating that some lyrics may be unsuitable for children. WARREN COMMISSION VIRUS - Won't allow you to open your files for 75 years. New Computer VirusJun 29, 2002, 9:41am
Opps forgot one important one
EEP Virus - You think its finally gone from your computer and then it arrives back with a vengeance ^^ Wiz [View Quote] AW addictionJun 29, 2002, 9:36am
AW Addiction
* You find yourself typing "rwx" after every period when using a word * You turn off your modem and get this awful empty feeling, like you just pulled the plug on a loved one. * Your start introducing yourself as "(Your aw name)" * Your wife drapes a blond wig and sexy underwear over your monitor to remind you of what she looks like. * All of your friends have an at in their name. * You can't call your parents..... they doesn't have a modem. * Your phone bill comes to your doorstep in a box. * You laugh at people with 2400 modems. * You move into a new house and decide to Netscape before you landscape. * You tell the cab driver you live at: 721w * Your spouse makes a new rule: "The computer cannot come to bed." * You ask a plumber how much it would cost to replace the chair.rwx in front of your computer with a commode.rwx * You start tilting your head sideways to smile. :) * You turn on your computer and turn off your spouse. * Your spouse says communication is important in a marriage..... so you buy another computer and install a second phone line so the two of you can chat. * You begin to wonder how on earth your service provider is allowed to call 200 hours per month "unlimited." * You put your aw building cords as a return to sender address. * You ask a prospective employer if you can arrange your job interview in aw. * You receive a divorce letter in a aw telegram. * You cant remember you real life name and address. * You submit a mortgage application to purchase the world of your dreams. * Your neighbours start to think you are a Vampire and start to leave garlic around their property. * You win the user of the month from AW for your 720 hours in aw per month. * You go to the shop and ask for a loaf of bread.rwx and a bottlemilk.rwx to be delivered to you. * Someone breaks into your real life house and you call for a peacekeeper. * You look outside your house in real life and don't recognize anything. ......AND THE #1 CLUE THAT YOUR ARE ADDICTED TO AW IS........ * Your dog has its own citnumber. :-) Enjoy Wizard Myrddin "Normality has been restored, anything else is your problem" (Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy) Reproduced from with additions. Outer WorldsJul 6, 2002, 11:31am
Linn and myself have always said this regarding the advertising of other
Universes in aw or the Newsgroups. " If these Universes are so much better, Then why are you a member of the aw community?" Wiz [View Quote] Outer WorldsJul 6, 2002, 3:08pm
No one has said any other universe is a evil corporation. The point people
are making is the newsgroups are not a place to advertise Universes. Although this was a individual act and in no way any reflection on any Universe or their dealings. In fact I started my activeworlds type environments in ow and have always held a respect for it. As you might not be aware, when the new pricing policy arived on the aw membership door, we saw numours indivduels shouting all over aw about some Universes are better and more friendly. Some have even followed aw lead and increased membership fees, although not as much. You pay for what you receive as the saying goes. I think many would wish to see any Universe prosper and this would have the effect of increasing revenue for aw as well. We just state the newgroups and aw ground zeros are not the place to advertise. The sense of the community is one that comes togather when attacked, in this case and John's message has shown how strong the community has become this year. Best wish's in ow, I know a few peeps there and are good people. Wiz [View Quote] Outer WorldsJul 6, 2002, 7:03pm
I think you have it in one there A.P, I would pay the 69 bucks for as much
as I can use in aw anyday,, Da Wiz New Software LicenceJul 23, 2002, 8:20am
Not really, just Humour
Software Licence Agreement a.. Important: This is important. It cost us a heap of cash to have it written, and you'd better read it, or else. Read it right now too, arsehole, or you'll be sorry. Especially DON'T just rip the flap open without paying any attention to this very important message. We'll know if you do! You'll grow warts. b.. Licence: This Licence Agreement has capital letters, and is effective upon your removal or breaking of the disclaimer seal on the Program Diskettes, or a fingernail, whichever is earlier. It shall continue until terminated, as indicated by it's placement in a receptacle considered by at least one party to be a waste disposal container. c.. Agreement: You acknowledge and agree that we have far too many lawyers, and that you will not consider, perform or aid actions that grant any lawyers purpose in their existance. d.. Licence Fees: The licence fees unpaid by you are in consideration of your continued solvency. But it doesn't matter, because soon we'll know what you have, and just deduct the fees from your bank account. Please run the included easy to use networking software and log onto our server for further details. The first thiry minutes are free. e.. Copyright: This software is ours, all ours. You just paid hundreds of dollars for the blank diskettes and this excellent paper bag. You agree to think yourself lucky that we'll generously let you make one backup copy, and actually run our precious code on your lousy computer. There are no bugs in this perfect code, so don't pester us with your stupid misunderstandings and pathetic complaints. f.. Costs of Litigation: These are to be taken as an indication of the extreme folly of all parties' overdependence on legal contrivances. g.. Government Licencee: Hi Senator. Don't forget who helped you out. Any other problems, just call us. h.. Language Software: If this is one of our language products (how should we know) then you agree to have our copyright message plastered all through your object code. Don't expect us to tell you how to avoid this. i.. Additional Restrictions: See all those uniformed thugs over there? Good. So don't get any funny ideas now. You don't want to make us angry, do you? See you next upgrade. j.. Limited Liability: This software is provided "as is", whatever that is. You understand it's very complicated, far beyond your comprehension, so how should we know what will happen when you use it wrong. There may even be some risk involved, but that's your problem. Why, even we have trouble with it on bad days. k.. Governing Law: This License Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Inebriation. Another AW employee gone!Aug 5, 2002, 2:12pm
Think in business its called "End of Contract"
Nothing odd to that, happens everyday in all business's. And besides nothing to do with me or anyone how any other bussiness conducts itself, as long as there is a product at the end. As long as it ethical. [View Quote] Another AW employee gone!Aug 6, 2002, 10:01am
You can't make this stuff up...Aug 11, 2002, 9:16am
Stop trying to create yet another flamming war in this NG Just in.
We all have read in many previous postings what happens when even your name is assocated with the diverted subject of this thread. At least some contributors in the thread to use a valid email address so that any thoughts can be addressed to them directly anf keep it out of the NG's. If anyone decides not to reply to telegrams, that is there personel choice and not one that should be taken to the NG. [View Quote] You can't make this stuff up...Aug 11, 2002, 10:17am
not really interested how throw the first stone, I've said what I am going
to say in this thread as it only fuels it, as Flagg as said dont fuel anything and I shall respect this point. Matter Closed [View Quote] |