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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 21, 2003, 1:14pm
We have heard from you in the past about how, if you aren't a good little
christian, you are evil. For you, it seemed to be one or the other. You are
right, there are a diverse group of people in AW and not all are Christian.
I am wondering who would be allowed in your democrisy ( please excuse any
bad spelling, it's early and I am not going to use a spell check) People in
AW have been called evil by you in the past because they don't believe
exactly as you do. I am not trying to turn this into a religous thing. Just
useing this as an example of your frame of mind. How do you expect any one
to take you seriously now, about equality in AW, when in the past you have
been so one sided and prejudice in your own right?

I said before, that it could make a nice little AW wide RPG.


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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 22, 2003, 4:05pm
brother and sisterhood of people to keep each other in check and check on
each other.<<<

I don't want people keeping me in check. I also don't want to be checking up
on others to make sure they are kept in check. I don't think any one wants
that in their AW lives. I don't come here so that other people can be
getting all in my business. And what other people do is their business.
Right now, if some one dose something that is completely out of line, there
are always people around who will do what they can to try and correct the
situation. And, that is fine. But I do not want people checking up on me, as
a rule, to make sure I am kept in check. If I'm not mistaken, don't think
anybody wants that.

I for one, come here to leave the real life garbage behind for the few hours
I am on line. If you want polotics there are plenty of places to find them
in the real world. For me in AW, it's a live and let live situation. So far,
for the last 6 years, that has worked out well for me.

I don't know anything about your AW life, since I haven't run into you in
the worlds yet. But from what I have read in the news groups, I am assumeing
that you don't own a world. I sugest that if you buy a small world, and made
it a non public build world, then learned to model, so you could fill your
world with what ever makes you happy, you would have a much better time in
AW. REALLY!!! You should try that. Right now it seems that in AW you are
detached and are looking for attention. You should stop looking for
attention and just settle down. And building your own world would be a
perfict way to do that. I REALLY think you would be happy as the ruler of
your own world.

If you should deside to take my advice, and want to learn to model. I would
be more then happy to teach you how to use wings3d, accutrans, modeler,
rwxmod, and photoshop :) to help you get started. Heck, I would also be
willing to help you get your world set up and running. I REALLY think you
just need a sence of belonging and importance. A world of your own would
give you that.


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Condemnation of AW Citizens

Aug 22, 2003, 8:47pm
community newsgroup that said you didn't want AW voting. I question why you
don't want AW voting.<<<<

Excuse me? I just went into my sent files and reread all of my replies to
your posts. Not a single one mentions me saying that I don't want AW voting.
In fact, in one of my replies I actually wished you luck in your endeavors
on this subject, and not in a sarcastic way. What I have been saying is that
to make your democracy work, you would need AWI on board backing up your
endeavors in any way they can. Without them on board you can make all the AW
laws you want, but it will be a rough road ahead trying to enforce them.
I also said that it would make for a nice little AW wide RPG. And since I'm
not into RPG's I wouldn't be joining your democracy. Not once did I say I
didn't want AW voting. The people in AW are quite capable of forming their
own opinions and choosing what they want to do. If they want this, that's up
to them. But from what I've seen in the replies to the posts, now a whole
lot of people want this. Do you ever consider the over all opinion of the
responses to your posts?

At first I thought you were confused. Then I thought you were lost and
troubled. Now I think you are a deliberate instigator. I think you post just
anything that you think will get the biggest uprising. Then you pick out
certain replies, and reply to them with what you think will get yet another
big uprising. And it continues. After this whole democracy thing dies out, I
'm wondering what nonsense you will come up with to start yet another

ourselves, or we remain under the hostility of a dictatorship that torments
our citizens.<<<<

You know what? There are people in the real world who really do need to be
freed from hostility and dictatorship. There are people in the real world
who are dieing cause of these things. I really think that instead of causing
so much trouble in the virtual world by spouting off about such things in
the virtual world that it would be best if you just joined a group somewhere
that is actually trying to do some good in the real world where these things
are concerned. Try helping people who really need the help.

away from your local life, why do you question my religious beliefs, read
newsgroups, or take such an interest in reading my postings?<<<<

My good time here? I am a part of this AW community and have been for a
number of years. I have helped in this community for a number of years. I
teach modeling, and animation. And I ask nothing in return. I help in
peoples world when I can. I have recently offered my assistance in another
universe to help get it up and running. And until right now, I have done
this with out asking for any kind of recognition. I do this because this is
what a community is about, the lady. It's not about getting on your soap box
and spouting off nonsense that no one really wants to hear. It's not about
standing there in the middle of every one yelling, LOOK AT ME I'M GOING TO
START A DEMOCRACY. It's about being there when you are needed, doing what
you can and moving on without asking recognition in return. It's about being
there for every one, not just for ourselves.

I just posted offering you help in any way to start your own world and to
get you started as a modeler. It was a genuine offer. What did I get in
return? A nasty reply accusing me of something I didn't do. If I were in the
market for a democracy, I would not pick one that you had anything to do
with. I didn't say it before, but I'm saying it now. I think any one who has
any thing to do with your democracy is nuts. But no one here is as nuts as

You want to know why I read your posts? I read them just to see what kind of
stupidity you come up with next.

BTW if you ever decide to get a world, the offer is now off.

Have a good life you loony


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Aug 21, 2003, 1:25am
>Why do you guys even bother reading her posts in the first place
> if they annoy you? Curiosity? Looking for something to do to kill boredom?
> It's strange how you are all drawn to her posts soon after shes posts
> This is a new forum, is AW that boring that you spend all your time
> chatting here in this forum?<

Which excuse do you use for reading then posting on the lady's posts?
Annoyance? Curiosity? Looking for something to do to kill boredom?
I notice you don't have her blocked. Just wondering.


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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 8:31pm
Thank you for the lack of biblical words in this post of negativity. By the
same token, if you don't like the replies posted on the lady's posts, no one
is forceing you to read them. You could always block the thread. What a
boring place this would be if every one had nothing but nice, cotton candy
dreams, opinions of other peoples posts. Haveing a nice, oposite or even a
negitive opinion is the right of every one who posts here. You prove that
every time you post, trying to get people to stop posting, when they are
saying something that you don't agree with. That is your right. It's also my
right to post giveing the lady my opinion on what she says, that I don't
agree with :)

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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 11:47pm
Then maybe he shouldn't attack people while trying to get that point across.
And btw, just for the record. I don't believe I have attacked any one. I
have expressed my opinion :)


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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 22, 2003, 12:53am
nothing with [[your useLESSness in life]], perhaps, I can petition AW to
this news forum, because as far as I'm concerned there's nothing here worth
reading and that includes Strike Rapier's opinion that he's better than
anyone else.
I do not stand behind anything TheLady posts here, but I do think its pure
stupidity to say you can't stand the woman, but still continue to read and
post replys to her posts, that you know damned well she doesn't read.
Yes I say ban MrBruce from posting, I also say close this news forum and ban
[[EVERYONE]] and let you [[little boys and girls]] open your own little
forums on
geocities where you can continue to post [[your absolute stupidity]].
Yes, opinions are like at ZZholes everyone has one, but 98% of them stink.
And that's MY opinion.

Some times you don't have to mention specific names to mean more then one


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Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 26, 2003, 5:49pm
what language is this in? or were you not looking when typeing it and
If it's a language would you mind doing it in english now please?

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Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 26, 2003, 7:45pm
Thank you buikderz. I haven't even heard about the encryption thing. Guess
that's a game only he plays :)


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Bigger Better Path Hosting Available

Aug 26, 2003, 7:47pm
ok I tryed that and it worked. So other then being annoying in the news
groups, what is it good for?


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Merlin av?

Sep 10, 2003, 5:43pm
Hi :)

Dose any one know where I can find a wizard or Merlin avatar for free?


Merlin av?

Sep 10, 2003, 10:01pm
Hi :) Thank you every one :)

3d evolutionary pointed me at a gandolf af made by robbie. If i can get it
posed right for the scene I need it in it will work great :)

Thanks 3d evolutionary and robbie :)

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Merlin av?

Sep 11, 2003, 8:25pm
I'm not in the habit of makeing human avs, but as it turns out, I will be
makeing my own. The one on robbies site dosn't seem to like my program and
when I pose it and add to it it disapears when I save it. The file comes up
empty :( oh well. I have started one.

Thanks :)


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Community Vote

Sep 10, 2003, 10:28pm
You have been doing it for so long that I think you would know who is best
for the job. I trust your judgement on it :) I'm sure Linn will do a fine
job :)

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Halloween event?

Sep 14, 2003, 2:41pm
Hi :)

I and a few other people are planning a Halloween event in Spiral Matrix.
The Event will be held in my world "Imagine". I am posting to ask for some
help with the event.

We are using some Mega path objects and some objects from the Freebies
world. Also we are using objects that I have made and some that were found
on sites with free objects. I am not using any AW stock objects. What I need
are experienced builders and modelers. I also need idea people who would be
willing to implement their ideas through modeling and building them.

If any one is interested in helping please email me at imagines at

And please hurry; there is only a month and a half to go till Halloween. If
there are enough people willing to help I think it will be a great event. :)


Halloween event?

Sep 14, 2003, 8:30pm
Spiral Matrix Universe Here ==========>>>>>>>

My world IN Spiral Matrix Universe is called Imagine. It's named after me :)


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Halloween event?

Sep 15, 2003, 1:47am
WRONG!!! Actually as it turns out a lot of people care about SM. I know I

Also, this dose have something to do with AW. The owner of the universe, a
couple other people and I are hosting this event. I was planning an offical
invitation around the beginning of Oct. This event is being planned for the
residents of AW. If you don't care about SM that is your business, but that
dosn't mean every one feels the same as you. Some people may want to
participate with or with out YOUR approval.

This event was not my idea. But I did go along with it. As it turns out I am
the only one in the world doing any building, object collecting, and object
makeing. I would like to see this happen. I think it would be good
advertising for SM and a lot of fun for the cits of AW. I have asked for
help with it, but if no one wants to help that's fine. I'll do what I can on
my own and if it dosn't look like it's going to come together by Oct. 1
there just won't be an invitation, offical or otherwise, cause it just won't

Again, thank you lightwave for the use of your avs and thank you Shan for
the avs you are makeing. If no one else want's to help out then we will just
see what happens by Oct.1

If you think i'm a bit upset, you are right. I have been working hard and
i'm very tired. I apologize to those who are offended.


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Marriage in the AW family!!!

Sep 22, 2003, 12:35am
Wow, that is such great news :)
I don't know Galen but I know Digi. I am so happy for them both. They look
like they are made for each other. And they look so happy with each other.
I wish them both the best. :)


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Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 4, 2003, 1:27pm
The text in the original post in this thread was not meant as spam. The text
was given to Crazy Pills by me to post here. It was meant to be a polite
invitation to vitit me in my world in Spiral Matrix and have a bit of fun
doing a Halloween pumpkin hunt on Halloween, nothing more. I purposly did
not include any comments about buying cits or worlds. I did invite people to
take a look around. It's kind of like inviteing some one to your home for a
party and inviteing them to check out your house.

I have been a part of AW for years and I have a cit both here and in SM. I
have friends in AW who don't mind going between universes to visit. This
invitation is for them and anyone else who dosn't mind going between
universes. Any one who dosn't like it dosn't have to come, but you are also

I really think that the poeple who are haveing a problem with them is over
reacting to a simple invitation to a halloween event.


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Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 4, 2003, 11:06pm
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Halloween at spiral matrix-Imagine

Oct 4, 2003, 11:11pm
Sorry about the empty post.

If you read the invitation closer, or at all, it states in the invitation
that if a tourist wins the pumpkin hunt they win a Cit.

Tourists are welcome in SM and in Imagine world. Tourists are also welcome
to take part in the event :) So, not cit needed to participate.


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Custom Built Computers

Oct 27, 2003, 12:08am
How much are you chargeing?
How many gigs?
How much ram?
And how much of what ever else the computer would needs to work well with
this environment?
Also what kind of video card?
More info please :)


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SM Halloween Event reminder

Oct 29, 2003, 2:46pm
Hi :)

I know some of you don't want posting about other universes but I DON'T CARE

For those interested :)

Just a reminder about the pumpkin hunt in Spiral Matrix beginning tomorrow
Oct 30th

For more info please see web site :)

Hope to see you all there :)


Rate Active Worlds (the universe we are in now and the software we use) on a scale 1-100. (100 is best)

Nov 17, 2003, 3:43pm
It was 100 but because of the drastic price raise and the tourist fees I
will rate it at 20.
I remember an Active worlds that was bustling with people who would call it
a home away from home, for some an escape from what ever preasures that was
going on in their R/Ls. Now, most of it's most interesting people have left
and it's getting kind of dead in most of the worlds that tourists would go
to and be oriented into the life of AW. Probably cause most of those worlds
aren't open to tourists any more. Now AW is only for those who have good
jobs and can afford the high prices. This leaves out a lot of teens. AW was
a way to keep a lot of teens off the streets and out of trouble. A lot of
teens can't afford the high prices and their parents wouldn't be able to
afford them or just not want to pay them. Wonder how many teens and preteens
came here since the price raises, found how high the prices were, and left.
Wonder how many of them have gotten into trouble finding things to do off
line when they could have been here creating and staying out of trouble.

There are many other reasons I picked 20 as my answer but AWI dosn't really
care about it's clients so this pole won't make much of a diference anyway.


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Virtual Terrorism?

Nov 23, 2003, 9:51pm
****Many years ago when Alpha World was young, a hopeful young lady became a
citizen of our fine community. ****

Is this about you the lady?

****From the moment she entered, she faced harsh
words and criticism. ****

That doesn't happen to every one. What did you do or say to fuel such harsh
words and criticism? Usually in aw if you have a pleasant attitude then
every one else dose too.

****She built a little house out from the view of everyone
yet tried to fit her way into the community. There were good times as well
as bad, but it seemed that for her, the bad times out weighed the good many
times fold.****

Maybe she should have dwelt more on the few good times rather then stewing
over the many bad times.

****She decided to leave but before she did figured she would do so
without ever having left one trace of her existence in the place that had
lended to her hurt. When it was finally done, she left.****

That isn't so unreasonable.

****After her pain and
grief and subsided a bit, she decided to come back to AW and visit some of
those who had been nice to her. Someone asked her how she could have been
so upset as to delete an entire house before she left. She had no answer.
After a short time, she again, tried to build a new home, this time vowing
to never delete again.****

This isn't unreasonable either. Many people have left and then returned
years later to try to make a home in AW again.

****However, when the desperation of her circumstances
grew unbearable, she again formed a pattern of deleting objects. After a
period of two years, she had deleted 6 major builds, but the devastation
went much further than that. Because she was so absorbed with her own pain
and hurt she did not realize that with each build she deleted, she broke
relationships but more than that - the bond of trust she had formed with
those in the community and closest to her. Each time she tried to mend
relationships, her reasoning was that she hadn't hurt anyone but herself
when she deleted her own objects.****

You haven't yet said what the circumstances were. Harsh words and criticism
isn't usually enough to make people act like spoiled babies throwing a
temper tantrum. That's what you did when you kept deleting.

****So, why should they be hurt? What should
it matter to her neighbors?****

Well if they were using your build as part of the background for their build
or part of the ambience of their area, I can see why it would be so annoying
to have part of what they created ripped away over and over.

****And then very harsh reality became her close friend, so close, she
choked on
the truth. Is this the definition of AW Virtual Terrorism?****

No, it is not. What it is, is more like an annoying, temper tantrum
throwing, spoiled babie acting up. No one wants to be around a child who
acts like that when it isn't their own child. So, what you ended up doing
was alienating your friends and neighbors enough that they didn't want to be
around you any more.

****The use or threatened use of force or deletion or altering of objects
and or
property by a person or an organized group against people with the intention
of intimidating or coercing communities, a group of people, a world, a
universe, a galaxy, often for ideological or political reasons.****

See, it's this kind of sentence that gets you in trouble. No one cares about
all that. No one comes to AW to deal with all that. I personally take a live
and let live attitude. You, on the other hand, like to get into other
peoples personal business and try to tell others how to live and behave. No
one wants that.

****Was she a virtual terrorist?****

The first deletion wasn't terrorism, it was her being hurt. I get that. The
following deletions were here being a big spoiled baby. Only cause she didn'
t learn from the first time around. You knew what you left the first time.
You knew what you were coming back to. What made you think it would be any
different if your own way of doing things didn't change?

****She didn't delete anything but her own builds?****

Again, when you delete your build, something like a house and the property
around your house, you also delete the ambience and back grounds of your
neighbors builds. That can be really annoying.

****She wasn't treated very well in many circumstances by those around her
the community. Maybe it was her way of asking for help.****

How did you ask for help?

****Let me ask the
question in another way, if she built a house next door to you in real life,
then tore it down because of what someone in the neighborhood did or didn't
do to her, then came back to build it again, then burned it down, and
continued all over town that way, would you want to be her neighbor? Would
you want to give her any community privileges?****

I some one built a house next door to me then tore it down cause of
something some one in the neighbor hood did to her, I would think she is
within her rights and wish her well where ever she ended up. But, if she
came back, then burned it down, I would think she needs a DOCTOR badly. I
would be really upset at that point because I would then be thinking she may
burn my house down next. It's just a short step from burning your own to
burning others. So, no I wouldn't want her as a neighbor and no, she wouldn'
t get community privileges.

****Another more important question, should we expect Activeworlds, Inc. to
negotiate with helping to give caretaker rights, discounted hosting services
to world owners and similar perks, gratuities, responsibilities to those who
delete, threaten to delete in the AW Universe?****

What has this to do with the original question? The rights you are talking
about apply to private world owners, not to people who build in AW.


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Solo debit cards?

Nov 28, 2003, 5:36pm
This is the first time i've heard of a Solo card. What is a solo card? And,
I am so glad I have a debit card with a Visa :)


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object path passwords cracked

Nov 29, 2003, 5:37am
I got that email too. In fact I got 4 copies of it.

I am on dial up and I have way to many objects to download, so I won't be
able to change my password. I think AW needs to work on a way to repassword
your objects all at once while on your object path.

I don't think changeing the passwords at this point is worth it. If this
person can get the passwords now, he can get them after they are changed.


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Dec 2, 2003, 2:54pm
The truth is that Bruce, in this flame war has done nothing but instigate.
That's right, Bruce is an instigator.

Bruce posted the first post in the flame war, a post that should have been
simply sent to AWI and left to deal with by AWI. As far as I'm concerned non
of this should have been posted in the News Groups. Non of this has anything
to do with the rest of the people in AW. I know that peoples builds were
destroyed, but this is a matter between those people and the world owner and
what ever problems he has going on. Didn't I see something in all this mess
about that world expiring soon anyway? If so, what dose it matter? Nothing
that has happened to you Bruce or your world can be fixed by any one reading
the News Groups. Only AWI can fix anything, and we all know their track
record for fixing things.

Bruce has a track record of making enemies and when they attack them he
comes here to cry about it. Sorry Bruce, that sounds cold but, it's the
truth. This whole thing on your part sounds like a big baby that is throwing
a fit cause he didn't win a game that he started. Every one who is part of
your world problems are acting like children. When children get out of hand
with their games in the house, there comes a time when the parents have to
tell the children to take the whole mess out side and take work it out them
selves. Bruce, since you are the one who keeps this flame going, please take
your little play mates outside of the news groups and work it out your
selves. You have already stated that you are going to take this to court.
So, go do that and when it's all over and done with make a simple post to
simply say who won the war. That's all we need here. We don't need all this
garbage of he said she said. We here can not do anything about it for you,
we shouldn't have to get head aches over it. Please go cry about this
problem somewhere else so the people here can go about our normal News Group

I asked nicely, I said please but, I know you will flame me over my post. I
expect nasty comments about me over it cause I know how childish people are.
So, I won't be hurt over it, I'll just ignore it.

I do hope all this is worked out soon.


Thank you E N Z O :)

Dec 3, 2003, 6:32pm

The Game

Feb 20, 2004, 3:04am
[View Quote] You are just now figureing this out? Do you plan to keep saying people are
attacking you now that you know?

Personally, I don't think this is why people are attacking you. Dig deeper
for your answer as to why :)

>The clock
> in AW gate might represent that it only goes on for a certain amount of
> time.<<<<<

WHAT has the time of day on the AW clock have to do with ANYTHING? Is this a
random thought that just slipped out? There seems to be so many random
thoughts escapeing from your typewriter these days :)

> Now that I have figured this out, I have a responsibility to tell
> you, and also say I will not participate in this whatsoever.<<<<

If that were true, you would not have made this post. THINK ABOUT IT

> And those who
> have deceived or used me to have this game played out to their advantage -
> don't want anything to do with you while this is going on.<<<<

If people are deceiveing you or useing you, I really think it isn't because
of a game. Usually it's your paranoia. The times it's true it's probably
because of something stupid you did.

>I'm not saying I
> dont forgive you, just saying I dont want to be involved with you in any
> way. I will not leave AW, but I certainly don't want to be a part of this
> anymore, in any way, and I will not take anything that is handed to me
> during this "game time".<<<<

You mean you are starting another one of your instagating games and you are
just going to sit back and see what caos it causes again. Is that what you
are saying?

> What a cruel kind of game where no one is told the rules - no one, that
> unless you happen to have a good friend that has figured it out. But why
> should they tell you, it is to their advantage to keep the information to
> themselves. A sick game.

So you think your friend knows something you don't and they aren't talking?
Careful, your paranoia is showing again :)

This only games being played here are the ones started by you. Instagation
and paranoia are games you play very well. You seem to know all the right
buttons to push to cause caos in the news groups. I'm not falling or it.

I thought in the past that maybe you were raised in a convent and the other
sisters failed to teach you about the outside world before they set you
loose. Then I thought that you took drugs, maybe alcohol a bit too. Another
thought that ran throught my mind was that maybe you are in a mental
hospital and you found a way to sneak on to the computer. In which case I
think your keeper shouldn't leave the keys to the computer room laying

No one would be saying anything to you if you didn't always make such weird
posts out of the blue with no facts or any proof to back them up. Most of
your posts are like this one, full of paranoia. There is no secret game in
AW. You seem to have a problem looking at your self realisticlly. The things
YOU do and say is the problem. If you would just act normal you wouldn't
have a problem. But, that may be to much to ask. You have been doing stuff
like this for years and you still don't get it.

I am not playing what ever GAME you are talking about. This post is not
about any GAME. It's just the way I feel when I read your posts.

I have to add tho, if I were playing the game you are talking about. You
most asuredly would NOT be picked to be on my team. Sorry


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