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The Game

Feb 20, 2004, 2:34pm
[View Quote] What corruption is takeing place here in AW? You can't just make a statement
like that and not give examples. We don't know what you are talking about,
so how do you expect us to understand your problem?

>Things that happen in
> AW are weird - also sometimes cruel.

Again; You can't just make a statement like that and not give examples. What
things are weird and cruel? More info please.

>That in itself would be reason to
> wonder if someone is deceiving you.
> You call my experiences paranoia.

No, I said that the things you say in your posts makes you sound paranoid. I
don't know what your experiences are. You never actually tell any one what
they are. You only say, bad things are happening in AW. Well I don't know
what bad things you are talking about cause you never actually say what they

>Things that happen in AW link to local
> locations.<<

Have you considered staying out of those local areas that you seem to be
finding bad things in? Maybe one of the problems is that you keep going back
for more.

>Sometimes in a cruel way, sometimes in a good way.<

We all have to take the good with the bad. Do you expect it ALL to be good?
Life is a mixture of good and bad. Maybe you don't know how to step away
from the bad.

>If this has
> never happened to you, I'm happy for you.<<

Again; You can't just make a statement like that and not give examples.If
what never happened to me? And I really don't seem to be haveing the
problems in AW you are haveing so BE HAPPY FOR ME :)

>However, if it saves one person
> from the agony of wondering if they are the only one, I have found much
> satisfaction in making the post.<<

Ok, i'll bite :)
If any one out there in AW land has been able to sort out the lady's
problems and knows what the heck she is talking about, and especially if her
posts have SAVED you from the AGONY of wondering if You are the ONLY ONE,
please step forward and give her the apreciation she thinks she deserves :)
She really wants to feel satisfied. So, please speak up.


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The Game

Feb 21, 2004, 2:42pm
I may be wrong but, your post seems to indicate that you are under the
impression that the lady is a child? If so; she is not, she is a grown
woman. I am also under the impression you think that this is the first post
the lady has made; it is not. The post made to start this thread is only one
of hundreds of off the wall posts the lady has made over the years. And for
years we have been trying to understand what she is talking about. She isn't
illiterate; she writes quite well. She just omits the explainations for the
problems she dumps on us here. I do understand that kids are in AW and that
kids will say weird things and that's why I don't post on their weird posts.
But, like I said, the lady is not a kid, she is a grown woman. She likes to
stir up trouble in the news groups. I only ask that she explain the problem,
before I respond to the problems she claims to be haveing. As long as she
keeps posting veuge references to problems she is haveing, I will keep
asking her for more info. She seems to feel that it's ok for us to go to war
with people in AW without knowing all the facts.

I am trying to explain my possision on posting on the lady's posts. If I
missed your point, I apologize :) It was kind of hard to understand some of
your post. And I do understand that some people don't have reading and
writeing skills. I am not trying to put down your post in any way.


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The Game

Feb 22, 2004, 10:38pm

This is to the public and to AWI and to the lady.

To the public; Just look at what the ladies garbage has started this time? I
expect that the lady is kicking back in her chair watching this whole thing
between princess newen and 1st and she is haveing a wonderful laugh over the
caos she started this time.

This is what I meant when I said she is an instagator who loves the caos she
creates in the news groups. She hit the jack pot this time.

AWI I don't like seeing people excluded from public areas cause I don't like
to descriminate. But, I do aprove of removeing trouble makers. I know that
even though people at AWI don't like to admit to reading the news groups,
people at AWI do look in on occasion to see what's going on. If you are
reading this, would you mind finding a way to dissalow the lady from posting
in here any more. She is truly a trouble maker, is not liked by any one
because of the trouble she creates. If this were a public area in the RL she
would have been removed from the area a long time ago.

Princess newen, I don't really care what you are. But, for your info, if you
are a man pretending to be a woman, that's fine with me. But, for the fact
that we can't see you physically it would be best to let people know. Cause
I would be very upset if you and I were to become friends and then later on
found out that you were not a woman. It's called deception. I would sugest
that when you deside to make people your friend that you let them know up
front. I also have to say that all this stuff between you and 1st in here is
truly not acceptable. It dosnt' belong in the news groups; it's a personal
thing. Deal with 1st outside of the news groups. Same goes for you 1st. This
is just how I feel about this whole thing.

The lady, you should be ashamed of your self for doing this to people. Every
time you post it seems that some one is hurt in some way. This also is not
acceptable. I do hope that AWI finds a way to prevent you from posting in
here. You claim to be a Christian. Well as far as I can tell what you do is
not Christian in any way. You aren't fooling any one. You need to go find
some other part of the internet to play your games with. Leave AW alone.


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The Game

Feb 22, 2004, 11:50pm
I didn't see you start anything. PN mentioned you. But that is beside the
point. The point is, the lady started this whole thing by posting yet
another of her insane posts. She hits nerves when she dose this and that's
what startes this stuff. Then she sits back and watchs to see what develops
from it. Her insanity has to stop and I hope that AWI sees that. I don't
really care what started the stuff going on between you and PN. I do know
that if the lady hadn't made her post it wouldn't have come to the news
groups. It's best handled off the news groups between the two of you. The
lady is the problem here. What happened between you and NP was a result of
what the lady did.


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The Game

Feb 23, 2004, 11:34pm
The problem is, you have already stated all of that. And, you don't seem to
know how to let the issue go in the news group. I think we all get the
picture with the cage explaination. Do you expect some one here to help you
do something about it? We all understand your issue but there is nothing we
can do about it. The problems you are haveing with 1st and FF is personal,
and should be settled outside the news groups, not rehashed over and over in
the same thread. Move on please.


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The Game

Feb 25, 2004, 12:17am
Thank you :)

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The Game

Feb 25, 2004, 12:24am
If you own the 3d home page, eject is your option for people you dont' get
along with. There is no reason to have stress over people you don't get
along with in your own world, and no reason to give us a blow by blow of
your hello and can I help you conversation. If FF has you muted then he
obviously dosn't want to hear from you so leave him alone and move on. We
don't need to hear all about that either. This is all PERSONAL stuff; we
don't need to hear all about it. It's 1st's business if he wants to change
his name. People change their names in AW all the time. If he is bugging you
in what ever name he is useing email AWI about it. Like I said, this is a
personal thing and there is nothing we can do about it. He dosn't have to
agree with you on anything. People dissagree all the time. Deal with it and
move on.


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question unknown address and exe

Feb 26, 2004, 5:55am
Hi :) Some one sent me a email. In the subject line it only said, You? and
in the text it only said explain! There was an exe attached to the email.

I don't recognize the senders address so I am posting to see if any one here
dose recognize it. If you know who's address this is please email to let me
know :) Here is the senders address 7 at

BTW I send a reply and it came back undeliverable for unknown address.

Needless to say, I haven't tried to open the exe cause I don't truse it :)



question unknown address and exe

Feb 26, 2004, 5:08pm
Thanks every one :)

I have already deleted the email. I dont' open anything I dont' expect or


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Feb 28, 2004, 7:10pm
Yep, I got an email with that in it too and deleted it. But it didn't come
from you.

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Netsky Virus and AW Posters

Mar 9, 2004, 7:24pm
Most people who end up dealing with childish attitudes just deal with them
and move on.
One way to do that is to remove your self from the area and situation. If
that is possible for you then why haven't you done that yet?

Another way is not to give out your personal info if you think there will be
problems cause of it. Have you ever heard this? If you dont' want it
repeted; don't say it. Or in this case, don't type it :) It's very true and
maybe you have given out to much info to fule people fires with.

I have found that most people who end up being pleuged by childish attituds
usually bring it on them selves by haveing a childish attitude of their own
and they just don't know when to stop or walk away.

It will not do you any good to cry about the Netsky virus in the news
groups. I asked about it a while back in here cause it was new to me and I
ended up with it on my web site and got 3 diferent emails with it in them.
But, when I found out what it was I did what I needed to do so that,
hopefully, I wouldn't get them again. I understand that they come in mass
mailings and the people mailing them don't know they are mailing them.
That's jsut the way the virus works.

It won't do any good to point fingers and place blame cause NO ONE knows who
started it. From your posts I am getting the feeling that some one teased
you and told you they sent them to you. Well, most people would know that
was just BS and ignore it. But it seems it gets your goat. The more you
complain about it the more you let them win.

Don't take it personal that you got the emails with the Netsky in them. It
WASN"T a personal attack. No one is out to get you. At least that way :) You
are just one of the people who ended up getting it cause you were on some
ones email list who ended up haveing it.

So, deal with it please and move on :)

And by move on, I don't mean find something else to cry about.

Also, I have been here since 1997 and I sware, you and the lady have 2 of
the most childish attitudes I have seen yet. Did you ever think that maybe
it's you who are doing something wrong and not every one else you come into
contact with?


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aw Community Hate Mail Straight from The sources

Mar 11, 2004, 12:42am
[View Quote] If he is a tourist at the moment then he can't read this any way. So, at the
moment as far as he is conserned you are just blowing a lot of hot air.

> and how my life and all got mixed up in thta is beyond me.<<<

Your personal life got mixed up in this when YOU CHOSE TO plaster your
personal information on a web page for all to read, and it spead more when
YOU aparently brought it to some ones attention in AW. The problems you are
haveing are initially caused by YOU, and your big mouth :) Sorry that's just
common sence.

It was about
> the AW community and the Way things were shaping up, and not to benefit
> the one thing that drives AW, the Tourists.<<<

I think at this point NO ONE really cares about your personal problems in RL
or AW. When some one acts like they do care and trys to help you turn it
around and make it into a personal attack. I said once before and I'll say
it again, You are bringing all your problems on your self.

Please back off this. No one wants to hear it.

Go away please.


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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 4:48pm
You think in weird ways.

Children blowing them selves up in Isreal has nothing to do with VR. VR is a
diferent kind of reality. When are you going to get it? AW is vertual
reallity. It is not physical. The things happening in Isreal is REAL LIFE.
It's physical. If a child blows him self up in AW it's pretend. If a child
blows him self up in Isreal its for keeps; he dies.

I am discusted at the fact that you brought that into the news groups as
part of your weird reasoning. And it's insulting to the memories of those
children. No one in AW is being brainwashed. Maybe what your good friend
meant by saying that you see what you want to see is, YOU don't see the
whole picture, YOU only see what you want to see. Maybe he meant that
YOU are not thinking right. Maybe he meant for you to back up and take a
good look. You are alway saying stuff that tells every one reading it that
you think AW IS REAL LIFE. IT IS NOT!!

Some people do make good friends in aw. And those friendships may extend
into the real world, but that is between friends. Other then that AW is a
place where people come to mentaly escape from the real world for a few
hours. It is not meant to be a replacement for real life. You seem to have
crossed the line and you think aw is real life.

I for one don't really care about the vertual polotics of the Gatekeepers or
your dissagreements with them. And, I expect most other people don't really
care for it either. It's a personal thing between you and them. I don't come
to AW for politics or to take up arms against your vertual enemies. If you
tryed to become a gate keeper and were rejected by them, I'm sorry about
that. You are probably not the only one who has been rejected over the
years. That's just the way it goes when looking for a job. But, you have
been pouting and complaining about it long enough. MOVE ON!!! Give it a

There is a diference.


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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 28, 2004, 11:28pm
I'll admid that my spelling is bad. It's a word I don't spell often sorry
about that. meant no disrespect.


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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 12:02am
[View Quote] You are entitled to your opinion. : )

> Children blowing them selves up in Isreal has nothing to do with VR.

Children blowing themselves up in Israel have been brainwashed.
Some people in AW are brainwashed. See the parallel?

VR is a
> diferent kind of reality. When are you going to get it? AW is vertual
> reallity. It is not physical. The things happening in Isreal is REAL LIFE.
> It's physical. If a child blows him self up in AW it's pretend. If a child
> blows him self up in Isreal its for keeps; he dies.

I have seen statements similar to yours by other people, in gz areas and in
the newsgroup. It is an attempt to spawn discussion about and/or validate
what everyone here already knows, that AW is real life. Problem is many of
us, including some of the first citizens, wanted to keep the two kinds of
lives separate. It can be damaging to live two lives, one in VR, the other
in our local lives (I choose to not say real life anymore - local and VR are
the terms I use). Also, we all are vulnerable to laying aside the problems
in real life and taking on the ones here. For people that already have
strong independant living skills before they come to AW, it might not be so
hard. However, take someone that has been through a traumatic experience,
depressed, a child still living at home, a struggling marriage or shy
people, they are very vulnerable to trying to separate their experience here
with the one in their locality. I guess it's not much different than a
married woman or man cheating once a month on their spouse by flying to
another state to live it up for a weekend. It can also be compared to a
minister going to another state where he is not known to buy pornography.
So, if a child blows himself up in Israel, it is for keeps, he dies. If a
minister's pornography is found by his laymen, it is for keeps, he is asked
to leave the church. If a married woman or man is found cheating once a
month by their spouse on that free-for-all weekend, the spouse and
relationship is devastated. See the parallel? There is no difference in VR
truth and Local Life truth. One is no more or less important than the

be physical repercussion that could end up really screwing up their physical
lives. I still don't see what parallel there is to VR. If you do those
things in RL you can't just turn off your live and move to something else
like you can turn off the computer and move on. That's the difference.<<<<<<

> I am discusted at the fact that you brought that into the news groups as
> part of your weird reasoning. And it's insulting to the memories of those
> children. No one in AW is being brainwashed. Maybe what your good friend
> meant by saying that you see what you want to see is, YOU don't see the
> whole picture, YOU only see what you want to see. Maybe he meant that
> YOU are not thinking right. Maybe he meant for you to back up and take a
> good look. You are alway saying stuff that tells every one reading it that
> you think AW IS REAL LIFE. IT IS NOT!!

I think the above paragraphs address this portion of your post as well.

> Some people do make good friends in aw. And those friendships may extend
> into the real world, but that is between friends. Other then that AW is a
> place where people come to mentaly escape from the real world for a few
> hours. It is not meant to be a replacement for real life. You seem to have
> crossed the line and you think aw is real life.

around or you are using AW and other avenues as mentioned above as an
escape. The two must be kept in proportion to one another, otherwise it can
be damaging. More than that, it can lead to more serious things such as
brainwashing and human experimentation.<<<

Human experimentation in AW? Ok you added a new one. What? When? Where? Who?
Why? HUH? LoL

Ok if you say so.

> I for one don't really care about the vertual polotics of the Gatekeepers
> your dissagreements with them. And, I expect most other people don't
> care for it either. It's a personal thing between you and them. I don't
> to AW for politics or to take up arms against your vertual enemies. If you
> tryed to become a gate keeper and were rejected by them, I'm sorry about
> that. You are probably not the only one who has been rejected over the
> years. That's just the way it goes when looking for a job. But, you have
> been pouting and complaining about it long enough. MOVE ON!!! Give it a
> rest.

> There is a diference.

given leadership rolls in the community is a serious community issue as well
as a concern for humanity as a whole. Move on? No. I've made it my

You sure make a lot of things your business. Can't you just mind your own

Look, all your complaining and pouting won't get you that job, and it won't
change the rules they go by that lost you that job. All you will accomplish
is to alienate a whole lot of people. Wouldn't it be better to get your own
world and start your own organization? You could be the leader. You could
use it to change things about AW that you don't like. Just send your
grievances to AWI as an organization. Maybe it will change things to your
favor if you go about this in a business like manner. Instead of, bad
mouthing the people in charge of the parts of aw that you want changed. You
can't change anything by doing all this in the news groups. No one here has
authority to change anything in AW.


Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 12:05am
Well I used spell check for my last post a minute ago and it probably still
has typos lol
I noticed after I sent it that I cut out the wrong parts also, so it will be
hard to figure out who is saying what. Man, I'm doing good today lol


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Personal View - Suggestive Text and Images

Mar 29, 2004, 2:21am
Wrong. I am very open minded. That's probably why I dont' have any problems
with people in AW. I dont' go around looking for wrongs in AW. I just live
my VR life there as peacefully as possible and help in the community by
teaching. I dont' go around trying to pick out the people who I think are
good and bad. I don't hang around and go on personal crusades when I think
something is wrong; I just go on my way and live and let live. That's the
beauty of AW. There are so many diferent people from so many diferent
countries and all have their own VR personalities and ways of doing things.
And I dont' see anything wrong with any of them. There is no right or wrong
way in AW. If you don't like what is going on in the area around you, you
can move to another area or world and make friends there. So far, I haven't
run into any problems with any world. You seem to see problems every where
cause you seem to be the kind of person who isn't happy unless you have
something to complain about and some one to point a finger at. Why can't you
just find a place of your own in Active Worlds and just live and let live.
If you let the anger and hostility you are showing go, you will be a more
happy person. Believe me, I don't think any one comes to AW to get into
politics, and I expect no one wants to listen to your rantings and finger
pointing. My mind is open enough to be able to walk away from what I dont'
like in aw so that I can live in aw without stress. You should try it. I
think you would be more happy. But, some how, I dont' think you will cause
like I said, you seem to thrive on the stress you cause your self and
because of that you need others to feel the same stress. Maybe you need to
open your mind. There are plenty of terrible things going on in the real
world right now, and I think maybe your anger and crusadeing would be more
of use to help those situations. Compared to the real world problems, AW
problems are nothing. You need to step back and take a good look. Your
crusade is NOT important to me; there are more important things to stress
about in the REAL LIFE.


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Reward System.

Apr 2, 2004, 5:27am
I agree. And they should do it retroactively. Cause I would get a free life
time on my cit or world renewal for all the people I have already talked
into signing up lol

Take up a petition to send to AWI about it and i'll sign it :)


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Reward System.

Apr 3, 2004, 11:21pm
Who is paying for the cit extentions and free cits and such? Is AWI
sponsering your project?

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Lara & Raine. Have Passed Away?

Apr 3, 2004, 11:44pm
I got the card today too. It had the messege that they passed away bot on
the other side it says I'm very sorry, please forgive me. I thought that
part was strange.

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May 24, 2004, 12:49am
Since you can't see what is in the zip till it's downloaded, would you mind
marking the pictures in some way for the avs that are in the zip? That way
people will know what they are downloading before hand. Also Mark the ones
that are not free or for sale, so people will know that as well.


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Corrupt PK's & AW the Company

Jun 29, 2004, 4:40pm
Wrong. The original post was not INFORMATION; it was the same old COMPLAINT
about PK's and AWI that I have been hearing for years here in the NG's. And
as always, the people here in the NG's have no power or authority to do
anything about it. You are beating a dead horse by venting your complaints
here. Please take your complaints to the proper authority, organization and
or company. If they don't do anything about it then, I'm sorry; try to live
with it and move on. If they do something about it then, more power to you.
Good luck :)


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A good 4th of July!

Jul 3, 2004, 7:32pm
Thank you Xela :)

And just so you don't have to miss out.
Loading up the bottle rocket........
Lighting the fuse......
Shooting a fire work Xela's way

Oh pretty. Red, green, blue, yellow. It's so pretty. Hope you can see it ok

Just cause you don't celebrate the 4th as independants day, doesn't mean you
can't bar b que and light a sparkler just for the heck of it, anyway, you
know :)

You have a good 4th too :)


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AWHS Old Timer's Day

Jul 12, 2004, 7:58pm
Did you just call me old? I ask as I brush my gray hair lol
Send a reminder and I may come :)


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3 cob seqs to seq files

Aug 5, 2004, 2:20pm
Try useing accutrans


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Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 22, 2004, 7:27pm
HI :)

I have just finished makeing a Shrek house model and i'm selling it for $22.

The house has a cave attached. I think it would be the wood shed in my world

If you would like to view it, you can find it in the world Image at 7.09N
0.25E 0.00a 141

Contact me, Imagine, for paypal info.

Imagine :)

Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 22, 2004, 10:29pm
Thank you :)


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Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 23, 2004, 2:55pm
HI :)

Yes, that's the one from the movie. There is a picture of a screen capture,
I took from the Shrek site, in front of the house in Image. What is cc?


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Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 23, 2004, 8:10pm
Oh ok.

Well I'm going to do some Shrek stuff in my world. No, it's not the original
model that they used in the movie. It's a model I made from scratch while
looking at a picture of the one in the movie.

I was wondering if you are asking the same question of the people in aw who
are makeing and useing lord of the ring objects and avs.Or for that matter
any other objects and avs that were modeled after movies they saw, such as
say, monsters inc.?

Not trying to start anything, just wondering.

I am makeing a Shrek av next and need to know if that is going to be a
problem for anyone.


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Shrek house for sale :)

Dec 23, 2004, 9:05pm
Thank you :)

I am making a Shrek head right now for the av. When the Shrek av is finished
I'm making accessories for the Shrek house, like, a fire place and that pot
that hangs inside, Table, chairs, food and 3 blind mice :) Also some
accessories for the Yard, like an out house. I will be selling them in sets
when they are finished. So, expect more for sale posts soon. Well not to
soon, I still need time to make them lol


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