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datedman // User Search
datedman // User SearchI know how you like your updates...Apr 22, 2001, 5:50am
Never ignore warnings from a C compiler...
[View Quote] > 6 Errors > 35 Warnings > > 6 Errors are all from the gd graphics library, and should be solved soon > 35 Warnings are mostly all conversions and are all from the gd graphics > library, and, because of the way the library works, will be ignored. > > Also, I have one question going around (How to do you shell) > > Beta testing will probably be running until Friday, and the first 3 people > to e-mail me at joshua_trask at will be put on the beta team, and > after that, if all is working OK, then the new hQuest bot & game will be > opened for the public to play :-) > > -RD I know how you like your updates...Apr 22, 2001, 11:25am
Right so you cast it or you round it using the function library. Otherwise you
get in bad habits and sooner or later you refer to an int as a float or whatever, and BAP it writes into the neighboring byte and costs you a lotta grief! [View Quote] > They're conversion things about doing float to int between pixels, and since > I don't believe you can plot a pixel at, for example, 45.6798, I don't think > it's anything to fix. However, I have worked out all the warnings that came > from my code :-) > -RD [View Quote] Re: Warning about Hare, version 1.1Apr 22, 2001, 5:51am
Just reinstall Windoze over it.
[View Quote] > Amen the system damage on uninstall. This is apparently because it replaces parts of the Windows Kernel with it's own code and > doesn't put it back on uninstall. *thwack* Now I have a busted comp and a huge gap in my network to fix. > > I have decided to cease all testing of this product on my equipment due to risk to inevitable damage to my work and/or machinery. > Apparently this is their way of forcing you to purchase it. Not a healthy buisiness practice. Re: Warning about Hare, version 1.1Apr 22, 2001, 11:25am
Neither am I, but dammit I can't get out of the habit of saying and doing stupid things! :)
[View Quote] > I'm not stupid :) > [View Quote] Re: Hare, version 1.1Apr 22, 2001, 11:26am
Heehee how far can ya deflate from $40?
[View Quote] > Wow, you spend most of what you make on extra Duron 700s?? Why not some cool > clothing, some groceries, that brand spanking new car, college money, etc. > Why DID you buy two extra when you could've bought just one extra and by the > time you need another one, the price could potentially deflate? > > Nornny > [View Quote] another countApr 29, 2001, 12:18pm
Actually at one time I think there WERE only Americans in AW...I remember how excited I was to
see someone speaking another language for the first time. :) That was long ago tho. [View Quote] > Even Americans have a hard time thinking that AW is American :) > > Put one in the capitalist pig *grin* column for me [View Quote] To FactorMay 19, 2001, 7:20pm
Well when you call an ISP a *twitfuck* getting some action is gonna be tough. :)
[View Quote] [View Quote] Posting in HTMLMay 19, 2001, 7:17pm
Look, if you don't have bandwidth, GET YOUR OWN GODDAMNED NEWSGROUP it's the
21st Century ya know. Back when half the people on the Net had a 14.4 connect, complaints about bandwidth wasting had some validity. Now most of them are just a sign of brain rot or something, witness Eep. :) [View Quote] > Some people download all messages and read them offline. > > Look at this scenario: > > 300 posts 1-2KB each (text) > 300 posts 3-6 KB each (HTML) > > If you aren't lucky enough to be on broadband, then 300KB-600KB is a lot > more convenient to download than 900KB-1.8 MB. > > It all adds up, you see. > [View Quote] Posting in HTMLMay 21, 2001, 5:16pm
I'm just tired of seeing people use bandwidth bitching about bandwidth :)
Fact is, I used to write DOS programs in C and they were TINY and I worked like hell to get every extra byte out. So I'm thrifty in general. But SHEESH, enough is enough, we're not using 300 baud modems anymore. [View Quote] > Bad argument : > > - The bandwidth is not only affected by the line from the > reader to his ISP. > > - Why waste ressources if it isn't neccessary, just because > they are available? This philosophy makes many windows > programs so bad. > [View Quote] more info on above postMay 19, 2001, 7:03pm
The registry went in relatively early but Ron misplaced a coupla magic numbers
so there were a bunch of spots where you could encroach because it was checking to see if anyone else had built in some OTHER area instead of there... The Ctrl key was even earlier but it was the Alt key that really HONKED. I remember, I was BEGGING for teleports forever, and Ron was all like, nope it ruins the similitude of reality or some shit that he got from a bunch of asses who theorized what VR should be like. Maybe Digigardener hehe, doesn't he have a PhD? LOL those guys crack me up, When I saw on the website for Middle Earth that it wasn't going to have quick teleport/recall/whatever I knew THAT game would never see the light of day... So anyway one night, I was SO immersed in AW back then, and I had AW dreams alla time...and I dreamed of being able to WARP. In my dream actually when you started to warp everything took on a ghostly aspect and the ground changed to a grid. Funny, I think they are doing it something like that in Anarchy Online. Anyway, I called Ron all excited about it, like hey man we could do it THIS way, and you'd just be er, well, WARPing reality instead of punching holes through it. He says hold on click click click click and it was done. Well ALmost that quick, really. And warp really ROCKED I was so sorry to see it go... Lotta this stuff is in the Times archive which still exists somewhere on my web server. :) [View Quote] > lolol > [View Quote] more info on above postMay 19, 2001, 7:15pm
LOL *telegrams?* We didn't have a *menu.* And there was no icq, we used Powwow,
I loved that loon call. :) And we ate the bark off trees, and we LIKED it that way! [View Quote] > Yep, I remember King Punisher and his "posse" back in 1995 very well. > Could never forget the AW Police Department, either. ;) And the New > World Times brings back memories as well. Not to worry though; all of > the bugs and vulnerabilities Punisher and his group exploited in the AW > software have been fixed. It is indeed an interesting story and captures > a period of time when AW was in its infancy. I encourage all citizens > that immigrated from 1997 on to look at the screen shots of the AW > Browser on that website. THAT is what us "old timers" had to use way > back when. They didn't even have telegrams back then (which could either > be a good OR a bad thing, depending on how you look at it ;). It is my > personal view that King Punisher and his fellow members have left AW for > good (I doubt he ever registered a citizenship when now AWCI started > charging for them). But I do believe that Punisher paved the way for all > of the other "hacker groups" and "vandalism groups" that existed/still > do exist in AW today. It is an interesting part of AW history. > > Builderz > Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services > > PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use) > [View Quote] more info on above postMay 21, 2001, 5:14pm
heehee, I am still using icq 99b.
[View Quote] > You got me. I forgot about the lack of menu support back then too. Heck, > some of these "Active Worlds clones" people are trying to make seem to > have more features than the first version of the AW browser had in it. > Hehe. Ah, yes. I also remember PowWow. That used to be a good program. > If I can recall correctly, it had a white board type feature in it that > I used to use fairly often. I used to talk to this one AW citizen from > Israel over PowWow a lot. And you're right; you gotta love that loon > wave file. ;) Beats the ICQ "horn" sound. The latest version of ICQ, > IMO, is bloatware. Ever since AOL bought/merged/whatever with Mirabilis, > you could tell it would turn into either ad-ware or bloatware. > > Builderz > Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services > > PGP Key ID: 0xAC0E7073 (for non-commercial use) > [View Quote] Old reviewMay 19, 2001, 7:12pm
I'm trying to remember the name of the guy who whispered to me about AW
in Worlds Chat, like, you didn't hear it from me! He was citizen 3 I think, he and his buddy errrrrm....King....Kingsomething dammit I am so bad with names, GERSH! And Kingummmmmmm I'll remember Kingpin, Kingfish, Kingahwell maybe later but the two of them had laid out the road system and a bunch more which seemed to be an amazing building feat at the time. Their roads led all the way to the ends of the world, 200 in each direction. :) And in those days if you hit 200 you fell off into the water so there were beach resorts at the edges. KINGWOOD! :) I think those asses sold KW's account but his estate may still be there around 10N 1W. Of course in those days it was something like "-1, 10". :) Since moving around was slow, Gers or KW or Grover hadda kind of lead me to a building spot for me at like, -14,14 which seemed kina far out from GZ but WTH. :) [View Quote] > And thank goodness for us you found it HenrikG! > did everyone else hear of Activeworlds? > I was told about it by a school teacher friend back in 97:) Old reviewMay 21, 2001, 5:14pm
Heh I thot I created the first Cy statue :)
[View Quote] > Makes me sad to see the creator of the Cy statue gone:( > His creation is what made the Cy's so classy:) imho Old reviewMay 28, 2001, 8:18am
Iunno about the cute gold statue, havent seen it but I did a giant statue
of Cy in gold I think, on a pedestal with a plaque a long time ago. And yes I am DM of old. [View Quote] > Huh? > Are you Dataman and did you do that cute gold statue that a replica is > hiding under aw gz?:) AMR Expansion slot?May 20, 2001, 3:51am
I think that's one of those let's-find-a-way-to-charge-more features.
[View Quote] > I got myself a new motherboard that has an AMR expansion slot. What is it? > lol > > Tyberius Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...May 23, 2001, 6:20am
Look we know they're dipshits but (1) Greed drives business and (2) they don't listen to guys like you because you're OFFENSIVE. That, and clueless. :)
Plus it's easier to listen to 1 or 2 people than a bunch. To listen to a bunch you really have to go out there and interact. Actually that's what I used to do once upon a time, Ron would ask how I thought people would react to something and I'd already have a pretty good idea but I'd fire up Powwow and ask Littlebull and a bunch of others... But it is unusual for a software company (or anyone really) to be actually using its own product. [View Quote] > 450 citizens = $9000. If you're smart you won't simply brush them off, or the 1250 citizens ($25,000) who want particular features implemented. In case you haven't noticed, AW doesn't have that many citizens (currently "over 40,000") according to unproven universe stats ( Now, granted, most people can't agree on what should be implemented first, but why does a single "user" (company, most likely) worth $25,000 dictate AW's development when MANY more $20 users are using AW MUCH more often and to a greater technical/creative degree? Where's the logic in that other than greed? > > If anything you (AWCI) should be listening to older and more experienced AW users--people who KNOW AW better than AWCI does for the most part, including Roland--for AW's development future. Money doesn't make one intelligent or knowledgeable enough to know what features should be implemented next. > [View Quote] Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...May 28, 2001, 8:20am
Um it's "gullible." Just because something is a WORD doesn't mean it's the RIGHT one. :)
Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...May 30, 2001, 10:58pm
Imanewbie :)
[View Quote] > Forget how to quote what you're specifically responding to, DM? tsk tsk... > [View Quote] I encountered a bug lastnight..May 31, 2001, 1:21am
A t1 line is 24 fone lines, KIND of, but it's about a grand a month including
the 'fone lines' [View Quote] > t1 is phone line you caneven split it off and have a extra phone line [View Quote] eepMay 31, 2001, 1:19am
People grow but they don't change...
[View Quote] > GOING CRAZY! > Wise up people! Please! > I was probally the most ignorant person when I came here, people change, > some don't. Change for the better! > [View Quote] E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Aug 22, 2001, 12:25pm
OK lemme just tell ya, the way I recall it, the statement that AW would always
be free came from Danny (Kalak) and when he said it the rest of us kina said....WHAT??? (I'm assuming here that yer talking about the "lie" about AW always being free.) What was that quote from Jubal whats-is-name from Heinlein's Moon is a Harsh Mistress? Something like, "never attribute things to malice when incompetency would suffice..." OK I'm not even close but you get the idea. THIS AIN'T GM LYING ABOUT SAFETY FEATURES IN CARS FOLKS. If you wanna be paranoid about something, be paranoid about something where there's actually malice at work. And OTOH, for those who are concerned about the AWCOM people getting bashed and then not participating anymore...oh GEEZ get REAL. The Internet is fulla morons. If you wanna post in a newsgroup you can be assured yer gonna get flamed by morons. That's no excuse not to post. :) [View Quote] > and... WHAT IF YOU LIED??? it really wouldn't surprise me if you did... > > KAH > PS. it's your fault nobody (except those that play nice so they get free > worlds...) REALLY trusts you... > [View Quote] E N Z O's & JP's Perseverance!!!!!Aug 3, 2001, 2:44pm
Actually neither Rick nor JP has the faintest idea what the hell is going on
hehe. Whomever is making the "design decisions," Roland is in charge of development. This is fairly common in software companies altho in this case management is even more clueless than average. :) [View Quote] [View Quote] E N Z O's & JP's Perseverance!!!!!Aug 22, 2001, 12:03pm
Yah and a lotta people will tell you George Bush is in charge of the country :)
[View Quote] > Uh, Roland told me so himself that JP has been in charge of AW's development direction for about the past year, Rus...ask Roland if you don't believe me. <shrug> > [View Quote] OFF TOPIC ATN. facter fire wall testingAug 3, 2001, 2:42pm
I do NOT!
[View Quote] > you know, i have a friend who resorts to calling people 5 year-olds when > he's getting in a pissy mood. :P > [View Quote] Neverwinter Nights ToolsetJun 2, 2002, 8:30pm
Heehee. This summer? Been hearing that for a few years now...
[View Quote] > Bioware ( has made its online world-building toolset > available for free download. This is a sample of the toolset that will come > with the Neverwinter Nights game this summer. > > NWN will be playable as an offline single-player game or as an online > multiplayer world for up to 64 players (there will be no monthly fee for > using your worldserver and you can choose who and how many to admit to your > world). > > I've been playing with the toolset since it came out over the weekend, and > it is amazingly easy to use, especially for AW citizens. The sample toolset > has a vast number of terrain tiles, buildings, avatars, clothing, movable > objects, etc., and it only covers Rural and Crypt building (Forest, City, > etc., will be revealed in the game set). That Bioware site has FAQ's, a > Toolset Forum, News, and Links to the numerous fan sites (like > World builders will be able to set up > teleports to their friends' world (no universe fee either, just pay once for > the game). > > Check it out. Bioware is the maker of the bestseller Baldur's Gate > role-playing game series. But.....AW world builders can just use the > Neverwinter Toolset to build their own worlds and link into a universe of > AW-like worlds. |