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Announcing our new Hosting Prices

Apr 4, 2001, 11:25am
Linux is a toy compared to NT IMO. However the world server software was originally written for unix and debugged there, whereas the
NT version always sucked because nobody involved really understood Winsock :)

Not that NT doesn't suck in many ways. And nobody hates MS as much as I do, hell I got physically ill (flu symptoms but no fever)
following my last visit to their Seattle campus some time ago..and a friend claims it was a psychological reaction to the visit. But
linux is really just not in the same league as NT for my money. I can't believe that IBM ships it with their systems and claims that
they have the answers to interplatform connectivity etc.

And since you mention Red of the BIGgest problems with linux is all the different versions...I chose RH because someone had
a CD of it hehe, and it's supposedly good for newbies such as myself. But linux reminds me of the protestants, too many sects. :)
Also, the docs suck, support sux, etc. it's just not as easy to deal with as NT/2K. It certainly has its place but I think I'd
rather go BSD on my next unix box.

[View Quote] > Hi,
[View Quote]

Announcing our new Hosting Prices

Apr 4, 2001, 2:41pm
Well if they're all the same, WHY ARE THERE SO MANY hehe. Lots of docs don't mean DECENT docs, and what I mean really is like, what MS has
on their website. They have zillions of bugs yah, but they have support docs to deal with em. :)

In the case of the AW software it's just a shitty port to NT. :)

[View Quote] > Hi,
> <..snip...>
> Sorry, have to disagree. Linux is linux. The commands and OS are the
> same on each distribution, its only in terms of installation and various
> ways to incorporate extra apps that alters the paths etc betwen
> distro's. And there isn't much difference to BSD. Btw, there are tons of
> docs on everything - in a lot of cases you can't even avoid getting the
> docs when you install apps etc even when you don't want them.
> Just as "dir" is the sae no matter what version of MSDos or Win you are
> using, "ls" is the same on every flavour of linux.
> Still as you say, AW was written for Unix/Linux, so it runs better on
> Linux, there are some things that run better on NT.
> --
> Cheers,
> Who

AWJBell tools...

Apr 5, 2001, 12:11am
Hehe, only thing is some pizza tastes laggier than other pizza no matter how big it is...

[View Quote] > LOL read my bandwidth definition? I'm not sure if it's ENTIRELY accurate-that's just how i precieve it..
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 4, 2001, 11:49am
Once more...WHO CARES man. I pretty much wrote the book on this shit.

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 4, 2001, 11:51am
And btw if I ever DO rewrite stuff, I let the author know I did so. But I don't really care a whole lot whether you think I copied a few precious paragraphs of your stuff. I usually copy better sources when I do copy hehe, and even then I don't COPY so much as STEAL :0

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 4, 2001, 2:36pm
Right, yer correct I should know I named it Active Worlds altho as I think I
said before I didnt even LIKE that name heehee. And it was Alphaworld because
it was in alpha test. When it went to beta we were all like, ummmm what do we
do now call it betaworld? :)

[View Quote] > explain how the name alphaworld in may of 96 is unsure or wrong ..........
> because that is all i put in here . i also only stated that aw became
> activeworld AFTER this time. but of coarse not everyone would remember this
> cause they were NOT there.
> peac :)
[View Quote]

Letter from Lanezeri. . . He is still watching us!

Apr 5, 2001, 12:00am
Hmmm, I know you can use (R) in a program without registering it...

[View Quote] > Please see my comments below:
[View Quote]

Letter from Lanezeri. . . He is still watching us!

Apr 5, 2001, 12:14am
Correct, you don't really need a firewall if your server is set up correctly. Well, not unless some malicious bastard starts
attacking you hehe, I just set up one on my Tribes server just to see who the hell was being malicious.

Obviously, there's no way a legal battle could be won about this website and in fact there's little or no loss involved so the lawyers
would laugh, not enough money for them to get a decent piece. I just think it's kind of a crappy thing to steal from someone you
plan to compete with. However, BILL likes to do it so it must be OK! But then he has a LOTTA LOTTA lawyers. :)

[View Quote] > there's not enough evidence to prove that it is Stuff-X's website... it would be too hard of a case for him to win.. so if he did
> sue you.. not only would you need not worry-he would lose a lot of the money he made (or hasn't made) on his poor-priced "company"
> and i'm sure all the "cutting edge" and "award winning" statistics aren't exactly precise.. especially since the cutting-edge
> security software is so cutting-edge he won't say the name.. i used to use a firewall my service.. but i realized i didn't really
> need it because i'm not stupid enough to enable myself to potentially harmfull damage.. oh-well..
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

Letter from Lanezeri. . . He is still watching us!

Apr 5, 2001, 12:17am
Hehe welcome to my Troll List ;)

[View Quote] > J B E L L let me guess, you dont charge much because your service sucks!

Builderz this is going OTT

Apr 5, 2001, 12:07am
I'd guess On The Toilet, the way this discussion is going :)

[View Quote] > May I ask what OTT is?
> Also this is from
> "DomainValet reserves the right to cancel/terminate any Web site for any
> reason at any time. As a member of DomainValet, you and you alone take the
> full responsiblity for the contents of your Web pages. Copyrighted or copies
> of other Web sites are not allowed. DomainValet has the right to remove any
> page it determines has violated these conditions."

Re: newbiness (was Re: AW name history)

Apr 5, 2001, 12:09am
Well, I was trying to come up with something dynamic, and I used ActiveX as an
example. So I told Cole, we want something like that but with the same punch
the X gives it. He said well that's good enough. :)

[View Quote] > Indeed:)
> but at the end of the day I remember someone else coming along and saying,
> it don't matter as long as we keep AW as the initials:))))
> You grouched about Active Worlds for ages, but what choice was there?? :))
> Moria
[View Quote]

Dear AWCom.

Apr 5, 2001, 7:45pm
Funny shit man

[View Quote] > shh.. keep that to yourself.. don't get me in trouble only five minutes after it went up...
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]


Apr 5, 2001, 7:52pm
Many companies use Delaware to form a corporation for tax reasons or some shit. I think it's
because they don't have a state income tax, I forget...

[View Quote] > But they are incorporated under Delaware law.
> -Agent1
[View Quote]


Apr 5, 2001, 11:25pm
Nope. There is no state income tax in Florida...

[View Quote] > It's sales tax, not income tax. They still pay income tax no matter what in
> every state.
[View Quote]

Talk about a bunch of twitts!

Apr 6, 2001, 7:48pm
WildAW? Hell Aw had sooooo many of those things, someone laid em all over the GZ area underground took me hours to delete just the
ones in that area and they extended out quite a ways

[View Quote] > ha.. that's nothing.. you should have seen wildaw before they fixed the zpict1 problem in the registry.. these freakin things were
> everywhere..
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

Talk about a bunch of twitts!

Apr 7, 2001, 4:14am
Yah sorry I meant pict1, was the same basically. I think what caused it was that instead of fixing things to work properly in another
place, Ron originally tweaked the registry maker so that it subtracted some width from things or whatever. So the picture object was
thin enough that it came out 0...and someone macroed like nine thousand of them underground in AW in the cracks between cells, which
slowed the frame rate near GZ to a crawl (was close already [g].) They ALL had the SAME picture on em, with max refresh rate grrrr.

[View Quote] > no.. you don't even know, lol.. in the registry zpict1 was a 0 x 0 object.. inbetween any two objects (gapped or not) a person could
> fit one of them..
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 8, 2001, 12:00am
Heh I back up to a different machine daily, then every coupla days I back up to tape and my wife takes that offsite pretty regularly.
And just because I am PARanoid, I mirror the hard drives. I also provide ftp access to the daily backups for those who want it. So
BASically, there's just no way in hell the data is gonna get lost, but I am worried about it anyway. :)

And people wonder why I don't undercut prices... :)

[View Quote] > NOBODY can guarautee against data corruption without lying. Anything can happen. I could back up this news message to 900000000
> different drives and theres a small, yet still present risk that they would all go corrupt or otherwise become unusable. Backing up
> to two seperate drives on the same computer, or even on two computers on the same power network is not safe. Even if both have
> quintuiple power surge/spike protectors, all five of those could easily be fried and resultingly destroy all the electronic
> equipment at the other end (worst case, but still possible)
[View Quote]

AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 8, 2001, 12:03am
Um, man take a look at this kid's email address. He's an apPRENTice troll, not even on His CrEepiness's the would say in
the UK, Pond Scum. Cool off, relax go have a beer or sumpin. :)

[View Quote] > *picks the mud back up from the ground and throws it back* [censored]

AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 10, 2001, 7:22am
Dunno, I ain't worried about lawsuits, I don't have much to take, unless ya want
some debts. :)

[View Quote] > What if someone were to pass a nuclear bomb over your way and all the data
> got lost, and for some miracle your survived. Would they still be eligable
> to sue you>
[View Quote]

AWJBell Services New Pricing!

Apr 10, 2001, 7:25am
yah zactly, actually I think the strongest attack these days is just a pulse, no need to damage anything but
electronics to totally cripple a society

[View Quote] > Screw nukes, a quick little EMP burst would take care of that.
[View Quote]


Apr 8, 2001, 12:08am
Zonelarm sux man. Get Norton Personal Firewall, $50 and altho they say it isn't enough for servers, they then tell ya how to install it
on NT Server LOL. Very flexible.

[View Quote] > a similar thing happened to me.. when i had zone alarm it worked fine for about a year (i'm exagerating, probably) and then all of a
> sudden, no changes made, my world server and zone alarm are no-longer compatible.. i found it odd..
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
[View Quote]

A thought...

Apr 9, 2001, 1:13pm
Because everyone wants to be where the action is :) Lag be damned, everyone
goes where the most people are, basic fact of online life.

[View Quote] > I wonder why worlds besides Alphaworld are so unused? No matter how nice or
> big the world is, it'll never be as popular as object choked Alphaworld.
> What are your opinions?
> --
> SW Comit
> swcomit at
> Mayor of SW City
> President of Community Linkage Commission

Something to consider

Apr 10, 2001, 7:29am
IMO Truspace is only for folks who know what they are doing, when it comes to
creating AW art with it. It'd just confuse the hell out of most people trying
to (1) learn Truspace and (2) get the stuff into AW and (3) not freeze up for
hours because of the sheer volume of polygons in what they created. :)

[View Quote] > Ok, third to see if this response works. Sorry if it appears to people 3
> times here. I just can't get my response to show.
> Did you mean $69.95 for a combo of a world and true space 3? AW itself is
> free to download and doesn't expire.
[View Quote]

AWJBell News is Back!

Apr 10, 2001, 7:35am
no redirection necessary, just make em both the same ip address...

[View Quote] > actually i'm setting that up now.. so redirects to news://
> --
> - JBell
> ____________________
> | |
> | AWJBell Services |
> | |
> | news:// |
> | |
> |____________________|
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 6:09am
Um ya if you leave Napster up 24/7 they'd also get pissed. :)

[View Quote] > No duh Builderz, of corse they want more money for people that are running servers,
> but still even if they are using more bandwith why should they be doing that, its the same
> if someone has cabel and leaves napster on 24/7 its basicaly the same thing. Bet they dont get napster users
> about that >:-) You people act like I dont know anything. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU especaly the people
> from StuffX and there stuff you guys have problems, one question How many of "your" bots do you sell
> Or how about how many worlds do you host? Do you even sell anything?
> Who would bother? Cuz I know me and J B E L L would never use your stuff
> cuz it sucks.
> ~ TrekkerX
[View Quote]


Apr 19, 2001, 11:25am
You go! I'm the same way, if my line isn't full I download some damn PORN, baybee :)

[View Quote] > If I pay $40 a month for constant 200kbps, by god I'm going to use it ALL
[View Quote]

Commonwealth Offline

Apr 19, 2001, 6:08am
Heh actually best way is to mirror to the new HD first...I do that stuff in a matter of a few minutes, if I don't
my customers get crazy. :)

[View Quote] > It takes a week to move a hard drive? :) I can do that physically in 2 minutes, data transfer in an hour or so.
[View Quote]

Commonwealth Offline

Apr 19, 2001, 10:39pm
Actually I had one of those You Made My Day things recently, called ATI tech
support and the guy had me clickin and typin as FAST as I could, took him 2
minutes to find out that I couldnt get tv capture in W2K because I needed an
additional component for DX8. Now if I had JUST tried to upgrade to W2K
during the week instead of having to wait for Monday to CALL this guy I woulda
saved a lotta damned time. However, I did learn some stuff. Like, don't do
THAT again, or THAT, or THAT, or even THAT... :)

[View Quote] > lol. I laugh at all tech support. 90% of the time I know more than the
> person on the other side of the phone. Tech support is only good for
> ordering replacement parts. And to hire a professional tech to do anything
> to your comp is also a waste. They over charge and almost all of the times
> they are late.

Commonwealth Offline

Apr 22, 2001, 5:50am
Yah plus I am an expert at dicking around :)

[View Quote] > I believe Datedman (also known as Dataman) owns Synergy Corporation
> (, which provides Active Worlds hosting,
> website design and hosting, domain hosting, CGI programming, and other
> services.
> Builderz
> Stuff-X - Bot & World Hosting Services
[View Quote]

Re: Hare, version 1.1

Apr 19, 2001, 11:29am
Also, Win2K Pro is highly recommended :)

[View Quote] > [Image]Hare, version 1.1
> ___
> Hare will accelerate your PC up to
> 200%. It will even accelerate a
> Pentium 4. Hare uses the CPU
> Tasking technology to achieve most
> of its work: it will allocate over 90%
> of the CPU to the frontmost
> application, but its intelligent
> multitasking motor will give just
> the right CPU to some of the
> background apps.
> It will simulate a 3D card to avoid
> jerkiness in 3D games. Hare will
> greatly improve 2D graphic display,
> but in the same time will also
> accelerate it using a special graphic
> system that is 100% compatible
> with DirectX.
> Since Hare's code takes over
> Windows code, acceleration is
> provided for anything, and not only
> for copies or app launching (what
> other acceleration programs
> propose).
> ___
> I'v tested Hare while using Alpha. I noticed a 'doubling' of my FPS
> rate while viewing some of my locations (which I'm familiar with,
> obviously - you can either enjoy the faster FPS or bump up your 'view'
> or both). (I tested it while running my normal utils in the background
> - SETI, Spinner, WebCAM etc (to name a few)... all requiring some of
> my CPU)
> Check it yourself. Go somewhere in Alpha before installing it. Make
> note of your FPS. Instal/boot the Util. Go back to the same place. No
> 'rocket science' involved... It'l either work for you or DEL it... You
> have 15 'boots' to make up your mind...
> Ya, I'm sure anyone who's had a computer for more then 6 months has
> heard this all before. This util 'seems' to work tho'... (and not only
> for Alpha but all in-focus programs/util). The 1st 15 boots are
> Trialware. Worth checking out... I'm buying it ($24)
> (Util was mentioned in Lockergnome Newsletter)
> --
> Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
> "Eat well, stay fit, die anyway."
> ICQ UN - 272905
> All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

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