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Extended Viewing Range

Jul 15, 2002, 8:46pm
I dont know what it is about AW (Tell me if you know please) how come we are
limited to a poxy little 200m compared to games like Oni which have much
much further ranges and zero lag whatseoever. Why cant AWC concentrait on
opening up some serious gaming capabilities by allowing lagless, high
framerate, high visibility 3D. im no 3D programmer, but if it can be done in
1 place, it can be done in another with enough effort and research.

- Mark

Extended Viewing Range

Jul 16, 2002, 3:44pm
I think for the outstanding quallity which would be a result after 3.4 is
fully released in all its sections they could indeed devote the large
majority of their time to creating such as 3D engine which would have the
potential to bring AW's capablities forward in leaps and bounds

- Mark

MUCH NEEDED WISH - Paragraph Capabilities In Telegrams

Jul 28, 2002, 2:12pm
Oh, do tell Joe :)

Joe said:
> You cant spoof telegrams from citizens, entering a world under a spoofed
> citizenship is another story...
> -Joe
[View Quote]

Okay whoever it was who was talking about different VRT times...I have the solution

Jul 28, 2002, 2:09pm
I take great pleasure in using AdAware to detect every single thing to do
with gator in the file system, putting them into 1 folder, then shashing
them beyond belief with a direct disk bit editor. >:-D

However you always seem to have to agree to another licent for Gator (by
law) just click no and it wont install.

- Mark

Agent 1 said something allong the lines of:
"Gator is evil."

Telegram Redirecter

Jul 27, 2002, 4:13pm
o_0, telegrams expire after 27 days

Multiple People Grams

Jul 27, 2002, 9:20am
*Hands Joe a rusty spoon just in case*

- Mark

Disallow certain permissions

Jul 25, 2002, 5:46pm
Chill guys! Im working on it, a bot that does it should be out or if u want
a standalone I can make 1 in a few min

Disallow certain permissions

Jul 27, 2002, 6:22am
Were talking thousands and thousands and thousands of lines of VC++ Code
with all the other server stuff to boot o_0 When you can beat it, complain.

- Mark

Disallow certain permissions

Jul 27, 2002, 10:49am
Yeah, I hate that about VC++, takes more code to create the form than it
does to do the functions

Disallow certain permissions

Jul 27, 2002, 4:04pm
I was told by someone that AW was made in VC++ during a conversation
regarding it being near impossable to run a VC++ app on Linux

- Mark

Terrain Rights

Jul 27, 2002, 7:27am
Cause AWTeen is the best and its gonna stay that way ^_^

- Mark

Terrain Rights

Jul 27, 2002, 2:08pm
Yeah, but we might have to assasinate its maker

Terrain Rights

Jul 30, 2002, 3:33pm
About abuot letting them put down theuir own terrains at the same level?

coronas... (not the refreshing alcoholic beverage)

Jul 28, 2002, 9:46am
And i thought I was the only 1 who gets a thrill from watching weapons of
mass distuction :d

[View Quote] > Ya but when your launching an intercontinental missile at you enemies it
> really would be nice to be able to admire the corona engine flaring of
> the sky behind a hardened glass shield. Cooking my Av butt isn't my cup a
> tea. Oooo wait slathes on spf 1000000000000000000000000000000000000.

TV Station Wish

Aug 2, 2002, 3:43pm
Now if your script could log onto AW and produce its own shows, film them
and then upload em it would be graet :o)

- Mark

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TV Station Wish

Aug 11, 2002, 11:55am
I woudlent say that, it CAN be good at some times, but rotating adds should be nuked
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TV Station Wish

Aug 17, 2002, 8:10am
When You can spell it It might happen, so.. its never going to happen :)


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TV Station Wish

Aug 20, 2002, 11:57pm
Erm Kah isnt even an AWTeenian...

- Mark

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TV Station Wish

Aug 21, 2002, 7:16pm
Lets evaluate shall we, im sure you can do that (not really but it sounded good).....

You are hated in AWTeen because you act like a complete and utter "a..hole" and treat people like crap, you have no basic grasp of spelling or grammar and if my English teacher saw you chances are he would lunge at you with the intent to kill.

You fail to show any kindness towards anyone (prove me wrong, but I doubt that is a possibility) and go out of your way to annoy people, so as eep would put it, go get a life you newbie ______ (Not quoted directly because I cant remember exactly how he said it, sorry eep)

- Mark

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SDK Function

Aug 2, 2002, 3:43pm
Id love a function that allows you to call something like
ObjectConfirm(Number, Model, Description, Action,X,Y,Z,YAW) on a object and
have the SDK return if that object given is in existance and at the given
coords etc

- Mark

SDK Function

Aug 3, 2002, 12:43pm
Cause i dont have a clue how teh hell to get single object info?

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SDK Function

Aug 3, 2002, 4:58pm
Thanks :) Its a pitty that there is no real time action, like being able to
save to cache and only been show the updates like in aw

- Mark

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 3:43pm
I like to listen to music thats effected by where I am in AW(Teen) but I
cant get to work is something allong the lines of......

'create sound c:\Dj Otzi - Hey Baby.mp3'

I know you can do fake paths and such, but its all a bit of too much to get
some mp3's to play when the path will be treated exactly the same in AW as
it is in IE and they can both use content.

- Mark

Hardware Based URLS

Aug 2, 2002, 5:31pm
Yeah, but they both explode due to AW hogging all the processor, its best to
use em in aw

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Hardware Based URLS

Aug 3, 2002, 12:46pm
Strangly enough its only just started being notcably joe, ive never had
problems with it hogging resources at all, and just to check I run every
single Ms office app, 5 IE's, Dreamweaver, flash and gawd knows what else
and it worked fine no prob without aw
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Aug 4, 2002, 6:00pm
why not just put the PS list into the Speak box?
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Slant to Terrain (First Person)

Aug 12, 2002, 3:55pm
Bump AvAxis Set=TR (Tilt / Roll)

It would be a nice feature that id like to see, to automatically look up and down hills etc

- Mark

[View Quote]

Oh ay!

Aug 8, 2002, 3:23pm
Oh Ay! Thats what I was gonna post, *LOL*

The last time I checked the world was not flat (of course I could be wrong but i doubt it), so why is Active Worlds? It would be
great if there could be a world option to loop the world so you can litterally run around the world and go from 1 point, to another
and back to the first point, just by pressing forward.

While AWCI is at it why not invest a bit of development into 3d sphering of worlds such as Populus where the world features curve
round around the world, granted a P-3000/100 might not work the best on this, but it would be nice if it were a option.

Its little things this that would take Active Worlds from Active Worlds to Active WORLDS.

- Mark
Flames? Positive Comments? Eep saying how inept Roland is?

Oh ay!

Aug 9, 2002, 3:33pm
Hence you could specify radian curvature and world size if u select it
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Oh ay!

Aug 12, 2002, 3:55pm
Agreed, the AW physics engine is crap enough without having to incorporate space time warping o.0

It would still be a nice addition though, considering AWC's entire effort is going into making the worlds more like... worlds...
oceans etc. If they are going to do it, they might as well do it right.

- Mark

[View Quote]

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