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My other wish

Jun 6, 2002, 8:42pm

teelegram window no focus

Jun 7, 2002, 8:37pm
Well look at the screen then :P its invaluble to me, if u do type it
accidently in aw, just copy and paste it into the tg

fractional coordinates and facing direction in degrees

Jun 9, 2002, 11:01am
I have made a *radar* navigation system based on the aw title bar, however
the facing direction is only in 8ths. It would be highly benefitial to have
the angle

Global Instances

Jun 12, 2002, 6:19pm
As a bot programmer I often find it usefull to allow a person to give
commands directly to the bot though Active Worlds.

There problem however, comes when whispers are needed. Even with global
mode, and targeted console messages without being within 200 metres of a bot
you are still unable to use or recieve whispers to that person.

I wish it were possable to enter another state as a bot where it logs in as
a global instance, so it always shows up on every whisper list (even if it
hasnt spoke), and can recieve and send whispers to anyone in the world
nomater what location. Probably CT limitation would be a good thing as a
requirement to enter such a mode.

That way the communications are more secure, and more functional.

- Mark

My Wishes and Ideas for AW + Interesting Things

Jun 12, 2002, 6:19pm
Ive been in AW for quite a while now and I know thata there have been some
big improvements. I had a bit of time though so i thought id think up some
things that id like to see in Active Worlds.

AW Browser and AW Related Things:

Branched Teleports List - We have a world search, but how about if worlds
could put themselfs into catagories and use a tree menu to select different
types of world and have differnt modes such as Acessable / Inaccessable
lists, or AW Type, Public Building, Chatting... etc. That way we can better
travel between worlds and we can also have dedicated catagories for differnt

Browser>Bot Interface - Ive said it before, but id like to see a interface
where we can use a SDK to connect directly into the Active Worlds browser
and do things such as create Heads Up Displays on screen, create customised
right click menus, and display information on screen such as lifes etc.
AWC's programmer are great, but even them all working 24 hours a day they
will not be able to acomplish what is possable with all the communitys
programmers working to create developments such as flight simulators and
racing games.

Game Scripting - I was once chatting with a good friend who said that AW had
considered Game Development, but nothing had ever happend after it. I
personally think that a premade 3D building area is a excellent place to
create games. However without rediclously complex bots this is not currently
possable. I would like to see a mode where people can create games by
writing scripts that can include browser manipulation such as right click
popup menus to select weapons.

Point to Point Action Console - With move commands it is sometimes hard to
find the exact distances you need to move objects. This can easily be added
to a bot but it may be benefitial to include it graphically in the browser.
It would be nice if when you select a icon, you can place a line between 2
points and have the browser automatically calculate the X, Y and Z movement
command for you.

SyncStart - We can currently sync move and rotate commands, but it would be
nice if we could giev a command a sync start, so that all commands start at
the same time, with the current sync commands you can suddenly find objects
jumping great distances as they are synced to the time. A command such as
SyncStart would wait a few seconds then start all the objects at the same
time, if the objects missed the syncstart timepoint they would wait untill
the next 1.

ObjectScript - Something where bots would not be requred to change simple
commands. Such as create a lightpost and add something similar to 'If
world.dark = true then: light color=white brightness=3~ else: light
color=white brightness=0' which would get a option from the world lighting
and automatically turn on a light if it was dark. But it would not need a
command to change, it would just be like clicking a activate command, but
wouldent require direct interaction.

ObjectMerge - Im not at all sure about how teh objects work in AW, but it
would be nice if grouped objects could be merged, this would be more
polygons but it should reduce lag as its drawing 1 object instead of 50
smaller 1's.

I Stand Alone! - In Standalone mode you can practice your building, but when
you dont want to practice and your objects keep dissapearing as soon as you
move out of sight then go back within range. It would be great if we could
have the browser create propdumps of or builds we do offline. This would
give people allot more opertunity to build when they are not connected to
the internet. It would also give people the chance to test builds without
having to propdump, delete, rebuild, modify and repropdump builds while they
are connected.

Oh Bots, where art thou? - Im a programmer, and I design bots and tools for
AW when I have some spare time and feel like it. But having to be connected
to test the bots is irritating especially when I cannot connect. Maybe if we
could trick bots into communicating with a fake world server and have it
actually connecting directly to the AWB so we can test them offline.

Streaming Media - This is a 100% MUST. AW has so many possabilities for
entertainment. But its being squandered because you need a player such as
WinAmp to stream audio rather than waiting for 10 min each time for a MP3 to
download. If we can get streaming audio and possably streaming video on
objects then the possabilitys are great, by great I mean it would be quite
possable to create a huge live concert in AW with real bands, real people,
and have speakers in confrences such as techtalk etc.

CT Movement Rights - Allow the CT to select which users have full movement
in the world, Fly, Shift, etc even if those options are dissabled in the
world features. The could be controled in the same way as world rights are
with just another text box.

Particle System - This would be awsome if it could be included, it would be
hugly complex but it could create effects such as flames and mroe realistic
fireworks. It would take allot of processor power and a good graphics / 3D
card but realism would be brilliant.

E-Mail - Active Worlds Corp is a ISP, yet unlike other 3D universes it does
not provide something like e-mail. I think it would be highly usefull for
us, we have a named identity on the internet in AW. But we have no other
services with us. There are already things like SomeOne at
for some people, why not everyone? Surley with the rediclous amounts of
bandwidth AWC has available it would not cause much of a impact on the

Infinate View Mode - How about a infinate view were your view extends to the
first object / wall / pannel blocking your view. If I look down a street
then I dont see half the street disapearing and causing some horrable "Your
vis stops here" effects. Althought it would obviously have to be limited to
something like 500 metres as the absolute max, it would go allong way to
making AW More realistic.

Full Screen Mode - Kill the web window, Put the tabs and menu on a slide in
effect and change the form to 0 type. Extend screen a pixel over screen
width and height and and switch to on top mode (if needed). Instant "full
screen" mode. Its how I would do it in VB anyway, maybe it has to be done
another way in C++?

You are being watched? 0_0 - The ability to see if your chat is being
monitored, we have got some great privicy updates. But then again, weve had
allot of privacy compromised with additions to CT modes (as usefull as they

Create Flash - The ability to place Macromedia Flash objects on a object and
use a "click on" interface to use them, or just view them on a picture

AWC Talk - We already have tech talk, but how about a chance to speak to the
management of Active Worlds Corp. We currently have zero interaction with
them which is classified by my Business Studies teacher as "completly
rediclous for a community based product". It isnt as though the management
would have anything to hide, we read all their SEC reports anyway. And its a
rare thing if Goober King dosent put most the business news on or
on the newsgroups.

Standing Alone in a Dark Room - I would be pleased to have the ability to
change a worlds lighting in standalone more so I can test things like
fireworks displays in darkness rather than broad daylight (such as if [Thor]
breaks down on a day cycle).

Gaming Worlds - Gimmie a P-50/25 world, the Special Ops team from AWTEEN,
Stacee and Gand, XeLaG, Young Shamus and Kah and E N Z O (to do the artwork)
and lets make The 13th and Godzilla look like a piece of even more outdated
rubish (if thats possable with 3.3 now wiping the floor with everything done
before it). AW needs a new game, a big game, taking about 10 hours to
complete, with full interaction and events, Full Audio and Visual, controled
AW cut scenes and whatever else we need to throw into it. AW has gaming
possabilitys already, even more so with the features Ive proposed in here.
With a little time to get things right we can easily create Final Fantasy
and Metal Gear Solid type games.

Bugs NewsGroup - Similar to the BetaTesters newsgroup but with everyone
being allowed acess to it. Somewhere where we can report bugs and discuss
solutions for them with others, and if Young Shamus, Hamfon and 9 9 9
dropping by to read it every so often it would be a great help in finding
all those bugs and solving them.

Advertising - I read Robbies post a while ago that kids in the UK are
getting very bored with that Habbo Hotel crap, ive intoduced about 3 people
onto AW in the last week or 2 and they were astounded that they had never
heard of it. AWC take the hint, UK advertising on Channel 4 and Channel 5
(possably get on Tommorows World on the BBC - Ill ask em about that when I
get the opertunity). Its dead cheep, and you get about a million people
seing your advert. We already have 2 adverts made by community members
(A1CTTourist5) and im sure if we wanted to we could come up with a
outstanding 1. Lets sum it up... a few thousand in advertising... a few
million in people... a few thousand in advertising... a few million in
people.... hmm, maybe they should advertise this way? Im not claiming to be
a business expert, but I do well at things such as Business Studies, and I
know that a opertunity is begging to be taken and should be taken nomatter

Only a Heartbeat Away - A kind of float mode where you can recieve callback
events such as avatar movement quicker than 1 second if there are not allot
of people and the bandwidth used would not increase by anything more than
10% etc.

Browser, Where are you? - It would be nice to have the browser create a
special string on 1 of its objects so we can use API to get the data which
would contain the browsers exact coordinates in SDK terms, Xcoord, YCoord,
ZCoord, YAWCoord. This would be usefull for mapping, hey, while they put
this in (if they do) why not just stick another object in the browser and
have it change its properties so we can do things like track our own
building movements in the browser and store em so we can rebuild it (like a

Eep Alert - A flashing red light and loud siren whenever Eep is within range
of you. (Although Eep does come up with some mightly intelligent comments
most the time so it is usualy worth listening). Note: Im not serious about
this feature being implimented.

3D Object PassThru Texture - Build a walk000.rwc create texture ocean4, you
have yourself what apears to be the surface of water. Add create solid off
and go though it and you find yourself in open air. Maybe we could get some
large cubic objects and if you pass into the middle of them you get the
texture effect happening as a mask for the entire 3D window such as having
the image distored in a ripple if you are underwater in a object with a
water texture command on.

Prevent Lag on Bump Noise - If you add a bump noise command to a object in
aw and walk across it, if the sound length is longer than the time interval
between bump registers when your already on the object. They all lag
together, and then make a horrific sound at the end once youve stoped
walking that will probably fry your sound card.

Move with Objects - If you stand on a walk001.rwx with the command "activate
move 0 0 8" then as soon as you click it you will go jerky then fall
straight under it (and probably get chopped in half when the object comes
back!) It would be great if we moved with the object provided we were stood
on it and not hovering above it.

Get Terrain / Object Height - Find the height of the first object or terrain
where you are teleporting to and teleport with automatic elevation so you do
not end up underground or under objects that are elevated for steps etc.

Star Me Out - Cover our passwords with the * PW mask in universe options so
our PW's are not revealed, even to AWC. They dont need to know them anyway
unless they are checking written payment details, and im sure theer is a
easier way to do that anyway.

Object List - Read the registery, show users all the object so we dont have
to go to the Object Yard every 2 and a half second if we can remeber part of
the model name.

Always Render Avatar - Where select avatars (in PS) are always rendered
nomatter how many avatars are closer.

Some Objects and Avatars I would Like to see around:

Real PCs - Instead of those comp1.rwx things that look like they were made
back in 1989.
Office Equipment - I do most planning and such in my Active Worlds based
office, but I need some better office furniture such as large display
screens, projectors and desks.
Decent Male Avatars in AWGate - It has to be said, the male avatars in the
AWGate are for the most part, rediclous (sorry to Stacee or Gand if ive
insulted You or your team [presuming you have them]). Where is the good old
rick AV? Im not a borg or a Asian, or someone who looks like Indiana Jones.
Infact as scary as it sounds I do look allot like the Rick AV which I
believe is modeled after E N Z O... 0_o - Political correctness gone mad?
(Like in the UK exam papers where they have made it so if a person is
mentioned in a question it is 90% likely to be a indian, Japanise or other
"non white ethnicity" name or something - Have you any idea how hard it is
to use a name in your answer that you cannot even pronounce?) Or just to
suite the world?(then again maybe not, I doubt the egyptions had giant
rotatings globes so forget that last part).
Metal Gear Rex - A huge avatar based on Metal Gear Rex from MGS. Not really
functional for walking through a pd15.rwx but funny as hell when you go
around squashing avatars who are only a 50th your size.

Some Useless Ideas but would be funny:

Make CA have mood swings - [Customs Aide]: Aww, why did you have to swear,
now im going to have to eject you for unacceptable language :( / [Customs
Aide]: What the hell are you doing using language like that!? Get upstairs
mister and wash your mouth out with soap NOW! *Ejects*

Inflatable Head Mode - Make a persons head inflate if they have a big ego
(Yes, guilty as charged before Brant or someome says it :P~)

Dusty - Have buildings that are not used gradually fill with dust untill
they colapse under the weight and then dissapear so others can build there.

Dance Mode - Avatars that stand still too long get in a line and start
dancing and dance music comes on and lighting effects and so on!

TV Licence - The immigration officer UniEjects you if you dont pay your TV
licence to watch ABN.

So You Know Kung Fu? - When you use the fight and kick gestures your
opponent is effected by your attacks and gets forced back or knocked over.

Gah! He's Dead! - Your avatars drops dead on the floor if you go AFK longer
than 2 hours.

Spell Checker - You get ejected if you make a typo in every word in your

Fight To The Death - Dragonball Z's Goku and Gohans Karmehamehar attack
where 2 people can battle to the ejection orientated death by firing visible
ejection beams at eachother and having to repeatedly press a key really fast
to put more power into it untill the other person gets ejected, you get
ejected or you break your keyboard!).

Infinate Fall - Pressing a special button on the browser makes a deep hole
in terrain change from a -320 meter deep hole to a bottomless pit where you
can fall infinatly and there are no distance limitations scuh as you can go
lovwer than -500m.

Super-Paintball Mode - A definate possability if we get direct browser
interface and can make our own brower interface proggys. Entering this mode
would make a heads up display pop up and list your ammo, display your enemys
within a square box with their distance and such so you can track them for
more advanced play.

If AW Had cheats, these would be good...

Mini Me Mode (From Oni) - Your avatar ends up a 10th of its size when in
this mode.

Glassworld (From Oni) - Any objects you click on explose as if they were
made of glass.

ShapeShifter (From Oni) - You automatically change avatar to that of the
nearest avatar.

Fatloot (From Oni) - Activating it instantly gives you all rights and
abilities such as CT and Build.

Chenille (From Oni) - Activating it makes your avatar glow with a purple
radiance and you can move faster and attack gestures are more powerfull.

Daodan Spike (From Oni) - You get a huge purple shock wave fly out around
you when you acomplish someone or finishing a game etc.

Live Forever (From Oni) - You cannot be ejected

Super Energy (From Dragonball Z) - You get energy waves flowing around your
avatar when this mode is enabled

Forgivness Mode - You get a e-mail from JP begging your forgiveness and a 1
month cit extension every time the UniServer goes down for longer than half
a second.

Fly On The Wall - You turn into a miniture fly that is barley visible so you
can quite litterally sit on a wall and spy on someone.

Random Teleport - When you click it you get teleported to a random build in
the world you are in.

FireStorm Mode - All of the abilities from Oni and DragonBall Z + Kung Fu,
SuperPaintball and Inflatable Head Mode.

Enemy of the World - Give 2 people FireStorm Mode abilities and make them
battle it out to either protect the world or destroy it.

Bedtime Story Mode - Mountain Myst apears to read the young kiddies bedtime
stories using streming audio in AWSome.

Share the Profit - You insantly get 10,000 free shares in Active Worlds Corp

Can You .C it? - Young Shamus accidently e-mails you the AWBrowser source

Txt Me Dissasters - You recieve a text message to your mobile phone every
time AWTeen undergoes some major dissaster

Shake Up - The world ground starts shaking if a MP3 with too much bass is
played on a object.

4EvaYoung - Your avatar apears as it would be when it was 12 years old.

XposeBots - When you enter this mode you see all the fake customer bots in
at Mart by their login names.

Whats Your Gammites? - Identify the gender of a person if they are wearing a
non human avatar and do not have a gender directive name

Toilet Rush - Unless you stand over a toilet object at least once every 5
minutes you get randomly warped.

SuperSupport - You get e-mails solving your tech support problems even
before your e-mail has finished sending.

Id Like to thank my family for suporting me - Win a CY award

Here are a few I can rember from quite a long while ago...

Pikachu (From Pokemon) - You fry whoever you want with electiricity

Leech Seed (From Pokemon) - You automatically download all the objects in a
worlds object path

Lugia (From Pokemon) - Give your world that instant christmas feel!

MewTwo (From Pokemon) - The CA in AWTeen Turns evil and changed into a
Mewtwo avatar and starts attacking everyone (like [M1])

Elite4 (From Pokemon) - You challange the AWCorp Management

No more pokemon 1's eh? Good idea... :o)

EyeOfTheStorm - A hurricane tears through your world

Now The Rain Has Gone (From Dungeon Keeper) - Instantly load all the world
into cache

This Is My Church (From Dungeon Keeper) - Get Special Object Rights

I believe its magic (From Dungeon Keeper) - Get Special Command Rights

Feel the power (From Dungeon Keeper) - Get AWLD Rights

Ghost Stalker - All objects turn Solid Off

American Bomber Pilot Mode - If you attempt to destory your own build you
accidently make a misscalculation and destroy someone elses.

George Bush Mode - Your IQ level in RPG's goes down 1 point every second
your playing.

Mountain Myst Mode - You aquire a uncrontrolable desire to ruffle peoples

JP Mode - You are unable to make a good business descision without citizen

Josh C Mode - You recieve your own avatar

Calpantera Mode - You get to mute someone from everyone

Mr Grimm Mode - You are constantly harrased by VB programmers while it is

AWLD Mode - You are as powerfull as a God and know no limitation

Stacee Mode - You keep Saying "Greetings!" without typing anything

SkyZack Mode - You instantly get along great with the people in AWTeen

Belfalest Mode - You recieve Eject in AlphaWorld and you have your own Army

AlpahBit Phalpha Mode - You get your own gloden shiney statues

MIKsam Mode - You instantly aquire have more wisdom than a really wise
person... lol

AWST Mode - You instantly develop a uncontrolable urge to hack the AW

MoonShadow - Noone talks to you because they dont see you

Calm Spirit Mode - You cannot be harmed at paintball because your invisible

Goober King Mode - You instantly find out everything about AWC's business

InSaNiTy Mode - You find you Develop a great disliking of the WorldBuilders

Brant Mode - You get flooded with telegrams

Waylander Mode - You suddenly want to investigate everything

MrBruce Mode - You recieve 20 P-100 Worlds

[Customs Aide] Mode - You can be in infinate worlds at the same time

AW_Console_Message Mode - You can instantly create users in your world that
dont really exist. (Note: If you see someone acting unlike they usualy do in
your chat window, right click em, if cit options dont pop up its a console
message being used to make a fake user.

Well thats all of em for now! Hope youve enjoyed reading this :o)

I hope AWC will consider some of the top bit as well


Skinned Avatars

Jun 16, 2002, 7:51pm
Dont be sarcastic.. ever thought the use of em might be made easier in 3.4?

Sort DirectX8

Jun 19, 2002, 5:24pm
Ive got DirectX8 on my computer, it was installed when I bought it an its
great, twice the frame rate, 15FPs in awteen object yards instead of

But why does it change between worlds? I have a lighting problem, lighting
effects only show up in some worlds (ie: not awteen, but they do in
Antares). There is no reason I can see for this, so i wish that furtehr
investigation was put into it to find out

AFK add-on

Jun 20, 2002, 7:40pm

[View Quote]

AFK add-on

Jun 23, 2002, 8:56am
true true :)

- mark

Snap Rotate

Jun 20, 2002, 7:41pm
Designate a key to rotate groups of objects by 90 Degrees clockwise and

To save moving em using the keys multiply

Competly dissable in browser web links

Jun 22, 2002, 4:56pm
Ive just found out createURL will allow a person to open your web browser
and do gawd knows what..

When i Click Only options i explicitly select! I expect it to be as such,
AWC, close it off please

- mark

Competly dissable in browser web links

Jun 22, 2002, 8:45pm
If you select "show only links you explicitly select" in web options, you
can still be targted for URL's by using bots or create URL

So if we dissable it anyone with eject can still send us URLs', porn, Drugs,

It should be fixed, noone should be able to send us any links if that is

- Mark

Competly dissable in browser web links

Jun 23, 2002, 12:47pm
Adverts for drugs, unsuitable material of any description


Jun 23, 2002, 8:56am
I said that in my selected 1's a few posts up

Bump Events

Jul 2, 2002, 6:50pm
Let the browser handler it.. Send events to server when the browser does it
with a object with bump > wire-frame box collision, you will have to
research this if you don't know
> it. You then check collision everytime you get an avatar change event. :)
> any one understood that it is VERY useful information, trust me. Hey maybe
> once I finish the bot that uses this method I can release a library? What
> you think?

I wish I could post in here...

Jul 3, 2002, 4:47pm
AW crashes if you have IE in offline mode when you load AW

It could be fixed

I wish I could post in here...

Jul 4, 2002, 3:32pm
Nah, just rip out AW. lol

Point of view

Jul 4, 2002, 7:03pm
Could be implimented, but noone else would see it, only u

I want to kill slide detection

Jul 5, 2002, 10:53pm
I cant even walk up a ladder with it on.. Pointless features that should be

- Mark

I want to kill slide detection

Jul 6, 2002, 7:02am
If u dont know how to do that already without slide detection u should do,

Internal Viewing

Jul 6, 2002, 8:46am
You should be able to view terrain from inside hills etc, that way we can
create undergroudn caves etc

- Mark

Internal Viewing

Jul 6, 2002, 9:45pm
Or you could create huge underground world?

Internal Viewing

Jul 7, 2002, 11:51am
OPTIONS!!! WE NEED OPTIONS! Lots and LOTs of options! Make world features
like windows XP! Tonnes of features and years to set up!


- Mark
*Calms - And breath.. and breath... and breath*

Internal Viewing

Jul 7, 2002, 11:51am
texture #1 :)

Upside Down View

Jul 9, 2002, 3:27pm
Build it the right way then use 3D axis rotate?

- Mark

Upside Down View

Jul 10, 2002, 6:19pm
Well u dont know how to do it right then, start by covering ur land (and 1
cell further around it) than u wish to rotate. The using ctrl + right click
select every single square of cover u just built. This will select every
cell, not just the 1's in the main cells. The invert it, delete the cover
objects, da da

- Mark

Self Eject

Jul 10, 2002, 7:10pm
I need a little relaxing sometimes, yet stil be able to get Tg's.. maybe if
we could goto "nowhere" so we aint sending pings to world server as well and
there is no chat or av events, just a thought

- me

Self Eject

Jul 16, 2002, 7:55pm
I tried it, but I got AW deficency syndrome

fractional coordinates in titlebar display

Jul 12, 2002, 7:10pm
Any idea as to other formats Joe? GIF, BMP etc?

- Mark

Save Cache/Bot Related/Folders for Teleports

Jul 16, 2002, 3:44pm
I agree on both points, while theyre at it they could introduce ofline
building if they wanted to. Then use the browser to propdump it. Anyhows, A
tree view teleports list would be good, I currently have to do mine like
AW - AWGate, AW - AWTeen, Objects - GZ, Objects - Roofs, AWTeen - Thor. etc
etc etc.

- Mark

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