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strike rapier // User Search
strike rapier // User SearchAnother idea.. read.. its kewl!Aug 12, 2002, 3:55pm
CT Rights, world_eject_rights = "*"
CT Rights, world_eject_rights = whatever_it_was_before And no, I dont have a clue if its the right constants cause I was too busy in C++ to look :) - Mark [View Quote] Make other people invisiableAug 11, 2002, 11:50am
Or we could just eject em all next time? :)
[View Quote] [ONLINE] Making AW SecureAug 11, 2002, 11:42am
Due to recent events in the UK (such as the 2 girls that have been abducted after using the internet on a chat room) I think its
important that AW does its bit to help keep people secure, citizenships is pretty secure with a cit being able to block someone pretty much forever, however for tourists its a little bit less so. I think that to do our bit for security I propose a set of drastic measures. - Browser ID: A key that is stored on the Active Worlds server but NOT accessible to anyone outside AWCorp that is a individual key based on the browser type, and computer hardware but also does not give any information about the hardware itself. This can be used to identify each user individually no matter what. AWC should also be able to ban people from worlds based on this code if the world owner requests it. - Fixed Tourists Name: Currently anyone can be impersonated by copying someone's tourist name, this must be fixed as its possibly the worst security risk in AW. Even as tourists people should have the option to reserve a unique tourist ID that they can log on with using a password that is kept valid as long as they are on at least once every 30 days, although AWCorp will inevitably presume this will cut registrations, it will also dramatically increase security. - Chat Training: Citizens and Tourists should be offered free training on AW regarding how to stay safe in chat rooms, no other chat service offers this whatsoever, and it would be very good for publicity as well. If we ever intend for Active Worlds to become the true forefront we must make sure even the tourists are safe, after all, im sure we will all feel great if someone is lured to their death by someone on AW by manipulating tourist mode after we have been reassured it was too much hard work. I would like a responce from AWC on this 1, we already know that people like Flagg, Shamus and Kellie read the NG's and it would be very much apreciated if we could have a public statement on this most serious of matters. Infact, I think that this outweighs anything that AWC could put effort into at this time. - Mark - AWTeen Major Events, AWTeen Bots / Effects [ONLINE] Making AW SecureAug 11, 2002, 2:42pm
How about PHP download script on the browser that creates a individual browser key based on hardware?
[View Quote] [ONLINE] Making AW SecureAug 12, 2002, 3:55pm
When I create various files that need to make sure they are none distributable I ask the person its for for to run a program on their computer which takes their HD serial, Reg version etc and creates a 20 - 50 byte long number which they then give me. I then use another proggy to change that number into an encrypted script, I then hardcode the encryption string into the program + the internal version of the number generater and encoder. The bot then creates the new string and compares em, if they are not the same the product self corrupts or just wont work.
The idea is if a script could be made to compile into the browser on download based on Hardware info that will be deleted after the key is made. It could be worked into the browser if done right (I have no idea how to get a script to create individual browsers) and not many people are going to go changing their hardware settings every day. -Mark [View Quote] [ONLINE] Making AW SecureAug 12, 2002, 5:00pm
Encrypted functions and encrypted source code, how the heck are they meant to find and defeat that? I mean it would stop most people, obviously not the major hackers
[View Quote] [ONLINE] Making AW SecureAug 17, 2002, 6:36am
*Shrug* if that's his attitude I don't see why not, he obviously is completely oblivious to the fact that most these kids actually end up dead, maybe if he ended up the same way he might learn a bit of appreciation for the fact in the few millions of a second before he was brain dead.
-Mark -Don't think me cruel, im just the messenger [View Quote] User Only RightsAug 11, 2002, 11:42am
I think it would be a good adition tothe options if you could add a symbol to the world rights list such as / so that the number
after it is only granted to the citizen and not people on the PPW. coronasAug 17, 2002, 6:36am
or even better, they should be rendered getting smaller etc as soon as you add a create light command.
- Mark [View Quote] Another Tilt / RollAug 17, 2002, 8:09am
It would be a nice feature if avatars could undergo Tilt and Roll and experience it on screen, for example in a roller coaster I might want to make someone invert and go around a loop, with AVT/R it would be possable. And T/R will only be set at AvChange for example, to cut back on bandwidth
-Mark Download HeadersAug 17, 2002, 8:11am
When the browser checks the object size when it first tries to download the object, it could be nice if it was an option to check the header for size immidiatly then you could see how many MB you have to download rather than how many objects / items etc to judge download time better.
-Mark [SDk] LiveupdateAug 18, 2002, 12:31pm
It would be very much apreciated if there was a method of recieving live update of objects in an area without having to first query that area, this is currently available for Caretakers in Global but a normal version of it would be great.
- Mark Guess...Aug 20, 2002, 10:35pm
create picture
2 minutes later... c:\active worlds\cache\art\misc\ The URL's a fake (I hope), but I presume you see the problem. Guess...Aug 20, 2002, 11:58pm
Its happened to me before, I found the EXE in my cache. It dosent execute it, but its still a exe on ur system.
- Mark [View Quote] Guess...Aug 21, 2002, 11:49pm
Yet MORE CoronasAug 20, 2002, 10:35pm
Coronas in AW have a focus point of dead centre, if you block this centre, even by a single pixel the corona dissapears. You should be able to set a "core" for the corona so that anyone seeing anywhere within the core (from the 0,0,0 object axis) should see the corona, I tried to create the effect where someone is on a bridge and a helicopyer comes up with its light behind em and they have the corona, but no luck due to this missing feature.
Ie: Create corona flare1 core=50 size=400 - Mark -Wow ive made allot of posts tonight (22 and counting) [Update] :(Aug 21, 2002, 10:45pm
I regret to inform you the 2 girls I mentioned in the post with the subject "[Online] Making AW Secure" have been found dead, 2 woman is being charged, the man charged with murder is in a mental hospital waiting to be tried.
- Mark Telegram bombingAug 24, 2002, 9:53am
I completely dissagree with you, I often have to use AW Chat, 3 bots, and have 3 or 4 conversations in telegrams at the same time, so I send Tgs about once every 6 - 10 seconds to many people, as for the delay of 5 minutes... When I send a TG and they are online I expect them to get it and I expect them to get it NOW, if you have a problem with it scrolling up simply make your chat screen larger. :)
- Mark [View Quote] these are a few of my favorite things...Aug 31, 2002, 4:03pm
User Data CachingAug 30, 2002, 6:00pm
I often download areas while im online and then go back to them in Standalone mode (such as when im trying to track down irritating vandalism etc) but when I right click on objects the most I can see is their citizen number. It would be a welcome addition to have the browser automatically call lookup_citizen_by_number on all citizen numbers when you encounter their objects and cache them in a file so that when you right click an object it shosw their citname as well, and it will be auto updated in the citname cache each time you click on of their objects or at a set time, say every 15 days. Ive managed to get 30 Citnums a second using the SDK using 56k so i dont think it would be a problem.
- Mark Field of ViewAug 31, 2002, 9:47pm
Features that FORCE changes that effect the ENTIRE computer of the clients should always be made an option to turn off. Otherwise we will have other incidents where it will be lag centeral, and people will go and deliberatly put min vis upto 200m.
- Mark [View Quote] Field of ViewSep 12, 2002, 5:32pm
Field Of View... and last time I checked making a huge FOV and drawing a few thousand more Pollys is not good for framerate.
- Mark [View Quote] TreeView + OthersAug 31, 2002, 9:47pm
I think it would be a VAST improvement if the world, telegrams and contacts list had a tree view mode, where you could have the following setups:
Contacts: - Alphabetical by first byte in citname - Online / Offline / Hidden World: - Public / Private - Rating (G,PG,R,X) - Alphabetical by first byte in citname - By Catagory (Give that world keyworks a purpose in life) Telegrams: - By first byte of citizen name - Opened / Unopened - Replied to / Unreplied to ------------------------------------------------------------- Some nice CT features that would be a good improvement. - UserGlobal mode where a citizen with CT rights can command the server to send all AW_EVENT_CHAT, AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD and AW_EVENT_AVATAR_DELETE events so that their name is always visible in the whisper box. - ShowRights would allow a option to reveal who is on the world rights list without needing to use a bot, alternativly this would be nice without CT rights where a user is shown if they are on the world rights list. - Mark Lighten up Bandwidth for us 56k'ersSep 5, 2002, 7:22pm
Indeed, and possably sending data in relative form, such as +800 +0 +800 relative to the first object you built of that kind etc, that would allow less numbers to be sent.
- Mark [View Quote] Maximum Visiblity field in World ServerSep 11, 2002, 3:52pm
You mean let people deliberatly run worse than there maximum. I miss your logic.
- Mark [View Quote] Re: create color <color>Sep 9, 2002, 3:59pm
Quite simply, its the builders that make the difference. If you cant handle them building crap dont give them build
- Mark [View Quote] |