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Html support in Tag 200?

Feb 16, 2005, 5:04pm
*looks through list of hundreds of Firefox exploits in latest security
bullitin* errrrrr.

- MR

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Air Pockets Under Water

Feb 24, 2005, 9:15am
Does RW support it tho? Maybe the Eep can spread a little insight into that

AW needs a second level of code; at cell level and supporting strings,
something like the terrain grid but where you can set up commands, and it
would be loaded within a much larger distance.

Then put create fog commands onto that grid, instead of objects.

- MR

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Air Pockets Under Water

Mar 2, 2005, 8:20pm
You would have to somehow map the outside of it (say a sphere) which would
be interesting.

- MR

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Hunting World Idea

Mar 8, 2005, 5:51pm
I wish I had a high bot limit -_-

- MR

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World rating (diffrent type)

Mar 11, 2005, 10:28pm
Thats because they did'nt think 'Hmm... bot'

That would have been so much more secure - Its why I think some new people
should do it, with an ability to integrate everything.

- MR

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Mar 14, 2005, 11:53am
Even if it was..

Allow Fly: *
Allow Shift: *

Only allow CT: <empty>

- Mark R

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Fix the friken SDK

Mar 22, 2005, 9:05pm
Fix the god damned SDK >_<

Do you know how extreemly difficult it is to explain to people "Oh yes...
sometimes even these tools which monitor your world will sometimes randomly
miss people, why? Oh - Because the world server coding is lousy!"

Please fix - Alex has done a substantial report, go check it... :)

While you are at it, please fix the SDK universe attributes bug which has
been reported oh... 20, 30 times by now.

- Mark R

Several wishes

Mar 28, 2005, 5:09pm
[View Quote] Demeter

> I wish that I could give people the ability to have a Global bot without
> giving them CT...


> I wish that I had the option to set the Chat Range in the World
> Settings...
> I wish that there was a 'Who's Online' Tab in Tab Controls that would show
> who was on the world...

Use a bot

> I wish that the above wish could be turned on or off by the World Owner...
> I wish that I didn't have to give people Eject Rights in order for them to
> see who was near them before the person spoke...

'Always show avatars'

> I wish that AW advertised more...
> I wish that AW had an active Bot Development Department that shared their
> technologies with World Owners...

You wish, pleanty out there...

> I wish that AW would ad M to the rating system so I could have an adult
> world without people assuming it was a porn or Gor world...

Porn worlds aint allowed,

> I wish that AW read the wish list and responded on the Newsgroup...
> I wish for more wishes...

You should die for wishing for more wishes.

> Let me know when these wishes have been
> Thanks in Advance,
> Jalen of Aureus

Several wishes

Mar 29, 2005, 10:37pm
[View Quote] I usually check them about 50 times a day =P

- Mark R

AW for Linux

Apr 3, 2005, 8:32pm
Ok... better idea, learn to use Windows XP, fix your hardware because thats
practically the only thing that can cause windows XP to die : Hardware and
kernel mode drivers.

You... just... aint gonna get the source code for AW... ever... short of a
mircle (for you, id be freaked if the source was handed out).

- MR

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AW for Linux

Apr 4, 2005, 1:56pm
And then of course.. It wouldent work on anything else. Bye Bye 99% customer

- MR

- Mark Randall
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AW for Linux

Apr 4, 2005, 10:21pm
Personally Id not let you within 100 miles of the AW source code, and AW is
NEVER going to be OSS, personally the only external person id trust to do
something like this is Andras.

By the way, have you actually done a cost / benefit analasys, the
development time vs the payoff... I am pretty certain it would be in the
negative figures. Linux users form a tiny majority of internet users, what
next, demand a command line interface for building?

- Mark Randall

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Multipath, diffrent method

Apr 10, 2005, 11:51pm
Sweet jesus woman, use one that doesnt need Superglobals.

- Mark Randall
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Avatars.dat loads everytime you enter world.

Apr 9, 2005, 4:15am
I seem to remember it now follows the same update as the world object
update - ie: set it short and it will renew every time.

- MR

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Avatars.dat loads everytime you enter world.

Apr 9, 2005, 12:05pm
I Believe the object update checks the modified since date on the HTTP

- MR

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renaming multiple objects

May 2, 2005, 7:33pm
I think he means objects in AW in terms of data.

- MR

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renaming multiple objects

May 6, 2005, 10:46pm
In AW Terms the only data accociated with em is the position, name, model,
description, action and owner.

- Mark Randall

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May 27, 2005, 12:36am
- Mark Randall


May 29, 2005, 10:59am

What you remember is opening an old packet of cereals and seing everying
inside was all dried up, and simply presumed AW was a part of it ;)

- Mark Randall

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cit database searches like in other competing 3D chats

May 29, 2005, 4:54pm
[View Quote] Yes there is, however it is disabled for everyone except administrators

If you send telegrams to expired people, perhaps you need to uh.. talk to
them more?

- Mark Randall

cit database searches like in other competing 3D chats

May 30, 2005, 2:28am
.... You need to keep better communications with your customers then.

- Mark Randall

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World Rights

May 29, 2005, 1:59pm
Pointless and dangerous, if you need to do this use a bot.

- Mark Randall

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World Rights

May 29, 2005, 9:08pm
You have such a good way of putting things over :P

- Mark Randall

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Jun 2, 2005, 5:28pm
Probably shouldent have said that you o_0

- Mark Randall

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Jun 4, 2005, 10:13am
Because PM is a corprate customer and pays several tens of thousand times
more than we do?

- Mark Randall

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Jun 4, 2005, 12:19pm
They are constantly working on newer versions, 90% of stuff from corprate
builds will find its way into AW, however - when AW 4x comes it will be a
big improvement.

- Mark Randall
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SDK botgram to include sending session

Jun 5, 2005, 2:38am
It would be great if we had a session # of the bot sending the message
included as an attribute - at the moment unique identification of the bot
sending is impossible without pre-arranged keys.

- Mark Randall

SDK botgram to include sending session

Jun 5, 2005, 12:40pm
Heck, I know it was not the origional idea with them - but allow session
targetting for botgrams, you could save on all the bandwidth being used for
the redundant data..

- Mark Randall

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Maximum FPS

Jul 11, 2005, 9:58am
Utterly utterly stupid, nomatter how you try justify it.

- Mark Randall

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Maximum FPS

Jul 12, 2005, 9:50am
[View Quote] > But just in case the programmers at AW are reading this wishlist I'll add
> this...

Why would they *want* to degrade the performance of their product?

> If you're running a fast action RPG, as we are attempting to on Aureus,
> you
> 'might' want to limit the Maximum FPS in order to somewhat control speed
> and
> visibilty disparities that occur between those with 256MB video cards and
> those with 8MB video cards for example...we have a Minimum Visibility
> setting which could level the playing field some by forcing those with
> faster video cards to render objects faster...but setting that number up
> drags those with the slower video cards down even more...however, if we
> could limit the overall FPS to say 35 and increment it up as the general
> population catches up it would be a very nice feature...some people get on
> and have a FPS value of 6 while others with a 256 MB vid card are getting
> well over 100's hard to do any serious online gaming with no way
> to
> limit FPS...

Ok, tech lesson time.

Firstly, anything above 25 frames per second is pretty much pontless as it
is the limit of the human eye.

Secondly, the recommended video is actually 64mb, this is even getting out
of date as they add more things.

Thirdly, the positional updates of other users only happens at the world
update rates, between these times any position changes are faded through via
the browser, slower video cards will put a slightly larger time between
these increments - however as the browser will still let you hit targets
with the mouse during that time, the effect is very minimal.

Fouth, AW's physical system works in meters and milliseconds, not frames and
units, the distance you move over X time should be the same for all

Fith, the real limit on moving about in lagged up worlds is disk I/O loading
the objects from disk into memory as you move about - this is the slowest
thing the browser does.

Sixth, the main limit on moving about and FPS in a local area is your use of
high polygon objects that are not made solid no (tip from stacee: make
plants etc solid no) because the collision detection has to check against
all of them, and guess what - this is absolutely nothing to do with graphics

Seventh, you clearly don't have a bloody clue what you are doing if you
think 35fps is a good number for people on 8mb graphics cards.

Eighth, if you are interested, I, and as far as I know, the AW programmers
who I talk to, use the frame rate cap in settings at about 20 fps.

Nineth... guess who requested, and tested, that frame rate cap in the first
place on Beta... umm,... uhhh. me :)

> On second thought, what world do you own Strike, that gives you all of
> this
> incredible insight and knowledge?

Hmm, well...
I have recently helped to build Arc,
I tested the browser frame cap when it first came out
I have had detailed discussions on it with the owners of various RPGs
I know the implimentation issues of pretty much the entire AW browser
I have been producing events for 4 years, most of which as one of the AWT
events team
I have produced more paintball games than AW has X rated worlds
I have, and wrote, the perfect bot for testing movement
.... and on and on and on.

> If you wish to sell bots and or services
> to world owners on AW, I suggest you button it up and learn some manners.
> I
> know I won't be buying anything you have to offer.

Will someone please indicate to me where I am selling bots or services? The
last time I checked Eclipse Evolution, one of the most advanced bots out
there, was available free from my download site at - make sure you all check for regular
updates! ;)

>And if you respond to
> anymore of my posts in the same manner I'll rip you up one side and down
> the
> other until you figure out that,

I believe I have just metaphorically trampled on you with a large African

> "I'm not asking you, and don't value your
> opinion" lol ...moron...

Well... as someone who uses a spam product apparently puts an advert of its
own in every message... eugh.. what can I say.

> Jalen Blade
> Owner of Aureus

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